• Published 2nd Jun 2013
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Secret Agent Macintosh: Whispers - islandsun

Big Macintosh is hiding many secrets. The secret that he is a time traveler, and the secret that he works for Torchwood are only two. He and the mysterious Captain Jack Harkness are sent on a mission to save a very important pony...

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The Watchers

Chapter Four
The Watchers

Dear Everypony,

Sorry about having to take off like this, I just found out last night that I had to go, and I didn’t want to bother anypony. Don’t worry, I’m fine, and I should be back soon. I got a letter last night from an old friend in a bit of trouble. It should only be a couple days.

Applejack might have to take the plow into town to get it fixed, and if you need it there should be enough bits in the second drawer of my nightstand. That is unless Granny Smith remembered how to use that screwdriver and yarn. And tell Applebloom good morning for me before she goes to school.

Big Macintosh

“Well…what do ya’ suppose this is ‘bout?” asked Applejack as she rubbed her tired eyes as if she was trying to rub out the memory of her nightmare.

Granny Smith and Applebloom peered around Applejack’s shoulder to read the letter.

“What friend is Big Mac talking about, Applejack?” asked Applebloom, curious. She never saw her big brother with anypony they didn’t know.

“I don’t know Applebloom, but ya’ have to get ready for school.”

“Must be off to see some mare…” muttered Granny Smith as she went off to the pantry to make breakfast.

“When has anypony ever seen Big Macintosh, in his right mind, going after mares, or anypony for that matter?” asked Applejack, trying to think back.

“Eh! They get crafty at his age,” said Granny Smith as she found the flour.

“I just hope he’s alright. It ain’t like him to run off like this,” said Applejack.

“Have some faith in your brother. He can stand on his own four hooves better than most stallions.”

Applejack smiled and nodded in agreement. “I just hope he comes back soon. Last time something like this happened, he came back with a busted shoulder. And…it feels weird not hav’n him around.”


Meanwhile…one thousand and one years ago…

The interior castle walls were built from a dull grey rock. To escape the dreary normalness of the other walls, the room with the long dining table was covered with the most beautiful, majestic and masterfully crafted tapestries imaginable.

The left half had a scheme of bright colors, an assortment of yellows, whites, oranges, and pinks. While the right half had a darker scheme with black, navy blue, but accented with the sparkles and noble silver of the moon and stars.

One half belonged in the honor of the Princess of the Sun, the other, in the honor of the Princess of the Moon.

Beside the tapestries there was a stained glass window at the very end of the room, opposite the door. It depicted the Royal Sisters themselves, in the same fashion as the famous flag of Equestria.

There were three ponies sitting at the grand wooden table. Princess Luna sat at the far end, closest to the door, and Princess Celestia sat on the opposite end, closest to the stained glass window.

The last pony was not alicorn like the other two, nor was he royalty, and nor was he famous to history.

He had a rather scruffy violet mane, and a sepia brown coat, over which he wore his simple black vest. His was wearing a tiny pair of spectacles over his eyes, and he had to periodically push them back up his nose because he looked down far too often.

His cutie mark was two intertwined quills, similar to the two quills he kept in the left side pocket of his vest.

He sat close to Celestia, on her right hand side, but spent most of his time looking down at his meal.

For most ponies dusk was an odd time to be having diner, however, it was the best time for the two princesses of the diarchy to be together before they exchange their duties.

“Well then, sister dearest, how went the day?” asked Princess Luna, taking a sip from her teacup.

“It went well. I was able to go through four more audiences than on a usual day. Nothing particular to decree, and no news of disaster. I think it to be the most normal day we have had in a long time, Luna. I take it you slept well?” Celestia daintily took a bite from her salad.

“Yes of course. Hopefully the realm of dreams will be most entertaining today. The ponies of Baltimare are ever so creative this time of year.”

“How about you, Telltail Twirler? How have you been, of late you have rarely spoken.”

The unicorn paused in the middle of taking a sip of his soup to look up at his princess. “Um………It has been…fine…Princess.”

He put down in his spoon and kept looking down as he quickly whipped out the journal in his pocket and wrote something down.

Celestia giggled, amused.

Luna rolled her eyes. “I do not understand why you wish to have him around. Then again I could never understand the appeal of having a lost dog following a pony around all day and night.”

“No need to be so bitter about things, Luna.”

“I am…not lost… or a dog..,” whispered Telltail to himself. He wrote another thing down. “Just doing my job.”

“If I did not know better, sister, I would think that you were jealous. If you wish to have a student of your own you simply have to ask,” Celestia continued.

“Secretary is more like it, or perhaps servant, secretary, and historian all in one pony?” Luna watched as the little unicorn kept scribbling in his journal.

“What can I say? He is invaluable to me,” Celestia said with proud smile.

Suddenly Telltail’s ears perked up. “Did you hear that, Princess?”

“Hear what, Telltail?”

He glanced curiously behind himself, he blinked several times before turning his attention back to the soup. “Nothing. My apologies, Princess.”

The two stallions in the corner breathed a sigh of relief.

One of these stallions had a red coat, and one had a blue coat .

Captain Jack Harkness of the Torchwood Institute, and Big Macintosh, the farmer from Ponyville, both far out of their home time zone.

If somepony were to know they were there, simply sitting in the corner of the room, they would not be able to conceive how those two were able to stay hidden so long. Their first rate camouflage was all in thanks to the two perception filters around their necks, tricking the minds around them into not noticing the strange ponies.

It was not long before the meal was over. Luna and Celestia went to finish their daily duties: setting the Sun and raising the Moon.

Telltail put away his journal and looked back into the room one last time before he loyally followed his Princess Celestia out.

Once they were alone Big Macintosh shook his head, annoyed. “This is ridiculous.”

“I really don’t see what you’re complaining about. We get to save Princess Luna and get great views of her flank all day long.”

Big Mac’s ears flattened, still annoyed. “We have been at this for two days now. Nothing’s happened! We are no closer to finding out what these whispers are than when we got here. And I still haven’t adjusted to Luna’s sleeping schedule. In fact…I haven’t seen you sleep yet.”

“Oh, that’s because I don’t sleep. Don’t need to, so I stopped a century ago.” Jack stood to his hooves and then stretched, his back cracking a little.

“We have three days before Nightmare Moon goes down in infamy,” Big Macintosh sighed. “What do we do?”

“We just keep watching, Big Mac. That is what we're here to do. Not to interfere, just to observe, and hope we don’t get mutilated in the processes. Would be a bigger problem for you, of course. Though, it would mean I'd have to wait an entire millennium to catch back up…ugh…I hate it when that kind of stuff happens. So just do me a favor and don’t get into any trouble,” said Jack as rolled his neck back and forth, trying to get it back in working order after standing still for so long.

“I don’t plan on it.”

They both walked over to the table and helped themselves to what was left behind. They ate quickly, knowing that the servants would be back soon to clean it up.

“Does it bother you?” asked Big Mac after he took a sip of the lukewarm soup.


“What’s going to happen to Luna and Celestia, and who knows who else. It’s just weird. She’s talking so normally, being like a regular Princess. But somewhere, on the inside she is just sad, and bitter, and jealous. And…it’s going to drive her insane. Isn’t that… sad?” asked Big Mac, now looking at the place where Princess Luna had been sitting.

Jack shrugged. “It’s History. It has to happen. I’m not going to say it isn’t sad, but what happens here must always happen.”

Somewhere within Big Macintosh’s mind a voice whispered, “History can be rewritten…”

“History can be rewritten.” He spoke it out loud.

Jack shook his head. “Not this. There are some points in time and space that are fixed, nothing we can do to change them. I may be no expert, but I have a feeling this is one of those points.” He paused for a moment, and then smiled at a fond memory.

“I had a friend. He used to say that sometimes. Called himself the Doctor. Never found another pony quite like him. He’s brilliant, clever, a real looker too, although I haven’t seen him in a while. Wish he would pop up though…”

“His name’s the Doctor?”


“Sounds like a rather special pony to you.”

“He is. And I’ll tell you a secret Big Mac. He taught me how to be the pony I am now. Who knows who’d be dead if he hadn’t.” Jack munched on a stalk of celery thoughtfully.

Without any warning, the doors behind them opened, and two royal servants came out.

Big Macintosh and Captain Jack froze.

The servants walked right past them, picked up the used plates and then left.

Big Macintosh heard his stomach growl after the food was out of the room.

“Alright now, come on. Princess Luna should be in the throne room by now.” Jack nudged his partner.

With a sigh Big Macintosh trotted out to the hall.


The atrium of the palace was meant to be a grand, showy thing for all the ponies who passed through it. However, the only pony present in it was hardly admiring the great architecture of spiral arches, or magnificent paintings, or even the expertly carved statues.

He was tapping his hoof on the ground with impatience, his ears and head twitching for every second that passed.

He was here for matters of the greatest importance! At least...that was what he told himself.

To Tartarus if it meant he would be bucked into the dungeon.

To think he traveled six hundred and forty three miles on hoof from the mountainside he called home all the way to this irritatingly fancy town and home of the Royal Sisters just so he would be thrown in the dungeon!

He wasn’t about to wait another day for his incarceration! And he would tell the truth to no one other than Princess Luna. She was the only one in all of Equestria who could have any hope of understanding the situation.

He looked down to his hoofs. They were only slightly tired from the journey, but he would not have cared if they were withered stumps at this point. All he cared about was the blood that was once splattered on them.

He couldn’t look at them without thinking about it. Without remembering precisely where the little red dots landed.

He groaned. “Where the buck is everypony?!” he asked to the empty room.

This particularly stubborn pony was named Mountainmill Everfree.

He had a dark shade of green gracing his fur, and a chestnut shade of brown for his mane and beard. He was a pony of the mountains, and appropriately, the hard worker in a flour mill. Although, the flour mill wasn’t on the mountain, but rather at its base.

He was a strong pony from all that physical labor. And somehow, after what he did, he stood like a proud pony. Filled with conviction, even if he was becoming more and more impatient because of that very same conviction.

He already made his choice, why did fate want to give him more time to think about it!

He was wearing an old saddle bag, one that he desperately wanted to throw off and stomp on. He didn’t need it anymore. He just needed Princess Luna!

“Salutations!! Is there anypony in this castle?!” he called out loudly.

“Excuse me, but, who are you…” asked the voice of an inquisitive stallion standing behind him.

Mountainmill turned around and breathed a sigh of relief. This pony was wearing the flashy and decorative uniform of the Lunar Guard.

This stallion, with his dark black coat and incredibly ornate dress, was a unicorn and Mountainmill could just see the fringes of a golden colored mane under his helmet.

“I’m Mountainmill Everfree. And you are?”

“Sir Nightaura Vortex, what is your business here, peasant,” spoke the guard with an arrogant tone. Mountainmill didn’t appreciate his attitude.

Maybe he should just forget all of it if it meant dealing with such rude ponies.

He almost laughed at himself for just thinking that thought. He had come this far…

“I would like to have an audience with Princess Luna.”

Sir Nightaura looked at the common pony with a questionable gaze. “You want to do what?” he asked, one part in disbelief, one part sheer aggravation.

Mountainmill’s ears flattened. “Did I stutter?”

“Princess Luna does not take audiences,” Sir Nightaura sneered. “Unlike her pink maned sister, she has far more important things to do with her time than entertain the likes of you. There are nightmares to banish, and stars to twinkle, now if you do not mind I have my own duties to attend to.” The Lunar guard trotted with dismissal past the “peasant”. “Come back in the morning if you want to talk to someone who will listen to your sob story.”

Mountainmill narrowed his eyes as Sir Nightaura trotted his pompous flank out of the room.

He waited for a good few minutes for the sound of clopping hooves to fade away. Then he snorted, and began to follow the same path which the Lunar Guard took.

It seemed he would have to take matters into his own hooves.



“The night sky is one of the most beautiful things this universe has to offer ponies.
Entire galaxies, nebulas, stars, planets, moons, and countless worlds living in the space between.
Darkness and blue and stars and light. Twinkling and gracing ponies with their majesty for a hundred trillion years before they, one sad, and quiet day, burnout.

Thus turns the universe. Light will give way to darkness the same way the hymn of an orchestra gives way to silence.

And ponies got to see all of it! And what did they do for the alicorn that showed them the veil of eternity? They ignored her!” Princess Luna thought bitterly.

She was lying down on the cold marble tiles that made up her moon-lit mosaic. She looked up at her night sky through the glass ceiling. She thought it was beautiful. Yet, it seemed that not very many of her subjects shared that enthusiasm.

Beyond the reaches of the castle she called home, there was little praise for her, or her work. She could not even count the amount paintings and murals that were publicly dedicated throughout all the cities and towns toward her sister and not her.

And those works would be up kept with the greatest care, while her few memorials would crack and fade with time.

Sure the Sun was important, even though it was but one star, it gave life to the plants, and gifted the farmers their ripe food.

But it seemed that was all those little ponies cared about: their own tiny, selfish lives.

She knew it was not kind to think such things, but her irritation and bitterness was not improving. She could barely sit at the table with her sister anymore without feeling the utter and overwhelming feelings of frustration.

Such feelings would pass…she hoped. The dreams almost always gave her hope. Maybe somepony would dream of the night sky. That would simply make her night.

Sighing, impatiently she turned to the unicorn of the lunar guard which stood beside her.

The room was a circular one, and there were eleven unicorns of the Lunar Guard present. The task that brought them together required magic.

“Are all of the Nightmare Knights in attendance?” Luna asked her guard.

She shook her head. “We are missing Sir Nightaura, Princess.”

Before Princess Luna could respond to the Knight’s absence, the secret entrance to the room opened, and in strode the proud trotting unicorn himself.

“Nice of you to join us, Sir Nightaura,” spoke the Princess, now standing up.

“I apologize for being late, Princess Luna, I was delayed by a common pony in the atrium. Are you doing well, Princess? The sky is absolutely marvelous tonight,” said her loyal knight.

Luna smiled, “We are doing well, Sir Nightaura. Now that you are here, the Nightmare Knights may begin their crusade. We will retire to Sanctum for our own work in the dreams of ponies. The whispers will be gone by dawn with good hope,” she declared, switching to the Royal we in front of her Knights.

“Actually your highness, if it is alright, perhaps the Knights should address these rogue elements who take the form of whispers. They are no match for us. I am sure your presence would be greatly appreciated in the nightmares of other more troubled foals.”

Luna paused and thought about it.

She did create the Nightmare Knights to aid her with the nightly duties to the dreams of the little Equestrian ponies. These were the most skilled unicorns in dream magic of in all of Equestria. Together, they could defeat a nightmare with almost as much ease as herself.

Although, if she was truthful to herself, the creation of the secret Knighthood had a great deal to do with her own vanity. It was not a lot of vanity, just the wish to be admired and appreciated by a mere handful of ponies close to her. But it was still vanity.

“Very well, Sir Nightaura, I trust your judgment. If you feel that you can deal with this adversary, then I will leave you to it.”

Luna looked down fondly onto her most trusted and loyal ponies. “A good night to you all.” She turned around, and trotted around to a door at the back of the room and entered her own sanctum, where should would begin her night full of duty.

An odd smile formed around the muzzle of Sir Nightaura Vortex. A devious and nefarious one. “Thank you, Princess,” he whispered to himself.

However, unaware to the Knights of Nightmares, or the Princesses of the Sun and Moon, the stubborn mountain dweller, or even the most studious and observant student of Celestia, there were two ponies watching all that unfolded within the castle, trying to understand it.

They stood in the room with the glass ceiling with the unicorns of the Lunar Guard, watching as their horns began to glow.

They did not quite know what was happening. These watchers needed to watch a little bit longer.

But if there was one word Big Macintosh could use to summarize the events that swirled about this castle, one word to encompass the tragedy and travesty that was about to occur, one word left for all the broken hearted, and dead who would be left in the wake of events to come, that word would be HISTORY.

The play thing of time travelers.