• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 14,583 Views, 1,218 Comments

Remembering Garry's Mod - BioChemicalWolfGear

Something decided I was off my usual path. That I wasn't where I was supposed to be. Who am I to go against the word of a god?

  • ...

Chapter 7

I looked over to my left to stare at the empty glass of water. Nurse Redheart was kind enough to bring it to me, meanwhile I thought about what to say to the prince. I eventually realized that no matter how much preparation I gave myself, there was no way I could predict or plan the conversation I would have with a royal. Especially when the conversation involved me being a potential catalyst to the destabilization of the entire world, and potentially driving all the great nations into chaos and war.

Yeah, to say the situation looked bleak was the understatement of the century.

My thoughts were interrupted by my room's door creaking open. I sat up nervously as I waited for whatever entered my room to come around the corner and show themselves to me. I felt better, now that I had fresh water circulating through my body, but now I tensed up from what could come next. As I heard the hoof steps approaching I considered on trying to reschedule the meeting.

To my relief, what came around the corner wasn’t the prince I was supposed to meet, but a familiar pony with a nurse's outfit came into view with non-other than my rebels clothing.

“Oh thank you Nurse.” I sighed thankfully.

“Not a problem dear,” Nurse Redheart replied. She turned to look at my clothes and added, “You’d better slip this on right quick, Prince Blueblood is here, and on his way.”

She looked up at the ceiling and froze to observe what I’ve done. The system of lights and gates were working splendidly, and there was a set of lights above my head that changed to the colors red, yellow, and green periodically.

“Impressive,” she praised my work with a smile.

“Yeah, I try.” I smugly boasted.

She shook her head disapprovingly, smiling slightly. Quickly trotted over to me with the clothes on her back, she took up a position by the bed so I could pick it up with my left hand, which I did. But when I grabbed the clothes they started to disintegrate before my eyes. I became slightly panicked as it was the only article of clothing that I own. But my nerves settled down as I noticed the gloves appearing on my left hand that I reached for the outfit with, along with a sleeve from the rest of the rebel armor. Nurse Redheart and I watched with wide eyes as my clothing began to faded into its rightful place, wrapped around my body and fitting snugly.

“…Well that was…” her statement trailed off and hung in the air confusingly.

“Yeah, I found that pretty cool.” I added my thought enthusiastically.

She gave me an uncertain look, then she raised an eyebrow as she asked, “You seemed just as surprised as I was. Why are you so upbeat about this?”

I paused to gather my thoughts. I rubbed my chin thoughtfully and smiled warmly down at the covers. I realized that after my reunion with my clothing I felt ready to stand up and skip around youthfully. The armor not only covered me up, but made me feel strong enough to not need the hospital bed. But as I thought about getting up and leaving, I realized that seeming slightly weaker than I am would probably be beneficial to making others feel more secure around me.

I then remembered Redheart asked a question and looked at her sheepishly. “Uh yeah, I think it’s more because umm… I expect weird stuff to happen to me?” I gave my answer as more of a question than an actual reply. Sheepishly, I added, “It’s hard to explain really.”

She smiled and nodded to me. She held a hoof up to her chin thoughtfully as she spoke, “Well I’ll say. Oh right, the prince will want to meet you alone, specifically in here, with no one coming or going in here. So if you need anything, now may be the last time to ask for it before I can’t get to you.”

Smiling, I nodded my head and responded, “I’m ok for now. Maybe later I can try eating again.”

Redheart gave me an incredulous smile with a complimentary shake of her head.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine when the prince arrives. He should be on his-” She was interrupted by a very loud sound of someone clearing their throat.

“If I may interrupt.” a voice interrupted from around the corner of the curtains. The pony that interrupted us rounded the corner and gave Redheart an unimpressed gaze. “But may I have my overdue conversation with the… guest?”

“Oh I’m sorry dear. I’ll be out of your way,” she bowed politely.

Blueblood gave her an unimpressed stare, accompanied with a condescending raised eyebrow. She smiled nervously and started to trot around him. She avoided eye contact with the prince as best she could as she made her way out of sight. While she was doing this, Blueblood made it his priority to give me a judgmental gaze before lazily looking around the curtain to make sure Redheart was on her way out. We both waited in silence as he stared at the door, watching her leave as her hoof-steps got farther and farther away. I heard the door creaking, followed by a gentle click from the door's tooth sliding into its latch. Then Blueblood calmly turned back to me and started walking forward.

He started trotting over to my bed and stood in front of it. He was about to start speaking before looking up at the ceiling after a flash of green caught his eye. He stood there mouth agape for a few moments before returning to his senses and giving me an unimpressed look.

“So,” he began. He motioned towards the ceiling with his horn as he asked, “I believe that is you’re doing?”

“Uh, yes.” I replied with an awkward smile.

He raised his eyebrow again, continuing to give me an unimpressed gaze.

“So you wanted to talk to me?” I inquired of him, trying to break the blanket of awkwardness that descended into the room.

He nodded once and continued, “Yes I did. As you very well know by now, the ambassadors are coming to see you. I
just want to know how well versed you are in the ways of politics before then. It’s so we know whether or not we would just simply show you to them and then you leave, or you stay to help convince them of our neutrality.”

“Ah, I can understand that logic.” I nodded in understanding.

I felt that the best strategy to gain this guy’s trust was to agree and nod with his suggestions while offering my own.

“Do you know exactly what’s at risk?” he asked skeptically.

I looked at him oddly and realized that the issue was never really clearly stated other than “Equestria is in danger.” but I know that war was at least implied or maybe mentioned.

“Actually, no. Something about the threat of war, or so I assume. But is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?” I asked.

He nodded almost morbidly. “There is the issue of trade. Equestria's wealth, and that of the other nations rely mostly on trade, and if they feel that Equestria is even slightly being smiled upon by a higher power, then they might cut off trade. Which might be worse than war, actually. With war, lives are lost. But in economic isolation, we all starve to death and all societal advancement grinds to a halt,” he admitted stressfully, and then rounded a glare on me as he practically growled, “If you’re the reason why I can’t get high quality Saddle Arabian red velvet, you'll never hear the end of it.”

“I’m sure Red Velvet would be the least of Equestria’s concern.” I replied reasonably.

He haughtily stuck his nose in the air and asked, “Humpf. We should continue. How many peace summits have you attended?”

I knew he would tell me not to speak if I answered that question. So instead I decided to think of situations that I’ve been in that can count as public speaking. But then again I remembered my public speaking was pretty poor. Talking to people was easy enough, but a crowd?

“I haven’t attended any.” I answered his question. “But where I’m from, we don’t have them.”

He raised his eyebrow in confusion for the umpteenth time today as he asked in an incredulous tone, “Then how does your kind maintain peace? Unless you’re ruffians who love war like those griffins.”

“No, we have no need for war, other than entertainment.” I replied, referring to my gaming experience on Garry’s Mod. But it gave me a bewildered expression from Blueblood. “But it’s more because we don’t die. Or rather, we do, but it’s never permanent. Think of it as shedding an article of clothing and replacing it with a new one. I’ve never 'lived' longer than two days so to speak. Truthfully, that was the reason I asked Celestia if I could threaten them. I can last forever during conflict, I’m sure they wouldn’t.” I added, trying to seem as emotionless about the topic as possible.

Although I knew that I could respawn in the game, what I didn't know is if that carried over to Equestria. More importantly, I never want to be responsible for the death of a living creature. Bugs however don’t have my sympathy…

“W-well…” Blueblood seemed unbalanced at that, his eyes wide and an appalled expression on his face. “I’m sure that can be a last resort. For now, let’s concentrate on making them believe you’re not Equestria’s ally.”

My brow furrowed and I looked him in the eye as I asked, “You’re going to allow me into the meeting?”

He nodded again and added confidently, “Yes. If what you say is true, then you have a great deal of experience with organizing conflict. I hope you can keep conflict from happening, by seeing the signs and defusing them before it starts.”

“Right. Now I need to find a way around my stage fright… wait what if I had something to cover my face?” my face took on a look of thoughtfulness as I brought a hand to my chin.

“All right,” I finally spoke, nodding once and smiling. Then I gave him a serious look, “I’m going to need a mask.”

He gave me another confused look. “What for? Oh please don’t tell me you have stage fright,” he groaned, putting his hoof on his face and groaning.

I decided to tell some of the truth.

“Yes I do. But that’s more because we always wore masks to hide our identities. Politics also didn’t exist until the server lords started talking to each other. My job was to talk to all the engineers for insight on how to build more tools. I wore masks to keep my identity from being known. Sometimes I even used a different body to keep them from recognizing me. But they all knew me, each by a different name.” I responded, describing most of how I learned wiremod on my own. Minus the disguise part.

“I see.” He sounded unconvinced, but continued, “But if you insist then I’ll see if I can find a craftsman.” The prince rolled his eyes. “But I need you to keep them from knowing your more violent history. On a related note, what was your alias, if I may ask?” he asked, obviously analyzing my story for any holes.

“My alias was 'wolfGear.'” I replied indifferently. “I usually just built machines meant for exploration or battle. It’s good to have something to defend yourself, you know?”

“Mhmm,” he hummed uncomfortably. “Well fine, you’ll get your mask before tomorrow. But it will be my design.”

“As long as it’s not too flashy, or has any symbols or words on it.” I warned him, my gaze turning serious.

He scrunched his eyebrows and seemed unhappy as he responded irritably, “Fine. A simple. Normal. Mask. It will be white. But no promises that it will be ready when the ambassadors arrive.”

I couldn’t help but notice him becoming upset over a mask. I decided to pursue his reasoning for this.

“Why does that upset you?” I asked, lightening my glare up somewhat.

He snorted loudly and gave me a short glare, before returning to his indifferent gaze, “Well I’m slightly insulted that you chose to ask this of me now, rather than ask my auntie Celestia or Luna. But I’ll relay the request if I can. I make no promises, though.” He shook his head once disapprovingly.

I raised my eyebrow at his irritableness toward my request. But I kept it to myself and I smiled at him. He gave me an odd look as I turned to my left and hung my legs off the side of my bed. I put my hands near my hips on the edge of the bed to push myself off and up. I noticed how comfortable my heavy duty gloves really were when I applied pressure on them. As I stood up, Blueblood raised both his brows alarmingly as his eyes widened. He gazed at me up and down, to get a good idea of my height, but I was distracted by how close the ceiling was to my head, even though I didn’t hit it.

“Well that’s business for you. Now, I’m done with being in a hospital, and I’m feeling much better after getting my clothing back.” I boasted happily.

“Er, yes about that,” Blueblood interrupted my happy thoughts.

I looked back at him and he was giving me a disgusted look.

“What?” I asked.

“Well, that’s not really formal wear for the ambassadors. We should seriously find you a new outfit,” he turned his head to the side like he was going to be sick.

“Really?” I deadpanned. I defended my answer calmly, “This is the clothing of my people. It may not look flashy, but we don’t need it to look good. It's just to be practical.”

“Yes, but here we have a different standard when it comes to social gatherings,” he shot back, trying to make a point.

“But I’m representing my people. I must wear what culturally suits me, or I’d look like I’m trying to be more like Equestria's ponies.” I countered, furrowing my eyebrows somewhat.

“And that’s a bad thing?” Blueblood asked with a deadpan stare.

“Yes. Because if I’m adopting your norms, then what would the ambassadors think?” I said slyly.

Blueblood rolled his eyes as he firmly added, “They’d think you were being polite. Now, I’m going to get you a mask, at least allow me to get you a new set of clothing.”

I took a deep breath and groaned only slightly childishly, “Ugh fine, I’ll do it. Hopefully it’ll be fitted nicely.”

It’s not that I don’t like suits… ok I just plain don’t like suits. They make me feel too formal and it makes me feel like I can’t have fun.

“I promise you it would. I’d just need you to see my tailor, so he can measure you. Don’t worry, he’s the best in the kingdom, and he makes all of my formal wear,” he added pompously.

“Yeah he’s good, thank you for offering his services.” I waved dismissively. I then turned to politely ask, “But um... I’m able to leave now, right? I mean I’d like to eat something first but... You know, I’d like to try getting my abilities back, as well as seeing some ponies.”

“Well, you wouldn’t be staying anywhere in Equestria, if you fail,” he shot a serious look at me with that.

“Look Blueblood,” I stated calmly. “I’ve had a stressful day, and I’d like to know where to sleep for tonight. If you have to kick me out tomorrow, then fine. But I’d like a place to stay now. And not a hospital bed either.”

He nodded in understanding as he asked his last question, just to confirm his thoughts, “Yes yes, very well. Anyway I believe you now know what’s at stake?”

“Yes, I do,” I nodded with my reply. “'Cuz velvet’s really important, apparently,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Good,” he responded in a joyful tone that seemed out of character for him.

He spun around and headed around the green curtains with haste. I watched him round the corner and listened to his hoofsteps fade, after he cleared the door. I continued to stand there beside the bed, now realizing that I had absolutely nothing to do. Finding my better judgment, I decided to just explore the room a little. Blueblood didn’t confirm getting me a better place to stay, so all I had was the hospital room given to me.

I stepped forward as I just got a better feel for the room. I looked to my right and out the farther of the two windows of the hospital room. From an upright position, I could see the street of the upper class city. I could tell that it was upper class by… the fancy clothing everyone was wearing. That and everyone had a very stereotypical pompous air about them. They stuck their noses up in the air, and I assumed it was a cultural thing. But rather than scorn them for their deep pockets, I admired them for their seemingly effortless navigation of the streets without looking.

But I was also slightly awed by the idea that this social norm developed through some sort of cultural change. I began to wonder more about the history of this marble city, and who the builders who constructed it were. The more I looked, the more I became aware of the sheer impressiveness of it all. That and the theoretical altitude that it was at. The clouds were very close, and I could almost reach out and touch them if I were just a bit higher.

“There you are.” the silence was broken by a slightly British female voice.

I spun around to see the intruder with a slightly startled expression. When I got a good look at the pony, I began to smile brightly. Her coat was a light blue, and a matching horn jutted out of her forehead. She was giving me a very practiced smile.

“Quill! It’s good to see you’re all right.” I exclaimed happily.

She smiled slightly more genuinely, and started to trot through the door frame toward me. It was only when she was halfway across the room did I notice her steps seemed uncertain. But her smile didn’t waver, nor did her hesitant steps. She came to a stop a meter in front of me. Her horn light up and the door responded by lighting up in an aura that matched her horn and closed. She gave me a once over and stopped smiling. She then gave a quick scan around the room, slightly tilting her body to the side to look behind her. I noticed that her cutie mark changed from the quill and glasses, to a spyglass.

“Well,” she started cautiously and still faced away from me. “I’m not Quick Quill anymore,” she admitted, turning back to me with a small frown. She cautiously added, “It’s Spyglass, so you should remember that.”

My smile dropped away at her words, “You sound almost…” My heart sank slightly as I paused. “Afraid.” I observed sadly.

Her frown deepened. “I’m sorry, it’s just, and that power came from you. Or your tool,” she stated awkwardly. “I don’t really know what to think of you. My higher ups have been throwing around the words ‘dangerous’ and ‘volatile’…” she avoided eye contact. “And I feel conflicted. Yes, I led you on, but that was my job. But after you opened up to me, I began to believe that you’re nothing but a victim here,” she admitted, wincing slightly at her own words.

I frowned slightly at the admittance. I truly believed she would be one of my best friends, and here she is telling me she fears me.

“But, what happened in that room,” she added shuffling uneasily. “Well, it was horrifying. Discord snapped away after you lost consciousness, and we haven’t seen him since. That most of all unsettled me. Like he knew something more dangerous was about to happen,” she finished ominously, spilling all the thoughts that occupied her mind.

I raised my eyebrow when I realized she was opening up to me. But my suspicions began to grow when she seemed a little too sincere. But what she said was true; it’s hard to tell the difference between her lies and her truths. But my previous rule will still apply when I speak to her. That rule was: Always assume she’s being sincere.

“Well… I guess he was right.” I gave her a comforting smile.

She looked at me with a frown as she spoke warily, “How does that make me feel more at ease?”

“Well,” I started in a chipper tone and a goofy smile. “If I’m as dangerous and powerful as it gets, then it’s a good thing that my intentions are to help others.” I explained reassuringly, and then I huffed disappointingly. “But then there’s all this talk of politics and such,” I rolled my eyes. Trying to get her to cheer up, I whined lightheartedly, “Can't I just buy them flowers or something?”

She smiled at that and jokingly replied, “Nah. Unless they’re covered in jewels and your free will.”

I gave her a comforting laugh. Her jest was an attempt at normalcy, or just an act to gain my trust. But even if she was asked to be my friend or she just wanted to be my friend on her own free will, her presence was welcome.

“You know.” I started with those words, to signal what I was about to say was important. “I’d find it enjoyable if your higher ups asked you to get to know me better. Then, we can just hang and it’ll be like shore leave every day for you,” I half-joked.

She pouted slightly and replied overdramatically, “Well now you sound like you don’t trust me.”

“I will never trust you!” I exclaimed, in an unserious and friendly tone. Taking on a silly voice I yelled, “Yer out to git mah treasure! OoOoOoOh!” I couldn't suppress a smile after that.

Yeah, my maturity level is that of a five year old, when 'serious time' stops.

That somehow got her to genuinely laugh at me. “You’re weird!” she punctuated that statement with a smile and pointed an accusatory hoof at me. We both laughed for a short time.

“Ha ha ha. Hey, wanna head outside?” I asked, my laughter dying down. “I’d like to see if I can find a park to talk in. I’m sure I can deal with anyone that stares at me, if I’m not alone.” I quieted down to a whisper, “I mean it’ll be awkward to look in their direction you know?”

“How so?” She said with a curious smile.

“Well, you know. They look at me, thinking I look weird. Then I look back and I feel awkward because I’m now staring at someone,” I began just rambling meaningless worries. “Then, they’d look at me weird and I’d feel uncomfortable. Then I’d look away and come in eye contact with another person. And it’ll be weird looking at the ground, or up in the air, if people are looking at me you know?” I rambled with a mocking smile.

“Nah, I’m sure it won’t be that bad.” Spyglass replied reassuringly. “Besides, the hospital has a park out back for the patients, I’m sure we can talk in private there.”

“Oh, really?” I asked with a jovial smile. I practically pranced my way around her and jogged to the door exclaiming, “Let’s go!”

I ducked under it when I got to it, without slowing my momentum, and very nearly crashed into Nurse Redheart. I managed to stop in my tracks, but almost tipped forward into her, had I not put my hands on the ceiling to stop my fall.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed, but kept her balance.

Her eyes were wider than dinner plates and I noticed a tray being balanced on her back.

“Uh, sorry nurse.” I apologized sheepishly.

“Well you better be,” she warned me. “I just brought you your food.” she added, shaking her hoof disapprovingly.

“Oh, thanks!” I stated, oblivious to the overpowered disapproving hoof. “I’ll just uh... take that off your back.” I quickly picked up the tray and started down the hall. “Come along, Poppit!” I called back to Spyglass who was busy suppressing a laugh.

“Comin’,” she replied happily, trotting around Nurse Redheart to catch up to me.

Author's Note:


Tomorrow 8/18/2013 we're going to have a little get together. As I mentioned in earlier chapters, I've been searching for a good host that I can trust, and create some event where I'd get to meet all my readers who have Garry's Mod. Yes YOU MUST COME! unless the server is full :/

But the event will be at 6:00pm central time so everyone will have a chance to finish up what they can before then. SO DO YO HOMEWORK IF YOU BE IN SCHOOL!

I'd appreciate it if I at least get to meet 1/100th of you guys. and yea I personally think this chapter could have been better, but I don't have a better time for this event to happen.

Editor's Notes:
Stage freight. Apparently it's an affliction worse than stage fright.