• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 15,813 Views, 703 Comments

Left 4 Derpy - Edmar Fecler

Derpy finds herself in the zombie apocalypse with four humans.

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Chapter 3: The plan

Left 4 Derpy

Chapter 3: The Plan

Ditzy sat atop the table on her haunches and watched as Bill and Francis discussed how they planned to escape the city. Louis and Zoey had volunteered to guard the steps leading into the apartment in case any other zombies found their way up.

For the past hour and a half, Bill had briefed Ditzy of what was going on in the apocalypse and how to cope with most situations. Now he was arguing with Francis, who thought that bringing the pony would somehow end up getting them all killed.

“…Francis, I don’t care about your gut or what it’s telling you.” Bill continued. “Ditzy is a survivor just like you and me. I’m not leaving her here to die, and that’s final.”

“I’m telling you, it isn’t a good idea to bring it with us! Besides, how would it even defend itself? In case you haven’t noticed, it doesn’t even have hands. It’s not like it can use a gun.” Francis replied sarcastically as he pulled out a pistol and tossed it on the table beside Ditzy.

Bill paused and thought about Francis’s rebuttal. That hadn’t crossed his mind yet. Just how was Ditzy going to defend herself if she couldn’t use a gun? Neither of them noticed Ditzy as she picked up the pistol and began fiddling with it. If a gun was out of ammo or unavailable, Bill knew to use… “A melee weapon! Ditzy could use my Katana?”

Francis looked at Bill with a very flat look on his face. “Bill, it still doesn’t have hands. How is it supposed to hold your sword, huh? With its teeth?”

“That’s how I usually hold things back home.” Ditzy spoke up as she stopped fiddling with the pistol for a moment. “Pegasi and earth ponies don’t have magic, so we usually hold things with our mouths. But, how did you know that Francis?”

Francis glared at her in irritation for a moment as he tried to think of a clever come-back. “…Pfft, magic is for little kids. Everybody knows it doesn’t exist.”

“It does in Equestria. Does it not exist here?”

“Uh, duh. Isn’t that what I just said, or were you too slow to catch that?”

Ditzy was taken aback by the very rude comment and lowered her head down. Bill gave Francis a hard push in the shoulder as Ditzy began fiddling with the pistol again.

“What the hell was that for?!” Francis grunted as he shot Bill a scowl. “It probably is slow! Just look at those freaky eyes!”

“It’s a medical condition” Ditzy whispered quietly as a tiny tear crested her eyelid. She sniffed and rubbed it away before anyone could see it. It wasn’t her fault that her eyes were permanently loopy; she was just born that way.

“Damnit Francis, don’t be an ass!” Bill said angrily as he interrupted her thoughts.

Francis huffed as he picked up his shotgun. “Screw you.” He concluded as he strode over to the door with Zoey and Louis. “Zoey, go tend to the little shit. I don’t know how much longer I can stand being around that thing.”

Zoey eyed him sternly before heading over to the table and sitting next to Ditzy. Francis was always in a bad mood, but ever since Ditzy had shown up he was becoming more and more hostile. Zoey wrapped an arm around Ditzy and tried to comfort her as best she could. Bill grumbled to himself a bit as he kicked the ground from frustration. “Damnit… Francis is going too far with this. He’s overreacting, and it’s really beginning to piss me off!”

“Calm down Bill.” Zoey began as she rubbed Ditzy’s shoulder. “The last thing we need right now is you getting angry.”

Bill sighed. “Yea, you’re right. It’s just that he can just be so infuriating sometimes.”

“I know.”

“So, are you feeling any better Ditzy?”

Ditzy sniffed and looked up to the old veteran. “Yea, I guess I’m ok. I guess I’m used to being called names after all this time. So, what were you talking about before? Something about me being able to defend myself?”

“Oh yea.” Bill continued as he pulled out his Katana. “Do you think you can hold this in your mouth and use it as a weapon?”

Ditzy placed the pistol down beside her and hopped off the table. “I can try.” she replied as she walked towards Bill, who was holding the handle out for her. She gripped the padded handle in her jaws and lifted it into the air. She had to bite it from the side, so the blade stuck far out to her right. Normally this would cause her to lose balance and stumble over, but the sword was surprisingly light weight. Bill took a step back to allow her some room to swing the blade. She swiped it back and forth a few times until she found a few different moves that didn’t hurt her neck. After a few more swings, she placed the sword on the table. “Yea, I think I can handle it.”

Bill gave her a nod. “Good. You’re going to need all the help you can get when we come across another horde.”

“Besides,” Zoey began, “If you don’t feel good about killing them, you can always imagine that they are Francis. It’s what I do sometimes.”

“Damnit Zoey!” Francis cried out from the door.

“What can I say? At least you’re helping in a sense.”

Francis grumbled under his breath. Zoey ignored him as she turned back to Bill. “Well that takes care of that. So now what’s the plan on escaping the city?”

“Nothing has come to mind. I don’t think we’ll survive much longer if we continue towards the city limits, but all the military evac stations have been destroyed.” Bill thought to himself about how to escape the dead city as Ditzy picked the sword back up and continued practicing.

* * *

Another half-hour passed as the group continued thinking of a way to escape the doomed city. In this time, Ditzy continued honing her skills with the katana. She had found that the sword did not affect her flying, and begun practicing some moves while in mid-air. She was in the middle of a complex loop-de-loop when she heard a strange noise approaching. It wasn’t long before the other survivors heard it as well. The four humans stopped what they were doing and began looking up into the sky as if they were searching for something.

The sound was growing louder as Ditzy placed her sword back on the table and walked over to Bill. “What is it?” The veteran waved a hand to hush her as he continued scanning the skies for the sound’s source. Ditzy furrowed her brow a bit and walked over to Zoey, who answered her without delay.

“It’s a helicopter, which means there’s a chance that we’re going to get rescued.”

Bill looked over to Zoey. “Shhh! I think someone is talking over its intercom!”

Sure enough, as the sound grew louder a voice could be heard shouting out to the city. Then the dark outline of something flying came around the side of a building off in the distance. The second it came around the building, the four humans began jumping and shouting at it with enthusiasm. Francis even let off a few rounds into the sky in hopes of grabbing the helicopter’s attention. Ditzy, however, still was not sure what exactly this helicopter was, but she took Zoey’s word for it and began hollering at the thing off in the distance.

What they were doing must have gotten the helicopter’s attention, because it began flying in their direction almost immediately. The voice coming from it paused for a moment before shouting out twice as loud as before. “To anyone who can hear this; proceed to Mercy Hospital immediately. I repeat, proceed to Mercy Hospital immediately. There is a helipad on the roof that I can land on and a CB radio for survivors who make it to contact me with. I say again; proceed to Mercy Hospital for evacuation!”

The message repeated itself as the helicopter flew by the survivors at rooftop. Ditzy got a glimpse of the flying metal machine and its pilot as it passed by. Francis dropped his shotgun and ran to the edge of the roof and waved his hands wildly as the helicopter passed by. “Come back here and pick us up damnit!” The helicopter continued flying away. “Shit! Why the hell didn’t he stop and rescue us?!”

Bill stopped waving his arms and walked over to the table. “I don’t know, but at least we have a plan now.”

“Oh yea? And what’s that?”

Bill paused. “Are you deaf Francis? He clearly said he was rescuing survivors at Mercy Hospital,” he continued as he pointed towards a skyscraper in the distance that had a giant greenish-blue neon light at the top that read ‘MERCY’. “All we have to do is make it to the helipad at the top of the hospital and call for him to pick us up!”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Louis chimed in as he walked up to the table next to Bill.

Zoey walked up to the table next. “Same here. So how are we going to do it?”

Bill pushed Ditzy’s sword to the side and unrolled a map across the table. Ditzy stood on her hind legs and looked across the map as she propped her forelegs on the edge of the table. “Ooohh, what are all those little red squares?” she asked in a very curious tone.

Bill smiled at her. “These are safe houses that we know about, he began as he pointed to one in particular. “This one right here is the one that we’re at right now.” Francis walked up to the table across from Ditzy and crossed his arms as Bill continued. “Safe houses are buildings or areas where the zombies can’t get to us. There are usually some leftover supplies like ammo or weapons that other survivors have left behind.”

Ditzy looked up from the map with a touch of concern in her eyes. “What about food?” Someone’s stomach gurgled almost as loud as a boomer’s, but she couldn’t tell who it was.

“There’s… not usually any food left behind,” Bill continued solemnly. “And whatever food is left behind has usually gone bad by the time we get to it.”

“Haven’t you tried looking for any?”

“We have,” Zoey spoke up, “But we’re never able to find any before we have to hide in another safe house. Even if we did find any, we’re burdened down enough as it is. We can’t afford to haul around all these weapons and a few dozen pounds of groceries as well. We just wouldn’t survive.”

Louis set his Uzi down on the table. “Basically, we haven’t gotten a decent bite to eat for almost a week now, and it doesn’t look like we’re gonna’ get one anytime soon. Sorry.”

Francis huffed a bit. “I hate shopping. I can tough it out longer than any of you sissies anyways.”

“Francis, you’re just as hungry as we are and you know it,” Bill said flatly as the conversation finally got back to him. “All we can hope for is to get rescued as soon as possible. The military is sure to have something to eat, but we need to get to them first. Now like I said before, we are here,” he continued as he pointed to the same red square as he had before. He slowly dragged his finger over to an outline of a large building which also had a little red square in it.

“And Mercy Hospital is here. It would be best to stay off the streets as much as possible. We don’t need any more attention than we already have, so I think we should work our way through the subways to the safe house here. From there we should find a way into the sewers, which will take us the rest of the way to the hospital. Then it’s only a matter of getting to the roof and calling the pilot to pick us up. Everyone understand the plan?”

Everyone nodded in agreement. Francis, however, uncrossed his arms and turned to Bill. “The sewers, Bill? Are you serious?”

“Do you have a better idea?”

“Yea, I do. Why don’t we just take the subway all the way to the hospital?”

“Because the Red Line North doesn’t go anyplace near the hospital Francis. If you had actually used the subways instead of that busted up motorcycle, you would know that.”

“Hey! I’ll have you know that motorcycle saved my life!”

Louis chuckled silently under his breath. “Yea, by blowing up and catching that tank on fire. Good thing the tank smashed it and not you, huh?”

“Hey you shut up Louis! That bike was closer than family, and it sacrificed itself to save me!”

“Right. Whatever you say, man.”

“So we’re all in agreement then?” Bill interjected. Everyone, including Francis, nodded as Bill rolled the map back up and tucked it back inside his army-green jacket. “In that case everybody suit up. There’s a subway station just down the street. We can get fresh supplies there before we start towards the Hospital, so let’s grab whatever is left here and get ready to go.”