• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 1,761 Views, 10 Comments

Eon Wanderers Book 1: Equestria - DarklightArk

Eons living in Equestria, why do they hide? Do they even know their own world?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Meadows

The family of beings lived in that meadow for over three years, growing accustomed to this world. After the first storm overtook them two days after they awakened Latias decided that they should build a shelter out of the trees near the edge of the forest, and so together they built a crude log cabin using their psychic powers the mother had then used her powers to petrify the wood into a beautiful stone on the inside.

Thus everything was good. The daughter had found some berries near the edge of the meadow, some of which they planted, others they stored and the rest they ate.

Thus the family of three were content and if they were all inside, then it would look like a small family dwelling. And that is precisely what Zecora believed the day, three years after their appearance, when she came across their meadow.

"What is this I spy? A dwelling in a place of beasts oh my." Zecora glanced around. The groove was large, sunlight streamed through the trees on one side however even though it was mid day she never caught a glimpse of Celestia's charge. Flowers and bushes of barriers grew wild but cared for, and all kinds of prey animals were ruuning, playing and resting in this place of controlled beauty in a forest of uncontrolled wonders.

"Hm, a place of the ponies of earth I easily spy, for the lands are well taken. However, It is easily seen that predators stay away, so warriors they must not have forsaken.

A small amount of movement to her left caused her to relax and glance that way, her stance shifting to Running Water.

Her eyes widened when the flowers moved as if by a nonexistent breeze. A simple application of spiritual magic and a blue haze grew over Zecora's sight. A being shimmered into existence, the blue tracing the contours of its body. Sleek and floating above the ground was a creature she had never known before.

"If you hide due to the harm I seek, I promise I shall do nothing so bleak." Zecora spoke softly turning her body to the invisable creature.

As Zecora dispelled the blue mist from her sight a surprised coon rang through the meadow, A red and white body shimmered into view.

"My, what a beautiful creature I see, can you understand the words I speak?"


"Soon..." Sombra hissed, looking into the pool of darkness. His corrupt magic had grown tremendously in the past three years. from the release of horrible creatures and enemies clashing the world had grown to fear. And now his servant even had a nick name due to the times it had gone out to harvest fear or to gather sacrifices.

"Wind of Death, come here."

The Shadow Latios flew silently to his master, bowing to Sombra.

"I have now gathered enough magic to curse at least your sister. Bring her to me, alive if possible."


With a cry full of hate and pain the Pokemon flew away from his master, towered the meadow half a world away, to capture his sister and curse her with the same fate he had. After all, it was is command.


"I am back my friends, can you please open the door? Otherwise I'm afraid my visit will be such a bore."

Zecora stood outside the petrified house, saddle bags bulging and sweat dripping down her neck.

With a soft coon, the door swung in. Inside the house was a single fire pit, dried berries piled high in a corner, and a beautiful crystal like sphere of blue light hanging in the middle of the ceiling to provide the light that reflected off the petrified cut walls. nearly hypnotizing in their beauty.

The three beings she had became quick friends with lay in a pile across the room, snuggling together in a way that made Zecora smile.

"Ah I see, it is a time for friends and family."

Setting the bags on the floor she stretched to get the kinks out of her back. Another coon alerted her to the playful faces of the young ones.

"Oh how I wish I could understand your speech, for it is sad to call you him or them when friends come by seeking knowledge for me to teach."

At her proclamation the mother looked worried.

Zecora caught it and put her fears to rest. "Do not worry about your groove, only I know of the secrets it holds."

The sister had started nosing Zecora's saddle bags. With a small laugh Zecora pulled everything from the bags, first came a soft blanket to replace the leaves the family had been sleeping on, then came some dried berries that came from places the they had never heard of. Then came a crystal chime and a dream catcher Zecora made for the sister's nightmares.

Finally she pulled the last two items from the pack.

"I am sorry my friendly mother, but I could not find enough to create another."

A string connected to a simple silver disk. However set inside to disk was a blue stone that glowed a slightly silver light. As she placed one around the necks of both brother and sister Zecora explained what they were.

"A simple charm I'm sure you see, that is all to the world that does not know like you or me. The silver is moon silver to chase away monsters most foul, but the true magic is in the stones of water. I took vials from the pond of mirrors, they will keep you pure and whole."

The mother grew a soft look and floated over to nuzzle Zecora's cheek causing a chuckle to escape.

"Your gratitude I'm happy to see, but your protection is all the thanks I need."

The mother coons and the younger two nodded. In a shimmer of light they were gone, replaced by three copies of Zecora.

She spams-ed in surprise as the three nuzzled and hugged her. A quick application of the spell she used the day she first found them and she saw all of her friends in there real forms. Illusions my friends? Well, well, well. I believe it is time to show-

"Perhaps a way to help you seek new friends I know."

The illusions dropped and both the siblings looked at her with hope in their eyes and the mother smiled.

Just then a horrific roar tore them from their happiness.

Quickly they went outside only to stop and see the purple bear like creature standing seventy five feet in height. To the three and a half foot tall zebra the monstrosity was to huge to comprehend.

That was when Latios and Latias heard the cries of the animals.

(Sister! Guard the animals with mother!)

(Be careful brother, that thing is really big.)

The mother hearing her children she flew next to her son. (Daughter, defend Zecora, I will run support. My son I place our home in your claws!)

(Yes mother!) her children cried.

With three screeches rising in the air Zecora turned to see the sister beside her a worried look upon her face. Latias felt a furry leg reach around her neck.

"Do not worry young one, for your mother and brother will protect us. Now let us see their dace of warriors grace." Latias turned to bury her muzzle into Zecora's comforting embrace.

The son fights the Ursa, winning and earning the name Eon Guard

Latias had flown up to be chest level with the huge beast, his mother beside him. his eyes flew around seeing weak spots and all the weapons the creature had. Claws, teeth and paws all could be damaging. attacks and patterns crossed his mind in seconds as the pendent on his chest glowed a soft blue light.

(Mother, I need you to fly a ways away. Cast Safeguard, Reflect type and Guard split! Also please support me with Mist Ball and Cry of the moon!)

Surprised at her son taking charge so quickly and his conviction she fallowed his orders immediately.

(Get him my son!)

Latios glared at his enemy even as his mother's attacks took effect. You do NOT attack my HOME!

The Ursa Major turned to his mother as Mist Ball impacts its head and even as his mother charged up Cry of the moon Latios just floated there unmoving, knowing that she wouldn't be able to use it fast enough.

He closed his eyes and felt inside him, reaching for that hidden power that had been groing for these past three years. Finally he found it.Haste. With that thought his eyes snapped open and his body glowed a soft blue-green. Zen Head-Butt! The purple glow that shielded his forehead during this attack streaked at the speed he flew, snapping the sound barrier as he slammed into the Ursa's chin snapping it's head back.

"Errough!" (This is my home, get out!)

He through his head back feeling the power well up inside him as he charged his Luster Purge.

A silver and pink beam as thick as Zecora's head flew by, Latias's Cry of the moon had gone off.

With a scream that tore his throat he released his Luster Purge, the white and blue sphere had rings of dark blue surrounding it as glowing white feathers seamed to fallow as it merged with his mothers attack creating a swirling beam of white and blue that lifted the Ursa Major off its paws and slammed it onto the ground a ways away from the groove.

The two flew down to the awestruck Zebra and Latias.

"My dear blue friend I believe I have done you a wrong, let me rectify this sad song. I am no bard, so let me give you a name. Eon Guard."

The daughter calms the animals and earns the name Eon Song

The sky took on a pink tinge as the sun fell to the dusk.

(The animals!) Cried the daughter.

Quickly she flew to the pile of bunnies and birds, small cats and dogs, all huddled together in fear.

Cooing softly to them she lay on the ground.

She let out a comforting sound as the animals latched onto her, their bodies shivering in fright.

Latios closed her eyes reaching inside herself for the same thing her brother had. Her gold eyes opened slowly as a gentle red light surrounded her.

Lullaby, Sing

Her soft voice rose above the den of sounds caused by the creatures, quickly quieting them.

Her sibling, mother and Zecora could only watch in amazement as the animals fell asleep, peacefully and without dreams.

Zecora walked carefully to Latias as she finished her song and rose from the pile of beings.

"My pink friend it is time to give you a name as beautiful as the dawn, it is Eon Song."

A soft cooing sound answered her in happiness.

The sibling were mentally going back and forth with names until they both perked up and flew to their mother.

(Mommy, you need a name too, Eon Heart.)

Eon Song, Eon Guard and Eon Heart Hugged each other tight as stars filled the sky and Zecora smiled softly at her newly named friends. The Eon family.


"Eon Guard and Song? Hmm. My slave would like such a name. Eon Shadow yesss. And you..."

Sombra looked through his Scrying crystal at the mother and smiled viciously.

"You will be his partner, Breath of Darkness, Eon Curse. Mwhahahaha!"

Author's Note:

Yes they were gathering magic as they stayed in Equestria and Zecora showed them that their attack were like spells so Eon Heart had made a few as she stayed here. Oh! and just look up petrified wood when you get the chance, it's beautiful.

Comments ( 8 )

It's.... uhhhhh....... errrrrrrrrrrr......... okay.

The writing makes it hard for me to follow. It feels...... broken. There should be more detail on what the characters and scene look and feel.

It's a PokemonxMLP fanfic, easily anyone could tell. But there are some people who don't know what Pokemon there are, and a description of there looks would be nice. I do know what these Pokemon look like, btw.

I'm not sure who Bianca is, though. Is she the girl from the Latios and Latias movie? Or is she the rival? You have to put in their looks, characteristics, and origins.

Chapter 0? Chapter 0.5? Would've been better if you put these 2 together and called it Prologue.

I think the only thing I see in it is the story. I couldn't pick up much of it, just that Sombra wants revenge and needs a powerful slave to do so, but pulls in Latias and it's child.

Just who is False Wind? What world is he god of? What those he look like? What are his powers? What are his characteristics? Origins?

You get no dislike from me. Just a "Meh, it could do more."

2893836 Thanks umm. The thing is I forgot how to spell prologue so hehe. Also, yeah I'll change it up thanks. Oh and Bianca? She's not really going to be in the story I just through her in there.

2893836 Bianca is from Pokemon Black and White
Bianca is the girl.:pinkiehappy:

She is also the girl from Pokemon heroes, the movie>>5133735

5133735 oh and thanks for the fav!

5133796 youuuu'reeeeeeeeee welcome!

nice can't wait to see more soon:heart::twilightsmile:

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