• Published 28th May 2013
  • 2,089 Views, 92 Comments

Luna's Lessons - Rhonie8k

Luna has returned after 1000 years of banishment but in a foalish state. To prevent her from being ruined by the nobles and to learn about her new world, Celesitia sends her sister to Ponyville.

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Some Ponies Need Help

The sun once again hit that special spot so it shined right in the eyes of the night goddess. For once it wasn’t enough to completely wake the sleeping princess, but it was enough to get her out of bed. Eyes half-closed she started to stumble her way to the bathroom. She just made it around the corner when she tripped over something rather large. Something out of place, more accurately somepony out of place.

There was a lot of groaning as the two ponies tried to recover from the shock.

“WHO DARES INTRUDE UPON OUR CHAMBERS!” Luna boomed at the pony on her floor. It was then that she saw the unicorn's aquamarine coat.

“Oh good morning Luna,” Lyra said rubbing her head. It was the specific part of the unicorn the princess had tripped over. “I bet you want to know why I’m sleeping on your floor and or how I got here. Well, it's a bit of a story so you go to the bathroom and I’ll start some tea.”

Luna decided it would be best to hear the unicorn out before jumping to conclusions. She proceeded to the washroom and splashed cold water on her face. She shut the water off and made her way back to the sitting area.

The water was just reaching a boil and Lyra had everything else set out by the time she sat down. The unicorn poured two cups of water and passed one to her friend. She offered the princess a teabag before taking one herself. She steeped her tea and began her tale.

“Last night after I left here I made my way home. I was heading to my room when heard strange noises coming from Bon Bon’s room. Her door was cracked so I thought I would peek in and see if she was okay.” The unicorn shuddered before continuing. “ I had never been in there, Bon Bon is a private pony and now I know why. The walls were completely covered with pictures of me! I recognized a few of them, but most looked like they were taken from a distance. A few were of me sleeping, and there was one of me in my dress outside the castle last week. Bon Bon saw me standing there and she just started yelling at me. She got kinda aggressive pushing me back out of the room. She started telling me I knew better than to go into her room and that I would be punished later. It was at that point I ran out of the house.”

Luna was sitting there speechless. She had never formally met Bon Bon and now she was sure she never wanted to.

“I walked around town for a while unsure what to do. I couldn’t go back to my house, there was a crazy pony there. I started to head towards Vinyl and Octavia’s place thinking Vinyl would still be up, but I remembered they both went out of town for shows this weekend. So I came here and rang the bell. You were already asleep but I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I noticed you left the window cracked. I...I used that wall walking spell of Vinyl's and snuck through the window. I got pretty dizzy and I was exhausted so I guess I just crashed on the floor.” She was being rather nonchalant for a pony who broke into somepony else’s house.



Luna waited out at the door waiting for somepony to answer. Lyra said she should just go on in, but if Bon Bon was home she didn’t want to startle her. A few moments passed. Luna was getting nervous as thoughts of how Bon Bon might greet her bounced through her head. Soon enough however the door swung open.

“Lyra I’m so glad you’re home when you didn’t come....” The beige-coated earth mare stopped when she noticed this wasn’t the pony she expected. “Umm who are you?” The warmth she had in her voice vanished suddenly to be replaced with a hint of annoyance.

“Lyra asked us to stop by and pick up a few things for her. She is going to stay at our place this week so we can prepare for our trip to Baltimare.” The last part was a lie. Luna wasn’t up for telling this pony she was crazy and that Lyra never wanted to see her again.

“Oh if that's all I’ll show you to her room.” Bon Bon smiled sweetly, you would never have guessed she was nuttier than a fruitcake.

She led Luna through the living room. It was decorated in a traditional style, this felt nothing like Lyra at all and Luna assumed it was Bon Bon’s preference. Once through the living room, they were in a small hallway with three doors. Bon Bon pointed out which door was Lyra’s room and very carefully slipped through the door opposite so Luna couldn’t get the slightest peek at what may lie beyond.

Luna was looking for three things: a lyre, a blanket, and a plush squirrel. The first two things were easily found. The instrument was placed very carefully on a display rack, Luna put it in the nearby travel case carefully. She took the blanket from the bed folded it and placed it in her saddlebag. She looked through the drawers and under the bed with no signs of the squirrel.

After several minutes of fruitless searching, a soft chattering sound came from the closet. Luna opened the door to find the squirrel she was looking for. It wasn’t a plushy. When Lyra asked her to bring her squirrel back Luna simply assumed it was a toy like many ponies slept with, not a pet.

The squirrel was very tame for its species. It hardly made a fuss with the intrusion of this new pony. Just a few squeaks and it quickly grew bored deciding to lie back down on the bed in its cage.

It didn’t take long after finding the squirrel for Luna to gather the stuff and return to the arcade. Lyra was waiting downstairs to help. She took the squirrel cage with a nervous smile and made a hasty retreat up the stairs.

Luna followed. When she closed the door behind her Lyra opened the cage and the squirrel was darting about the apartment. One second he was on Luna’s bed the next he was at the big window. In a blink, he was in the sink and then back in the sitting area. After getting a good feel of the space the small animal darted up Luna's leg and into her mane.

“GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!! GETTT ITTT OFFFF!!!!!!” Luna was going berserk. She flailed around the room, kicked over a few chairs, and was likely on the verge of tears.

“Bad Mr. Twitch! Luna is a friend, not a climbing post, get down and say you’re sorry!”

The squirrel quickly jumped to the floor at Lyra’s scolding, only pulling a small clump of Luna’s mane on the way down. It made a few squeaks and looked ashamed of itself as if it was apologizing. When his apology was finished he ran to his cage and closed the door behind him.

Luna was still trying to calm down but was feeling a little ashamed of herself. The poor guy just wanted to be her friend and she got him in trouble.

“I’m sorry about him, and for not telling you he was my pet when I sent you for him. I’ve had him for months and I never told Bon Bon. I have to guess she knows about him since she was sneaking in my room at night though.” Lyra was giving her friend big, sad eyes while she spoke.

“We can not let our friend live with a stalker. So we have decided we shall contact our sister. We will see if she can make arrangements suitable with Joysticks that will allow us to take up a roommate.” She gave Lyra a warm smile. “As well as inquire about his pet policy.”

Luna retrieved her writing tools from the windowsill next to her bed and began furiously scribbling a letter. While she did this Lyra and Twitch were dancing excitedly around the apartment,

Dearest Sister,

We have encountered an emergency and require your assistance. A situation has presented itself that has left Lyra without a home. The best solution to our problem would be for her to move in with us at the arcade. This however is not our decision to make. I require you to discuss the matter with Joysticks with much haste. It would also be wise to inquire into his policy on pets. As best princess, we demand your support in this endeavor.

Goddess of the Night “Best Princess” Princess Luna

Luna was careful to subtly remind her sister that she was owed a favor after the trouble caused at the dinner party.

In a flash of blue, the letter was gone.

Twitch started nuzzling his tail and the two ponies fell into a fit of nervous laughter. Neither knew what to expect when this was over.

Author's Note:

So there is a spin off to this the while not required reading I believe it really adds to the universe. If you were at all curious to learn more about the pile of crazy that is Bon Bon in this universe its all about her, mostly. I bring it up now because the second chapter of that story is entangled in the next chapter of this story. Again though not required

I Love You Lyra