• Published 28th May 2013
  • 1,524 Views, 74 Comments

Davenport’s Secret - Random_User

Davenport's real talent is not known to many ponies, and he would like it to stay that way. Due to a miss-delivered letter, Davenport's true talent may be revealed to Ponyville.

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Chapter 2: A Shopkeeper, Two Spies, and an Animal Lover

Davenport’s Secret

Chapter 2: A Shopkeeper, Two Spies, and an Animal Lover

What most earth bound ponies failed to appreciate about clouds was the variety of uses that they could be put to. They could be used as locations for naps, used to make floating houses, set up as safe in-air obstacle courses for training flight maneuvers, and even be utilized as a source of hydration.

Having completed her practice run, Rainbow Dash used a nearby cloud in another manner only available to pegasi, as a quick bath.

She flew into her chosen cloud at a leisurely pace, letting the moisture sink into her coat. The chill of the water droplets running along her body was invigorating. After a couple of more passes through the cloud she was completely clean, and the cloud was dispersed. Rainbow slicked back her wet mane, and looked down towards Ponyville. She tried to keep stray thoughts from entering her mind when she practiced. The mystery of Twilight’s cryptic response and the possibility of Davenport having some kind of secret had distracted her couple of times.

Rainbow grinned at herself, as she thought, Just another reason to see what is going on with Davenport. I can’t let something like this make me lose my focus; I just might injure myself while trying to pull off an awesome move. Besides, getting Pinkie involved in this is sure to be a blast.

She started towards Sugar Cube corner at a pace that ensured she would be dry by the time she reached the shop’s door.


Pinkie bounced back and forth from the kitchen to the glass showcases of Sugar Cube Corner. Even with her hopping, she placed the various candies and baked goods into their respective spots without dropping a single goodie from the display platters she brought from the kitchen.

Her energetic stocking was interrupted by Rainbow stepping into the store. Pinkie finished placing a platter of confections in its proper place, rushed around the counter, and hugged Rainbow, all in one continuous and stunningly fast motion.

“Hey Dashie, I’m so happy you came! Do you need a snack, how about a muffin, cupcake, slice of cake, or pie? Or are you just here to see your favorite Pinkie?”

Making sure no other pony would see, Rainbow returned the hug. After a brief moment, long enough to not hurt Pinkie’s feelings and short enough to make sure her reputation was safe, Rainbow gently removed Pinkie’s forelegs from around her shoulders. “Would you believe I came here for a bit of both? I could use an after practice snack, and your certainly my favorite Pinkie.” Rainbow could not help but grin, as Pinkie’s smile widened even more. “I also wanted to see if you’re up to helping me with a little mystery.”

Pinkie jumped up and down in place, as her excitement built. “A combo and not a Pinkie sense combo either! I love combos! Hay fries and daisies, chocolate sundaes and cookies, cauliflower and cheese, everything is better in a combo! Wait, you said three things. Does that make it a super combo?” Pinkie gasped at the very idea. “A mystery combo too, this is going to be as great as my habanero cupcakes!”

Rainbow flinched. She hoped finding out about the letter would be nothing like those dreaded confections. Only the baked bads had topped the spicy cupcake incident. “I don’t think this will be that spectacular, but it should be fun.”

Rainbow explained about her talk with Twilight that morning, and the unicorn’s strange reaction to her question about the letter. “I want you to help me figure out what is going on with Davenport and that letter.”

Pinkie tilted her head, thought the idea over for a moment, and replied, “Nope.”

Rainbow Dash was stunned at the response. “What do you mean ‘nope’?”

“Silly Dashie, Twilight wouldn’t tell you because the letter should have been completely private for Davenport.” Pinkie explained, as she lightly bopped Rainbow’s nose with a hoof, “Ponies don’t like other ponies reading their mail, it’s rude, and telling about what is in somepony’s mail is almost as bad. If she felt like she should or Davenport needed help with what was in the letter, I’m sure she would have said something.”

Pinkie stepped back behind the counter, and began to wrap one of Rainbow’s favorite treats in a bag.

Rainbow felt a mixture of emotions. She was stunned that Pinkie’s explanation for Twilight’s behavior was so clear and rational. It stung her that Pinkie had chastised her, even if she did it without saying a harsh word. Yet, despite Pinkie’s words, she still yearned to know what was going on with Davenport.

“Here you go.” Pinkie handed Rainbow an after practice treat, her smile just a little bit less than what it had been. “I wish I could hang out with you this afternoon, but I still have cupcakes in the oven, and I have to foalsit the twins this afternoon.”

Rainbow paid for the cupcake, thanked her, and started to head out the door.

Just before Rainbow closed the door completely, Pinkie added, “Dashie, don’t worry about whatever Davenport’s letter was about. I’m sure it was just something like a sofa invoice that got sent to the wrong address. That sort of thing happens a lot around here. Just last week, the cakes got an order form that was supposed to go to Bon-Bon’s shop and I had to run it over to her.”

Rainbow gave her a subdued smile through the gap in the door. “Thanks Pinkie. You’re right, I should just let the whole thing go.”


Rainbow sat on one of the town’s benches. As she ate her zap apple cupcake, she contemplated whom she could get to help her with her little mystery. Fluttershy was far too timid for something like espionage. Applejack would never leave Sweet Apple Acres to find out what was in a letter intended for another pony. Twilight had already indicated what her response would be, so Rainbow could not ask her. Rainbow even considered following Pinkie’s advice to let the whole thing drop. Rainbow’s curiosity proved too strong for that option. There was only one pony that could help her, Rarity.

After throwing away her trash, Rainbow started towards Rarity’s. If there was one pony that would never pass something like this up, it was the glamorous designer. Rainbow reasoned that the possibility of getting some juicy gossip would be enough to get Rarity to help. If not, she could always hint that the letter may have been personal for Davenport and Twilight for an entirely different reason. That would surely hook Rarity.

The bell to the boutique announced Rainbow’s entrance. Without even looking from the pinning she was completing on a mannequin, Rarity chimed, “Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique, where everything is sleek, chic, and magnifique.”

“I need your help.”

Rarity paused in her work, and slowly turned to Rainbow Dash. “Is the Rainbow Dash, fastest and coolest flier in all of Equestria, coming to me for an outfit?” After considering the almost impossibility of that happening, Rarity asked, “Has Discord gotten loose again?”

Rainbow snorted at the thought. “No, Rarity, I don’t need a dress, and Discord is still a statue. I just need you to help me with Davenport.”

Rarity carefully began putting her sewing materials away. “Davenport, the dear that sold me my lovely chase lounge, what kind of help could you need with him?”

Rainbow told Rarity about the morning’s events, carefully leaving out her talk with Pinkie.

Rarity’s eyebrows rose towards her mane, as she listened to Rainbow. “Rainbow, dear, I know that you want to find out about the letter, but as both a business owner and private pony, I have to agree with what Twilight did. What was in that letter was meant for Davenport alone. It wouldn’t be right for us to go nosing around just because Twilight was a little evasive.”

Rainbow decided to play her trump card. “What if there is a little more than just ‘business’ involved?”

Rarity looked at Rainbow in confusion. “I don’t follow you.”

Rainbow moved her hooves in the air, as if directing Rarity to look at a scene on a stage. “Picture this: a single librarian, who uses a lot of quills and ink, and a local store owner who just happens to sell the best of both. She comes to have feelings for the shopkeeper, after going to his store so many times, and he becomes attracted to her good looks and book smarts.” For emphasis, she quickly pointed at Rarity. “Why would Twilight take the time out of her all-important schedule to take him the letter herself? Why didn’t she just send Spike with it?”

While Rainbow’s logic was tenuous, it was enough for Rarity’s love of romance to overcome her misgivings. “So, you think there might be something between our dear Twilight and Davenport?”

Rainbow nodded, confident that she had just convinced Rarity to help.

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. “It’s possible, but I really think we should approach this in a mature manner. We’ll just go ask Twilight.”

Rainbow slumped a little at Rarity’s words. The possibly that the story she told Rarity was true was almost non-existent. She knew that Twilight would probably give her a lecture about respecting other pony’s privacy after they asked about the letter and possible romance. She could not argue that she would not deserve it. To top it all off, she still wouldn’t get to know about what the letter had been about

Rarity led them out of the boutique, and locked the door behind her. “Maybe if Twilight is seeing Davenport, I could get a store discount on a new chase lounge.”

Rainbow sighed in defeat, and started walking with Rarity towards the library.


Davenport stepped out of Quills and Sofas and made sure the lock was securely in place. He hated to leave the shop for any length of time during a business day, but a part of him looked forward to these trips. Since the errand was business related, his conscious did not bother him as much as if he were just taking hours off.

A less pragmatic voice in his head added, That, and you get to visit with an ex-supermodel.

He chided himself for the thought, and headed through town. What he did not know was that two pairs of curious eyes had taken notice of him. The fact that he was wearing a hefty set of saddlebags raised the pair’s curiosity, and a hasty plan was suggested by one to the other. As Davenport made his way through the Ponyville market, he was not aware that he was being followed.
Other ponies running their errands, however, did notice. The following mares paid no attention to the curious looks they received. Their thoughts about what Davenport could planning wilder as they realized that he was walking out of Ponyville and towards the Everfree Forest. They glanced at each other, even more puzzled, as Davenport turned off the path and headed towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

Despite the pair’s attempts at stealth, Davenport noticed them. He glanced over his shoulder, and the pair dashed behind a nearby bush. He rolled his eyes at the two’s attempt to disappear. Rainbow was known for her practical jokes, and he wondered what she had planned. He was surprised that Rarity would be involved in such antics, but decided not to confront them about it. He had an appointment to keep.


Rainbow cautiously leaned around the bush she and Rarity had ducked behind, and watched as Davenport knocked on Fluttershy’s door. After a few moments, there was no response from within the cottage and Davenport headed towards Fluttershy’s chicken coup and animal houses.

“Rainbow, how in Equestria did I allow myself to be talked into this?” Rarity asked, as she brushed a couple offending leaves from her pristine coat. “We really shouldn’t be snooping on Davenport. He has done nothing to garner this kind of scrutiny. Let’s forget this nonsense and go see Twilight. I’m sure he has already seen us, and I’m embarrassed enough as it is.”

Rainbow Dash gave Rarity a disbelieving look. “We’ve come this far, and you want to back out now?!”

Rainbow motioned for Rarity to follow her, and they moved to a new hiding spot. Once there, they could see Davenport talking to Fluttershy. Fluttershy seemed completely at ease, she even held and patted a chocolate brown bunny as she and Davenport spoke.

Rarity’s interest in what was occurring increased, as she watched her pink maned friend. Surprisingly, to Rarity, Fluttershy was holding a perfectly normal conversation with the storeowner. She typical looked at the ground when speaking, but instead Fluttershy was making eye contact with the stallion. Rarity wondered what made Davenport so different from other ponies.

Fluttershy put down the bunny, and led Davenport towards her cottage. Both Rainbow and Rarity were surprised as Fluttershy let Davenport in to her home, followed him in, and closed the door. The spies looked at each other in amazement. An unspoken question hung between the two, What in the world is going on?


Davenport pulled feathers from their respective plies one at a time, inspected them, and sorted them into new piles according to if they could be used for quills or not. He paused in his work, and asked the butter colored mare, “These are perfect, how do you manage to collect these in such pristine condition?”

Fluttershy brushed back a strand of pink mane from her face. “I just ask for them nicely.”

Davenport grinned, as he stated, “I’m sure they would do anything for you if you asked them to.” Davenport’s sorting of the feathers did not take long, thanks to his experience. With the feathers organized, and the rejects pushed aside, the next part of his process began. He reached into his saddlebags and pulled out his penknives, magnifying glass, and the cutting board that he would need. Carefully, he began trimming the ends of the selected feathers into fine writing tips. This process could have been done back at his shop, but Fluttershy seemed to like to watch him work, and it guiltlessly extended his time with her.

Fluttershy leaned in, watching as the process was repeated for each feather. “What makes you choose where to trim the shafts?” Davenport looked up from his examination of a particularly good goose feather, and Fluttershy bashfully pulled back a little. “That is, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t mind at all.” Davenport patted beside himself, where he was sitting at her table, with a hoof. “Sit here and I’ll show you.” He turned the feather so that the shaft of the feather was easy for the now seated mare to see. “There is a section above the tip where the shaft begins to have more internal veins. That's the spot that I’m looking for. Without those veins being exposed correctly, the quill wouldn’t hold ink. The little tubes, I guess you could call them, hold the ink as you write.”

Fluttershy watched as Davenport completed another pair of quills. “Which kind of quill do you prefer to use?”

Davenport did not look up from his task, as he answered, “Pegasus feathers. They make better quills, in my opinion, than even griffon feathers.”

Fluttershy looked over where a trio of her own flight feathers lay on the table. “What makes them so much better?”

Davenport picked up his first choice of the three. He held the feather up, and slowly turned it. “Well, as a practical matter, pegasus feathers have to be structurally stronger to handle the stresses put on them in flight due to the mass of a pony being so much greater than a typical bird. They also seem to be imbued with the magic that allows pegasi to fly so smoothly and handle clouds. The magic seems help the ink flow properly.”

He stopped turning the quill, and looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. “I also think using a pegasus quill adds something unique to the creation process. A writer can use a quill from some pony they know to prepare a work, and it adds something that can’t be gotten any other way.”

The two ponies held the gaze for a couple of moments, before, both blushing, they looked away from each other. Davenport completed his work without another word being said between the two. He left a couple of quills and a pile of bits on the table.

Angel, Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, shook his head at the scene. In his opinion, the whole thing was ridiculous. He looked towards one of the cottage’s windows, and noticed a pair of ponies looking in. As he glared at the ponies, the blue one of the two saw him and stuck her tongue out. His eyes narrowed, and he began to think of a way to get even for the slight.

He carefully packed up his tools, and placed the quills into specially designed tubes for each type. He was particularly delicate with the three yellow quills, as he put them into their tube.

Davenport stopped as he secured the inner straps on his bags, as a concern formed in his mind. He looked up at Fluttershy and asked, “Does it bother you that others are using your feathers to write?”

Fluttershy gently shook her head. “No, I’ve never even really thought about it before. I used to just throw them away.” A light blush crept to her face. “Now that I’ve heard what you thought about pegasus feathers, I guess I’m flattered that someone would use my feathers when they wrote.”

Davenport hid his relief at her answer, and packed the last of his things. Fluttershy led him to the door, and as she opened it, Angel shot outside between their hooves.

Fluttershy called, softly but firmly, after him, “Angel! That was rude! You should have waited! You could have tripped somepony!” Fluttershy looked apologetically at Davenport. “Sorry about that. Angel is a good bunny, but he can be a real hoof-full at times.”

“No harm done, he must have just been a little cooped up.” He unconsciously adjusted his saddlebags, as her attention lingered on him. “Thanks again for doing this. I get much better quality feathers from you than any other supplier. I hope it’s not too big of a problem.”

Fluttershy gave him a soft smile. “It is not a problem at all. I would rather see the feathers get used rather than throw them away.”

Before thinking, Davenport replied, “I promise that your feathers will be used with the utmost care.” After realizing what he had said, he anxiously paused, waiting for her reaction. Thankfully, for him, Fluttershy did not catch the possible meaning to his words. He silently thanked his luck, and made a polite but quick exit.


Rainbow and Rarity tried to become smaller, as they hid half-in a bush near the path leading away from Fluttershy’s. They had not made it far enough from the cottage to avoid being noticed had either of the other ponies looked down the path. What they had not counted on was the revenge seeking rabbit.

Angel had found their hiding place, and patiently waited for the right moment to make his move.

Davenport made his way from the cottage, muttering to himself about keeping his mouth shut. He stopped in mid stride, as Angel ran onto the path immediately ahead of him. Davenport’s eyebrows rose, as the rabbit began to signal for him to follow.

Davenport, due to past dealings with the diminutive terror, knew that Angel was deviously clever and protective of Fluttershy. He had misgivings about the rabbit, but decided to trust him this once. Davenport followed and it did not take long before Angel stopped, sat down, and then pointed at a bush.

Davenport’s ears perked, as he heard muttered curses directed at the rabbit coming from the bush. He looked down at his unlikely informant and extended his hoof. “Thank you very much. I believe this deserves a few carrots to find their way to you.”

Angel’s smug smile said all that needed to be said. He took Davenport’s hoof with his paw and shook. For the moment, the enemy of his enemy was his tool of vengeance. He turned and hopped back towards Fluttershy’s, completely satisfied with his act of revenge.

Davenport made a show of walking around the bush. He took a slow pace, and hummed as if nothing was amiss. There was a sigh from within the leaves, and Rarity stood up from her concealment. She took a moment, and brushed the worst of the dirt and leaves away from her coat and mane.

Rarity tossed her meticulously styled mane back to its proper place, and addressed Davenport, “I know how this looks, but I have a perfectly good explanation.”

Davenport feigned surprise. “Rarity, I would have never expected to see you out for a nature romp. What is so fascinating about this particular bit of vegetation that it warrants such close scrutiny?”

“Alright, you can stop. You don’t have to be sarcastic to her. I’m the one you need to talk to.” Rainbow flew over the bush from her hiding spot and landed between Rarity and Davenport, shielding her friend. “I talked her into this, so don’t be mad at her.”

Davenport gave Rainbow a reassuring look. “I’m not mad at either of you, I’m always up for a good prank, but right now I’m carrying some delicate inventory. My only concern is that it not be ruined.”

Rainbow’s clueless expression was not what he expected. He was further lost when she asked, “What prank? I just wanted to know if you were doing something to our friends. Twilight acted real strange this morning after seeing you, and then you came and spent hours with Fluttershy. What is going on?”

Rarity slowly closed her eyes, then face-hoofed herself at her friend’s actions. “Darling, this is not one of those action novels you read. There is no complex plot of blackmail and intrigue. That simply does not happen in real life.”

Davenport smiled at Rarity. “It seems like such things just might happen. Here I am, walking back to my shop, when I discover two mares spying on me.” He switched his smile to Rainbow. “Not that I mind having two lovely ladies paying me this much attention, but what is going on?”

Rainbow grumbled, but took it upon herself to explain what had happened. She started from her run in with Twilight, again left out her time with Pinkie, explained why Rarity was with her, and then ended with their following him to Fluttershy’s.

Davenport sighed. “All of this over one miss-delivered letter. The letter was strictly business related and has nothing to do with Twilight or Fluttershy. You can ask Twilight about that much, I don’t mind. My visit to Fluttershy’s had nothing to do with the letter either. Feel free to talk to her. Just, please, be nice about it. It’s not anything worth upsetting her over.”

Rarity noted the subtle change in Davenport’s voice when he spoke about Fluttershy, and the wheels in her mind began to turn. She sensed there was another puzzle here, but Rainbow was too focused on the letter to notice.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at him, before asking, “If it wasn’t that big of a deal, then why wouldn’t Twilight say anything about it at all? What are you hiding?”

Rarity stomped the ground with a hoof in exasperation. “Rainbow, have you no shame?! There has been enough trouble and embarrassment over that letter as it is. This stallion has done nothing wrong.”

Davenport did not know whether to be angry or strangely flattered. He never thought that he could be mistaken as a rouge of some sort, and it was almost a back-hooved complement. He remembered that Rainbow was the Element of Loyalty, and chalked the whole thing up to her trying to protect her friends.

Davenport tried to reason with Rainbow. “Look, I don’t want to tell you what was in the letter due to personal reasons that have nothing to do with you or your friends. I’m glad that you’re looking out for them, but this is getting a little annoying. When I first saw you two on the path to Fluttershy’s I thought you were up to one of your pranks, and would give up after a while. I have done nothing wrong, I don’t plan to, and I ask that you leave me alone.”

However, Rainbow would not let it go. She made one last attempt. “What would it take to get an answer?”

Rarity stared at her friend, open mouthed, astounded by Rainbow’s boldness.

Davenport shook his head in amazement. “Does it really mean that much to you?”

“Yes. This has been making my feathers itch all day. I dragged Rarity into this and embarrassed her, even though she told me I should leave things alone. I have to see this through.” Rainbow’s face made it clear that her determination would not waver.

Davenport threw his hooves in the air. “For the love of Celestia, there is nothing that you could do or give me that would make me tell you about what is in that letter! I know you, the instant you found out you would tell Pinkie, and then it would be all over Ponyville. Trust me; what was in the letter was not that important.”

Rainbow’s wings flared with impatience. “It has to be important, or you would just tell me.”

Davenport tried to form a civil response that would make Rainbow drop the whole thing. Before he could gather his thoughts, Rarity put a foreleg around Rainbow’s shoulder and started to pull her away.

“This has gone on long enough. Leave this stallion be. We are going back to my boutique, and we are going to have a chat,” Rarity chided Rainbow.

Rainbow allowed herself to be led off by Rarity. Her pulled back ears and aggravated body posture told she did not like leaving things as they were.

Davenport waited a couple of minutes after the pair was out of sight before heading back into town. One run in with Rainbow per afternoon was more than enough.

After returning to his shop, Davenport opened it back up and stored his tools. He put the majority of the newly made quills in their proper places on the store shelves. The three yellow pegasus quills were not transferred to the shelves.

The rest of the day was quite peaceful for Davenport. He even managed to sell a broken duchess set that had been on display for far too long. After closing up at the day’s end, he gathered his materials and selected a couch to settle down on. He looked over the yellow quill that he held in his hoof, and smiled to himself. “I’m sure I have not heard the last from Rainbow. I wish I had that kind of determination, or maybe just enough of her courage to take a risk going after something I want.”