• Published 5th Jun 2013
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A Gentle Breeze of Change - kwr2k13

William Weston, age 25, a weather reporter, ends up making news history when he ends up missing. Shortly after his unexplained disappearance, a light grey Pegasus with a light blue-green mane and tail was spotted with three other colorful Pegasi.

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Chapter Sixteen: Errands Don't Run Themselves!

A Gentle Breeze of Change
Chapter Sixteen: Errands Don’t Run Themselves!

"Everypony! Wake up! It's already one-o'clock or something! Are all of you possessed or something? WAKE UP!" A certain light-blue mare shouted, in a volume that almost beat Princess Luna's Royal Canterlot voice, except for the fact that the mare needed to breathe.

Summer Breeze, who had risen early for a flight run with her sisters to ensure they were able to keep up with their flight lessons, flew in, wondering what Aqua Splash was yelling about. “Aqua, please! What’s the emergency?” The light grey Pegasus hovered in mid-air, looking expectantly at her former supervisor.

"For starters, it's already One-o'clock. Secondly, have you read the news? There's reports of this explosion over in Iowa or something." She replied, waving a newspaper clipping about.

Summer Breeze stretched her wings and went over to check on the newspaper report that Aqua had been holding. “An explosion, you say? Anything special about this explosion that we should be concerned about?”

Aqua rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Well, firstly, there was no known cause of it. No bombs or some top-secret government crap. Secondly, after the explosion, people reported seeing rainbow-colored clouds. Which is impossible for a jet to cause."

Summer Breeze thought about the news of the rainbow-colored clouds, “Any pony you know that could cause that kind of explosion?” Summer asked, hopefully, waiting with baited breath for Aqua Splash to come up with her theories as to the origin of the colored blast.

"Erm... Nein. Ich habe getrunken letzte Nacht." She mumbled, looking away sheepishly. "Although I think I know who." After what seemed like careful pondering, she finally gave a reply while hovering above Summer.

"It's Rainbow Dash right? Is it?" She replied, producing something that resembled Pinkie Pie's party cannon.

Summer Breeze smiled, “Yeah, that would be something Rainbow Dash would do! She’s always showing off her flying tricks and one of her signature moves is called the Sonic Rain Boom! She performed one of those at the Best Young Flyers Competition. I think my sisters and I were there to watch Autumn Breeze compete. I think she did okay, but Rainbow’s heroic move to save the Wonderbolts earned her that title. Princess Celestia even declared her the winner.” The light grey Pegasus was so happy she performed a mid-air flip in her excitement!

"Cool! I'm going to find Pinkie Pie and maybe throw a party!" Aqua exclaimed happily, keeping the cannon. "Might as well return her her party cannon too."

Summer Breeze smiled, “I will go tell my sisters to prepare for our journey to Iowa. But, how do we know which way to go? Do we have some sort of map? And, we also need to tell Axel, Solar Bolt, and Cherry Cloud. I’m sure Axel would love to reunite with his old friend, Big MacIntosh.”

"Sure do!" Aqua exclaimed happily, reaching behind her back and magically produced a bunch of maps. "Let's see... We've got maps of Iowa, some kind of bank, a blueprint of a Diamond thingy, a map of Alabama, Washington DC, a map of Restaurants in Iowa, a pair of gloves and a United States Clowns mask?" She replied, looking slightly confused. "Must have been playing too much video games lately." She mumbled, handing the map of Iowa to Summer.

"Anyway, have fun studying maps!" Aqua Splash said as she made her way to the kitchen. "I'm going to have lunch. And maybe make somepony breakfast."

Summer Breeze obtains the map of Iowa from Aqua and then flies off to grab some food with Aqua. “Lunch sounds good about now. Who is going to have breakfast then?”

"Those who haven't woken up. I mean, ain't it obvious?"

Summer grinned sheepishly, “Uhm, right. I’ll go get my sisters and have them eat. I bet they are probably up by now. There is that Earth pony Stallion, Axel, who has been helping us with building our training aids to help the new Pegasi learn to fly again. And, there’s Solar Bolt and Cherry Cloud.” With that, Summer went to go find Solar Bolt to see if she was hungry and that Aqua Splash was fixing brunch.

Solar Bolt was asleep in her bed as she stirred in her sleep til she heard a knock at her door as her ear twitched at the sound of knocking…..”Mmmm f-five more minutes, mommy j-just f-five more minutes.”

Solar mumbled under her covers as she tossed and turned…. As if she was having a bad dream of some sort…..

In Solar Bolt’s dream, the peaceful world of Equestria, home of sentient equines and other creatures was full of chaos, courtesy of the spirit of chaos himself, Discord. Cloudsdale, home to the high-flying Pegasi, was in disrepair. Without the weather patrol to perform their tasks, the weather was out of control. The factories that helped provide the clouds for rain and snow was boarded up and showed signs of a huge battle between the Pegasi and Discord.

Solar Bolt, who was scanning any sign of the God of chaos himself-Discord, looked at everything that the pegasi had worked for all ruined and destroyed. Solar was seething mad as she gritted her teeth and tried to keep her emotions under control. Who knew what she’d be capable of if Solar ever got her hooves on Discord; for this as everypony knows that once Solar gets a hold of anypony she’ll make them regret whatever it was or is they did as she yelled out in anger.

“DISCORD!!!!!” She yelled as she tried to get his attention as the shadowy figure of the god of chaos himself appeared before her.

“Now, now, Solar Bolt, temper, temper!” Discord chided, admonishing the enraged Pegasi.

“Discord, I demand to know why the BUCK you did this to us RIGHT BUCKING NOW!!!!”

Solar yelled out yet again as the draconequus laughed out loud at her. Solar gritted her teeth yet again at him as she so desperately wanted to kill him right now. However, she could not do so due to the Royal Decree of Princess Celestia wanting him to learn to become good by learning the value of friendship.

“My dear Solar Bolt, you should know better that Princess Celestia wanted to have me use my powers for good. But, what’s the fun in that? I used the Princesses and decided to take over Equestria again. Besides, without the Elements of Harmony to put me in my place, so to speak, I am free to run Equestria my way. Allow me to leave you with a warning: you may have broken that spell I placed on you and your friends twenty-five years ago, but you are stuck on Earth with those,” he said the next word with disdain in his voice, “humans.” Enjoy blending in! Averadercci!” Discord snapped his claw and disappeared, plotting his next move.

Solar watched as he disappeared from her sight, as she so wished that she could’ve stopped him from disappearing like that. She couldn’t do anything as she sighed and just looked at everything around her. She hung her head low and muttered something under her breath. Dammit discord why? She asked to herself. Why did it have to be like this why us/ W-why everything that we so worked hard for huh? Huh? As Solar kicked the air with her back hoof and snorted One day, Discord ONE BUCKING DAY!!! I’ll…. I’ll…. I’ll… As Solar then bucked the wall of a cloud so hard that she sent it poofing into non-existence and gritted her teeth.

Just then, a new figure approached the very angry Pegasi. The figure was regally attired in black and dark blue hues, wearing a black tiara and bearing the Cutie Mark of the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna.

“Solar Bolt, why are thou so upset?” Princess Luna inquired, feeling saddened by the mare in front of her. Princess Luna had a kind and gentle countenance on her muzzle as she awaited Solar Bolt’s response.

Solar Bolt’s anger was then replaced with sorrow and sadness as she hung her head in shame again as she spoke with a little bit of hatred in her voice. She sighed heavily, then addressed Princess Luna. ”I-I don’t know, Princess... it’s just I-i don’t know why Discord did this to us! I mean why us? Princess huh? Answer me that!” Solar asked, almost demanding a response from Princess Luna. “Why would Discord destroy us and everything we worked so hard for as well as turn us into humans huh? As Solar was confused at everything that has happened to her and the other pegasi over the last few weeks.

Princess Luna shook her head, “Discord’s ways are still a mystery, even to us.” She stated, referring to her and her elder sister, Princess Celestia. “His attack on Equestria and its citizens will not go unpunished! I have arrived in thy dreams to deliver thee a message of great tidings! The Elements of Harmony have been found and are gathering others who are seeking those very answers you seek. The Element of Loyalty has performed a sign in the sky. Have you not heard of it from your friends?”

A sign?“ Solar asked in confusion as she tilted her head at the Princess of the Night ”You mean Rainbow Dash? Solar asked as she remembers her rival from her time back when she was in the Junior Speedsters Flight School for Pegasi.

Princess Luna smiled, determining that Solar Bolt was able to decipher her clues to the identity of the creator of the sign. “Yes, indeed, “Twas I who recommended Rainbow Dash to perform her signature maneuver so ponies who have returned from exile will be reminded that thou are not alone. Your friends in thy cloud house are in need of your help in preparing for your journey. You must travel to Iowa, where the Elements of Harmony await your arrival. They are gathering every pony in time for a Grand Summit. We shall also be in attendance to discuss with Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic what to do next. You have a good group of pony friends, Solar Bolt. They are awaiting you to wake up.” With that, Princess Luna walks towards Solar Bolt and offers her a hug.

I understand Princess! Thanks.” As Solar Bolt returns the hug from her. ”Thank you Princess Luna, and I’ll try my best to do everything I can to help my friends!” She then had some final questions still lingering in her mind.

“But what about discord though? I mean, I don’t know how I’ll be able to keep my anger towards him under control much longer, especially considering that I so desperately wanna just get my hooves on him and make him regret everything he ever did to us Princess. What with the way he turned us into humans and stuff “sigh” I-I just don’t know what to do, Princess.” Solar said with a sigh and sadness in her voice.

Princess Luna returns the hug and then sighs, “Discord will be dealt with by the Elements of Harmony, and by us in due time.. Your role in this adventure is still being played out. Also, thou must try to control your anger, lest Discord use that as a weapon against thee. I should know; the last time I allowed anger to cloud thine judgement, Night Mare Moon destroyed our old castle and I was banished to the Moon by thy sister.” Princess Luna said with a sad tone in her voice, then smiled, “We must prepare for our arrival for the Summit, Solar Bolt. Do you understand what thy mission entails?”

“I understand, Princess thanks well I guess you’ll be going now huh?” As Solar Bolt knew well that it’s almost morning, and that her sister is about to raise the sun just about now.

Princess Luna smiled and walked off, “Fare Thee Well, Solar Bolt! We will be in touch with you and your friends soon. Take care of each other and prepare for your long journey to meet the Elements of Harmony. I am sure you have much to catch up on. By the way, you and your friends did a great job constructing your home in the clouds!” The Princess of the Night winked to Solar Bolt as she left to rest after lowering the moon for her sister to raise the sun for the morning.

Solar bolt smiles at her and waves goodbye to the Princess of the Night as she leaves her, feeling refreshed. Then Solar wakes up in her bed as she sees one of her friends standing there at her door.

Summer Breeze had knocked on the door, “Solar Bolt, are you up yet? Aqua Splash sent me to get you up for brunch! You going to stay in bed all day?”

“Huh? Oh y-yeah i’m up sorry to worry you and all but yeah I’m up now a-anyways I-I had a dream where I saw Princess Luna! She had told me about Rainbow Dash signaling us about meeting the other Elements of Harmony and her you know? She also said that I should keep my temper towards Discord under control as she fears that not keeping it under control could allow Discord to use it towards his advantage.”. Solar said as she sighed. But how the hay can she expect me to do that if I can’t even contain myself from seeing red? “As Solar’s friend tried to comfort her as best she could….”

Summer smiled and hovered over to her friend, giving her a hug. “Isn’t that why you came to us? We have a lot of friends needing our help right now. My sisters, Aqua Splash, and Cherry Cloud, Axel, and many more ponies out there need help.” She sighed, “I’m also mad at Discord for what he did to my little sister, Spring and I at Sugar Cube Corner. That’s how he got Pinkie Pie, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and the rest of us who were celebrating our birthdays.”

I see…. “Solar said while sitting up in her cloud bed now as she sighed again” Well, might as well get up and get ready I guess? As Solar Bolt got out of her cloud bed and made it before getting her saddlebags ready for the trip as her stomach growled. “Ehehe guess I should get something to eat first huh? Um any food left to eat downstairs? Summer, I’m hungry! “asked Solar….”

Summer nods, “I would suggest you get a shower and head downstairs. I’ll let Aqua Splash know you are joining us for brunch. I’ll let you finish getting ready. I have to make sure my sisters are up and ready to go.” She then hugged her friend and waited for her outside her room to join her for brunch.

"Okay, thanks. “Solar said as she trotted to the bathroom and turn the nozzle to start up the shower as she stepped into the tub and let the soothing sound of the hot water wet her mane and tail. Solar sighed in relief and let the soothing water melt her sorrows and anger away. As she remembered what Luna had said in her dream.

"Remember, Solar Bolt! Do not let thy anger consume you for Discord can use it to his advantage! Remember!" Rang Luna’s voice inside her head over again and again as Solar just sighed and let the soothing hot water calm her down, for she was starting to seethe with hatred towards Discord.

What am I going to do? how can I keep my emotions under control? Celestia help me if I can’t! Solar said to herself as she then turned off the nozzle and stepped out of the tub and dried herself off with the towel. After she was dry enough to let her damp mane dry outside of her room, she looked out into the sky and said not a word; for if she did, she would say something uncontrollable and out of her own mouth. She just sighed and said nothing, just being silent.

Summer Breeze waited outside her friend’s room. She knew what Solar was going through, since she and her sister Autumn had witnessed her final transformation into the mare she was now. “Feeling better, Solar?”

Solar just stands there not knowing that her friend was standing there worried for her as she tried to ask her friend what was bothering her or at least tried to cheer her up?

Summer looked over at Solar Bolt, wondering what was going on, “Ahem, Solar, you feeling okay? You said you wanted to get some food from the kitchen? Aqua Splash is cooking brunch and we can set the table.”

Solar turns around and see her friend standing there as she has a worried look on her face but Solar smiles weakly at her and says to her…. “Hm o-oh i’-I’m fine, Summer... really now then l-lets go eat ok?”

As Solar trotted past her friend to go eat but as she did Summer noticed that she was holding her head down as if she knew that something’s not right with her friend as she knows that Solar isn’t being truthful with her at all.

Summer headed downstairs after Solar, observing her body language and deciding not to press the issue. A true friend does not judge, but encourages those in need with fellowship and good food.

“Hey, I got Solar Bolt up, Aqua! She’s needing some food and some company!” Summer called out to Aqua Splash.

"Erm...I think you might want to be the one giving Solar company. Remember last time when I got drunk? Other than using alcohol, I have next to no idea how to cheer somepony up." The light blue Pegasus replied.

Summer blushed and nodded, “Okay, well, at least fix her a plate of food, and for me as well. You can join us, if you want to.”

"Ok." Aqua replied. "What would you like? I've got French Toast, Eggs, enough ingredients to make a salad or something, Oatmeal and Cake-Although There's only half a slice of it left. For drinks we have Tea, assorted juices, Milk, Coffee and Mushroom Soup."

As Summer Breeze contemplated her breakfast options, Solar just sat there in her seat not ushering a word as her friend asked her what she wanted to eat. As Solar remembered her encounter with Discord in her dream, she replays herself yelling at Discord for destroying all of the hard work that all of the Pegasi had done, as well as the way that the god of chaos had just laughed at her and left her with a warning. Solar started gritting her teeth again and was about ready to buck or kick something when her friend spoke up to get her out of her daydream.

Summer looked over at Aqua Splash and back at Solar Bolt as the menu options for breakfast played in her head, “You know what, if you would please fix up some French Toast and eggs, a side salad, and some hot tea for myself.” She turned to Solar Bolt, “What do you want to eat, Solar Bolt?”

Solar was still not saying a word as the dream from earlier was still ringing in her mind as she could still hear Discord laughing at her over and over again. She was now on the verge of her breaking point until suddenly……

She snapped. “ARGH!!!!!” Solar Bolt screamed as she kicked the wall that she was closest to so hard that she left a hole in it. She just simply ignored the looks she got from her friends until she finally turned around to see the damage she had caused. Solar, shocked to see the damage she caused, covered her mouth with her hoof and got up, aplogizing profusely to her friend "I’m so sorry guys!” She wailed, as she then quickly gallops out of the kitchen to the back door to get some fresh air to calm down.

Summer heard and saw the display of anger coming from Solar Bolt and looked over at Aqua, “I don’t know what’s bothering her, Aqua. I’m not going to pry into anypony’s personal lives, but I think I should go see what is going on. What do you think?”

"Well, since you asked, bring a bottle of Rum or Scotch just in case...you know, she gets into another fit again. Most probably the worst idea ever, but it works." Aqua suggested. "Oh, and do you still want your breakfast?"

Summer nodded, “Yes, I’ll take the breakfast to go. While you are fixing breakfast, could you fix Solar up a plate? She could use a good meal to help her keep her strength and stamina up.” She sighs as she decides to sit down to eat her breakfast, hoping that whatever Solar was going through today, she would get it out of her system before Cherry Cloud or Summer’s sisters would notice.

"Well, just remember-if Solar needs memory wiping, tell me. With my new-found ability to make things appear, wine or no wine, I can make her forget about what happened!" Aqua said, as she set Summer's food down on the table.

Meanwhile, outside of the cloud house, Solar sat on the porch at the back as the wind blew through her mane. She sighs, remembering the display of anger that just happened as she contemplates the anger that manifested when she damaged the cloud wall, causing a hole in it, just mere moments ago.

She sighed heavily, Why can’t I control my anger? Solar asked herself as she sat there hanging her head low. I mean if i can’t control my anger, how am I going to show Cherry and Summer’s sisters how good of a role model I can be if I don’t get my emotions, e-especially my anger under control? Solar kicked up some cloud before sitting back down on her haunches.

Meanwhile, Summer got a plate of food and went over to help console her friend. “Solar? Are you okay? I brought you some food….I just want to let you know….you are my friend, and my sisters and I will be here to help you. The same goes for Aqua Splash.” She gave Solar Bolt a hug in friendship.

Solar Bolt looked up at her friend and sighed as she let the wind blow through her mane once more before speaking up. “Oh hay, Summer I-I’m fine j-just getting some fresh air t-that’s all…. “ Solar said in a low voice with a tinge of sadness in her voice.”N-no need to worry about me though o-ok?

Summer smiled and offered the plate of food Aqua Splash fixed. “Aqua made this breakfast for you. You should eat something. I don’t want my best friend to go out for a flight without a hearty breakfast.”

“Solar looks at the plate of food for her as she pushes it away with her hoof and shakes her head.”T-thanks Summer, b-but all of a sudden I-i’m not so hungry, s-sorry. As Solar had a look of sadness on her face as she continued to look up at the sky.

Summer frowns as the food was going to waste. “You sure? There’s plenty of food and Aqua Splash is in charge of fixing our meals. If you don’t want to talk about what is bothering you, I will understand. But, I want to let you know you can talk to me or my sisters if you’re feeling down.”

Solar looks back at her friend again as her ears are flat against her head as she takes a deep breath before she starts to talk.” Y-you really wanna know what’s wrong with me, Summer?”
Solar wasn’t sure if she wanted to go through with telling her about what she saw in her dream but she knew that her friend was willing to listen and do the best she can to help her out.

Summer smiles and brings the plate of food to Solar. “You know, a true friend helps those in need, right? I believe my sister and I sang a song about it to cheer up Aqua Splash.” She thinks about any new lyrics to help Solar Bolt with her situation.

Solar smiles weakly at her and thinks of how to best explain to her friend about her dream as well as what she saw in her dream. “W-well i-if you really want to know then I-I guess I can tell you, Summer? “As she took a deep breath and tried to remember what she saw.” Y-you remember Discord that was trying to get rid of us right? “Solar asked her friend.

Summer frowns at the hearing of the name of the chaos entity. “Yeah, he’s the one I hear responsible for the banishment of our pony friends. But the good news is they are back, right? I mean, if we are back, does that mean the more popular ponies are back as well?”

“I guess you are right about that, Summer. Anyways, what happened in my dream was this….. “ As Solar tried to remember what happened as she explained to her friend everything that she saw. She explained how Discord had appeared in front of her as well as how he taunted Solar about her anger issues. She also explained how Princess Luna made an appearance shortly after Discord, and told her about trying to control her anger. “You see, Summer, w-when I got so mad about the way Discord was mocking me, I-I just simply lost it and well y-you know the rest and for that, I’m sorry. Please forgive me Summer; I-I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that.”

Summer gave her friend a side hug and then talked with her. “Why do you need to apologize to me, Solar? Everypony gets angry or frustrated at times. It is how we deal with it is what matters. Discord thrives on chaos and disharmony between ponies. That’s what he does best. Right now, he’s the real enemy. You have more friends here who will back me up.”

“I-I know Summer, b-but I-I just don’t know how I can control my anger like this, especially in front of your sisters as well as Cherry Cloud “as Solar felt bad for beating herself down like this in front of her friend but what could she do?

Summer thought about how to help Solar while munching on an apple. “We will deal with that when the time comes. Just remember, Cherry Cloud’s a filly and she needs our help to learn to fly better. Spring, my sister, is the youngest member of my family, and she’s a bit shy when it comes to meeting new friends. But, once she gets to know somepony, she’ll be your best friend.”

Solar then looks at her friend and weakly smiles at her as she could tell that she’s right. She smiles now a little bit better and hugs her!” T-thanks Summer, I-I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here to cheer me up! Thank you so much!“As Solar felt better now after talking with her friend.

Summer gets hugged by the blue Pegasi in front of her and hugs back. “No problem, Solar Bolt! That’s what friends do. We help each other overcome challenges and get them back on their four hooves. Now, you feeling up to getting something to eat? Let’s put those bad thoughts away and focus on today’s agenda. You heard about that colorful explosion in Iowa?”

“Yeah your right, um could you push that plate over to me please so that I can eat? “Solar asked as she heard her stomach growled, producing a blush on her face. After Summer provided her with the meal that Aqua fixed, Solar Bolt started munching on some of the food as her appetite had returned after having that talk. As for hearing about that explosion in Iowa? “N-no can’t say I have why? “ Solar asked her friend.

“Feeling better?” Summer smiled as she also finished eating, stretching her wings. “Yeah, apparently, Aqua said there was this colorful explosion in Iowa. Nopony knows about it, except for a few ponies I heard claim it was from a certain rainbow maned mare.”

“Rainbow maned mare?” Solar poundered who it was that her friend was referring to as she thought long and hard. “Rainbow maned mare hmm…. “ Then a spark came and in an instant Solar started to get all excited as a wide smile spread across her muzzle!

”You wouldn’t happen to be referring to my good friend Rainbow Dash by any chance would you, Summer?” Solar had a glimmer in her eyes upon the mention of Rainbow Dash’s name.

Summer smiled as well, “Who else would show off like that? It would have to be a Pegasi, since the explosion happened in the sky. Unless an unicorn can use magic like that, I doubt it would be one of those ponies.”

“Yeah I guess you are right but still….” Solar thought about it some more but then stopped her thinking "A-anyways what are we waiting around here for, Summer, when we should be getting ready for our long journey ahead to meet up with the Mane 6!" Solar instantly got up and trotted inside to get her stuff packed up and ready for the trip to Iowa!

Summer nodded, and trotted into the foyer of the cloud house. “I’ll talk to my sisters and you can talk to Aqua Splash and Cherry Cloud. I think we should ask Axel too. He’s best friends with that red stallion who worked on that apple farm back home.”

“Yeah, sure Summer,” Solar tried to get everything packed up as fast as she could into her saddlebags as she was just about finished with her packing. ”I think that that’s everything I have.” Solar rechecked her surroundings to make sure that everything was packed up for the trip. Satisfied that she had everything all packed up, Solar was indeed ready for her trip to meet up with the others at their location in Iowa.

Summer nods, “You know, this house is made of clouds and we can move it to Iowa when we gather the rest of the ponies. Then, we can invite the Pegasi we find to join us here when we arrive in Iowa. I wonder how many ponies we know from Ponyville that have made it to Iowa?”

Solar put her hoof to her chin and tapped it while pondering for a brief moment ”Hmm…. I have no idea, Summer, but we’ll have to see. As for the cloud house, I guess you are right about that. But, how am I going to be able to help move the cloud house with you and the other pegasi when I can’t even figure out how to use um these…. “ She spreads out her wings showing Summer what she meant. ”I mean, I’m still getting used to my wings since my transformation into a pegasus. I still don’t know or remember on how to use them.” Solar said, her head hanging low.

Summer nodded, “Would you like to practice flying with my sisters and me? I think if you see your fellow Pegasi in flight, you can eventually get the hang of having hooves, wings, and eating no meat.”

“Yeah I guess you are right but still….” Solar thought about it some more but then stopped her thinking "A-anyways what are we waiting around here for, Summer, when we should be getting ready for our long journey ahead to meet up with the Mane 6!" Solar instantly got up and trotted inside to get her stuff packed up and ready for the trip to Iowa!

Summer nodded, and trotted into the foyer of the cloud house. “I’ll talk to my sisters and you can talk to Aqua Splash and Cherry Cloud. I think we should ask Axel too. He’s best friends with that red stallion who worked on that apple farm back home.”

“Yeah, sure Summer,” Solar tried to get everything packed up as fast as she could into her saddlebags as she was just about finished with her packing. ”I think that that’s everything I have.” Solar rechecked her surroundings to make sure that everything was packed up for the trip. Satisfied that she had everything all packed up, Solar was indeed ready for her trip to meet up with the others at their location in Iowa.

Summer nods, “You know, this house is made of clouds and we can move it to Iowa when we gather the rest of the ponies. Then, we can invite the Pegasi we find to join us here when we arrive in Iowa. I wonder how many ponies we know from Ponyville that have made it to Iowa?”

Solar put her hoof to her chin and tapped it while pondering for a brief moment ”Hmm…. I have no idea, Summer, but we’ll have to see. As for the cloud house, I guess you are right about that. But, how am I going to be able to help move the cloud house with you and the other pegasi when I can’t even figure out how to use um these…. “ She spreads out her wings showing Summer what she meant. ”I mean, I’m still getting used to my wings since my transformation into a pegasus. I still don’t know or remember on how to use them.” Solar said, her head hanging low.

Summer nodded, “Would you like to practice flying with my sisters and me? I think if you see your fellow Pegasi in flight, you can eventually get the hang of having hooves, wings, and eating no meat.” Summer unfurled her wings and flapped them to get to a hovering position. “This is what is called hovering mode. It’s a standard position they taught us in flight school.”

Solar nodded her head as she listened closely on how to fly as she remembers her first experience at flying when she was a pegasus before turning human. She looks at her wings yet again and sighs. ”I know Summer, but how do I? I mean I’ve been a human all my life before I returned to being a pegasi.”

Summer hovers over to Solar Bolt and gives her a hug. “My sisters and I used to be human before we changed as well, so we know what you are feeling. Come on, Solar, flap those wings!” She demonstrates her wing flapping to keep her hovering in mid-air.

O-ok I’ll try, Summer!” Solar starts to flap her wings as she tries to remember how she did before being human, “ I-I can’t seem to flap them properly, Summer.” Solar said, stopping her flapping and hanging her head in shame.

Summer heads over and gives her friend a wing hug. “You can do better than this, Solar Bolt. Keep trying! We have enough time for my sisters and the other ponies to arrive before we show them your flying moves!”

"First thing to learning how to fly is basically, not crashing into stuff." Another voice, which belonged to Aqua Splash, said.

"So yeah...You’re doing a pretty good job, not crashing. Better than I did, but that was due to a hangover." She continued, perching herself on a nearby cloud.

Summer continued to hover, watching Aqua and Solar Bolt interact. “Aqua raises a good point, Solar. Just flap those wings up and down, like I’m doing. if you can stay airborne for say,” she thought about how long the hovering exercise should last.

“Aqua, help me out here; how long should Solar Bolt keep up her hovering for to make sure she’s ready for sustained flight?”

"I don't know. A minute? An hour? As long as you feel safe enough, then go do the crazy stuff-loop the loops and whatever you want." She replied from her cloud.

Summer smiled, “That sounds about the right amount of time they told us in Flight Camp.” She smiled and encouraged her friend, Solar Bolt to keep up her wing flapping for at least a minute to an hour, or until she felt comfortable with staying aloft. “After you master hovering, we can set up some cloud markers and see if you can fly up to them. We need to be able to fly well, since we’ll be meeting Rainbow Dash, and she’ll want to prove we still have what it takes as Pegasi.”