• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 2,073 Views, 118 Comments

No Heroes Part III - For Dreams - PaulAsaran

Luna's team takes on its first task, working together with the Element Bearers. But with Fine Crime out of action, can Luna keep the team going in their dreams?

  • ...

Coming Out

It wouldn’t be time to open for another two hours, but Nye didn’t care: he was bored out of his mind and just a little depressed. So there he was in his own café, mixing up one of his hot chocolate mixes. A little sugar to help ease his mind, perhaps. Not that it would help. Nothing did.

There was a knock on the front door. “It’s open,” he called with disinterest. He didn’t look up until well after the Luna in the Stars was finished and frothing. When he did he was surprised to find that his visitor was Fluttershy. She looked about as unhappy as he felt. “Wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

The yellow pegasus stood before the counter and glanced up at him forlornly. “Umm… I know you’re not open yet… but I would really like a Rising Dawn right about now…”

If any pony could say no to that face, he had a heart of stone. “Sure, I’ll whip one right up.”

Fluttershy sighed and sat on the stool in front of him. “Thanks, Nye…”

He wasn’t in the mood for playing ‘talk to the barkeep,’ but Fluttershy wasn’t exactly one of his usual customers. When she did come it was usually when she was with her friends. She wouldn’t want a drink just for the sake of it, not her, so there had to be something really wrong. “So, what’s troubling ya?”

She gave him a surprised look, as if she hadn’t been expecting him to ask at all. “Oh… i-it’s nothing…” She glanced away anxiously, making it blatantly obvious that she was lying.

Not the type of thing she could easily share, eh? If this were a regular bar he’d trust spirits to loosen her tongue… but this was hardly a regular bar. Aside from his Cider Rainboom and a few others his drinks were more sugar, milk and coffee than alcohol. If she didn’t want to talk about it… “Here ya go, Fluttershy. On the house.”

She accepted the drink. “Are you sure? I can pay…”

He shook his head and took a sip of his own drink. “Nah, you look like you need the boost. Besides… I could use a little company.”

She smiled weakly and took a sip of the Rising Dawn. “It’s good,” she confessed, “as always.”

They were silent for several minutes, both lost in their own thoughts. Nye studied the pegasus with an experienced eye, reminding himself of how she really was the town beauty. Her delicate face, that beautiful long mane, her timid manner... not to mention that jaw-dropping flank. But somehow she just didn’t interest him anymore. Not that such was a bad thing; it just meant his mind was set on one mare in particular. A mare he dearly missed at that moment.

“So,” he muttered, “any news from Twilight and the others?”

She shook her head. “We’ve not heard anything from Princess Celestia. Well, if anypony has, I wouldn’t know. I’ve been too busy lately.”

“Really?” he asked with only a half interest. “Busy with what?”

For a moment she looked as though she wanted to answer him, but instead she merely glanced away timidly. “I’m just… busy…”

He sighed and leaned an elbow against the table, setting a hoof to his cheek. “I miss her so much right now…” At Fluttershy’s curious glance he added, “Rainbow Dash.”

She nodded wearily. “Fine did say it would take at least two weeks, maybe longer.”

Nye’s head dropped to the bar with a surprisingly loud thud. “You mean I gotta wait a whole ‘nother week?” he asked with a moan. “I’m dyin’, here.”

Fluttershy chuckled softly at his exaggerated manner. “Surely it’s not that bad…”

“That’s what you think,” he countered without enthusiasm, standing back up properly so he could take a long chug of his chocolaty beverage. “What about Fine Crime? Surely he’s said something to you about what they’re doing over there.”

The pegasus sank down in that anxious manner she had. “Fine’s… indisposed right now. Has Luna sent you anything?”

“Not a thing since they left,” he admitted glumly. “What's Fine busy doing?”

But once again she couldn’t look him in the eye. “H-he made me promise not to tell…”

Nye smiled at her manner, glad to finally hear her at least confirm that she was hiding something. “You two… you’re awfully close now, aren’t ya?” At her confused expression he added wryly, “You two wouldn’t be an item now would you?”

She blushed wildly, hiding behind her mane with eyes growing wide. “W-w-what? Why would you think that…?”

“Meh, yeah, you’re right,” he declared, already losing interest. “You two aren’t anything at all alike. What was I thinking?” He wasn't pursuing the topic, which confirmed his depression more than anything else.

“You were probably thinking about snozberries,” Pinkie declared.

Nye let out a shocked cry and almost leaped over the counter at her sudden appearance at his side. “Pinkie! When’d you get there?”

“Just now,” she replied as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. “I know you’re not open yet but you let Fluttershy come in so I thought if Fluttershy can come in so can I and besides I really didn’t want to wait for my nightly sugar rush so can I please please please have a Sweet and Elite please please please?”

He was already mixing the drink. “Yeah yeah, one sugar rush comin’ right up.”

“Yay!” She zipped over the counter to a stool beside Fluttershy. “Hey Fluttershy, how ya doin’?”

“Oh, hello Pinkie,” the pegasus answered, her timid voice so very different from the excitable mare’s. “I’m… fine.”

“Are not,” Nye noted dully.

“Really? What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked worriedly.

The yellow mare sighed despondently. “It’s nothing, really.”

“Sweet and Elite,” Nye announced. Pinkie began bouncing in her chair with excitement as he set it down, and she almost snatched it out of his hooves in her eagerness to drink it. Now that the pink pony was distracted… “You know, Fluttershy, if something’s troubling you we could always help in some way.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie cried, her drink already downed. “I can follow you and see what you’re up to and I’ll be all like ‘Let me try!’”

The pegasus was unable to resist smiling at her friend’s enthusiasm. “No no, that’s quite alright. It’s something I need to handle on my own.”

Nye took another sip of his drink even as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. “You’re making it awfully hard for us to be good friends. Can’t you at least tell us what’s going on?” He might not be in the mood, but he wasn’t about to ignore her.

But Fluttershy shook her head. “I can’t, you two. But you’ve already helped with the drink; a little sugar to get me going, I guess.”

“Sugar makes everything better,” Pinkie announced confidently, wrapping a leg around her friend and pounding her empty glass on the table. “Barkeep, get this mare a Sweet and Elite, stat! Better make it two,” she added, peering into her glass as if she’d just noticed it was empty.

“Ooooh no,” Nye said pointedly, “don’t go thinking that just because Rainbow and Twilight aren’t around I’m gonna slack off on their ‘one S&E per day’ rule.”

“Awwww,” the mare’s chin dropped to the table and she stared up at him with big, moist eyes. “Come on… I won’t tell. Promise!”

But Nye shook his head. “In a few minutes you’re gonna start vibrating or bouncing off the walls or… or… or something. I still remember what happened the last time I let you have more than one. Those windows aren’t cheap, y’know.”

“Oh come on,” she begged. “You're rich. And I paid you back for the damage, didn’t I?”

He raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Throwing a ‘Nye is Awesome’ party does not make up for smashing my windows, amongst other things.”

She grinned eagerly. “What if I threw a ‘Nye is Even Awesomer!’ party?”

Nye took a big chug of his drink. “The only way I’m giving you more than one drink is if you can get my Rainbow back early.”


“Wah…? NO!” He jumped over the counter and caught the mare’s pink tail in his mouth just in time to stop her from running out the door. She jerked to a stop, stretching so much in the process that he was once again forced to question if she had a bone in her pink body. “Bad Pinkie, you’re not going to Nildia!”

“But you said…”

He facehoofed. “I regret what I said, and I take it back. I’m not giving you an extra drink!”

At first she pouted, looking as though she was about to try and ‘cute’ her way into another drink once more, but before she could get very far she abruptly began to vibrate. He stepped back and watched, always disturbed by how her entire body could be held so rigid and yet be vibrating all at once like that.

“OoOoOoOoOoOh! SuUgGaArR rRuUsShH!” she announced happily through chattering teeth. “Gotta go!” And she was out the door in a pink blur. Nye wiped the sweat from his brow, glad she was going to be in somepony else’s mane during the rush.

Fluttershy was giggling from her stool. He smiled weakly and returned to his spot behind the counter. “Well, that was interesting.”

“She always is,” the pegasus confessed happily. “Thanks for the drink, Nye.”

“Any time,” he replied, truly meaning it.

She dropped from the stool and started to leave, but paused to give him a curious look. “Umm… did you really mean it? I mean, the offer to help…?”

Of course I meant it,” he said with no small amount of exasperation. “Why would you even ask that?”

She blushed and glanced away timidly. “Oh, umm, sorry. It’s just… maybe I’ll take you up on it later…?”

He grinned and nodded. “Ask whenever you need me. I’m sure the others would say the same.”

She returned the smile prettily. “Thanks.” A year ago that smile would have melted his heart.

As soon as she was gone his smile faded and he slumped over the counter. Well, that had distracted him for all of fifteen minutes.

Rainbow couldn’t get back soon enough.

Upper Crust was grumbling venomously under her breath as she made her way through the thick underbrush. If she were a stronger mage she’d have at least tried to teach that Discord a thing or two. Dropping them off in the jungle like this was not funny!

She wasn’t the only one to think so, either. In fact everypony in the team was grumbling in some way, struggling through the hot air and ridiculous amounts of foliage. And the bugs, sweet Luna the bugs! The unicorn couldn’t take three steps without having to swat at one. Twilight had already sworn a dozen times that the first thing she would do upon returning to Delgiri was find a anti-bug protection spell.

Even Rainbow Dash, who’d flown above the canopy to properly locate the temple, was having difficulties; the tall trees had thick leaves that were hard to fly through and kept limbs hidden often until it was too late to slow down. She’d learned her lesson the first time and was flying between the undergrowth and the sky much more slowly, though she would still occasionally crack her skull against a limb or two.

In fact the only pony who seemed well-prepared for the trip was Octavia. She was wearing a wide-brimmed safari hat that sported long nets tucked into a buttoned white shirt, protecting her face from bugs. She was also wearing some baggy pants, designed to keep the bugs out but let air flow so they weren’t too hot to wear. And last but not least, her mane and tail were both tied in tight buns, preventing them from getting tangled and caught on limbs and other such things.

She looked every bit like an experienced jungle explorer, giving every pony no doubt that she’d made this kind of journey before. When she’d first appeared Rainbow and Applejack had both laughed, even after she’d offered to help them find some similar attire. Even if they had agreed, though, it wouldn’t have mattered as Discord appeared and transported them into the jungle before any of the others could answer.

And now everypony was regretting it. Especially Applejack, who was snarling so fiercely to herself that Upper Crust almost feared for Discord’s health. Almost.

“You’re almost there, guys,” Rainbow called from somewhere above the canopy. “Just another thirty or forty feet!”

“Oh thank goddess,” Twilight cried, ignoring the fact that it would take them at least twenty minutes to clear such a small distance. “I can’t wait to get out of this jungle," she added, smacking at a bug that had landed on her cheek.

Upper Crust, easily the least prepared for the entire experience, couldn’t agree more. “The next time Fine decides I need to spend some time out of Equestria I’m going to kill him,” she grumbled. “With fire.”

“Which is what ah’ll do ta Discord if he says anythin’ about goin’ on another safari…” Applejack growled, clutching her hat to her head so it wouldn’t get knocked off by low branches again.

Twilight was the first to emerge from the jungle, and when she did there was a loud, frustrated cry. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

The others hurried after her, only to find when they emerged from the jungle that they were on an old, worn out cobblestone road, which stretched on neatly through the jungle on either side of them.

“A road?” Upper Crust asked, dumbfounded. “You mean he could have just set us down on a road!?”

“Why that… son of a…!” Applejack grabbed her hat and set it over her mouth, her face fierce as a wave of muffled obscenities exploded from her throat. Octavia and Twilight both took a few cautious steps away from her at the sight of her furious eyes just barely visible over the hat’s rim.

Rainbow landed on the old stone road before them, looking apologetic. “Yeah… I was gonna warn ya but figured any explosive reactions might be better handled out here.”

“Where is he?” Twilight demanded menacingly. “He’s lucky the others aren’t here or he’d be turned back to stone so fast…”

Rainbow cast an annoyed expression around before shrugging. “Haven’t seen the jerk since he dropped us off.”

“Probably for the better,” Upper Crust noted with a cautious glance at the orange mare. “If he was here Applejack’d probably rip his head off.”

“Which would only serve to amuse him further,” Octavia pointed out regally. “I don’t believe he has any reason at all to fear our anger.”

“Yeah, she’s right,” Rainbow agreed grumpily. “Getting angry at him just makes him laugh a lot. Let’s just get to the temple and get this over with.”

Twilight sighed. “You’re right, of course. Come on, girls, let’s get going.”

Applejack, who’d finally finished her vitriolic tantrum and set her hat back on her head, noted, “If he suggested this jus’ ta get a laugh…”

Octavia tapped her side and, at her dark glance, offered the earth pony her water bag. “Here, calm down a bit.”

Applejack took the water gratefully, drinking a long gulp; like all the others she’d not even thought to bring some. She handed it back with a whistle. “That hit the spot! Thanks Octavia, ah really needed that.”

The temple complex was on a side route nearby. The stonework became a set of stairs worn smooth from centuries of weathering. Upper Crust, following at the back of the pack, quickly realized that the path had been freshly reopened: bushes and limbs that should have been blocking the path had been cut away recently, and the grass between the stones had been crushed flat. The stairs had probably been rescued from the overgrowth not more than a week ago.

Applejack’s voice came to her as the earth pony cleared the top of the hill. “Whoa.”

“Yep,” Twilight declared bluntly, “that’s Riptide.”

The temple was of a squat pyramid design, but it still easily rose some four hundred feet into the air. It was made of ancient grey stones which Upper Crust, through quick estimation, figured must weigh at least a ton apiece. Great stairs, two per side, rose up to about three-fourths the temple’s height, presumably stopping at a balcony that encircled the temple at that elevation. And between the two flights of stairs, gazing down at them benevolently, was a great statue of who Upper Crust could only presume was Riptide.

The statue itself appeared to be made of bronze, and had obviously been cleaned not long ago. The statue, which was only a torso, had the thin but muscular god posing with two pairs of hands clasped together in what Upper Crust assumed was meant to be prayer. A third pair of hands was raised high to the heavens as if seeking a bounty, and the fourth pair was spread out with fingers over the stairs, as if the god were beckoning visitors to approach. The great elephant head had its trunk falling down along the chest, almost as if the designers hadn’t known what to do with it, but the rest of the features were of intricate detail. Riptide appeared old, kind, and approving.

Upper Crust was just a little confused. “That’s supposed to be the God of the Seas?” she asked Twilight skeptically.

The unicorn nodded. “And he’s a messenger god, according to the book Rochette let me borrow.”

“He doesn’t look all that scary,” Rainbow noted, and for once nopony considered her words to be bravado. The statue was huge, yes, but it was hard to be intimidated by its gentle expression.

“I was expecting something… meaner,” Upper Crust confessed, certain she was echoing more than a few of her friends’ sentiments.

“He certainly appears nicer than he did in my dream last night,” Octavia confessed, removing her hat and netting.

“Mine too,” Twilight confirmed, and Applejack, having experienced a dream a few days ago, nodded her agreement.

The temple was surrounded by a large clearing, which appeared to be natural as there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to where jungle stopped and clearing began. It was nicely trimmed though, and packed with nilgiri. The Nildian natives were all over the place, some in groups listening to speeches, others at booths, a few just enjoying the sight of the temple. Upper Crust noted the larger Nilgiri standing at the top of the stairs and how they were preventing some tourists from entering.

She immediately began to search around the area. She noticed that several nilgiri, including the guards, were dressed in light blue cloaks. Some had yellow markings, which she was quickly able to determine as signs of rank. “I think…”

“Come on girls,” Twilight declared confidently, “let’s see what’s in the temple!”

Upper Crust glowered as they all made for the stairs. “Wait, we need to…”

“Time’s wastin’,” Applejack countered, trotting after Twilight. “Come on, Uppity!”

The unicorn growled. “Only my husband calls me that…” But the orange mare was already well out of earshot.

“What’s wrong?” Octavia was still standing beside her, studying her curiously.

Well, at least somepony was going to listen, and it was the one she needed. “Would you come with me for a moment? I need a translator.”

Octavia followed, her confusion clear in her eyes. “But shouldn’t we be following Twilight?”

“Trust me,” the unicorn answered simply, eyes searching through the crowds once more. After a few moments she located a blue-cloaked nilgiri. She was orange-coated with green tints, and her cloak had a fairly large and complex yellow symbol on it. Upper Crust wove her way through the light crowd, Octavia close behind as she made a beeline for the nilgiri.

“Octavia, what do they call priests in the old religion?”

“Pujari,” the mare responded easily. “Why?”

Upper Crust was going to answer, but her attention was thwarted when two larger nilgiri sporting blue cloaks abruptly blocked her path. Bodyguards, no doubt. She didn’t mind; she took a step back politely, noting that she already had her target’s attention. “Octavia, would you translate for me?”

“Go ahead,” her house-mate answered regally. “Just try not to get us in trouble?”

The unicorn nodded and focused her attention on the nilgiri with the advanced symbols on her coat. “Are you the pujari of the temple?”

The nilgiri’s pink eyes studied her as Octavia translated. She didn’t appear to feel threatened at all. Just curious. “I am,” Octavia translated the answer.

“We are from Equestria, working with the government in seeking answers to the recent disasters,” Upper Crust explained, using her magic to pull out a government letter provided to the team members for situations like this. She floated the letter to the pujari, who studied it quietly. “We were hoping to have a chance to enter the temple.”

The priestess waved to signify she was done with the letter, and answered as Upper Crust set it back into her pack. Octavia translated with ease: “I do not understand what you would hope to achieve by entering the temple, but its closure was not related to the faith of the old gods. The temple has been abandoned for over two thousand years, and its structural condition is unknown. We’re currently trying to raise money so that a proper team of engineers can study its condition.”

“How very forward-thinking of you,” Upper Crust noted approvingly. “I’ll be honest: we can’t figure out what’s causing the waves.”

The nilgiri priestess smiled knowingly. “Perhaps you should look to faith. Have you been having the dreams?”

“Some of us,” Upper Crust replied, glancing pointedly at Octavia.

“Then you should know that the ancient Gods are returning,” the pujari declared. “Riptide is the messenger, heralding their coming. He summons the great waves of the deeps as punishment to those who ignore his call. That is what you should tell the public, as we do now.”

Upper Crust wasn’t here to argue theology and science, and she wasn’t about to be drawn into a debate. “Those of us from Equestria have a belief that if science cannot explain anything, perhaps faith can. We want to include Riptide as a possibility, but to do so we must show those who have hired us that we have truly researched the matter.”

The nilgiri’s eyes widened with happy understanding. “So you would like to visit the temple’s interior, take notes, photographs, the like. As proof of your ‘research.’”

The unicorn raised her head proudly. “We are professionals. We don’t intend to just ‘take a few photos.’ When I say we will be studying the temple, I mean exactly that. Of course, today is just a preliminary look.”

The pujari set a hoof to her chin thoughtful as she listened to Octavia’s translation. After considering the statement for a few seconds she nodded acceptingly. “If your studies will advance Riptide’s guidance, I cannot object. Besides, the temple really is closed off only for safety reasons. If you promise that your team will be cautious within and not harm anything, I will allow it.”

“Then I so promise,” Upper Crust responded with a smile. “You have our thanks, pujari.”

The priestess nodded and promptly removed a band from her arm. “You are most welcome! Take this band and show it to the guards. They will understand. And return it to one of my priests when you are done, please.”

Upper Crust accepted the band happily. “I will, promise.”

She turned to leave, but stopped when the priestess continued to speak. She turned back, but quickly realized that the pujari was addressing Octavia. She sat aside and listened to them speak, noting the cellist’s surprised expression and a blush. The priestess grew excited, though Upper Crust had no idea why. A few more lines later and the Earth mare was writing something on one of the pujari’s bands with a quill in her teeth, blushing as she did. The priestess promptly gave her a hug before letting them leave.

“What was that about?” the unicorn asked as they made their way back through the crowd.

Octavia blushed and glanced away timidly. “Nothing… she’s just… a fan…”

Upper Crust giggled at her friend's unusually shy behavior. “You mean she asked for an autograph?”

The mare was glancing around at all the nilgiri crowded around them, as if expecting all of them to start asking for autographs at once. “I didn’t think anypony knew of me here. I mean, I’m not popular or anything…”

“You should be proud!” Upper Crust declared, bumping her friend playfully with her flank. “You have fans around the world. Why does this upset you?”

“I know, I know,” Octavia muttered with a smile. “I’m just not used to the idea of having fans. That was some nice diplomacy, by the way.”

The unicorn knew her friend was just trying to take the attention from herself, but Upper Crust didn’t mind. “It was nothing. It’s not as though the pujari was against the idea.”

“We have a problem,” Twilight’s voice came to them as the two ponies approached the stairs up the temple. She, Rainbow and Applejack were just reaching the bottom of them. “They’re not letting anypony in.”

“They will now,” Octavia declared happily, gesturing to Upper Crust proudly. “We convinced them to let us in.”

“What!?” Rainbow shouted in anger, “how’d you manage to do that?”

“I asked the head priest for permission,” Upper Crust explained simply. “I saw they were turning visitors away, so we went to ask.” She sent the band to Twilight, who looked as if she’d just made a very silly mistake. “This will tell the guards we have permission.”

Twilight accepted the band, her expression mystified. “But if you knew we couldn’t get in without permission, why didn’t you say anything?”

“She tried,” Octavia answered, casting a lecturing glance at Applejack.

The cowpony grinned sheepishly, rubbing her leg. “Oh… er… sorry about that.”

Twilight facefaulted. “Oooh, I hate to have to go up those stairs again, but if we must we must.”

Rainbow huffed and rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, Daring Do would be disappointed in you! It’s just a few stairs.” All eyes turned on her flying form with a general atmosphere of annoyance. She blushed and flew a little higher, as if to escape the heat or their glares. “Eheh, I mean yeah, climbing stairs, no fun at all. Heh… oh, fine.” She landed at the bottom of the stairs and folded her wings, glowering. “Better?”

“Much,” Applejack declared smugly.

True to the pujari’s word, the guards at the top of the stairs allowed the team to enter the temple when they saw the band. The interior was dark and gloomy, with weeds and vines grown over much of the stonework. Twilight and Upper Crust managed to produce some light via their horns, which only showed that the place really was in a horrid state of disrepair.

“It all seems solid enough, though,” Applejack pointed out with a careful tap of her hoof on the floor.

“Okay, we’re here,” Rainbow noted with disinterest. “Now what are we supposed to do?”

“Look around for clues,” Twilight declared, digging through her saddle bag. She pulled out one book, set it aside, then pulled out another. “I’ve got Rochette’s copy of his father’s history book, maybe it has some information on Riptide.”

“It does,” Octavia noted knowledgeably. She was turning circles and taking in the temple's interior with wide, eager eyes. “No history of Nildia would be complete without references to nilgiri theology, and father was very thorough.”

Twilight eyed her blandly. “You’ve already read the whole thing, haven’t you?”

“Three times.”

“Three times!?” Rainbow asked in alarm. “Why would you read something so boring three…” Her words came to an abrupt end when Applejack set a hoof to her mouth, grinning apologetically to Octavia. The earth pony was too interested in their surroundings to notice.

“Well what would you suggest, Octavia?” Twilight asked with genuine interest.

The cellist thought about the topic for a moment, pausing her fascinated searching to focus. “Well, the book talks about the roles of the Gods in Nildian theology, and there were complicated rules regarding the worship of each god, which makes it impossible for a book on history to cover everything. I do know that Riptide’s temples had six levels in their designs, though the book doesn’t specify which levels are for what purposes.”

“Six levels?” Upper Crust asked, glancing around. “I was expecting more.”

“Riptide could control the seas, but he was only a third-tier god,” Octavia noted smartly. “That’s one of the reasons he was lumped with messenger status. I don’t recall anything stating that he could speak to ponies in their dreams… and come to think of it, he didn’t speak in my dream at all.”

“Now that ya mention it,” Applejack added thoughtfully, “he didn’ say a word in my dream, either.”

“Or mine,” Twilight agreed, perplexed.

“Well that’s odd,” Upper Crust said, “you’d think if he’s a god he’d at least be able to speak.”

“And the Nildian gods did speak,” Octavia mentioned, looking a touch uncertain herself. “In fact they spoke a lot: they were very opinionated.”

“Something’s not right here…” Twilight declared in a suspicious tone, flipping through her book with an expression to match.

“Well while we’re here,” Octavia said smartly, “I think what we should do is look around the temple for any evidence to show that Riptide could speak to ponies or nilgiri in their dreams. Symbols, ornamentation, anything.”

“Right,” Twilight agreed, snapping her book closed with confidence. “We’ll divide up into teams. I’ll go with Applejack to the bottom two levels. Upper Crust and Octavia can take the next two levels. Rainbow, you take the top two, which should be the smallest, and examine the outside of the temple, too.”

"Daring Do is on the case," the pegasus announced with a grin and a salute.

But the task was easier said than done. With only Upper Crust’s horn for light she and Octavia were forced to stick together in the dark halls. It seemed the pujari’s fears for the temple’s structural integrity were well founded, as several rooms were blocked entirely by fallen debris. They found statues and chests and faded murals and ancient words carved into the walls, but nothing remotely suggesting what they were after. At least, that’s what Octavia said; Upper Crust wasn’t really sure what symbols might have what meanings. In a land and religion so foreign to anything she’d ever known her powers of estimation were of no help at all.

At least her companion seemed happy; she had something to say for just about every minute thing they found. What minor goddess did this statue represent, what were her duties and association with Riptide? How did the marking on this mural indicate changes in Nildian culture in comparison to that older one in the next room? The style of the faded paintings on this bowl indicated the reign of a certain deity in Nildian theological history. The mare was a veritable fountain of information; suddenly all that talk about learning and appreciating her cultural heritage didn’t seem like mere talk anymore. Upper Crust could try to keep up.

Upper Crust was still able to estimate time fairly effectively; after about two hours they were greeted by an unhappy-looking Applejack. “You two find anythin’?”

“Nothing pertaining to our duty,” Octavia answered sadly.

“How were things down below?” Upper Crust asked.

“Crummy,” the orange mare replied in a tone not unlike Octavia’s. “The bottom level’s completely cut off, so we couldn’ even search down there, an’ the next one up didn’ have anythin’ worth talkin’ about.”

“Oh there was plenty to talk about on these levels,” Upper Crust noted with a grin at Octavia.

The cellist seemed oblivious to the unicorn’s meaning. “Oh I could spend hours down here,” she declared happily, glancing around at the dark room they were in. “I’d never actually been in one of these temples before and I just can’t believe how much I recall about…”

“Uuuh, right,” Applejack interrupted apologetically. “Hate ta spoil yer fun, sugarcube, but we need ta get topside and talk about wha’s next.”

Octavia pouted at her lost opportunity. “Oh… I suppose you’re right…”

“You can come back later,” Upper Crust offered helpfully, though she had little intention of being around when she did.

That cheered the cellist up instantly. “Yes, that’s right, I can! And the sooner we finish our jobs here, the sooner I get the chance to do so. Come on, ladies, we have a mystery to solve.” And she promptly trotted out into the darkness, leaving Upper Crust and Applejack to give one another disturbed looks.

“Umm… Upper Crust? I… don’t know how to get out.”

Jimmy, bandaged up and still sore, was sitting beside the doorway watching Twilight. The unicorn was almost hysterical, going through her things and tossing it all about in a wild search. He’d learned everything he needed to know: the search of the temple had turned up nothing of use. In Twilight’s words, a very educational but otherwise complete waste of time. And all the mares were blatantly furious at Discord when he returned them to the mansion. He was laughing even as they were literally throwing things at his retreating form.

And now Twilight had her tail in a not over some book that had gone missing. She had Spike helping her search, though he didn’t seem anywhere near as concerned as she did. “Why are you so worried, Twilight?” the dragon asked.

“Yeah,” Jimmy threw in half-heartedly. “It’s a book. You can just get another copy.” He noticed Spike’s frantic head-shaking a moment too late.

“It is not just a book!” the unicorn cried, in his face so quick he had to take a step back in alarm.

“Tried to warn ya,” Spike noted apologetically, “you don’t put down a book when Twilight’s around.”

“That’s not the only reason, Spike,” she declared fretfully. “That book was given to me by Fine Crime. He wrote it!”

“Wait, Fine writes?” the dragon asked, his awkward tone reflecting Jimmy’s thoughts precisely.

“Yes, and he’s very good. He won two Foallitzers,” she announced. “That book was important to him, and he let me borrow what may be the only copy! I have to find it, he’ll kill me if I don’t get it back!”

“I’m still trying to get over the fact that Fine can write,” Jimmy noted thoughtfully.

“More important issues at hand, guys,” Twilight growled. “Oh my gosh, what if I left it in that crummy old temple? Now that I think about it, I might have!”

“Well you could get Discord to…” Spike started.

Twilight rounded on him fiercely. “I am never letting that… that… draconequus transport me anywhere ever again! Ooooh, but now I’ve got to find some other way to get back to the temple…”

“You know Rainbow can reach the coast in under an hour,” Jimmy pointed out smartly, “so she can get to the temple even faster. Just have her go pick it up for you.”

The unicorn beamed. “Yes! That is a great idea!” She practically flew into him with a hug, jumping back at his pained shout. “Oh, sorry! Sorry. But yes, that’s a great idea, I’ll just ask her to fly over there and pick it up. Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Because you were too busy panicking?” Spike replied dully. She shot him a dark look which had him rapidly changing his tune. “Uuh, I mean, you would have thought of it eventually!”

“I’m just gonna head off to bed now,” Jimmy noted, cautiously stepping out of the room backwards.

Everything looked strangely… big. Jimmy didn’t understand why at first. What he did know was that he was surrounded by his old builder logs, which he was carefully piecing together. He was surrounded by massive toy log buildings and houses, all of his own design. He used to love playing with these logs. He didn’t know how he’d suddenly acquired so many, and he didn’t really care: he had his favorite toy back! So he built, and built, and built some more.

A high-rise of logs here, a small hill with a house there. He’d made a bridge so big and sturdy he could walk across it, all with his little toy logs. They weren’t so little anymore…

Of course, he was a colt. He kept thinking there should be something wrong with being a colt, but every time he did he found himself distracted by the urge to make another design.

But eventually he was surrounded by a veritable forest of his own designs, and he was starting to realize something: he wanted to share it with somepony. Not show it. Share it. And that was the moment he understood how utterly and completely alone he was.

He sat in the middle of his massive collection, looking around for somepony, anypony other than himself. “Pops?” He tilted sideways, raising an ear and listening, but no sound came to him. “Ma? Nye?” He suddenly felt very nervous. “O…Octavia…? Rarity…?


He began to wander, his footsteps eerily silent. The ground was flat, plain and a dark grey. There were no walls, no ceiling, no sky or sun, only that same dark gray all around. He would call out occasionally, but there was never a response.

He didn’t run or panic, but the entire time he was wandering he couldn’t fight the quiet, ever growing fear within him. He didn’t like being alone. But this wasn’t just being alone… this was isolation.

After what seemed like ages of miserable walking he finally sat down and sighed, his silver mane flopping over his eyes. He was surrounded by a mass of his own achievements, which he considered true marvels. Other ponies liked them, he knew that much… and suddenly he didn’t care. Everypony liked them. Just them.

He looked up at one of the toy log buildings. This was him. This was his legacy. And right now it all amounted to trash. Very very good trash, but trash all the same. He raised a hoof, intending to merely feel at the building’s hard interior. But as soon as his hoof pressed gently against it the entire building collapsed in a pile of tiny wooden logs.

The pegasus stared at his ruined creation, dumbstruck. “Wha… I didn’t mean…”

He heard the sound of another collapse and turned about to see another building in ruins. And then another fell, and another. “No… wait… stop!” It was no use. He could only watch in horror as all his masterpieces collapsed, one at a time all across existence. Soon there was nothing but piles of discarded, dull, pointless logs.

And Jimmy could only sit there and cry. All his hard work…

“Somepony find me!” he screamed into the drab sky, but the only response was total silence. He bowed his head and wept, staring through his tears at the logs scattered all around his hooves. “…find me… please…”

There was nothing else for him to do. Miserably, without interest, he gathered up the toy logs and started building again.

A castle. It was all done and ready to be displayed… to nopony. He had no interest in his work anymore. It was still a magnificent design, something he might have been proud of once, but now he just stared at it dully. One more masterpiece all to himself…

A shadow came over him. Sniffling, he glanced up to find cyan eyes. It was a mare… an alicorn. A Princess?

“That’s a splendid castle, Jimmy,” she declared pleasantly.

He stood and turned to her, somewhat amazed at her size. His first instinct was to be astonished that a princess was talking to him… and even knew his name. His second?

“Oh thank goddess,” he cried, hugging her leg tightly. “Please oh please don’t leave me alone here!”

The alicorn laughed, the sound music to his ears. “I only just arrived! I won’t be leaving just yet.”

“Never,” he urged, pressing his head against her leg. “I don’t wanna be alone anymore. Talk to me, look at me!”

The princess was startled by his behavior. “Jimmy… whatever is wrong? I thought you enjoyed building…”

“NO!” He jumped back to deliver a buck against the castle, sending it toppling in a clatter of toy logs. “I don’t care about the stupid design. Look at ME! I’m more than just a name on a blueprint!” He collapsed, wailing fresh tears.

Normally he’d have fought to maintain his composure, but he couldn’t do that this time. He didn’t care to try. He just wept and wept and wept some more. He didn’t gain control again until he was all out of tears, and when he finally looked up he saw the princess laying before him, watching with sad eyes. The sight of her still amazed him, though he couldn’t express it properly. He merely wiped his tears away and noted, “Y…y-you’re still here…”

“Of course I am,” she replied quietly. “I wasn’t about to leave you, Jimmy.”

“How… do you know my name…?”

She blinked, leaned back with curious eyes. “You have no idea who I am?”

He shook his head dejectedly. Sighing, the princess shifted so that her horn just touched the top of his head. A soft glow emanated from it…

…and suddenly Jimmy wasn't a colt anymore. He shivered as if he’d just jumped into a cold bath and glanced at himself in amazement. “I… wha…” He looked up at the Princess, still sitting across from him with a soft smile. “Princess Luna? What happened to me…?” He could still remember everything, including his previous amnesia. And it had him completely confused.

“It’s one of the many potential elements of dreams, Jimmy,” she explained quietly. “Your mind was reduced to a… let us refer to it as an older state. It’s perfectly normal.”

“Oh,” he replied dumbly. He glanced around at the endless expanse of discarded toy logs. “So… this is a dream? I didn’t think my dreams could be so… odd.”

“You’ve likely had this dream many times,” she noted patiently, “but merely forgot. Ponies dream often, but forget the majority of their dreams in the process. I can help you remember this one, if you’d like.”

“No!” He shook his head wildly, then remembered who he was addressing. “I mean… no, Princess, thank you. This is a terrible dream…”

She eyed him thoughtfully. “Perhaps it is, Jimmy. Perhaps those are the best dreams to recall.” She cast her gaze over the dull scenery. “Tell me, have you any idea what this dream means?”

Shouldn’t dream interpretation be her job? Well, he wasn’t about to point this out, so instead he examined his surroundings and thought, unhappily, about what he’d seen before her arrival. Slowly he came to recognize how it all made a strange sort of sense. And the more he thought on it, the more he thought of Nye and Rarity and the things they’d tried to tell him before he’d left for Nildia.

And now he felt like crap.

“So,” Luna asked smartly, “was it significant? Or should I let this dream fade into obscurity?”

He sighed in resignation. “I don’t understand how a pony can achieve so much and still be so unhappy… but that’s exactly the road I’m on. No, Princess, I don’t want to forget this.”

A thought occurred to him. “Umm… if you don’t mind my asking… why are you here?”

“Last night I visited some of your teammates in their dreams,” she noted pleasantly. “It would not be fair for me to not visit the rest of you as well.”

“Oh. I didn’t know I warranted such attention.”

She didn’t seem at all pleased by his modest response. “I care for all my subjects, Jimmy,” she announced seriously. “Why should you be less important than any other pony?”

He gaped, realized he was staring and glanced away with a blush. “You… mean that?”

She stood, scowling at him. “Of course I do! I can see why your brother frets over you so much. Do you think I visit ponies in their dreams merely because it is my duty? I wouldn’t deserve my crown if that were so!”

“I meant no offense,” he declared swiftly, afraid of her anger. “I just… until now I’ve never known a princess to…” He stopped himself from completing that sentence, realizing that he’d almost made a grave mistake.

“Yes?” she asked ominously.

He considered his words very carefully. “I understand that your sister’s job is running Equestria’s government, and that keeps her very busy. It just seems at times… like she’s more concerned with governance than anything. So to have you going around personally helping the everyday pony like myself with his personal issues just strikes me as… odd.” A thought struck him, which he had to add. “Pleasantly so.”

Luna raised her head royally. “Celestia cares for her subjects just as I do, but you are correct in your assessment that she’s a very busy princess. She cannot simply take the time to go and visit ponies.”

He tilted his head, not just a little perplexed. “But you do?”

The princess smiled kindly. “I am not so… diplomatic as my sister. Even where that not the case, I am nocturnal, and nearly all the governing ponies of the land are sleeping when I go about my evening. So you see, Jimmy, I do not need to work much with governing Equestria, and can focus my attention on guarding the night.”

The pegasus considered her words for a few seconds, tapping his chin thoughtfully. It all seemed so obvious, but there was still the fact that Luna was visiting ponies in person in their dreams. It made her seem so much more… personal. “Celestia’s the CEO we casual workers never meet,” he concluded. “You, on the other hand, are the project manager whom everypony knows.”

The princess raised an eyebrow, her uncertainty blatant. “I’m not sure I understand the allegory.”

“Nopony sees the CEO, the big boss of the company,” he explained. “Because of that, nopony understands him. His decisions are met with derision and uncertainty. Some ponies even go so far as to think he’s just greedy, and making changes because he’s mean to boot.

“But the project manager is always there personally, checking to make sure things are going smoothly. If there’s a problem, he addresses it. The ponies see his face, know his voice, even come to know him a bit. Ponies are always more likely to appreciate him, because they know his interests are their own.”

Luna didn’t seem any less confused. “I cannot be certain whether you are insulting my sister or praising me. Both?”

He blushed and glanced away anxiously. “Okay, maybe that was a bad example.”

The Princess giggled in her pleasant manner. “No, I believe I understand what you intended. There is a difference between myself and my sister in terms of public perception.”

“Exactly!” He let out a sigh of immense relief. “I was so afraid I might… I don’t know, say the wrong thing in the wrong way.”

Luna’s expression turned wry. “It would seem you and Nye are not all that different, after all.”

Now it was his turn to be confused. “Me and Nye? We’re total opposites!”

“Yet you are both so awkward when you are trying to make a point,” she noted agreeably. “Nye is open and carefree, not afraid to speak his mind. It’s typically only afterwards that he realizes any mistakes made. You, on the other hand, pay careful attention to your words but still seem to… what is that term he uses? Screw up?”

Jimmy couldn’t help being amused by the comparison. “Well we are twins,” he said with tired acceptance, which earned him another giggle.

“I will have to move on soon,” she noted, glancing about at the piles of toy logs all around them.

“Already?” he asked fretfully, but at her regal glance he had to look down shamefully. “I… don’t want to be alone here…”

She nodded in understanding. “You will remember this dream, Jimmy. If you want the nightmare to end, you will have to address the issue which it represents. I trust you understand your burden?”

He glanced up at her through his silver and purple mane unhappily. “I think so…”

“Then the rest is up to you,” she declared firmly, spreading her vast wings wide and hovering into the grey air. “I am sorry I cannot wake you myself, and I really must pursue my duties. But allow me to give you a parting gift…”

She arose, her dark azure form impossible to miss in that unchanging backdrop. He watched her go with a heavy heart, wishing that he could only wake up.

Then, with the sound of shattering glass, she smashed through… thin air? He stood and stared, dumbstruck at the hole that seemed to hover in the world for no apparent reason. Before he could really process what he was seeing a soft glow appeared, and the hole began to widen. It spread out beyond his vision, creating a vast night sky glimmering with stars. And just when the entire horizon in all directions was covered in Luna’s beautiful night he saw grass growing from the hard ground. Within seconds he was standing in a field, the wooden log piles overgrown with vines and flowers.

He glanced around at the pleasant scenery. This was nice and all, and he was truly grateful to the Princess… but he was still alone.

“Well, this is odd.”

Jimmy jerked around at the familiar voice. Not twenty feet away stood a familiar store. It was his own, and Nye’s café was there, too. But what really had his attention was Nye himself, standing outside his café with a bemused expression on his face.

“Hey bro.”

“Nye!” Jimmy paused and looked up at the building behind his brother. Obviously he was still dreaming, so that wasn’t really Nye. Still… he wasn’t alone anymore. Now he really was grateful to the Princess. “I suppose a dream version’s better than nothing.”

“A dream version?” Nye asked skeptically, “what are you talking about?”

“I’m dreaming,” the elder Stone twin explained, not expecting dream Nye to understand. “You’re just a figment of my imagination.”

“You sure about that?” his brother countered smugly. “I thought I was the one dreaming.”

The twins stared at one another dumbly for almost a whole minute. When understanding dawned their response was almost the same.

“You mean you’re the real Jimmy!?”

“Well yeah I’m real,” Jimmy announced, gesturing to Nye in amazement. “How can you be real? It’s got to be sunup by now back in Ponyville.”

His brother waved a dismissive hoof. “Oh come on, Jim, you know I sleep till noon at the very least! But that doesn’t explain why we’re both here.”

“I was… I don’t…” Jimmy’s mind was churning with explanations, but he gradually thought he understood. “I think Princess Luna merged our dreams.”

“She can do that?” Nye asked, glancing around thoughtfully. “Well this is clearly your dream world. I mean, there’s no Rainbow Dash. No mares at all, in fact. Boooring. Why would Luna put our dreams together?”

Because she was trying to help. Jim sat in the grass and grinned, suddenly so very glad he was on her little team. He gazed up at a full moon shining in the sky, large and beautiful, and tried to send his appreciation up to her with his mind. A silly thought, but this was a dream, wasn’t it? Maybe it would work.

“Jim?” Nye approached slowly, face concerned. “Are you okay?”

He looked at his brother, saw his concerned expression. He was genuinely worried. The realization was so incredibly delightful: Nye cared. He always cared. At last Jimmy understood what he really wanted, and it was something similar to this.

“I’m fine, bro,” the pegasus whispered happily. “I think I finally get why you like the Princess so much.”

Nye sat in the grass heavily, looking completely confused. “What are you talking about?”

Jimmy laughed at his brother’s typical response. “Nothing, Nye. You know, when I get back from Nildia I think I might just take a vacation.”

“A vacation? You?” Nye moved forward to set a hoof to Jimmy’s forehead. “You don’t seem to be running a fever. Maybe I really am dreaming you up.”

Jimmy could only laugh and give his brother a big hug.

“Yep, definitely dreaming.”

The library was large. In fact it was downright enormous.

Which was exactly how Twilight liked it. There was nothing she enjoyed more than to sit with Celestia in a quiet library such as this and discuss whatever came to mind. She didn’t get to talk to the Princess very often anymore, so she relished the opportunity. Even if it was just a dream and she was reliving an old lesson, it was a delight to be here.

Yes, a dream. A familiar dream, old and repetitive, but welcome after a hard day like this one had been. She was mildly worried that the Riptide god thing would interrupt once more, but the dream had been going on for some time and she had no reason to suspect that would happen this time.

Which was why she was so surprised when the books in her dream library seemed to come alive and attack! They flew from the shelves, covers slapping loudly as the books opened and closed in an abrupt wind. But the books didn’t attack Twilight: they went straight for Princess Celestia. The Princess, caught off guard, was soon completely encased in a veritable mountain of books, and no matter what Twilight tried she couldn’t get to her beloved mentor.

But these events didn’t scare Twilight, for this was only a dream and that wasn’t the real Celestia. No, she was angry. She glared about the library, just waiting for the demonic Riptide to show up again.

Which wasn’t what happened at all.

“So,” a husky female voice called, “you like books.”

The unicorn jerked about to face the intruder and was surprised to see a strange… thing… coiled atop the book pile. She knew instantly from its appearance who it had to be, but this recognition had her completely mystified, so much so that she completely forgot her anger. “You’re… Tazel?”

The cat-snake hybrid spread her arms wide with a happy grin. “Hey, you know me! Great, that saves me a lot of time.”

Twilight took a worried step back. “W-what are you doing here? How’d you get into my dream?”

Tazel’s grin widened in a way that made Twilight question if she had any bones in her face. She twirled a book atop her finger playfully. “Oh come on, Sparkley, you didn’t really think Luna was the only one who could enter pony’s dreams, did you?”

“That’s Princess Luna to you,” the unicorn snapped. “What do you want? Don’t try to play all chummy or anything, I know you worked with King Sombra in the past.”

Tazel rolled her eyes such that they rotated a complete 360-degree turn, her expression annoyed. “Why are you mortals always so direct? Maybe Discord did me a favor exiling me to that island for all those years.”

“Discord?” This creature was nothing but confusion. “How do you know Discord?”

“That’s not important right now,” Tazel snapped. “For once direct is a good thing. I have a boss too, y’know, and she gets antsy if I don’t report in from time to time.” She grinned and leaned forward with a hand to her cheek, as if conveying a secret. “She doesn’t know I’m here. Ooooh would she be mad!”

“Cut to the chase,” Twilight snapped impatiently, keeping on her guard. She just knew this was going to be a trap. Or a trick. Or… something.

“Fine,” the creature grumbled, clapping her paws together. Instantly a book appeared from the air and landed in her paws. Tazel, her wings beating slowly, floated down from atop the pile to land before the unicorn. Clearing her throat playfully, a pair of glasses abruptly appearing over her pink eyes, she read the title. “The Adventures of Kit and Caboose. Recognize that title?”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “The book! Where did you… nevermind, I need that back!”

Tazel’s snake-like body uncoiled, and in an instant she was tall above the unicorn and glaring. “Excuse me, but I think my interest trumps yours. Now tell me where he is.”

Twilight was caught completely off guard. “Where who is?”

Tazel glared and patted the book with the back of her paw. “Verity Fine! I have to find him.”

“And why would I tell you where he is?” the violet mare demanded forcefully. “What makes you think I know him in the first place?”

At that the creature went from frustrated to afraid. She dropped down to grab Twilight’s shoulders and shake her. “Don’t say that. You have to know where he is, I need to know! Tell me you know!”

Abruptly this creature, whatever it was, didn’t seem at all threatening. In fact, she actually seemed… desperate. Twilight kept her guard up, but eased her tone. “Why do you want to find Fine?”

Tazel slithered back in a curious showing of anxiousness, clutching the book near her chest. Her eyes darted around as if she feared somepony might be listening. “He’s… important to me. I don’t wanna say.”

Twilight glowered and took a deep, calming breath. “And you expect me to help you because of that?” she asked skeptically. “How do I know you’re not out to kill him or something?”

The creature cringed. She seemed so very timid all of a sudden, and it made absolutely no sense at all. “I just wanna see him again.”

“See him?” Now Twilight’s curiosity was getting the better of her. She knew it, and she imagined she’d regret it, but she couldn’t help it. “You mean you’ve met him before?”

Tazel nodded fretfully and displayed the book as if it were evidence. “This book, these pages. I read them. They’re about us! He wrote about me. I thought he’d forgotten after all these years, but it’s all right there!” She clutched the book close once again, her hold on it almost loving. “He’s the only pony who was ever nice to me... the first pony I’d met in hundreds of years. I didn’t have a friend before Verity… or since.”

“Uh-huh…” Twilight didn’t believe this, not at all, but the creature was putting on a good display of sincerity. Enough to at least put a grain of doubt in her mind. “And who are you in the book?”

Tazel showed her the cover and pointed to the name. “I’m Kit.”

“Kit?” The unicorn raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Kit was a bird.”

“You mean this bird?” A clap of paws, a puff of smoke, and Tazel was no longer the strange creature she normally appeared as. Twilight gaped in surprise to see a big, somewhat fat green chick standing atop the book.

“Whoa.” Twilight had to admit she was impressed by the act… if not convinced. “Obviously you can change shapes. That doesn’t prove to me that you’re Kit.”

The chick dropped into a sitting position, appearing both pathetic and cute at the same time. “Please, I need to find Verity!”

Twilight had to shake the strange concept of that voice coming out of the bird’s orange beak. “So you want me to help you? Well then why don’t you help me? Why were you with King Sombra?”

The chick’s feathers fluffed and its eyes wouldn’t match Twilight’s. “Umm… I had to. And… well…”

“And come to think of it,” the unicorn added, her mind piecing things together rapidly, “why do you have Verity’s book? I’m almost certain I left it at the temple in Nildia! So how did you discover it?”

The chick’s tiny head looked about rapidly, as if searching for some sort of inspiration. “Well… maybe… m-maybe I just found a different copy.”

“No.” It all made sense. The thought was astounding, but it seemed the answer to all Twilight’s problems had more or less just fallen into her lap. “There was only one copy, which I forgot at the temple. Which means you were at the temple!”

A puff of smoke saw Tazel returned to her regular form, and she did not look happy. “Listen you little brat, I only wanted to meet an old friend! I’m taking a huge risk talking to you and I’m not leaving until you tell me exactly what I want to know!”

“Forget it!” Twilight took a threatening step forward, horn glowing. “You helped King Sombra. You found my book at the temple. You can enter dreams. You can change your physical appearance. You’re Riptide!”

Tazel’s face froze in surprise, her anger completely gone. A strange sound escaped her throat, as if she were stifling down a rebuttal. The response was all Twilight needed for confirmation. “You’re killing innocent nilgiri,” she growled, taking another ominous step towards her foe. “I’m going to stop you.”

Tazel stared at her dumbly for a few seconds, but then her expression grew vicious. “Stop me? Stop me!? You don’t have the slightest clue what’s really going on. You and your friends and all their precious little dreams can rot in hell!” She flew back, just barely dodging as Twilight shot a bolt of magical energy at her. “I came here with nothing but good intentions. Did it ever occur to you that monsters have hopes and dreams, too!?”

“Yeah, what kind of dreams?” Twilight countered angrily, “to kill even more nilgiri? World conquest? You’re dreams are nothing like…”

“Freedom!” Tazel shouted furiously. “All I ever wanted was to live a life of my own. Verity gave me that for a tiny, precious time in my life, but then it all got taken away from me! I’ve had it with these dream worlds I keep visiting. I’m sick and tired of watching all you stupid mortals chasing after pointless desires that you’ll never achieve! We’ll wash away your dull little lives!”


But Tazel wasn’t listening. She hardly seemed to understand anything at all anymore, except her rage. She clutched at her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as she glared at nothing at all. “I want the voice out of my head, I want to be free, I want to see Verity!” Before Twilight could response the creature flew down and snatched her up by the throat. The unicorn twisted and kicked wildly as she was lifted off the ground and choked. “Why do you deserve to be happy, huh? What did I ever do? It’s not my fault I was made a monster! Where is he, where is Verity, where is my colt friend!?”

A beam of purple energy zapped from Twilight’s horn to Tazel’s chest. The force of the hit sent her flying, and Twilight collapsed to the ground and gasped air. “Wha… wha… what is wrong with you!?” she demanded, slowly sitting up to gape at the monster. “Are you crazy?”

Tazel squirmed on the ground, howling in a fury and serpentine tail lashing about violently. “Yes! Yes, that’s right, call me crazy! I’m crazy! I’m the villain here, and I dared to want something better, so I’m crazy! Loopy! Insane! Bat-shit off my rocker all screws loose one apple short of a bushel just escaped the institution crazy!”

Twilight believed it. She stood and stared, not really knowing how to react to this… thing. And to her surprise she couldn’t help feeling pity.

Tazel’s eyes caught sight of the book. She slithered over to it in an instant, clutching it close and glaring at Twilight as if daring her to try and take it away. “I won’t give it back! I refuse! You want it, come and get it.”

Twilight studied her quietly, trying to understand Tazel’s behavior. “You… you need help,” she noted sadly. “Do you want…”

“Shut up you hair-brained twit!” Tazel tapped her head with a paw, face furious. “There is no help for voices in the head. I’m through playing with you! I almost have the monster under our control, and when I do I’ll use it to wipe out everything! Fuck you, your kindness and your harmony!”

And then, with a puff of smoke, she disappeared.

Twilight stared at the spot where the creature had once been, mixed feelings of anger and pity stirring within. She wanted to wake up so badly. She had the pieces, she knew Tazel was responsible for everything. Something had to be done as soon as possible!

And until she woke up there was nothing to be done about it.

Author's Note:

A few sacrifices had to be made with this chapter. The visit to the temple didn't end at all like I'd planned, an entire scene was skipped over, and I don't like how I started or ended Twilight's dream.

Despite all that, I don't mind because I was able to get a lot of things done with this chapter will being only a little over my personal word-count limitation. So yeah, I'm fine with this. With the changes I made I might actually be able to finish this story in nine chapters after all. However I'm still debating on where to put my special villain's cameo scene...

After winning Random Romance's first contest I decided to consider entering their second. Fortunately I came up with an idea pretty quickly, and it's going to be longer than my last entry. I'll be focusing on that one-shot for a while then promptly get back to No Heroes.

On an entirely unrelated note, I finally saw Equestria Girls. To be honest, I had very low expectations. There were a few points of annoyance, but overall I thought it was very good, proving once again that the writers know what they're doing. I've had the "Help Twilight Win the Crown" tune stuck in my head for quite a while now. Nothing like a good musical scene to get the MLP inspirational gears a turning.

Character Detail: Fine Crime
Real Name: Verity Fine
Species: Unicorn
Coat: Dappled browns
Mane: Carmine Red (but dyes it black)
Eyes: Rosewood Red
Magic Aura: Maroon
Age: 30
Cutie Mark: A pony camouflaged against his coat
Special Talent: Hiding

Fine was the very first character I conceived for this story, and in fact he was conceived before the story itself. As is typical of me, when I first saw MLP my immediate instinct was to devise some silly shipping fic in my head. It was dumb and pointless, as they always end up being, and had no chance of seeing the light of day. But the OC I came up with stuck with me and ended up being Fine Crime.

It doesn't require Sherlock Holmes to guess that the original shipping had Fine and Fluttershy together, and that got re-translated into him coming to her for help. An actual romance between the two is very unlikely... in this story. However if I get the urge I might go ahead and write a sequel piece that details their relationship and how they see one another, and I just might turn it into a romance. But that's a long ways off, as I already know what my next major story in the No Heroes universe will be and it won't star them.

A lot of people think of the best fighters being those who are the most talented mages or the strongest warriors. I for one prefer the combatant who is never seen. I love stealth. Favorite warrior? Ninja. Favorite ranged weapon? Sniper rifle. Favorite ship? Type VII U-Boat. Favorite plane? B-2. Who needs super strength when you can stab your foe in the back? Some say that's the coward's way of fighting, but I just got a headshot. They're dead so their argument is invalid.

Because of these preferences I usually have at least one character in my stories who is capable of all these things, and of course Fine is it for No Heroes. His abilities and his cutie mark were inevitable additions to Luna's team.