• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 2,231 Views, 36 Comments

Discord And Spike Go To School - Zinger

Spike never got a proper education, thanks to Twilight and Discord just never went. Now Twilight faces a disappointed Celestia and Discord faces the wrath of the Stare.

  • ...

The Notice

At Fluttershy Cottage


"Where are you running rabbit? I just want to play." Discord said as he sent bolts of magic after Angel. "You think you can put my claw in hot water? Only I can do that!" Discord said as he cornerd the now hyperventilating bunny. "I think I´ll turn you into Jello." Discord said in a calm tone.

"Now prepare to be Lime." Discord stated as his talon began to glow. " No I wi..."

knock knock knock

Discord turned his head towards the door. " A visitor?" He turned to Angel. "You expecting anyone?" Angel just looked at the chaos spirit in suspense. "I guess not, COMING." He said in a sing song voice. He snapped his talon and poofed in front of the the door. "Who is it?" Discord said as he opened the door. To reveal nopony.

"Not funny." He exclaimed in a dry tone. He looked around until he noticed a piece of paper laying on the ground. "Hello there." He said as he picked it up and began to read. "WHAT, no no no. Never." He yelled as he crumbled it up and popped it in his mouth.

"Ha to actually think that someone as old as me would go to school." He said with a mouthful of paper. He swallowed and sighed " Out of sight, out of my life." He said as he sat on the sofa. *yawn* "Dang, I´m tired. I'll just take a nap until Fluttershy gets back." He said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

40 minutes later




"Discord, Discord, time to wake up." A soft voice said.

"Wa...wa..What." Discord said in a groggy tone. He peeled open his eyes to see Fluttershy. " Greetings Fluttershy how was your trip? Did you meet any bronies?"

"A what now?"


"O um Discord?"


"I got a letter starting, that your going back to school." Discords eye's bulged. "Aren't you excited?" Fluttershy asked in a happy tone. Discord was about to answer when he heard the sound of laughter. He turned to see Angel rolling around.

"Why...you." Discord said with a scowl. He turned to Fluttershy and smiled. "I don't see the reason, for me to go to school. I´m edgumacated." He said with a proud smile.

"Um Discord, it's pronounced educated."

"What ever." The Draconequus slumped his lion arm around Fluttershy. "You see Flutters, I can't go because well I don't want to. And you can't make we so HA!" Discord ended in a teasing tone.

"Discord please, it's for your own good."

"No." He said as he crossed his arms and moved away from Fluttershy.

"DISCORD" She said sternly. "You need to go, it's for your own good. I will make sure you'll go."

"How in heaven s will y........" He turned around and was caught off by Fluttershy starring. "Phhff, HA,HaHa." Discord began to laugh. "You really think?" He just looked at her as she still held that look. "Stop that."

* No change*


*No change*

Discord sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll go, but I won't like it."

Fluttershy smiled and gave Discord a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Ya Yahoo." The Draconequus said as he patted her back.

At Twilights house

"One hundred." The young Dragon said as he placed the last volume on the shelf. He hopped off the ladder to admire his work. "Now I'm done."

"Spike!" A female voice yelled out.

"Yes Twilight?" Spike bellowed back.

"Can you get me volume 88-95? I need them!"

Spikes jaw dropped. He faced clawed like no other creature face clawed before. "Coming Twilight." He said in a slightly ticked tone.

Spike turned to the towering bookshelf. The young dragon could already feel the pain in his back. "Please almighty Fausticorn, answer my prayer. Make something happen so that I don't have to get the books out." He prayed. He looked around nothing. " *Sight* Well time to get to it, I guess." He said in a sad tone.

He began to scale the ladder, as his stomach began to rumble. "O my *belch*" He said as he belched a puff of green smoke causing him to fall off the ladder. A mound of books fell on top of him as well.

The dragon quickly shoveled his way out of the avalanche. He looked around to see a scroll. A bright smile spread acrossed his face. "Fausticorn be praised!" He looked towards the hallway."O Twilight I got a letter from the princess."

"What!" A voice said followed by rapid hoofsteps. He looked to see the form of Twilight. "What´s it say?" She said in a rush tone.

Spike held up a finger to signal one moment. He cleared his voice and began to read. " Dear my faithful student Twilight Sparkle it has come to my attention. That Spike hasn't got a real.Blak lak laglaglag." He said in a nervous chuckle and tried to hide it behind his back.


"N-nothing it ended there. She must be tired, you know old age and that jazz. It's nothing." He said in a rush as he tried to leave the seen.

Twilight horn glowed as she pried the scroll away and began to read.

"Twilight noooooo!" Spike cried.

"*gasp* Spike I'm so sorry please forgive me." She said with small tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Twilight it's ok." He said as he gave her a hug. " I'm plenty edgumacated." He ended in a hug.

"It's pronounced educated, Spike. But I'm sorry you have to go. You'll like it. Promise."

"Nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo!" Spike yelled to the heavens as he clenched his fists in the air. "What?" He turned to Twilight. "Can we still play Monopoly?"

"Sorry Spike but you need to go get some sleep, cause of school."


Author's Note:

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I don't have a editor and I been trying to get better at writing. So sorry.