• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,047 Views, 163 Comments

Party Every Day - Esle Ynopemos

Pinkie Pie wants to rock and roll all night, and party every day.

  • ...

29: Zonk! [Crossover] [Comedy]

((Prompt: Pinkie and the Brain.))

A lanky white lab rat with a goofy expression on his face yawned as the last researcher flicked the lights off on his way out of the lab. “So, Brain,” the rat said, “What are we gonna do tonight?”

His companion, a shorter rat with an oversized head and a constant scowl, picked the lock to their cage and pushed the door open. “The same thing we do every night, Pinky,” he said, stepping out onto the counter. “Try to take over the world.”

Pinky clapped his paws together happily. “Oh, joy! ...Zonk! How are we going to take over Earth tonight?”

Brain smirked and shook his head. “No, Pinky, tonight we reach for a much riper fruit than Earth.” He hopped across the lab and climbed up to a keyboard console for one of the lab's computers. He tapped a few things into the keys, and a bright green and blue planet appeared on the screen.

“Behold, Pinky,” he said, waving his paw grandly at the screen. “Equestria. It's a land filled with powerful magic and untold secrets...” Brain licked his lips, turning toward the computer. “...And it is in the perfect position for a sudden takeover.”

Pinky scratched his head. “I dunno, Brain, it looks awful small for all that. Look, I can cover it up with both my arms!” He stretched his arms across the computer screen.

Brain smacked himself in the forehead. “That's because it's just an image on a screen, you nincompoop!”

He typed a few more words into the keyboard, and the planet was replaced with pictures of two colorful ponies. “We will be using a device to swap minds with two of the planet's inhabitants. I will be taking the role of a powerful young member of the nobility, one 'Twilight Sparkle,' who has just assumed a position of incredible political standing.” He pointed to a purple alicorn wearing a shining crown. “With her social rank and my intellect, I will be crowned unquestioned ruler of Equestria within the week!”

Stars sparkled in Pinky's eyes. “Zounds! We get to be pretty ponies??”

“I realize it's not the most dignified means,” Brain said, clasping his hands, “but a path to power such as this cannot be ignored.”

“Which one do I get to be? Which one do I get to be?”

Brain pointed to a pink pony with a goofy smile on her face. “By fortunate coincidence, Twilight Sparkle has a friend whose usual personality should keep others from asking too many questions about your... quirks. Also, you share a name, so it should be a role even you can fill.”

Pinky squeaked in delight. “She looks just like bubblegum! ...Narf!”

“Indeed.” Brain hit a button, and tiny restraints sprang up from the floor of the lab, grabbing the two rats by the arms and legs. “Now hold still, Pinky. The restraints are necessary so that the ponies we swap places with don't do too much damage while they are in our bodies here.”

Pinky nodded.

Brain reached with his toe and pressed a large red button. A blinding light filled the room.


Brain groaned as he awoke. “Hmm,” he murmured, rubbing his head, “the transductor relay needs some more tuning.”

He opened his eyes, and allowed himself a grin as he saw not the dirty linoleum of the lab but the brightly polished stone tiles of a palace. “It worked!” he cheered.

“Zounds, Brain! You didn't tell me I'd get wings, too!” The voice was different, but there was no mistaking the inane chatter of his intellectually stunted partner. He turned toward the voice, and his heart sank.

In front of him, Twilight Sparkle giggled with glee and did loops in the air. “I'm a pretty pony prin—cess!”

Brain looked down, and saw that he had pink hooves, not golden-shod purple ones. “No! The array must have gotten mixed up!”

Pinky/Twilight landed upside down on the tiles, smiling widely. “Oh wow, Brain! You're really, really pink!”

“I noticed, Pinky.” He stared at the ground thoughtfully. “This can still work. I can take a position as your 'adviser.' All you need to do is exactly what I say, and Equestria will be ours!”

“Hey, look what I can do!” The alicorn's horn glowed bright pink, and a grand piano materialized in the air over Brain/Pinkie Pie's head.

“Pinky, no!” The piano fell with a tremendous crash.

“Zonk! Oops! Let me get that off of you, Brain!” The horn flashed, and the piano disappeared... and reappeared ten feet above Brain's head again.

Brain crawled with unsteady pink hooves from the wreckage. “Please stop that,” he said.

A group of ponies entered the room. “Pinkie!”

Both rats-turned-ponies turned their heads at the same time. “Yes?”

An orange pony with a hat grabbed Brain/Pinkie Pie by the tail. “Come on, Pinkie, Twi's got important Princessin' things to do, an' we got a train to Ponyville ta catch!”

Brain dragged his hooves on the tiles, but could find no purchase. “No! He—I mean, the princess needs my advice! You don't know what you're getting into, putting that lunatic in charge!”

The orange pony chuckled. “No offense, Pinkie, but I don't reckon Twi needs yer advice on how to turn the palace into the world's largest cupcake right now. We can come back again later, but we can't be keepin' Twi from her job.” She waved at Pinky/Twilight. “Good seein' ya, Twilight!”

Pinky/Twilight waved back. “Zonk!” A pair of pegasus guards escorted him the other direction. “You know what this place could use?” he said, walking with them. “A giant, enormous cupcake!”

Author's Note:

My first ever crossover!