• Published 12th Jun 2013
  • 1,463 Views, 45 Comments

His Vector Grey - Darkryt Orbinautz

Sequel to Her Void Pink. Twilight's and Pinkie's relationship is a secret, but Spike's curious to know what's been driving Twilight so nuts lately.

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His Vector Grey

Chapter 4


Spike had his back to the door, Twilight's breath heaving from her nose into his. He tried to reached for the doorknob, but it was locked, and in his panic, he couldn't think to move his claw up and unlock it.

Twilight pushed her hoof into his neck, pinning him to the door. Ooow! Was she normally this strong? He struggled and flailed for all the good it would do.

"Stop flailing and take your punishment like a mature dragon!" Twilight snapped at him.

"I'm not a mature dragon!" Spike yelled, half-hoping his admission of such might persuade Twilight to go easier on him.

Twilight gestured her neck to the cake pan. "I know that. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this problem."

Spike started hyperventilating. He had never been spanked before, and he had only heard vaguely about it, but from what he heard, it was not a pleasant experience. Ironically, it was just then his salvation came- and from his stomach, no less.

He belched out a plume of emerald flames that turned into a misty vapor, which itself turned into a floating scroll, embossed with the royal seal of Canterlot.

Twilight alternated a glare between the scroll and Spike. She took her hoof off Spike's neck and focused on the scroll, using her magic to unfurl it. She mumbled the words on it as she read them.

Spike turned around and began fiddling with the door's lock. Then he felt a painful weight on his tail.

"Where do you think you're going?" Twilight inquired, pressing the weight of her leg onto his tail while at the same time never taking her eyes off the letter.

Spike just stood there, waiting anxiously for Twilight to finish the letter so he could get this over with it. Although, he was starting to think about how the Princess had somehow managed to send a letter just in time to interrupt . . .

"Aaaah!" Twilight swore after she had finished. "That letter wasn't even important! There was nothing in there that couldn't have waited until we finished your punishment!"

Twilight picked Spike up off the ground, his head hanging upside down while she held him by the tail.

Yeah. She definitely wasn't always this strong.

Twilight stared at him for awhile as he bobbed back and forth from his perch.

"Uh . . . Twilight?"

"I'm trying to decide whether I want to use a tool or my bare hoof." Twilight explained. "We don't have a paddle, so . . ."

"We do have wooden spoons!" Spike pointed out, thinking maybe if he helped, Twilight wouldn't hit him as hard.

"No, no .. . those are too . . . too . . ."

Spike waited for a minute as Twilight trailed off into silence.

" . . . Too?"

"Too spoony."

What!? Spike exclaimed in his head. What did that mean, and what weird alien planet did Twilight get that word from? A wooden spoon is too . . . spoony to spank him with? At this point, he was starting to question whether or not he really did anything wrong, and if Twilight was just crazy.

Deciding she probably was, Spike decided not to take this lying down (or whatever position Twilight intended to put him in . . .)

He turned his head around and belched out a fireball on the door, burning a hole through. The unexpected release of fumes startled Twilight into dropping him. Seeing his chance, he jumped through the hole he made in the door and started running down the stairs.

"You're only making this worse on yourself!" Twilight shouted at him through the door. She backed up, then rammed the broken door with her horn, flinging it open.

Spike huffed and puffed as he ran down the stairs. He could Twilight's hoofsteps right behind him. When he got the end of the staircase, he jumped to put more distance between them. Just in time, as well, as Twilight attempted to pounce on him, but missed him and slammed her face into the floor.

His window of opportunity to get away was cut short by Twilight levitating him into the air with her magic. She turned him around so they face each other and stomped towards him. She growled. Spike flailed his limbs until one- his leg- hit her horn, thus disrupting the flow of her magic. She rubbed her horn sorely while he made his escape.

"I'm going to hit you extra hard for that!" Twilight shouted at him, shaking her hoof in fury.

Spike ran like his life depended on it. Of course it kinda did, but not really. While a spank may hurt, it wasn't lethal... unless a medieval mace was used for a paddle or something. Spike didn't think Twilight was that far gone...yet.

Ducking into a broom closet, he slammed the door shut and sat down, instinctively putting his thumb in his mouth and sucking on it despite having out-grown the practice years ago. While uncommon, it wasn't unheard for a pony (or young dragon, in this case) to regress back to abandoned behaviors when deep in fear.

The broom tassels covering his eyes were kinda soft and nice. Perhaps not much, but they were good comfort in his current frame of mind.

Suddenly he heard a high-pitched whining sound. A floating bluish orb phased through the door and regarded him curiously. That was kinda weird. He raised his claw to poke it, and it seemed to recoil his from his touch and draw back on the outside of the closet.

Then he heard the doorknob clatter, and his heart stopped. The door pulled open, and he could see Twilight giving him a raised eyebrow.

"You do realize, with my magic, there's really nowhere in the library you can hide in for long?"

That was a good point . . . Spike raised his claw and swatted the broom that fell over his face, making it smack into Twilight's face. While she attempted to disentangle herself from the cloth, he dashed out and ran past her. He would've feel bad about it in any other circumstance, but this would be the exception.

After removing the broom from her face and attempting to spit out loose hairs from it, Twilight turned towards him and growled, holding the broom in her hooves.

"Get back here!"

Running as fast his little feet could waddle him, Spike ran into the bathroom on the level of the library they were in. Once they were in there, he crawled up the sink and pulled open the mirror, which doubled as a cabinet for assorted supplies, mostly in the realm of antacids and hair or scale treatments.

Spike huffed and puffed, trying to catch his breath while waiting for Twilight to come for him again. His plan was to use the mirror to smack her in the face, hopefully catching her off-guard enough for him to get out of the library as a whole.

"Spike!" He could hear her scream from another room.

The bathroom door was flung brutally open, and there she was, right on cue, still snarling, huffing, and fuming. It was like he wasn't even dealing with Twilight, but some sort of shock trooper infantry sent to mete out his punishment.

"Look, Spike." Twilight said, trying to sound like she was being reasonable, but Spike knew otherwise. "The longer we do this, the more we prolong your punishment. So if you can give up nicely and quietly right now, we can do it and be done with it. Doesn't that sound fair?"

"Uh..." Spike stuttered. Twilight abandoned her facade and stomped forward, growling deeply. Spike jumped out of the cabinet just she lunged forward at him, using his tail to swung the mirror into Twilight's face. He could hear the glass shatter, and felt it tickle at his haunches as the shards went flying. He hit the ground with a hard "Ooof!", and rolled over on to his feet, feeling pretty good about himself, as that went exactly the way he planned it for it to.

"Oh my gosh!" Spike exclaimed, seeing Twilight covered her face with her hooves, little bits of glass sticking out of her sides. "Twilight, are you okay?"

Twilight slowly, and surprisingly calmly, pulled her hooves down to show her face, which also had quarter-inch shards poking at it, and a few open cuts here and there...but she was obviously still furious at him.

"I'm going to apply some medicine, and when I get done, not only I am going to spank you extra hard, but I'm going to spank you twice. " She glanced around the room and levitated some tweezers to herself. As she turned to the remnants of the mirror to pick the shards in her face out, she gave him a polite suggestion. "Why don't you take the time to get a head start before I start chasing you again?"

Spike nodded and took the suggestion straight to heart. Dashing out the room with his every reserve of speed, he blitzed through the hallway so fast he nearly skidded into the staircase. Although he managed to break early enough to avoid that collision, he couldn't relax, as Twilight would soon be chasing him again. He didn't notice Owloyicous perk up at the sound of his feet going so fast across the room.

Spike ran through the next room, hoping to get to the library entrance and bolt out into the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity would forgive him any transgression when she heard his tale of woe about how Twilight was planning to spank him.

He could already hear the sympathy in her voice now . . . "Well, isn't that grand! If you ask me, it's light punishment for what you did to Sweetie Belle!" . . . wait, that wasn't sympathetic in the slightest! Oh, whatever. He would think more about it once he had actually gotten out of the house.

The door was just a few steps ahead now. . . another few steps, just one more burst of speed. Another dash, bolt or blitz and he would be home free.

A fireball of reddish-purple magic whizzed past his head and hit the doorknob dead-on, causing a coat of bluish ice to wash over the doorknob. He looked over his shoulder and to his horror, saw Twilight standing there with her teeth showing, having applied some ointment to her face and picked clean all the glass.

"Trying to run away? I can't believe you. After all the time I spent raising you, educating you, feeding you when you were too young to do it yourself, and you want to run away from home because of one little spanking?"

Spike decided not to correct her on the obvious oxymoron in one 'little spanking'. It was true, that Twilight was essentially his mother...

"Fine." Twilight growled, flailing her legs to show her dismissal of him. "Run away from home. See if I care!"

Spike blinked, wondering if maybe he alienated Twilight so badly with the eating of her pie that she wouldn't have minded him running off, never to be seen by her again.


"No!" Twilight hissed. "You're a baby dragon! Your claws are barely sharp enough to cut paper, and you can barely breath fire! I can't let you run off by yourself!"

Twilight stomped forward, the unnecessary effort she was putting into her every step making the vibrations in the floor turn into an echo which made Spike even more afraid.

"But at the same time, I can't let you go unpunished for eating Pi- my friend's cake."

Twilight reared up before jumping at Spike with all her strength. Spike barely managed to skip to the side and avoid her so he could go running back into the foyer. He heard her scream in frustration as he rushed towards one of the other rooms of the library. He got there in time before she could recover and catch up with him, and he didn't notice Owloyicous fly into the room with him as he slammed the door behind him and locked it. For all the good it would do.

Spike panted and huffed. He was really starting to run out of energy, and needed a break. Twilight, however, seemed like she just keep going on forever until she caught him and bended him over backwards for his punishment.

"Hoo?" Owloyicous hooted, making his presence know.

"Owloyicous!" Spike exclaimed. "Oh, thank Celestia you're here! Twilight's gone crazy!"


"Twilight, that's who! I got hungry, and I ate a cake of her's that she made for a very special friend of hers, and now she's trying to spank me!" Spike put his claws together and got down on his knees. "Please! You gotta help me! You just gotta!"

Owloyicous put his wing to his chin in thought. Spike's heart started skipping beats, going miles a minute, thinking that Owloyicous was having to think about whether or not to help him. He had no idea that, in actuality, Owloyicous was thinking about Twilight's very special friend . . .

With a hoof and a flap of his wings, Owloyicous flew out the window, leaving Spike alone.

"Oooh!" Spike groaned, crumbling to the floor in a fetal position. He started sucking on the tip of his tail the way he did when he was just recently hatched. "Great . . . first I hit Sweetie Belle, then Rarity tells on me to Twilight. Then I eat the cake, Twilight's going to spank me, and the owl has ABANDONED ME! Why couldn't I have just ate the sapphires!?"

Spike decided to look on the bright side.

"Well, at least it can't get any worse."

The ground holding Spike up shook like an earthquake had hit the place, and he tensed up. Getting back to his feet, he peered out the keyhole to see Twilight approaching the room, walking in slow, deliberate, forceful steps to really drive home the idea that was the end of the line.

Spike threw himself against the door and used his claws to pull down his eyelids. Perhaps if he kept them closed and didn't say anything, it would be over sooner.

He heard the door squeak open . . . but not the one he was hiding behind, as he could still feel himself pressed against the door.

"Pinkie Pie!?"

Spike got up from his slump and peered through the keyhole again. Twilight was utterly stopped in her army march by the appearance of Pinkie Pie, who at present, was kissing Twilight on the side of the neck. The pink pony looked like a vampire, draining the blood from Twilight, her unwitting victim.

What Spike found most bizarre out of anything, was that Twilight seemed to be enjoying it, her eyes blank and uncaring, her mouth half-open. Sparkles seem to be floating in front of her face like she was hypnotized. There was a pop like a balloon being pierced as Pinkie pulled her lips away.

Twilight sighed, any and all traces of frustration or outrage vanished in their entirety. Twilight nuzzled into Pinkie's chest, and Pinkie ran her hoof along Twilight's locks.

"Pinkie Pie . . . my sweet treat. Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"

Owloyicous appeared, landing into Pinkie's mane with a sort of 'Pomf!' noise.

"What's this Owloyicous is telling me about you trying to spank Spike?"

Twilight's face contorted wildly, like this was the first she had heard of any spanking. "W-what? Oh . . . oh, now I remember . . . " Twilight put her hooves over her head as everything came back to her. "He . . . broke a promise he made me! He-he needs to be taught a lesson!"

Pinkie raised her eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! He ate a cake I was going to give to a-a friend after I specifically told him not to!"

Pinkie adopted a face of utmost and total suspicion, with doubt clearly written into her features. "Would this friend be . . . me?"

Twilight collapsed onto her haunches, the way she did when she was overwhelmed.

"Y-yes." Twilight admitted, her eyes starting to moisten at all the implications she was thinking of.

"So you are sure he needs to be a taught a lesson?"

"Yes!" Twilight snapped, latching onto the first indication she could have been in the right in any way.

"Agreed . . . but are you sure spanking him is the way to do it? Are you sure . . . you're not just angry you made something special for me that you can't give me because of him, and you're taking it out on him?"

"No . . . " Twilight whined, speaking shamefully low in her humiliation.

"I was spanked when I was a foal." Pinkie revealed, putting her hoof against her chest. "I wouldn't wish that on anypony."

"Oh . . . " Twilight's had begun to cry freely by now. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry. This whole time, I was telling Spike he was the problem...but he wasn't. The problem . . . is me."

"Apology accepted!" Pinkie declared happily. " . . . But I think you and I both know I'm not the one you need to apologize to."

"N-no." Twilight admitted, wiping her tears away. "C-could you get him for me? Given what I nearly did, I don't think he'll want to see me right now and I . . . would feel the same." Twilight pointed to the door. "He's in there."

Pinkie smiled and nodded, going over to the door.

Spike pulled back from the door, realizing Pinkie would figure he had been spying if she found him right up against the door.

The door opened, and there was Pinkie. She was smiling kindly. "Hey, Spike."

" . . . Hey." Spike said, struggling to understand the interaction he had just saw between her and Twilight.

"Twilight's calmed down now. She wants to apologize."


Spike nodded slowly at first, and he continued to nod slowly, his mind still hung on what happened before. The way Pinkie's kiss seem to just drain Twilight of all coherent thought.


"Huh!? Oh, yeah . . ."

Pinkie maneuvered to his side, and wrapped her leg around his shoulders as she guided him towards Twilight. Twilight was looking away, at the walls, the hall, the light bulb on the ceiling...anything but meeting his gaze.

"Spike . . ." Twilight spoke once Pinkie had pushed him close enough to her. "I am so sorry I lost control like that. I just- I just really wanted to give my friend something special, so when I couldn't . . . I just blew up. Can you ever forgive me?"

Spike was much too relaxed that he wasn't going to be spanked to really give any thought to Twilight's plea. After a moment, he got over it and started thinking about what she said. Given that she was his mother, after all, he could easily forgive her for quite a lot of things . . . but he decided to have some fun with it first.

"I don't know . . ." Spike drawled, cupping his chin. "You did scare me pretty badly when you said you were going to spank me."

Twilight's jaw dropped, but she pulled it shut and stomped off with her tail swishing. Pinkie seemed most distraught.

"Ooh, please forgive her, Spike?" Pinkie beseech-ed him. "She didn't mean it!"

"Well..." Spike said haughtily, raising his claw. It was then that Twilight returned, stomped on Spike's foot, making his mouth hinge open like a trash can, and shoved so many sapphires into his mouth that his cheeks had to bulge out to hold them all in.

Spike closed his mouth and attempted to start chewing. He hugged Twilight, who hugged him back. "I forgive you!" Spike yelled, although it was muffled.

"What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?" Twilight snapped at him, though he could tell she meant it in jest.

They all shared a good laugh together. After they finished, Spike lowered himself to the floor to work on trying to swallow the load of sapphires Twilight had force-fed him. It meant a lot for her to choose to feed him sapphires, after all the drama they just went through. While he sat there, happily enjoying himself, Pinkie and Twilight locked eyes.

Pinkie offered her hoof. Twilight bowed and took it like a gentlecolt, gently taking Pinkie by said hoof and steering her towards the kitchen.

"C'mon. Maybe we can make a new cake together, and it'll taste better when we both work on it." Twilight whispered to Pinkie.

Pinkie giggled. "Probably. Besides, I should make sure you didn't put a love potion in it!"

Twilight was incredulous at the notion. "Pinkie Pie, how can you even say that!? You know strong my magic is...if I used a spell on you . . ."

"Yeah . . .if you used a spell on me . . ." Pinkie muttered, looking away.

"I would never do that." Twilight whispered, nuzzling into Pinkie's neck. "Your love is so sweet, and tastes so delicious... I wouldn't want to corrupt the taste like that. Teehee! It-it means too much to me for me to use a spell on you."

Twilight really didn't seem to understand how scared Pinkie was by her causal joking. Pinkie valued her independence a lot more than Twilight seemed to realize. Twilight didn't think too much of it; didn't all their friends know her well enough she wasn't the type to resort to artificial love?

Spike eventually realized he been left alone, and looked down the hallway to see Twilight's tail wrapped around Pinkie's. Pinkie's tail appeared to be hesitating, but eventually wrapped back around Twilight's.

Spike scratched his head in confusion as he continued enjoying his sapphires.

What was going on between those two?

Author's Note:

I like the idea of Pinkie being afraid of Twilight using a spell to charm her.