• Published 23rd Jul 2013
  • 2,735 Views, 125 Comments

Unfamiliar Skin - darf

I've arrived. I can only faintly hear the hive. Mother's voice is gone from my ears. But I know I have a purpose—I just can't remember what it is.

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Day 5

Log, Entry 8:

I heard.

A voice jumped out at me when I was at work, so sharp it startled me. I dropped a jar of candies, which broke. The fuss was worth even only a fraction of the message. I will write it here:


The allusion is obvious. Why else would I have been put here? This body is hardly adapted for anything more than menial tasks. No wings, no horn. Ponies are in a miserable state compared to us, who are blessed with both. If not for cruelty, I knew there must be a purpose for me to fit in as this pony. Bon Bon.

The green one. Lyra. It must be her.

I don’t understand the rest of the message. There was hissing between—hissing like ours, so familiar—but I was too startled to make it out at such a low volume between the louder crackles in my ear. I was so happy, I almost cried as I swept up the broken glass.

I remembered then that we do not cry. I wonder if that means this body is not able with me inside?

This has been a good day. I will examine Lyra more closely. Perhaps in doing so, I will be given another message. I feel invigorated. Though I am not sure how close my mission may be to completion, I believe I am permitted to award myself with an extra ration tonight. The foil feels like metal against my face. I keep it inside my mouth as I suck out the insides. They stick to my tongue as they go down, so much that I am reminded of the jelly at home.

Thank you.