• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 3,622 Views, 9 Comments

The Most Perfect Gift - GuyGalProductions

When Fluttershy forgets Rainbow Dash's birthday, she must frantically search for the perfect gift for her special somepony!

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The Most Perfect Gift

Sugarcube Corner was bustling today, most especially in how it was setting up for a party that was to take place. With all the decorations, balloons, tables draped with tablecloths, and other such party paraphernalia; anypony would’ve guessed that it was going to be a huge party. This was especially apparent to Fluttershy as she entered the bakery, carrying her saddlebags on her back. She took in the place, smiling with glee as one of the banners read a big WELCOME HOME, RAINBOW DASH!

A happy jolt of excitement coursed through the timid pony as she approached the counter. Indeed, today was the day that Rainbow Dash was returning home from the Wonderbolt Academy. After having spent a good three weeks there, learning and studying all she could to one day become a Wonderbolt; this was going to be her welcome back/congratulatory party.

Behind the counter, Pinkie Pie was happily serving up customers, all while looking over a checklist that she had sitting on a clipboard.

“Hi, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said, smiling at her friend. “What a lovely setup! I think Rainbow will be so happy!”

“Oh yes indeedy!” Pinkie replied in her usual energetic manner. The pink party pony was literally vibrating with excitement. “I’m not sure I’ve ever attempted something so double fun-tastic, but with so much to celebrate the party must be at least matching in its level of par-tay!”

Giggling, Fluttershy then reached into her bag to produce a little list, “That’s true, there is quite a bit to celebrate. Welcoming Rainbow back, and congratulating her on her success! I can’t wait to see her tonight, I’ve missed her. But I’m so happy for her, she’s come so far since we’ve first moved here to Ponyville. Can you believe it? She’s really coming closer to living her dream!”

“I know! Oh Dashie is just going to be a wonderbolt as sure as my Granny-Pie’s teeth were made of wood.” Pinkie replied with a mirth filled giggle. “And to have her coming home on her birthday of all days! I mean really! The party gods have set before me the most daunting challenge any of us party folk could be given: a double-party!”

“Oh, you’re absolutely right. But it is a challenge that I know you of all ponies would be able to-” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “....W-What did you just say?”

“Oh well as you may well know I am a devout member of the order of the party folk. We who not-so-solemnly uphold the tenets of the hearty party, believe that most super tough kind of parties are double parties!” Pinkie explained, bouncing around Fluttershy as she spoke. “I mean imagine the poor foal whose Birthday is on Hearth’s Warming Eve! How can you give them a party that makes up for the fact that they are supposed to be getting two parties!? Not to mention the gift giving fiasco! Which one’s are for Hearth’s Warming, which one’s are for the birthday!?”

Pinkie punctuated each question by shaking Fluttershy with her fore-hooves. “Which gifts are for what!?”

“No no! Before that! Way before that!” Fluttershy broke free of the shaking, still trying to let the words from before sink in, making sure she heard Pinkie right.

“Oh. Hmm...” Pinkie stuck her tongue out as she thought. “Oh. Oh! It’s Dashie’s birthday today, silly!”

Oh no.

“Th-That’s...what I thought you said...” Fluttershy smiled shakily, looking more and more nervous. “Hee hee... Oh, you got me, Pinkie! Haha! Nice little prank! Oh, you’re too much! N-Now the joke’s over, right? You got me good!”

Pinkie appeared suddenly very serious, a shadow appearing to pass over her features. “A double party is no joking matter Flutters.” Then as suddenly as it had appeared, the shadow passed and Pinkie returned to her usual energy. “Unless its a joking party! I threw one of those once, there was a knock-knock joke on every punch cup! It was super fun-rrific!”

Now Fluttershy’s smile faded as a look of horror replaced it. “W-What?! What?! It’s her birthday?! Oh no... I can’t believe I actually forgot! No no! ...This can’t be happening! I forgot about my own best friend’s birthday! H-How could I? Oh, what kind of girlfriend am I when I forget her birthday? Pinkie, I have to do something! Rainbow is going to be coming home in five hours! I have to get her a gift!”

“Silly filly, no need to worry,” Pinkie wore a kind smile. “Everyone forgets things sometimes, and now you’ve remembered so no need to fret. Auntie Pinkie Pie’s got the party covered so all you need is the gift. You totally have plenty of time to shop!”

Taking a few deep breaths, calming herself, Fluttershy faced her friend once more. “Pinkie... one, I’m a year older than you. Second, I can’t just get any gift. It has to be special. Something that Rainbow will truly want, and can cherish. Something that really speaks to how proud I am and how much I love her... I-I can’t just give her a gift for the sake of giving her a gift!”

“Well, duh, but really Fluttershy, she loves you to pieces! I’m sure the fact that its coming from you will be enough.” Pinkie said, as she extended a comforting hoof to her shy friend.

“I...I know, that’s very true,” Fluttershy nodded a bit, “It’s just that I have to put some effort into it. Not make it seem like it was something I grabbed and wrapped at the last minute. It’s not just about the gift itself, it’s...the thought of it, what it truly means.”

“Then start thinking those loverly thoughts Fluttershy!” Pinkie called excitedly as she began pushing Fluttershy towards the door, in what the party pony clearly believed the definition of a ‘helpful nudge’ to be. “And find her the most perfect gift you can!”

“P-Pinkie!” Fluttershy tried to break free, her wings flapping in protest. “Okay, I’ll go out there, and find her a gift! I have to hurry!”

With all the questions buzzing in her mind, Fluttershy knew what she had to do. Yet, all at once, had no idea what to do. Where could she start? What could she narrow it all down to? Everything was happening so fast, all at once even, and she had five hours to find the perfect gift for Rainbow Dash. A gift to combine welcoming her home, congratulating her, and for her birthday.

Never did she ever have to find a gift like this, to convey all three of those things.

Once outside, Fluttershy contemplated how and where to start. But more importantly, what she could possibly get.

‘Turtle wax for Tank? No...that would be more for Tank than it would be for her. And that’s something I can give her anytime, I don’t need a special occasion for that. New flight goggles? No...I got her those when she was accepted... A new book? No, that’s what Twilight is getting her. An outfit? I’m sure I could-no, that’s what Rarity is giving her. I have to give her something unique! But what?’

Fluttershy slowly headed down the road, biting her lip as she wondered just what she could do. In doing so, she later could see that she was not far from the Golden Oaks library. An idea came to her mind, something that could likely help her with this.

‘I’ll go see what Twilight has to say!'

She trotted over to the library, and promptly knocked on the door.

Moments later, the door was opened by Twilight, who smiled warmly in greeting.

“Hi, Fluttershy! What brings you over here? Is-oh, everything all right?”

“...No, Twilight, it isn’t. Can I talk to you?” Fluttershy said, looking around her nervously. “It’s kind of important.”

“Oh yes, of course,” Twilight replied, worry now etching her voice. Sure, seeing Fluttershy worried wasn’t an unusual sight, but Twilight had assumed that on today of all days she would be elated rather than anxious. “Come on in.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said, going inside. “I was wondering, if maybe...you had advice, or a book, on what to get for a loved one on their birthday. Because I...um...m-may have forgotten... that today was Rainbow’s birthday. And because of that, I forgot to get her something.”

“Oh, oh my.” Twilight looked mildly horrified at the prospect of forgetting an important date, “You know for future reference Fluttershy, you should try and keep a planner or date book. It really helps prevent this sort of thing... Oh but yes a gift... Hmmm...”

Twilight began to mentally comb the shelves of her library. Searching: Gifts. Cross-reference: Loved ones.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, I don’t think I have anything here that can help out you today. Though I recall something from novel... It may have been a Jane Mustang... Briddle and Prejudice... or was it Maresfield Park... about how in olden pony times, one might give their beloved a favor such as a lock of hair, or in the case of pegasi, a primary feather. Fascinating practice really.”

“Oh! Yes, of course...” Fluttershy smiled at this, nodding. “It’s not exactly practiced as much as it used to be. Sometimes pegasi still do it, but kind of like marriage, it isn’t necessary in keeping a couple together. It’s symbolic, more than anything. Um...but I...” She blushed a bit. “We already exchanged our primary feathers...back on our last anniversary...” Her cheeks pinkened all the more as she thought back to that amazing night they’d shared together.

“Oh wow.” Twilight replied, blushing a bit by association. Twilight began to think deeply regarding the quandary before her. She rubbed her chin with a hoof as an idea began to congeal in her mind. “Well... if you’ve already exchanged favors... You should propose! Its only the next logical step in the progression of your relationship, after all!”

The creamy yellow pegasus looked at Twilight with a surprised, yet somewhat contemplative look. She bit her lip, uncertain, especially in how to answer that.

“I....I don’t know... I mean, we’ve talked very little if not at all about getting married... I’m not sure how she would react if I did that...um... It’s true, yes...I suppose the next step would be marriage... I just...don’t know if we’re ready for that, yet... She’s still working to become a Wonderbolt, and I’m not sure even she’s ready. I’d love that, but...maybe it is better if I wait before either of us propose... N-Not that being engaged is the end all be all of it, either! It would be okay if we were engaged, there’s no rule about how short the engagement period has to be! I mean, my parents were engaged for nearly two years before getting married! And I could afford a nice little pendant for her... Oh, I don’t know... I’ll have to think about that...getting married is a big decision and a big step!”

“Yes that is true I suppose...” Twilight’s lips stretched into a thoughtful frown. “Perhaps not something to do without careful consideration.” Her mind went back to it’s encyclopedic search of the libraries inventory, this time expanding it to include periodicals.

“Well I may have one other thing.” Twilight’s voice held an edge of uncertainty as well as something akin to embarrassment. “There are some magazines in a rack by the door, one of them had an article about ‘Gifts to Spice Up Your Love Life.’" Twilight made sure to use her hooves to air-quote the article title. "I would normally avoid such a... dubious... source, but desperate times call for desperate measures”

Curious, Fluttershy went over to the magazine rack in question, selecting one of them. It was an issue of Ponypolitain, which while being a very diverse magazine about many topics; still had the more “spicy” overtones to it. Really spicy. Sure enough, one of the articles was entitled Gifts To Spice Up Your Love Life!

“Um...all right...” Fluttershy lay it down on the desk, flipping through it briefly to find the said article. “...Oh my! Good gracious, these gift ideas are so...so...oh my! Um, no thank you! Our bedroom love life is just fine!” She quickly closed it, her cheeks bright pink...and still tucked it under her wing, anyway. “...Uh...you can pretend I didn’t just say that, Twilight...”

Twilight nodded, her own cheeks a bright pink as well. “Yes well, it’s between you and me and my lips are seal. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Twilight accompanied the Pinkie promise with the familiar motions, though making sure not to injure her eye. “You can have the magazine too. Their so-called quizzes are far from statistically valid, and I don’t really like to keep them around for very long.”

“They’re...guilty pleasures...and sometimes their articles are very informative and interesting,” Fluttershy confessed. “Well, at least now I know a few things I shouldn’t get. Um, I don’t mean to assume, but I suppose you’re giving her a book?”

Twilight looked a bit sheepish but she didn’t deny it. “Well yes, I mean, its a very good one. Technical Maneuvering in High Winds by Gusty Roll.”

“Ooh! She’ll love that one,” Fluttershy smiled brightly. ‘That’s it, isn’t... Appealing to her interests, in our own ways of offering it... I just have to figure the right way to do that...to convey what I hope to convey...’

“Glad to hear it. it wasn’t the easiest book to locate...Sorry I couldn’t be much help when it came to your gift though, Fluttershy.” Twilight said apologetically as she walked Fluttershy to the door. “I hope you can find something wonderful for her.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “It’s all right, Twilight. I understand. You did still try to help, and you listened to my problem. That’s really all you could do. So, thank you for that... I hope I can, too.”

“Good luck.” Twilight said giving a smile. “If nothing else, she’ll always have you. If my studies of friendship have taught me anything, it’s to never underestimate the impact of the mere presence of a friend.”

“...You’re absolutely right,” Fluttershy said, a meaningful look on her face as she headed out the door.



From a few feet away, Fluttershy studied Roseluck’s flower stand, contemplating. She’d given Rainbow flowers in the past, either as a decorative set piece or a snack.

‘It would work as a simple little gift, and probably combined with the “main” gift I’ll give her. That doesn’t solve anything...but I’ll get her some, anyway, I suppose.’

She approached Roseluck’s stand, purchasing a mixed bouquet, which actually included a plastic rose. Because it was a Couples Special bouquet, the plastic rose was meant to symbolize the adorable little phrase: The day this flower dies will be the day I stop loving you.

It was a start, but not much. Fluttershy now wandered around the strip, looking for a potential shop that she could browse about within to find a good gift. Ideas buzzed in her mind, most of which getting rejected or pushed aside due to not having the resources/availability. She barely even noticed passing Applejack’s cart of apple goods.

“Howdy there Fluttershy!” Applejack called out to her somewhat distracted looking friend. “Gettin’ excited about RD’s party?”

“Huh?” Fluttershy blinked, wide-eyed and slightly startled. She looked over at Applejack, realizing she’d been addressed, and nodded. “O-Oh, yes.... I’m just...um...trying to buy her a gift, actually.”

“Well, shoot, that gal is awful tough to shop for...” The cowpony said, cocking an inquisitive brow. “...But I would’a figured you’d have something by now.”

“...It’s...because I’d forgotten...” Fluttershy looked down with shame, her ears drooping.

“Hey there little pony, no need to get all mopey now.” Applejack’s voice was soft and comforting, clearly it hadn’t been her intention to make Fluttershy so dejected.

Fluttershy looked up again, exhaling, “I’m trying not to. It’s just...I have to find the perfect gift for her. It can’t just be something for the sake of a birthday present...it has to be special. I just...I just don’t know what...”

Applejack let out a low whistle and tipped back her hat. Now this was a dilemma. “Well, if it’ll help I can let ya know what I got her.”

Considering it, Fluttershy shrugged and walked over to stand closer to the apple stand. Despite it was likely not quite what she would have in mind, she did still want to see what Applejack was going to get her. She and Rainbow were great friends, having a good eye on what the other liked and a couple of similar interests when it came to competitive sport.

“What did you get for her?” Fluttershy reiterated.

“Well, ya remember when RD helped me demolish that barn? It was ‘round when Twi lost her marbles over that whole tardy business.”

“Yes, I do remember that.”

“Yup, well, I had all sorts of lumber left over from that, so I snagged a nice flat piece from the siding and branded it with Dash’s cutie mark. Figured she could hang it up as decoration or somethin’.” Applejack gave her friend a wide grin. Clearly the cowpony was proud of her creativity.

“That’s....” Fluttershy had no idea what to make of that. Not in a bad way, certainly not. It was actually one of the most ingenious gifts she’d ever imagined. “Wow... That certainly would be a very interesting gift for her!”

“Yup, ain’t much more than charred wood, when you get down to it.” The orange mare extended a hoof, resting it on the pegasus’s shoulder. “But its got memories attached to it, makes it even better. Get what I’m sayin’, sugarcube?”

This took Fluttershy by surprise in hearing it put that way. But the more she thought of it, the more it made sense. She knew full well that Rainbow had a blast demolishing the barn, which definitely was a good outlet for letting off steam. Getting a piece of it as a fun memory would surely mean a lot to her, that much she was certain.

“Yes...I-I do, actually...” Fluttershy gave a little smile. “I think something like that would make her happy.”

“Now ya’ll get along,” Applejack’s lips curved in a kind smile, “You got yerself a gift to find.”

Nodding, Fluttershy then paid her a few bits to buy an apple. Just to have a little bit more energy to keep on going. She was hungry, after all, and had a lot ahead of her to find a gift. All she could hope for was that she would manage to find something that would work.

‘Applejack is right... I really should find her something that she’ll cherish...especially if there’s good memories with it. But what am I going to buy to convey that? A Wonderbolts poster? She has two of those... An autograph from them? No, that’s what I bought for her a few years ago. And she’s met them a few times now... Oh, what am I going to do?’


After yet another hour and a half spent trying to search the stores, Fluttershy had but one option left here in town. To see Rarity. If there was one pony who was an expert in giving things and knowing what would appeal to somepony, it was her. So with that in mind, Fluttershy flew down to the Carousel Boutique to see her friend.

Sure enough, upon arrival, she could see that the unicorn was putting some final, last minute touches to a dress she was making as a birthday/congratulatory gift for Rainbow Dash. It was a light grey number, like a storm cloud, with shortened sleeves and a white sash around the waist, tied in the back in a bow.

“Annnnnnd...” Rarity added a final stitch, her magical aura delicately manipulating the needle and thread. “Perfect! Oh Rainbow will just simply adore you.”

The alabaster unicorn took a step back, admiring her work, and as she did she spotted a something yellow and pink out of the corner of her eye. “Fluttershy, darling, is that you?”

“Y-Yes, it is...” Fluttershy stepped into the room. “I um...well, the dress looks very nice, Rarity. I think you made an interesting choice in making the dress subdued to balance along with Rainbow’s more vibrant colours.”

Rarity offered her friend a coy smile. “Always with the designer’s eye, eh darling? Yes it was quite a nice choice, if I do say so myself. Our Rainbow is simply so bright, and has so many colors in her mane and tail, a nice neutral tone works wonders.”

“Mmm...she’s going to look beautiful in it...” Fluttershy cooed dreamily, now looking off into space.

“Now now, not already imagining it on your bedroom floor are we?” Rarity replied with a musical chuckle.

Eyes wide, cheeks pink, Fluttershy shook her head. “N-No! No! I mean, oh dear... N-Never mind. The point is, she’s going to look fine in that dress. She’ll certainly like it!”

“I certainly hope so,” Rarity replied turning back to the outfit in question. With careful and delicate applications of her magic, she now lifted the dress off of the dress form, folded it, and packed it away in a gift box. “And I do hope I didn’t...um...” Rarity waved a hoof vaguely in Fluttershy’s direction, “...ruffle your feathers too much with my little joke. You just always get a simply adorable look on your face when you are thinking of your girlfriend.”

The creamy yellow pegasus looked from one wing to the other, seeing that they were both completely flaring up. “...I’ll be fine,” she deadpanned.

“Oh, I promise no more jokes.” Rarity replied with a little giggle. “I wouldn’t want to detract from our dear Pinkie Pie’s reputation for inspiring laughter. Now whatever brings you by this afternoon, darling?”

“Well, I’ve been trying all day to find a gift for Rainbow, actually,” Fluttershy admitted, exhaling. “Unfortunately, I’ve checked every available store in town just about, and I can’t find anything. I don’t know what to get her... Especially if it’s something that will mean a lot to her. Applejack said that...part of what makes a good gift is having good memories attached to it... I wish I could find something like that.”

“Well I think she’s got the right idea there.” The unicorn paced back and forth, clearly considering Fluttershy’s problem. “Though... if you’re looking for something of sentimental value, perhaps you’re looking in the wrong place.”

“...Then where do I look?” Fluttershy asked, her ears drooping. “I’m all out of options. At least not without flying out to Cloudsdale or to Canterlot to find more choices!”

“Darling,” Rarity began, her voice calm and collected. “Do you and Rainbow spend all your time in Cloudsdale and Canterlot?”

“....Well, Cloudsdale is our home town....” Fluttershy said, shrugging lightly. “We’ve spent our childhood there.”

“No, no dear. When you’ve made you memories together, it hasn’t always been all over Equestria. It’s been here in Ponyville. More to the point, the objects that mean the most to you would be the objects you keep close.” Rarity turned to face Fluttershy in full once more. “Why not try your cottage, darling?”

Exhaling, the creamy yellow mare gave a nod. “Well, I have no other options. I suppose it couldn’t hurt to look.”

“Yes, Go on! Find your mare something simply splendid!” Rarity seemed to beginning to grow excited at the possibility of a grand romantic gesture. “And hurry along, the party should be beginning before too long.”

“Oh, that’s right! Rainbow will be home in less than three hours! I have to hurry!”

Before Rarity could respond, Fluttershy flew out the window, something she normally didn’t tend to do. She had to hurry, after all, and to search her cottage for what she was looking for. If she’d even find it there. Whatever it was.


“Think think think! Come on, Fluttershy, think!” Fluttershy said to herself, pacing around her bedroom now. “Think...what can I give her?! Everything sentimental in this house is something she gave to me or we bought together... Oh, it has to be something memorable, something she’ll cherish...”

She went to lie on her bed, sighing heavily and staring ahead at the wall. All she felt now was hopeless and disappointed. Lost in an open, rocky terrain with no map or clear direction. Fluttershy rolled onto her back, then on her side, then her back again. Nothing was working. Everything was just a maze to her right now.

Hearing a small sound, she looked down at the floor, seeing Tank approaching her slowly. She smiled a bit at him, getting off the bed and sitting in front of him on the floor.
“Hi there, Tank...” She said softly, patting his head. “You must be anxious, aren’t you? Rainbow will be home soon... You must be missing her.”

The tortoise gave very slow nod of his wrinkled green head. Upon finally reaching his other-mother, Tank reached his head out slowly clearly on his way to nuzzle Fluttershy.

“Yes... I missed her too, as you know,” Fluttershy giggled. “And I forgot her birthday... I can’t even find a good gift for her. She’s going to be so upset.... But I’ll just have to tell her the truth when I get to the party.”

Tank began to turn his head to give the pegasus and inquisitive look, though the motion took several moments to complete.

Sighing, Fluttershy stroked his shell gently, “I just...wanted to give her something special...but now I’ve run out of time...and I can’t find anything even sentimental. There’s nothing more I can do, Tank... I’ll just have to face the music. As scared as I am... But she at least deserves the truth, and the last thing I want to do is lie to her.”

The tortoise lifted his gaze towards Fluttershy’s bedside table, his eyes alighting upon a collection of photographs that stood there. A feeling of excitement washed over him suddenly... relatively speaking of course.

Noticing his gaze shift, Fluttershy followed it. “What are you looking at, Tank? Those photos? ...What about them?”

She went over to her bedside table, overlooking the few photos there. Nothing much about them, just special photos from the past. One in particular, however, caught her eye. Fluttershy studied it, then brought it close to see it better.

“I remember this... This is one of our favourite photos together...” Fluttershy smiled. “The frame is a little...worn, though. But I think I have a knitted frame I can put this in....it seems to be the right size. I guess I’ll-”

The creamy yellow mare stopped, as if cut off mid-sentence. Silence, moreso than usual, befell the room. Fluttershy stared at the photo, as if it could give her answers, a feeling of amazement coursing through her.

“Of course! I know just the thing to give her! Tank, thank you! You’re a genius!” Fluttershy hugged him, nuzzling their noses, before she fled downstairs to locate the knitted frame in question.


When Fluttershy finally arrived at Sugarcube Corner, she was dismayed to find that she was a little over twenty minutes late since the party started. She entered the bakery, slowly and quietly, hoping not to draw any attention to herself.

Then again, it was a fun and intimate party between the six of them. There was no way they wouldn’t notice that she wasn’t there and was late.

Upon coming inside, it was Pinkie who immediately spotted her.

“Oooh! There you are, Fluttershy! Hey, girls! Look who’s finally here! Dashie! Dashie! Look! Fluttershy’s here! I told you she’d come!” Pinkie announced, as if they needed to know.

There across the room stood Rainbow Dash, triumphant in her return from the Wonderbolts Academy. At least, that’s what anypony would have expected to see. Its true that there stood Dash, but the look upon her face was not one of aloof triumph, but rather one of purest excitement. Her eyes sparkled, so complete was her vision of glee that one could have never guessed that until that second she had been anything but. Distracted and fretful, despite her return and her friends, Rainbow had spent every other moment staring at the door, searching for the one absent member of their group.

“Flutters!” True to her name, Rainbow dashed over to her girlfriend, embracing her in a warm hug. She nuzzled her warmly, the extended absence eroding any worry at being so affectionate around their friends. “What took you?”

Almost immediately, remembering that within all of her worry, she did still miss Rainbow so much; Fluttershy hugged her back warmly. The warm, joyous feeling washed over her as she melted into the wonderful embrace of her lover and best friend. After three weeks, she now could recall how much she’d missed the little things they shared together. Now to have it back, her heart soared.

She didn’t respond for a few moments, only nuzzled and snuggled into the cyan pegasus with great loving affection.

“I’m sorry, I lost track of the time...” Fluttershy responded apologetically.

“Yeah well, don’t do that again.” Rainbow chided playfully, pulling away just enough to look into the teal pools of Fluttershy’s eyes. The sight made Rainbow’s lips quirk into a smile, and when she spoke again her voice was soft and full of emotion. “I missed this. I missed you.”

“Oh...and I missed you too, Rainbow...” Fluttershy cooed, and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday...and welcome home... I-I can’t tell you how proud I am of you... You made it this far, and I’m so glad for you...” She had to fight back tears at this proclamation, as it stirred the emotions within her.

“Couldn’t have done it without all the support you’ve given me, all the cheers, all the everything.” Dash smiled, despite all that she had accomplished, as wonderful as it was, she was glad to be home, glad to be with friends again. With a soft laugh she threw a glance over her shoulder, and noticed that all eyes were now on the two pegasi. “That goes for all you gals too, thanks for everything.”

“You are sooooooo welcome, Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing on the spot. “You came at a good time, Flutters! It’s time for Dashie to open her presents!” She indicated to a nearby table that house a few wrapped up gifts.

“Who needs presents,” Rainbow replied, turning once more to stare deeply into Fluttershy’s eyes. “...I just got what I wanted the most.”

And with that Rainbow gave her girlfriend a deep passionate kiss. It was the kind of passion born of long separation, and the kind of kiss that satisfies body and soul.

All at once, the timid mare was swept away, right off her hooves; a fire burning her heart like a snowflake in a fiery grip. Fluttershy melted into the passion and kissed her back with as much fervency as she could muster. While the past three weeks had been far from terribly lonely or sorrowful, it didn’t take away the mild sting of separation. But it did truly make her heart grow fonder. A kiss like this was truly the very epitome of why a return from a period of absence was truly amazing.

Forelegs curling around the future Wonderbolt’s neck, Fluttershy uttered a tiny moan of pleasure between kisses. Her entire body was on fire, yet bursting all at once, filling her very being. Heart pounding, stomach twisting, she fell all the more into their heated kiss.

Giggles and cheers sounded from their friends, despite that their pegasus could really hear them.

“Ya know...” Rainbow whispered with a bit of a giggle as she broke their contact. “I think this is one activity I’m not the biggest fan of having a cheering section for.”

With a soft giggle, Fluttershy nuzzled their noses, “Yes... I think you’re right... Um, we can always...just...seek more privacy after the party. If you want, of course.”

“You know I want to.” Rainbow whispered, that was after all for Flutters’s ears only. Dash’s eyes gleaming with the possibility of future mischief. “Well, while we wait for that... Perhaps we should do presents.”

Heart leaping with excitement, Fluttershy nodded, “Sounds good to me.”

“Okay, you silly lover birdies!” Pinkie said, coming up near the two. “You’ve had your romantic reunion! You can save the rest for later! Now it’s time for some more party fun!”

As the party wore on Rainbow did get the opportunity to tear into her presents. Each one bringing a smile to her face. A piece of wall art from Applejack, lovely if unexpected. A book from Twilight, now that wasn’t a surprise, but still wonderful. The same went for the dress from Rarity. From Pinkie, Dash received a rather ornate box for “putting all kinds of stuff in!” Though at the moment it held some of Dash’s favorite candies.

Then the moment came. Dash turned expectantly towards her Fluttershy, a grin stretching her lips. “So, Flutters...your turn.”

“....Well, here you go... It’s not much, but...I hope you’ll like it...” Fluttershy smiled, handing her the small little bag.

Rainbow smiled as she took the bag into her hooves. Without preamble she removed from the bag a rather intricate picture frame that had been decorated with a knit applique. Clearly this had been among the many items of Fluttershy’s astounding and, until recently, secret collection of knitted creations. It wasn't the frame, though, that caused Rainbow’s breath to hitch in her throat, but rather the picture it held.

The photo was one taken back when they were fillies in Cloudsdale. Both of them were embracing tightly, sitting on a cloud balcony with an amazing landscape in the background. The shot was candid, clearly taken by one of Fluttershy’s parents. Bright, happy smiles were etched along their faces as they grinned at each other, as if nothing could’ve been better.

Etched along the bottom of the frame in knit were the words Best Friends Forever.

“Its...” Rainbow felt tears begin to well up in the corners of her eyes, “Its...perfect... just perfect.”

“...Really? You like it?” Fluttershy felt a grateful, relieved smile overcoming her features.

“How could I not?” Rainbow said incredulously embracing Fluttershy as tightly as she could. “I love it, and I love you Fluttershy. With all of this thing in my chest,” She placed a hoof over her heart as a smile played at her lips. “You know, the one that goes thump-thump.”

Tears pooling in her eyes, Fluttershy beamed brightly and embraced her back. “Oh, Rainbow, I’m so glad! I love you too, and I’m happy you like the gift...”

Rainbow couldn’t have imagined a more perfect moment. Sharing an embrace with the mare she loved. A beautiful memory given new life in wonderful way. All the while, she was surrounded by friends celebrating the realization of achieving another step on her path to living her dreams.

Although she knew that she would likely have to admit her little mistake eventually, all Fluttershy could do now was enjoy the moment. The fact that Rainbow liked her gift, that much even, was all that she needed right now. Even the chorus of “Awwwww!” from their friends didn’t deter her in the slightest. It was an accomplishment she could truly feel proud of; giving her best friend and the mare she loved the perfect gift.


As Fun as the party had been, like all parties, it had ended. Now Rainbow and Fluttershy were touching down outside of Fluttershy’s cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest. A stiff breeze blew through the trees and caused the pair of pegasi to shiver slightly. Though spring was coming to a close, the nights could occasionally muster up a chill.

“Let’s say we get on inside,” Rainbow said as she nuzzled her mare. “After you.”

“Thank you, Rainbow...” Fluttershy giggled, stepping inside the cottage and smiling at her brightly.

Rainbow followed soon after, though as she stepped through the door a mildly troubled expression appeared on her face. “Hey Flutters...Something’s been bugging me... What was the real reason you were late? I mean I know you, and I know sometimes you do lose track of time, but you wouldn’t for this. Not for me coming home.”

“I...oh....” Fluttershy felt a jolt come to her heart as she realized just how right Rainbow was. Especially in how she knew her all too well. “...I won’t lie to you, Rainbow...not about this. The truth... I....had forgotten that it was your birthday.”

Ears drooped, she looked down at the floor in shame, feeling her heart sink to her stomach.

Rainbow wore a somewhat weary expression, but her brows were knit in confusion. “That’s... well that sucks, but still doesn’t explain why you were late.”

“...Well, um...the thing is...after I realized it.... I also...didn’t have a gift for you. And I just, well, couldn’t make it any gift for the sake of giving you one. A gift requires a lot of thought, effort, and...meaning. I wanted to give you something special, something...something I knew would be perfect for you. So I spent hours, all afternoon...trying to find you a good gift. But I came up with nothing. Nothing was right! When I came home later on, I had some ideas, but no clear path to begin at. But then...thanks to Tank, I found it. That photo was on my nightstand all this time. All I had to do was replace the frame, and I knew it’d be a perfect gift for you. It’s a wonderful photo, I had two copies, one in an album and the other here. So, I decided to give it to you.... I knew you loved this photo, so I knew...it was perfect for you. That’s why I was late. I was putting the finishing touches to the frame.” Fluttershy explained, not looking up from the floor.

A comforting hoof found its way to Fluttershy’s shoulder. Another hoof came to rest under Fluttershy’s chin, beckoning the timid mare to lift her gaze.

“Its okay Flutters,” Rainbow said, her voice soft as a cloud. “Yeah it kind of sucks you forgot my birthday, but that’s nothing really, not when it comes to us. Don’t get me wrong on this, I appreciate all the grief you went through for my gift, and I absolutely love it, but it would have been okay if you didn’t have anything to give. Just you. That’s all I needed. So next time, if you can’t find anything don’t worry, as long as you’re there for me, that’s what matters.”

Dash gave Fluttershy a tender little kiss on the lips to punctuate her speech, before adding in a markedly different tone. “Besides it’s not like there’s nothing we could have done together, privately, that wouldn't have made me forget all about a silly little gift~”

Blushing immensely, the timid pony felt a surge of relief overtake her. She giggled a bit, soon delving into sweet laughter. Maybe Rainbow was right after all. Sometimes, just being there for somepony on a special day meant more than a gift. A gift was always a nice gesture, but it definitely wasn’t the priority.

“You’re... You’re right, Rainbow... I just really wanted to show you how proud I am of you, how much I love you, and to wish you a happy birthday...” Fluttershy murmured, embracing her warmly.

Rainbow returned the embrace, and gave her girlfriend a squeeze. Though as she held her close, she whispered breathily in her ear. “Like I said I can think of more than a few way you could have done that... and now that we are alone, how about we try a few out? I can tell you one thing about the academy, not a single lick of privacy. So let’s just say I have been really looking forward to this.”

Blushing immensely, Fluttershy caught the meaning of her words. She brought her forelegs up around her neck, kissing her face gently. “Oh, I can imagine... Well, we certainly have all the privacy we need here... I’ve missed this, sometimes it feels empty without you here. And I especially had a few methods to feel better... But it certainly doesn’t feel like the real thing, shared with you~”

“Then its time to break the dry spell!” Rainbow said excitedly, taking wing and literally sweeping Fluttershy off her feet. “And since you’ve already given me such a wonderful gift, how about we start with me giving you a little something special.”

Leaving behind a streak of rainbow, the future Wonderbolt disappeared up the stairs with her very special somepony. She was of course, all too eager to partake further in the most perfect gift- Fluttershy.

Author's Note:

We hope you like our first story! We wanted to start things off with something simple and cute to get the ball rolling. Plus, to give a little reversal. You know how most stories like this have Rainbow being the one to forget? Well, how about Fluttershy making that little error?

Thanks for reading, you guys! As always, feel free to comment your little hearts out!

Comments ( 7 )

After reading the description I knew this would be adorable and now I see that I was totally correct :yay: Looking forward to more from my 2 favorite Flutterdash writers.


Nice and gentle with hints dropped here and there, good job guys :yay:
This is a good flutterdash fic :rainbowkiss:

wow... this was great.

When I was reading the hints at the end I was like :rainbowhuh: Then I caught on and started giggling like a child :rainbowlaugh: Love this story

From what I see people are saying I should give this a read one day... one day.

D'awwwwww! This was such a cute story!

I figured the story would be good. But I have to say, based on Fluttershy's discussion with Twilight, I was expecting Rainbow Dash to propose at the end.

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