• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 4,375 Views, 57 Comments

Soft Kitty - Sam Cole

Twilight impersonates Opal to prank Rarity, but problems arise

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Pt 3 of 3: I ran out of Soft Kitty Puns…

Chapter 3: I ran out of Soft Kitty Puns…

It took Twilight a full five days to be released from the hospital, and by then she was still in a cast with a broken fetlock, broken nose, three shattered ribs, and a bruised larynx. Not to mention her shorted horn that made it difficult to do her day to day tasks, but that was what it took. In the end she was just happy to be back to her old body once more. But now that she was out, she had a few ponies to visit. Like the five friends that didn’t come to see her in the hospital. Twilight wanted to run straight to Rarity’s, but she was too scared, so she settled on Rainbow Dash first.

But therein lied the problem. Twilight thought it would be easy, but alas, nothing was going to be easy today, was it? “Rainbow Dash?” Twilight called to a random cloud. But like the last few, this was looking like a bust. “Rainbow Dash? If you’re up there, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just… I don’t know what to say anymore.”

“Well, for one thing,” Rainbow chided from behind Twilight, “You can quit talking to the clouds. I’m right here.”

“I’m so s-” Twilight began as she faced the prismatic mare, but was stopped half way through.

“Twilight, sorry won’t cut it. If you hadn’t been as fast as you had been, I would have died. So thanks, but next time, learn some self control.”

Twilight hung her head as she listened to the mare take off again. Well, that was better than I was expecting. At least she didn’t- Twilight was cut off in her train of thought as a baggie of catnip landed at her hooves, Rainbow laughing as she sped away. “Figures.” The mare turned about now, ready to track down the next friend, only to find they had tracked her instead.

“Hey Twilight,” Pinkie smiled.

“Hello Twilight. It’s good to see you up and about.” Fluttershy added.

“How did you two find me?” Twilight asked, looking between the two slowly.

“You’ve been yelling at random clouds around town for like fifteen minutes.” Pinkie chided. “How could we not find you?”

“I must look like a wreck, girls.” Twilight groaned, hanging her head.

“Just a tad, but we were expecting that.” Fluttershy offered as comfort. “How are you feeling now?”

“Everything hurts. Girls, I’m sorry about everything that happened. I truly am.”

“Hey, it’s not the first disaster Ponyville has been through.” Pinkie giggled. "Strangely enough, our insurance covers this sorta thing around here."

“I’m just glad everyone is alright,” Fluttershy nodded. “Well, mostly…” She corrected, taking stock of Twilight.

“I still feel bad though…”

“You’ll forgive yourself in time, Twilight,” Fluttershy assured. “We have to go. Take care.”

“Here,” Pinkie said with a smile as she passed Twilight a simple smoothie. “Take care girl.”

“... Wait? How am I supposed to walk with this?!” Twilight snorted as she had to sit and wait to finish the drink so she could use that leg again. It rather irked the mare to be down not just her magic right now, but one whole leg as well. Her time wasted, the mare carried on, winding eventually into the Market district to see Applejack and Spike. Spike clearly had a large bag of groceries, getting ready for Twilight’s return.

“Hey Twilight!” The dragon greeted as Applejack gave a polite nod her way.

“Hey Spike. Thanks for getting the groceries. Hello AJ.”

“Hey Twi. Glad to see ya on yer hooves for a change. Now ah’m kinda hurtin fer some sales today, so Ah hate to do this, but Ah gotta be short.”

“I’ll take three gala apples then,” Twilight smiled as Spike produced the bits and Applejack gave her the produce. “I’m so sorry about everything.”

“Tain't nothin Twi. At least ya stayed clear of the farm,” Applejack smiled. “Besides, ah’m not the one ya should be apologizing too.”

“I know, she’s next…” Twilight sighed.

“What about me? I had to clean up the library!” Spike interjected.

“Where were you when she attacked? You could have prevented the whole thing with one letter to the Princess, after all.” Twilight asked.

“Wow, look at my wrist, I gotta go!” Spike said with a glance at where a watch should be for future reference as he picked up the groceries and bolted.

“That’s what I thought!” Twilight called after Spike. But the levity of youth faded fast for the librarian addressing her friend. “I have to get going. Wish me luck…”

With a chime of a bell, Rarity set aside her measure and turned to greet her patron, only to find the last pony she wanted to have words with. “Welcome Twilight. So you’re finally out of the hospital? Good.”

“H-Hey Rares… H-How are-”

“Don’t.” Rarity snorted. “You lied to me. You spied on me. And you almost got me killed due to your negligence. I know you came here to apologize, so just be done with it, alright?”

“I- I can’t. I don’t know enough words to properly tell you how broken I am about the whole thing. I- I hurt you,” Twilight sobbed, her breath catching as she heaved. “And I hate myself for it. I wish there was a better way to say it. A better way to say I’m sorry, but there isn’t.”

“Well, that speech is pretty effective,” Rarity sighed, coming close enough to fully see Twilight’s tears. As much as the mare would try to deny it, the sight still stung at her, and by no small margin. Maybe that was why she floated over a hanky to dry those tears. “But why? Why did you do it?”

“At first it was a prank…” Twilight admitted shakily. “And once that was done, I swore I’d be done with it all. But then, I came back because- because of Spike.”

“Spike?” Rarity recoiled. “What do you mean by that?”

“You were telling him how you didn’t love him the same way he loved you…” Twilight admitted, painfully at that. “I’m sorry, I never meant for all of this to happen. I was just...”

“Twilight, were you spying on me? Yes or no.”

“Not intentionally… at first,” Twilight muttered as Rarity groaned. “I tried using Opal to get a clue what to get you as a present once, at random. But it backfired…”

“Then what were you doing in Opal that many times?” Rarity asked as steadily as she could.

“You had to work, so I’d slip into Opal, just to be in the same room. To hear your voice. I fell in love with listening to you sing while you worked. With watching you create a new masterpiece! I fell in love with- with you, Rarity…”

“Thank you for your honesty, Twilight. But unfortunately, I cannot forgive you so easily.”

“I figured as much…” Twilight began to cry, turning her head to the door

“Let me finish.” Rarity snorted. “If you want me to take you back, there have to be some changes.”

“Name it. I’ll do anything for you, Rarity.” Twilight pleaded, turning back eagerly.

“First, you owe me a new cat. Opal has been charged as a pony actually, once word got out that it was a spell you were writing that took a tragic turn,” Rarity explained off hoof.

“Consider it done. And- and thank you…”

“For what, Darling?” Rarity asked genuinely, stopping her rant.

“Thank you for covering for me...” Twilight nodded.

“Hmm. Well, while it was not a bright idea, you still had nothing to do with Opal’s delusions of grandeur. So consider it a gift.” Rarity nodded, resuming her act of indifference. “Now I’ve blathered on long enough. For your second promise, you will never spy on me again. I appreciate what you were trying to do, but leave me my privacy. It’s hard to trust somepony that has been inside your house, watching your most private moments after all.”

“Trust me, I learned my lesson.”

“And third, I want you to promise me that those spells are gone from the library. The mind swapping ones, the destructive ones, all of it. I don’t want Sweetie walking in one day having just learned Destructos Imperium.”

“Unders- Wait, how did you learn the name of the spell?” Twilight asked, showing that while still banged up beyond belief, she was still clever when she needed to be.

“Let’s just say a little birdy told me,” Rarity smiled as Twilight gasped.

“You used the spell?”

“Even if I did my dear, I wouldn’t tell you,” Rarity smiled a sly smile, till she shifted into a more serious tone. “But despite that, I’m very disappointed in you, Twilight. Keeping something that dangerous around. I understand that the spell is extremely difficult, but you are not the only pony in Equestria that is good at magic. Next time we may not be able to stop them with a ball of yarn.”

“I understand, Rarity. I’ll make sure those books end up in the Canterlot Archives post haste.”

“Good. And finally Twilight, you betrayed my trust. It’s going to take time to heal, but you’re on the right track. We’re not over by any means, but you’re still in the doghouse.”

“As long as I have you, I’ll manage,” Twilight smiled.

“Now go home before you make me forget my unrest with you completely,” Rarity said in a mock tone of dismissal.

Twilight smiled and staggered to the door, only stopping once there to smile back at the mare. “I love you, Rarity.”

With a sigh, the white mare shook her head. “Damn you, Twilight. I can’t let you go home in that condition. Now come here and rest up. I’ll go fetch Spike. You just get a good nap till dinner time,” Rarity chuckled as Twilight beamed and took up the closest seat. “Oh, and Twilight? I love you too, my little Twi-Kitty.”

Twilight smiled goofily as she laid down on that cushion, letting her more than depleted reserves close her off and get some slumber all her own. The mare instinctively curled up in a ball as best she could, her soft snores sounding almost like purrs to the right ears. Rarity smiled as she closed the door and began to walk away.

With a small chuckle, Rarity recalled an old song. It was simple, but catchy, as all songs should be. So before she could ponder it further, she allowed the words escape in a most beautiful manner.

“Soft Kitty/ Warm Kitty

Little Ball of Fur

Happy Kitty/ Sleepy Kitty

Purr, Purr, Purr.”

Comments ( 24 )

...is it wrong my first thought was "sequel"?

You forgot 'pussy'

"It took Twilight a full five days to be released from the hospital...Like the five friends that didn’t come to see her in the hospital"

Twilights friends are dicks. It's one thing to be upset and angry, its another for not one of them to even visit.

Poor Twilight, so much pain in her heart. At least she'll be able to start healing. Rarity too, she must feel so hurt by Twi, but she still loves her, again though she can heal. A wonderful story, can I assume from what Rarity said that Opal was put down?

4171445 Or maybe in a pound or something.

Nice poem. Calm, simple, great.

4171445 Nope, the opposite actually. She was charged as a pony, which means jail time for the little villain.

Good story is good.... Thanks for writing it. I believe you have done a good job... :pinkiehappy:

4173204 Opal is jail oh if she gets out of jail she will go after the Mane 6 :pinkiecrazy:

AND then Rarity learns the mind-swap spell and uses it on Owlo-whatever-the-hell to get back at twilight :rainbowlaugh:

......or with spike :pinkiecrazy:

4171426 Yeah I expected Rarity not to. but it's not like it was Twilight's fault that Opal went crazy, plus AJ and Dash convinced Fluttershy to stop helping during a dangerous situation because they assumed it was all a prank.


Ooh, nice idea for a sequel.

4183329 which one though? Owl or Spike? :rainbowkiss:

Love makes us do crazy things and crazy love plus already crazy ponies equals a entertaining story. :twilightsmile::heart:
On a side note, what would have happened if Twilight was aiming for Flutters heart using Angel bunny, mass ponycide or him/her seducing Golden Harvest (Carrot Top) for her assets?:rainbowlaugh:

4217256 Rhythmic, if you write it, I'll read the hell out of that idea. That sounds like comedy gold amigo.

4217276 I would rather leave that idea to someone who knows how to funny.:pinkiesmile:
Any takers? :trollestia:

“First, you owe me a new cat. Opal has been charged as a pony actually, once word got out that it was a spell you were writing that took a tragic turn,” Rarity explained off hoof.

Spike saw Rarity enter the library, "Just stay away Rars, You two are mares are totaly messed up, I'm movin back to Canterlot ." He shook his head.
"Gosh you wrecked the town, Now Twi & you ?, Come on first it's stalions now mares , BUT nooo' Dragons? and you call yourself open minded? That's just messed up."
Spike grabbed his sack & bags , "See ya later when you get your stuff togeather" He sighed
"Luna said this stuff would happen with a town full of mares gettin on the rag at the same time" Spike waddled down the stairs.
Rarity let out a squeek "I'm sorry Spikie poo" She batted those big blues at spike,"Please?"
Spike looked at Rarity with fire in his eyes. "Do you know who has to clean up around here?" Spike took a deep breath "ME!" I file all the insurance clames. File & send the reports to Celestia," Spike closed his eyes "Scroll after scroll sent, File after File FILED" All the Library books reordered ,shelved and refriggin reshelved all because I have a CRAZY BOSS!"
Rarity wimpered "I didn't know Spikey Wikey" A tear ran down her muzzle." Just didn't..." IT's Not Yours to know" Spike added "I feel for you Rarity, I do,
Rarity just stood trembling at the sight of Spike waddling across the room set to leave, She opened her mouth"Spike I love..." "Yeah I know Twilight" spike blasted
She finished "Both of you,Twilight & you"
Spike looked at her "It's not the same is it?" Spike looked at the floor "I'll always be an assistant to both you crazy mares"
Rarity cooed "You'll always be my favorite Dragon"
Spike continued to waddle out "I'm the only Dragon in town"
Rarity planteda kiss on Spikes snout stopping his exit. "Please Spikey Wikey don't go"
Spike set his bags down and grabbed his ear spines "When will I ever learn?":facehoof::moustache::raritystarry:

When I started this, I kind of thought it would be really stupid. I was not disappointed to find that not only was it not completely stupid, but it also was a really good story. You also had some pretty funny stuff in there. Good work!

4171407 We cats abhor that use of an older name upon our therdans (Present-tense feline neutral possesive, we have more rules for our language than the spanish, french or germans combined)
Please cease and desist
~Feline management and ambassadorship office of the lunar empire

this was the strangest story ive ever read.
i love it.

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