• Published 30th May 2013
  • 2,114 Views, 9 Comments

Fifteen by Five - Cynical

A collection of oneshot shipping prompts.

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A Date (AppleShy)

The restaurant was packed, everywhere Applejack looked, all the tables were filled, two ponies to each of them and the soft sound of a small jazz quartet playing throughout the room generated a pleasant buzz. Applejack glanced at herself in the window and patted her long braid down, biting her lip nervously.

She’d gone to Rarity with the matter, requiring the utmost secrecy that the unicorn had to offer. It wasn’t that Applejack disliked prissying herself up; she just disliked prissying herself up in anything that wasn’t practical. But then again… she’d look past that for now. If only for her sake.

She bit her lip again before speaking up, “Just go in there and do small talk, that’s all right? Just talk with her like you normally do, nothing’s changed, she’s still my friend, she just wants to be a better friend, right?”

Her pep talk did not encourage her. She groaned. This was hardly what she’d expected. Her? Nervous? Never. Especially compared to the pony waiting for her inside. Then again, that wasn’t saying much when she considered how this had all started and who’d asked who for a night at the shop in front of her.

She took a deep breath. She’d promised herself that she’d give this a try, and she’d be damned if she went back on her word. She started forwards, pushing the door open and immediately coming face to face with a dark brown stallion, meeting her with a friendly smile.

“Good evening Madame. How can I help you?” he said, smiling encouragingly.
Applejack stuttered for a moment before she found her tongue, “Eve- Evening. We’ve- I mean, I’ve got a table booked with someone.”
“And would that pony be Fluttershy?”

Applejack’s eyes widened at the waiter who continued to offer her an encouraging smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes, right this way please. Your table is upstairs, we thought that Fluttershy would appreciate the quiet more, and by the way,” the waiter paused as they reached the foot of the stairs, “I’m glad you decided to come in. We’ll be up with menus momentarily.”

Applejack’s face flushed bright red and her muzzle clicked shut audibly as the waiter turned and trotted away, humming a quiet song to himself. Applejack shook her head, desperately trying to rid herself of the blush. She looked up the stairs again before taking a deep breath and starting up the staircase, her heart somewhere in her mouth.

She reached the top of the staircase and looked around, spotting her almost immediately. Fluttershy was sat in the corner of the deserted room, occupying one of the two seats around the table there and waving to Applejack with a demure smile on her face.

Applejack’s heart fluttered and her mouth twitched upwards into a soft smile of her own. She joined Fluttershy and sat down opposite her. Fluttershy was practically glowing, her pink mane framing her face and only serving to immediately tie Applejack’s tongue in several knots.

Amazingly, Fluttershy was the first of the two to speak, “So- Umm- How’re you doing Applejack?” she asked, smiling pleasantly at Applejack.
Applejack desperately tried to untie her tongue so as to answer, “Jus’ fine ‘Shy,” she replied after a moment, trying to remember her game plan, “An’ you?”

Applejack almost felt her heart skip a beat as Fluttershy beamed at her, “I’m better than fine, you remember Jane the badger?”
Applejack nodded, only half-listening to what Fluttershy said as the other half basked in her smile.
“Well she’s going to be a mother, she’s carrying two cubs and it just makes me so… so happy for her.”
“Well good for her,” Applejack replied, “Ah’m sure she’s just as happy that you’re gonna be the one caring for her.”

Fluttershy’s face coloured and she tilted her head down slightly at the comment, just as the dark brown stallion from before came up the stairs, holding a pair of menus. Applejack thanked him as he laid the two down in front of them before straightening back up.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your orders, would you like any drinks in the meantime?” he asked, smiling benignly all the while.

“Umm… I’ll have an orange juice please.” Fluttershy replied, lifting her head back up slightly.
“Apple juice for me please.” Applejack continued as their waiter noted their orders.
“As you wish, if you two need anything, just ask for Gerald.” He said, pocketing his notebook before retreating down the stairs.

Applejack waited a moment more before drawing one of the menus towards her and opening it.
“So… um- Applejack, I’ve been meaning to ask…” Fluttershy started, keeping her eyes trained on Applejack and leaving her menu untouched, “Why are you so kind to your trees?”
Applejack lowered the menu, “Ya mean why do ah give ‘em all names and the sort?”
Fluttershy nodded.

“Well, ah don’t suppose you’ve ever kept bees? It’s a bit like that. If ya show them a bit of care and give ‘em plenty of TLC, their apples are just that bit nicer.” She looked across at Fluttershy who kept looking back at her with that small smile, enraptured by her tale.

“It’s all to do with the magic in the soil or something like that, everything around here is just that little bit magical. There’s something in the soil that lets crops grow brilliantly year on year, there’s something in the air that lets the clouds be controlled an’ there’s something in the trees that ya can talk to an’ care for.”

Fluttershy gasped, “You mean that they can understand us?”
Applejack chuckled, “Probably not quite that far ‘Shy, more like they know what’s going on around them.” She was growing more confident, she could do this, she did this normally anyway, it was just talking to Fluttershy, that was all.

“Maybe I could come and speak to them sometime?” Fluttershy offered as their waiter reappeared at the top of the stairs, a platter held in front of him.
“Ah’m sure they’d like that ‘Shy.”

The waiter drew up to their table and placed the platter down. “One orange juice for the lovely pegasus,” he said, moving the drinks around, “and an apple juice for the stunning mare, are you two ready to order yet?” he asked, drawing out his notepad.
Fluttershy nodded before Applejack had a chance to speak, “I’ll have my usual please.”
“Right you are, one balsamic salad with extra peppers, and for you Madame?”
Applejack paused, “Ah’ll have what she’s having.” She replied eventually.
“Two balsamic salads coming up then, if you’ll excuse me.” He replied, retreating down the stairs again with the empty platter and the two menus’.

“You’re a regular here?” Applejack asked, astonished once the waiter had gone back down the stairs.
“Well… I usually come here every Sunday for a meal, and they’re all so nice and accommodating here.” Fluttershy replied, smiling.
Applejack whistled, “I think I got the nice and accommodating part already, but wow… you must have been coming here for a while if they know your usual meal off by heart.”
“Um… well actually… only Gerald does.” Fluttershy replied, her face retreating behind her mane somewhat.

“So he’s the one that always serves you? I guess that’d explain one or two things.”
Fluttershy stayed silent, her mane somehow covering more and more of her face.
“You OK there ‘Shy? You’re looking a mite uncomfortable.” Applejack enquired, tilting her head.
Fluttershy’s voice floated through her mane, “Well… um… I actually ask for him to serve me… he’s always so nice and polite.”

Fluttershy’s ears perked up when she heard chuckling from across the table. She peeked out from her mane to see Applejack watching her with a grin, “Ya sure ah’m the one you want to ask on a date here?”
Fluttershy let out a squeak and took cover behind her mane again, “No, no, oh no, I’m messing this up aren’t I? I’m so sorry, please don’t hate me, please don-”

Applejacks voice cut across her and she tried to calm down, taking deep breaths as her partner continued.
“Now why d’ya think I’d hate you for wanting a bit of normality? Anyway, you asked me out, not him. I’d say that’s evidence enough as to who you were actually interested in, wouldn’t you?”
Fluttershy exhaled, only just noticing that she’d been holding her breath, “Um… you don’t… mind?”

Applejack just smiled back at her, “’course not. Now come on girl, how about you tell me all about how the weasels are doing?”

After a hesitant start, Fluttershy started talking, her mane moving back to the side of her face as she talked and talked, even as their meals arrived and their waiter quickly disappeared afterwards. Applejack smiled encouragingly all the while, asking an occasional question and keeping her eyes fixed on Fluttershy.

All in all, she was glad that she’d gone through the door.

Author's Note:

It begins...