• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 3,169 Views, 24 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Unforeseen Circumstances - LightningRod

After the Conversion Bureaus opened, people picked sides. But what of those that didn't?

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Chapter 3

John looked over the amassed crowd. He had gathered almost everyone in and around his 'city' into this courtyard. His engineers had set up a microphone and speakers so everyone could hear him. They had all shuffled in, wondering what could be so important as to collect the entire population for one announcement. Some guessed, some knew. But no-one would know how this day would affect their lives forever.

Everyone was here now, and John could begin.

"Good afternoon everyone. As some of you may have heard, there are underground Conversion Bureaus still in operation. I have come to tell you that this is true."

John paused as cheers and cries went up.

"However, the nearest one is in Gravel Bay, a weeks walk south."

The cheering stopped dead.

"I know that it's been shit for those here, and we have it better than most. I'm not a dictator, so you're free to try your hand at getting down there anytime."

John paused to take a breath. "I'm also not heartless, so once every two months, myself and an armed escort will be going down there and back. Anyone who wishes to tag along is welcome."

"We may also be able to convince them to open up one closer, but don't count on it." John continued.

"We head out tomorrow, anyone wishing to come with us can head over to the armoury, 8am tomorrow."

"Thank you, and please be sure of the choice that you make."

A cheer went up as John left the podium. He received many pats on the back and handshakes as he moved through the crowd, not registering a single one, his mind already far too deep in thought.


"You did a good thing there John."

"Then why do I feel this isn't going to turn out well?"

John turned to the small brown dog laying on the bed next to him. Roxie had been a childhood pet of his. She had been the first time John had experienced death, and she had come to represent... something to him. John didn't really know, except that she was always willing to lend an ear.

"Like the kid said, what was his name. The psychologist one. You're afraid of change. I mean, you're talking to a childhood pet who's been dead for twenty years."

"True that," said John, as Roxie's soothing voice disappeared, and was replaced by a static voice coming through his PAD.


Jon sighed, and pressed the activator on his two-way radio.


"Everyone'll be here in ten minutes, just a reminder."



John looked over the people standing outside the armoury. There were about 30 in all. Only a few from Plaza Hotel itself. Inside, John was relieved. They wouldn't be losing too many, although he was still... Disappointed? John didn't have a word to describe the bubbling cauldron of emotions going through him at the moment. From anger to confusion to guilt, it seemed like every emotion available to man was tumbling through his head.

"Alright then. As you know, Gravel Bay is a week away. The scavenge teams need all the cars we have to work, so we'll be hoofing it."

"We don't know what's down that way, so we need to be prepared for anything. Everyone will have to carry a weeks worth of food, as well as a firearm, whatever valuables you're bringing, and clothes. Ponies are naked most if the time, so dint bother bringing your favourite sweater. You should be carrying about twenty percent of your body weight. If you want to bring more, convince someone else to cart your junk. Keep in between the military guys, and if you're told to do something, do it. Any questions?"

No-one raised their hands.


The next thirty minutes were spent handing out rations, water and guns. Then everyone was given another thirty minutes to pack what they hadn't already.

John went over the trained men. He had taken nine in all. He and three others would keep watch to the front, with two at the back and on each side. They would walk each day, taking stops every hour. At the end of the night, they would seek shelter in the nearest safe building, then continue on the next day. Simple, and with plenty of room for improvisation.

The time went quickly, John's men checking their weapons, food and packs. John went over the map with Rick, tracing the path again and again, cementing it in his mind.

They would travel south along a highway for four days, then move onto main roads for the three days. In the middle of the last day, they would reach the Conversion Bureau. John had heard that it took a week to get settled in, so he and his men would stay there for two, maybe three days. After that, they would head back the opposite way, and do the same thing after two months.

While there, John would be able to find out more about the Conversion. As well as finding out whether they would be able to set up shop closer to home. This trip was one of discovery; a voyage into the unknown, to change the known world.

"Alright then, Let's head out!"


John's team had been walking for three days non-stop. The plan so far was working, and nothing had gone wrong. But then again, nothing ever really goes to plan.

John squinted through the midday sunlight. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and there hadn't been for some time. Some people had guzzled all their water in the first few days, and it was pure luck that houses in the area still had water in their tanks. Though that certainly wouldn't continue in the future.

'Yet another thing we need.' though John. Over the last few days he had collected a reasonably large list of ways to improve the hotel and the town beyond. The continuous drudge; one foot in front of another gave John plenty of time to think. Thinking about the town he had created kept his mind off of other, more unpleasant matters.

Like what those black dots on the horizon were.

John's brain instantly went into overdrive, as he yelled out to the people around him.

"Something's on the horizon!"

All was quiet. The group of people standing still, stunned. John looked around quickly, taking note of a nearby gas station.

"Quick! Everybody head for the gas station!"

The group moved towards the gas station. There were cars left abandoned out front, and the store was devoid of anything. The collection of men, women and children moved into the main building, crouching behind aisles, tables, and whatever else they could use to shield the view of them. Everyone was silent.

Static burst through John's PAD, before a voice rung out.

"Yo! You the guys heading for Gravel Bay? We're your escort."

A sigh of relief washed through the crowd, before John waved downwards.

"Anyone got a pair of Binoculars?" He asked, turning around to face the crowd.

A pair was passed forward through the crowd, and John walked into the front of the store, placing the binoculars against his eyes.

The dots on the Horizon had gotten closer in the minute that had gone by since John had seen them. Through the binoculars, John could make out that... wait. What the hell were those?

John pulled the binoculars down from his eyes, blinked several times, then brought them up again.

What the hell were Griffons doing here?


The strange creatures landed on the road outside the gas station. There were four in all. All wearing vests and carrying guns. The one at the front was smaller than the other two flanking it, and had a purple tint to the end of her, hair-feathers. John assumed it was the leader. The one to it's left was the largest, and was wearing a ridiculous amount of metal. He also had a PAD on the end of one fore-leg. The one to the lead's right was wearing goggles, carried only a pistol, and also had a PAD on one leg. The last Griffon was behind the one with goggles, and was the smallest of them all, though it carried by far the biggest gun.

The leader stepped forward, and spoke in a boy-ish, but obviously girl voice.

"'Sup? This is Lead Wing." She pointed at the griffon covered in metal. "Oz." She pointed to the Griffon at the back with the massive gun. "Sparks." She pointed to the griffon wearing goggles.

"And I'm Gilda. We're your escort."