• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 1,863 Views, 39 Comments

"Bucking" is Bucking Hard Work! - GhostWriter17

Caramel, the shy little pony he is, decides to go on a date. What ensues is almost-sex, awkward conversations, and the sexual use of the word "buck"! Seeing as Caramel never uses the word in sexual terms, nothing could possibly go wrong...

  • ...

Bucking The Dentist

"Bucking" is Bucking Hard Work!

A My Little Pony Fanfiction

By: GhostWriter17

Original Concept By: Shadowflash


Of three things Caramel was certain:

1. He was going on his tenth date this week with a mare.

2. This mare was, hopefully, interested in Caramel.

3. This mare just happened to be his dentist.

There were, however, a few rather minor complications. For one, Caramel wasn't really good with social interactions. Secondly, he was a bit of a recluse, explaining his social awkwardness. Third, he was going on a date. With. His. Dentist. What could possibly go wrong?

Regardless, Caramel was rather optimistic about his current situation. After all, if he successfully courted his dentist, Colgate, there could be some interesting benefits! He could get free dental work, or, hopefully, could receive help with his social awkwardness issues! Being a dentist, Colgate was a gossip, and was always learning new information of recent goings-on in Ponyville. With that could come conversation! Imagine, Caramel engaged in an actual pony-to-pony conversation! This day was sure to be wonderful! Or, it could be a complete disaster, like the other nine dates... But Caramel would rather not talk about those rather interesting confrontations.

On this wonderful morning, Caramel was preparing for his date with Colgate in his house. He was to meet Colgate at Lanky Louie's, a homely restaurant, for lunch. He had about an hour to get there. Caramel, with his soft blue eyes, caramel-colored coat, and wavy-yet-also-thin mane, observed himself intently in the mirror. He looked presentable enough. Of course, presentability was subjective. Even if Caramel had thought he was presentable enough for the date, there was always the chance that Colgate would think otherwise, ruining his chances for a courtship forever, and forcing Caramel to cross off yet another mare on his list of romantic interests. Caramel could only hope that he was presentable enough for the dentist.

However, there was always the chance that Colgate did not care for what Caramel looked like. After all, she was a rather carefree pony, a trait that has made her extremely approachable in the past, especially when it came to Colgate's rather frightening line of work. For some ponies, the thought of trusting somepony else with his or her body was the most horrifying thing since that parasprite epidemic a while back. The memory of what atrocities were committed then still sent shivers down Caramel's lanky spine! Nevertheless, Caramel was still optimistic, as he usually was.

Caramel has had a pretty comfortable relationship with Colgate in the past. They actually engaged in riveting conversation on numerous occasions before the two ponies had set up the date! For example, one of their most emotional conversations was about what groceries the two ponies liked to buy when they went to the market! Nopony ever talked about such an interesting aspect of Caramel's life like that before! Well, the other mares he'd attempted to court might count, to an extent, but still! Those incidents had no relevance at the moment, for all that mattered was what he and Colgate would discuss! Caramel, with his mane parted in the middle of his head, hanging wistfully above his eyes, jumped in glee at the thought of talking to somepony such as she! They could talk of the weather, their favorite books, or even history! History! He'd never talked about history before! Oh, how joyous this date could turn out to be!

With these deliciously happy thoughts in his mind, the colt checked himself once more in the mirror, being sure to carefully check all of his body just to be sure everything was absolutely perfect! Of course, perfectionism was subjective. Nopony knew this better than Caramel. Of course, such a thought was also subjective, and Caramel did not like to make himself seem too narcissistic or egotistical. Such qualities were rather negative. Of course, this thought was, once again, a subjective thought. Note to self, Caramel thought, try not to think too much about subjective topics while trying to not be subjective. Well, my mane looks alright. At least it's shiny. My hooves are clean, and my health is optimal. My coat is rather soft and luscious, as well. Hopefully Colgate will like that. I just feel as if I am missing something... Caramel rubbed his chin with his hoof, deep in thought. He licked his teeth. That's it! My teeth! I should brush my teeth! Surely Colgate will appreciate that! She is a dentist, after all!

And thus, Caramel cleaned his teeth. He brushed them extensively, making sure to swipe over every molar, every tooth, leaving nothing unchecked! Then he flossed. Oh, how he flossed! Caramel took his floss, and pulled out an extremely long strand. It looked to be at least two feet in length. Caramel slowly, deliberately cut the strand off, satisfied with its enormous length. Caramel rolled the floss in between his hooves, tightening the string so he may floss better. He eyed the tightened, thin filament, mouth watering at the sight. His breathing came fast and heavy, his eyes focused on the deliciously perfect hygienic product. Oh, how he craved it. Slowly, he opened his salivating mouth, and delicately brought the floss to his teeth. His heart beat in his chest furiously, a fire raging in his belly. Caramel always hated cleaning his teeth with floss. It was so horrifying, yet also so exciting! The idea of using a product on himself to deliberately scrub in between his teeth tantalized the young colt. One slip up, and his gums would be bleeding like a bad paper cut! Without another thought, Caramel eased his tongue out, ever so slowly, to touch the floss. He wanted his taste buds to feel this helpful yet possibly harmful material before he began the dangerous work.

Caramel's wet, dripping tongue tentatively licked the floss. A shiver ran through his body as he tasted the minty fiber. Not wanting to waste any more time, Caramel ravenously devoured the floss, fiercely scrubbing in between his teeth! As he furiously scraped his teeth, his breathing grew all the more heavy. His concentration, his fear, and his excitement all combined to make Caramel feel nothing but pure, unadulterated, fear-induced ecstasy. A moan escaped his trembling lips as he scrubbed harder, pushing the floss back and forth between his molars. As he continued, he shoved the floss to the back of his mouth, opening it wide, allowing his hooves easy access to his trembling molars. As he reached the back of his mouth, Caramel began to choke on his own hoof as it filled up his whole mouth, along with the copious amounts of saliva that had pooled in his cheeks. He found it difficult to reach his innermost left molar, but he was determined. Gagging, he pressed his right hoof to the back of his throat, forcing himself to swallow his saliva, gulping every single gooey drop. The mint-flavored saliva slid down his throat, sending another shiver through his body. With this, he was able to reach his last molar, scrubbing hard and fast, feeling the friction, the tightness of his tooth sending both pain and pleasure throughout his mouth. With a final grunt and moan, he pulled his hooves and the floss out of his mouth, gasping from the experience.

With a final, satisfied gulp, the pony slurped down the rest of his own minty saliva, savoring every drop. Content, he checked his teeth in the mirror, happy that they were sufficiently clean, and that he had not injured himself in the process. Smiling, he made his way out of the house and into the streets of Ponyville.


The streets of Ponyville were quite busy, and, in the early afternoon sun, Caramel could feel that today was going to be a good day! He confidently trotted through the streets on his way to the restaurant, fully aware that many other ponies were eyeing him curiously. Normally, on any other day, Caramel would walk with his head low, trying not to attract attention. On this day, however, Caramel was buzzing like a bee! Well, okay, he was mentally buzzing, but that still counted! As long as nopony else disturbed him or made eye contact, he would be fine! Caramel had never been a social type, preferring rather to say as little as possible and get the job done than to stay and talk. Interestingly enough, Caramel's line of work normally required much discussion, but, miraculously, Caramel has never had to exert himself in any way as of yet. Work was work, a business. Caramel saw no point in talking to his clients like friends if he was merely working for them to get paid. Nevertheless, Caramel knew this antisocial behavior has had a negative impact on his life. Of course, those thoughts were subjective.

Thankfully, Caramel arrived at Lanky Louie's without any disturbances. He'd arrived right on time, at exactly twelve-thirty! This didn't surprise Caramel one bit, as he made sure that he was always on time, no matter what! The outside of the restaurant looked like any other Ponyville house: A timber-framed, two story building with a thatched roof. Nothing special, really. Except for the sign hanging over the front door that read "Lanky Louie's". Colgate was waiting right outside the door, eyes sharp and focused, searching for any indication that her date was approaching. When she spotted Caramel, the unicorns' sapphire eyes widened, and her lips curled into a pearly-white smile. Caramel, now totally self-aware of himself, slowed his pace, taking his time as he neared the cornflower blue mare. Her wavy mane, split into two colors, light grayish blue and a deeper, darker shade of blue, resembled that of toothpaste. This was probably what gave her her name.

"Hey there, Caramel!" Colgate excitedly chirped as Caramel walked ever closer.

Oh, Celestia, she talked to me! Okay, Cara, don't freak out. You've had plenty of mares talk to you. Granted, you hardly ever talked back, mostly because you lost control and ran away, but you cannot do such a thing, not now! She is one of the last mares in Ponyville that you have yet to court! This may be your last chance! Nervously, Caramel swallowed the growing lump in his throat, staring into the eyes of his date. Come on, Caramel! You can succeed! Remember all of those numerous romance novels you have obsessed over! Just emulate the heroes of those stories! Each and every date that Caramel has ever attempted has begun with this same pep-talk. It never worked, but, somehow, Caramel was able to squeeze out a dry, hoarse "Hi." without losing his control.

Colgate smiled at Caramel and asked if the two ponies should seat themselves in the restaurant. Caramel, still battling himself on the inside, nodded quietly as Colgate giggled and led him inside. As he followed the unicorn, he noticed that she swished her tail back and forth in a rather hypnotizing manner, her flank swaying side to side. She giggled again and gave Caramel a mischievous glance, making the colt blush profusely. Okay, Caramel. So far, so good. Why did she look at me like that? Odd. I sincerely hope she is not like the other mares I have encountered this past week. All they wanted to do was meet up at their house, or mine, and b-

"Hello, there, Colgate. Caramel. I am Lanky Louie, and I shall be serving you today. What would you like to order? May I start off with some refreshments?" Louie's speaking had interrupted Caramel's thoughts, snapping him out of his daze. "Sir?" Louie asked, staring at Caramel expectantly.

"Huh?" Caramel realized, after nervously glancing around, that he was already seated at a square table across from Colgate, and Louie, a thin, balding, dark green pony, was awaiting an answer from the flustered pony. "Oh, uhm, just a water, please." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright." Louie scribbled down some writing on a notepad. "One water and one non-citrus, herbal tea. I shall return in a few minutes to check back on you and take your order." Louie left.

Oh no! I most certainly have had to have destroyed my chances with Colgate after making such a fool out of myself! Oh, the horror! I cannot, but I must, look at her face! Surely she will now forever hate me for embarrassing both her and myself in public! In front of the restaurant's owner, no less! Slowly, anxiously, Caramel lifted his head to look at Colgate, expecting a look of horror on her face. However, Colgate's expression was not one of horror, but rather it was one of joy.

She held a hoof to her mouth, hiding what seemed to be an enormous grin. She began to chuckle, but once she began to speak, she lost her composure and laughed heartily and loudly. "Oh, I'm.... Gwahaha! I-I'm sorry, but, pfft, that was absolutely adorable!" She then proceeded to laugh much louder, howling in the hilarity of the situation. Surprised that she was not angry, Caramel eased himself in his chair, relieved that she had found his blunder to be hilarious. Whether Caramel was laughing at Colgate's expressions or at the sheer relief he felt, he did not know, but he laughed nonetheless. The two ponies shared this calming moment together before finally calming down and regaining their composure.

"Oh, man, Cara!" Colgate heaved as she wiped a tear from her eye. "I have not laughed that hard in, like, forever! And by that, I mean yesterday, but still!" Her whiter-than-white teeth shimmered in the pale, homely light of the restaurant. Lanky Louie's was one of those dimly lit restaurants with calm, soothing music and a welcoming atmosphere. It was pleasant, to say the least. As soon as Colgate had completely calmed down, Louie came back with their drinks and took their orders.

Colgate answered the waiter first. "Well, I'd like a plate of all natural hay fries." She looked at Caramel mischievously once more, a hungry look in her eyes, as she finished her order. Her words slurred out of her mouth, the unicorn putting extreme emphasis on how she wanted her fries. "I'd like them as long as possible, as thick as you can make them, and as hard as a rock. Please." She licked her lips ravenously, smacking them afterward.

She must really enjoy her hay fries. Why does she keep looking at me like that? Is it a romantic signal? I've never read anything involving a pony looking at another as if she wanted to devour him! Pushing the thought out of his mind, Caramel meekly ordered a small cucumber sandwich. Simple. Elegant. Not too compromising. With the orders complete, Louie once again trotted away to leave the two ponies alone. Alright, Caramel. Your first lunch with a mare and it's going extremely well! Just keep this up, don't lose control, and you will be fine! This is where it all begins!

The date had truly begun. As usual, Colgate was the first to speak. "So, Caramel, what made you ask me, of all ponies in Ponyville, out on a date? I mean, I didn't think a total stud such as yourself would be interested in little ol' me!" She batted her eyes playfully and pouted her bottom lip.

What is a "stud"? Oh no! I know what she's doing! She is obviously testing me to see how extensive my knowledge is of these modern slang terms! But I do not know what that word means! What do I do? Think, Caramel... Use context clues! Without much hesitation, Caramel cleared his throat and answered as confidently as he could. "Well, yes, I am quite the stud. Thank you for noticing my, erm, studiness." Colgate's eyes widened. That must be a good thing! He kept the charade up. "Yes, I must admit, that even though I may not look it, I am, in fact, one of the biggest studs in all of Ponyville! I'll admit, my asking you on this date was rather spontaneous. But when I saw you in the market two days ago, I simply had to ask you on the date! I'm actually surprised you did not ask me on this date, but I surmise that a stud such as myself must ask the mare out, because I am sure that that is what studs such as I do!"

Colgate's jaw dropped. She blushed furiously. "Well, uh, thank you for asking me out, then! I didn't know you were such a stud, Caramel! I mean, you are always so quiet and reserved, I just... I didn't expect that from you!"

Caramel, feeling slightly more confident, kept his act up, pleased with himself that he was pleasing Colgate. "Yes, well, the secret to being a fantastic stud is to be quiet and reserved. That is why I am so good at being a stud!" He pushed his nose to the air confidently.

Colgate stared at Caramel, still blushing, still bewildered. "Well, is that why I've seen you this week with ni-" she paused. "You know what? Nevermind. I'll ask that question later. I'd like to get to know you better, Caramel, if you know what I mean." She gave her date a wink.

What is she talking about? Of course I know what she means by that! I am not some simpleton! Of course, I am not a snob, either. Not like those Canterlot ponies! Of course, such thinking is rather subjective, and I should not think subjectively. "Well," he began, "what would you like to know?"

"I know! Since we don't really talk too much when I work on you, or in public usually, I'd like to know more about what you do for a living! I see you in tons of places around town, but I don't really know what you do. You got any hobbies, interests, or... Kinks?" At this last word, the dentist raised her eyebrows and licked her lips.

Caramel shuffled his hooves under the table. Stay calm. "Well, I do odd jobs for a living. That may be why my cutie mark is three horseshoes, because I am multi-talented, but I am unsure. I help with jobs such as painting, mowing the lawn, tiling, foalsitting, and I even help the Apple family quite a bit. I paint their barns, draw blueprints, and, according to Applejack, I'm an exceptional bucker, as well!" Colgate's eyes widened again, and Caramel smiled in return. "Yes, she says that, other than herself and her brother, I am one of the best buckers in Ponyville! But as far as kinks go, I do not have any at the moment."

"Oh?" Colgate leaned in close to Caramel. "Well, Caramel, maybe I can help you develop some kinks you never knew you had! Being a multi-talented pony, as well, I could help you tremendously! You won't believe what I can do to your mouth! I could work you and your mouth in ways you never thought possible! I am also very good with "eating meat", if you catch my drift!"

Can I catch a drift? Is that even possible? "Well, we will have to see about that, Colgate. I have yet to enjoy any of the kinks I've experienced thus far, and am unsure how you could change my mind, but I am always open to new experiences! I'd also enjoy your experimenting with my mouth very much! I'd love to see how you can improve my mouth by "working" on it! Also, you are the first pony I've ever met to eat meat. Is it how you keep your teeth so white and healthy? Also, do you just lick the meat? What kind do you eat? How much do you eat? Do you rub it against your teeth? Do you swallow it all, or just a small amount, or none at all?"

Colgate was about to reply when Louie came with the ponies' lunch. He set them down on the table, and Colgate payed him in advance. "Keep the change, I'll pay for the both of us. Besides, Caramel will get his bits' worth in due time." Louie shrugged, took the bits, and wished the couple a good day. With that, the ponies did not utter another word, and simply began to eat their lunches. Caramel's sandwich was expertly made, warm, and soft. The cucumber had a crunchy skin and a mouth-wateringly juicy center, just the way he enjoyed them. Across from him, Colgate's steaming hot hay fries looked delectable, as well. However, not wanting to push his luck, he refused to ask for one.

Colgate took one of the thick, long, and hard hay fries and held it in her hoof. Each fry was at least six inches long, and, by a rough estimate, an inch or two thick. She gave her date yet another mischievous look. Why does she do that? Honestly, am I missing something? It is bad enough I have no idea what certain words mean, but the fact that I have no idea what she is doing truly troubles me. I would ask her what she is doing and what the words she uses mean, but I do not wish to look like much of a fool. Of course, thinking that I am acting like a fool is-

Caramel's thoughts were halted suddenly as Colgate began eating her hay fry in a way that truly mesmerized him. He had never in his whole life seen any pony eat hay fries the way she began to eat them. Colgate, staring at Caramel, mouth salivating, breathing heavy, moved the fry to her mouth. She slowly took the round tip of the fry and gently kissed it, her lips pressing firmly against the tip. She then slowly moved down to the other end of the fry and, sticking her tongue out, blushing, she licked upwards from the base of the fry to the tip, moaning as she did so. She licked all around the fry, coating it in a heavy layer of saliva. Along the middle of the fry, Colgate wrapped her lips around the thick, hard, edible rod, the way a dog would a bone. She then slightly bit down on the fry, just enough to pierce the rock solid outside.

Wow, she is really enjoying that fry. It almost reminds me of my fascination with dental floss! Caramel had to stop eating his sandwich, as Colgate's behavior enraptured him, fascinating him immensely.

Colgate moaned as she slickened up the fry more. "Mmm... It's so delicious, so hard! I could just devour it whole!" With that, she pressed her lips to the tip once more, but parted her lips this time, sliding the fry slowly into her mouth, never once looking away from Caramel. She slid it further in as her jaws parted farther and farther apart. She sucked on it, making extremely audible squelching sounds as her lips caressed the fry, saliva dripping from her mouth in a sloppy mess. Next, she pushed her head forward, grunting as the rod slid a full three inches down her throat. Her cheeks sucked in slightly as she tried to hold it in without gagging. Then, with a furious push, she slid the rod all the way down her throat. Six-and-a-half of the seven-inch long fry disappeared inside of Colgate. A bulge protruded from her esophagus as she gagged and slurped on the thick, hard, succulent fry. However, when she tried to push it in farther, all the way, tears formed in her eyes. With a final, loud squelch, she pulled the fry from her throat, gasping for air after her airway had been so forcibly cut off.

Coughing and wiping the tears from her eyes, Colgate grinned at Caramel. "How... How was that?"

"That was amazing!" Caramel answered. "What else can you do with your mouth?" Colgate blushed redder than she ever had before.

"Well, uhm, I was wondering, maybe we could go back to my place? I've lost some of my appetite for now, but once we get home, I, uh, might just get it back."

Actually, that does not sound too unpleasant. I must be careful, however. Hopefully this date does not end like the other nine dates... "That sounds excellent. Maybe there you could show me those kinks you mentioned. I could also show you how much of a stud I am! Finally, you could show me how good you are at eating meat! If you can eat a hay fry in such a spectacular, mesmerizing fashion, I would love to see how you fare with meat!"

Colgate licked her lips, and nodded. "Well then, Caramel, why don't you follow me and find out?" Thus the two ponies left Lanky Louie's and headed toward Colgate's house.

Alright, Caramel, you may have a life-long partner on your hooves! She's already helped you with things you've had trouble with your whole life, apart from learning the modern slang! You've engaged in some interesting conversations, and will be able to learn more about her in the coming hours! This is truly the greatest day of your life, Cara!

So, with happy hearts, the pair walked along the streets of Ponyville. Colgate nuzzled herself up to her date, making Caramel feel a bit uncomfortable, but he did not object. On their walk home, Colgate talked more of her job, the local gossip, and the two discussed the weather and even the history of Ponyville! History! Needless to say, it was a delightful time for Caramel, and Colgate seemed to be enjoying herself, even though she seemed nervous about something. They talked of other things, as well, such as how Colgate would really love somepony nice to "settle down" with. Caramel would join in on these conversations when he felt it necessary, but, unlike his charade back at the diner, he mostly stayed quiet. After all, he did not wish to be rude to his date by talking back at her and stealing her precious time. That was yet another thing Caramel learned in the romance novels he has read: The stallion must always let the mare talk, for it is what gentlecolts do.

After about an hour or two, the pair arrived at Colgate's house. It was a quaint little house, with green-colored walls that were adorned with the various plaques and awards Colgate had earned as a dentist. Caramel did not have time to admire his surroundings, however, because Colgate, in front of Caramel, wrapped her tail around Caramel's neck like a leash, leading him to a living room, complete with a relaxing leather couch! Colgate, without saying a word, pushed Caramel onto the couch on his back and stood beside him.

Is this part of the plan? Should I talk? No, that would be rude. It is her house, after all. Colgate, mouth trembling, hot breath blowing onto Caramel's face, whispered to her date.

"Now, Caramel, let me see your teeth." He did as he was told, baring his teeth in a smile. Her eyes widened in amazement. It's a good thing I brushed and flossed today! Colgate inspected his teeth carefully, making him open and close his jaws. She spoke again, almost as if she was out of breath. "Open and close your jaws, and snap your teeth together!" Her eyes looked as if they were hungry for the visual of Caramel's teeth, so he obeyed, still unsure of what Colgate was planning.

Okay, Cara. Just keep doing as she says. Maybe she just really likes teeth, What am I thinking, of course she does! She's a dentist! So, Caramel, slowly at first, closed his jaws with a snap. The sound of Caramel's teeth snapping shut seemed to send a shiver through Colgate, as she whispered for him to do it more.

"Yes, that's it." She whispered, moaning slightly. "Go faster, harder!" So Caramel did. Each time he did so, Colgate moaned a little louder, more intensely. Then, she told him to stop. She looked at him ravenously, licking her lips. "You said you wanted me to show you what I could do to your mouth?" Caramel nodded quickly, excitedly.

That's when Colgate pressed her lips to Caramel's. Now, Caramel had never kissed anypony before, so this was foreign to him. Colgate moaned, pressing herself against Caramel. So, is this a kiss? It is most certainly not what I expected it to be. Then again, my only experience with kissing is what I have read in books, so I do not have much room to discuss it. Colgate parted her lips and pressed her tongue against Caramel's still-closed lips. She stroked his mane, pushing against him, as if she were a dominating alpha male in a tribe of timber wolves. Not knowing what else to do, Caramel parted his lips, as well, allowing his date access to his mouth. She ran her tongue all over his teeth and down his throat, moaning harder and harder with each passing moment. This is... Interesting. I cannot say it is unpleasant. It's just... Interesting.

Suddenly, Colgate broke her embrace from Caramel. Both of them panted loudly. Colgate swallowed and moaned to Caramel. "Caramel... You stud... I want you... I want you to..." She stopped, catching her breath.

Caramel leaned up slightly. "Yes?" What could she be asking? I hope it has to do with the meat, because the kissing simply came out of nowhere, and I was not ready for it.

The dentist stood up and backed herself against the nearby wall. "I... I want you to buck me. Please..."

Caramel was in complete shock at this demand. It left his thoughts paralyzed. Thus, he could only walk up to her, look into her pleading eyes with concern, and ask, "Uh... Are you sure about this?"

Colgate closed her eyes, standing now on her hind legs, pressing her back against the wall, looking away, but expectantly. "Yes." She breathed. "Show me the beauty of your bucking you are so well known for by so many others!"

Caramel did not want to object. Shrugging, he turned around, rose himself onto his front legs, and kicked Colgate as hard as he could in the face with his back legs! Colgate's face smacked off of Caramel's hooves, and her head smacked against the wall. Colgate then crumpled to the floor. Caramel sighed, checking his date.

Of three things Caramel was certain:

1. Colgate was unconscious.

2. She was missing several teeth. She was also bleeding slightly.

3. Caramel's date was officially over.

Caramel searched the floor, put the teeth he could find on the table, cleaned up the blood from Colgate's mouth, and wrote a note on a napkin. It read: "Thanks for the lunch. I had a fantastic time! Sorry about your teeth. -Cara."

With that, Caramel sighed again. "I cannot believe this," he said aloud. "this is the tenth mare this week that has asked me to do that! Every time I try to talk to them afterward, though, they avoid me like they are frightened of me! Honestly, there is something wrong with the mares in this town... Maybe I should move to Canterlot. There are plenty of mares there I have yet to meet! However, the snobbishness of the ponies there may prove to be difficult. However, that is a risk I am willing to take, thinking subjectively or not." He walked to the front door of the house, opened it, and walked through the door. Before closing it, however, he whispered, "Thank you, Colgate." then sighed once more, deciding to head home for the rest of the day, drooping his head in bittersweet emotion.

Well, on the bright side, at least now I have a reason to go visit Canterlot. And I now know I can hold my own on a date! All in all, things are looking bright, Cara! So lift your head up high! After all, you did give the mare what she wanted, right?

Comments ( 39 )

"Bucking the Dentist"..... hahaha!!
Chapter title made me lol.

Anyways.... poor bucking Colgate!!
After all that bucking wind up I was bucking imagining some bucking funny conversation back in Colgate's bucking apartment. But I bucking guess you bucking well sorted it in your own bucking fine manner..... like a STUD.

Have a pinkiesmile :pinkiesmile:

2735899 Wait... :rainbowderp: What's a stud???:rainbowlaugh:

Anywhosit, I'm glad you enjoyed it and got a laugh out of it! It was my first attempt at true comedy, unlike my other parody/trollfic that mostly relies on random humor. Thanks bunches! :twilightsmile:

Love always and forever,

Umm... That flossing scene was... Uhh... Interesting... I'll be right back, I got to go floss.

2735919 It WAS interesting, wasn't it!? :pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

The idea for that just popped into my head, and I just HAD to write it! Have fun with your dental hygiene! :ajsmug:

Love always and forever,

Oh, wow, this fast, eh?

Dear lord, time to read.

Everything I imagined it would be. Great job, Ghost.

2737948 Haha thanks a lot, Shadow! Coming from you, a fellow writer who I deeply respect, that means so much to me! But, I, rather, should be thanking you for coming up with such a fun and ingenious idea! Like, real-talk, I had the time of my life writing this! Can't wait for the next prompt, whenever it may be! :ajsmug:

Oh, and another thanks for the fave, as well!

Love always and forever,


People have respect for me as a writer? Intriguing to know.

And, I hope I can come up with another interesting prompt for the 29th. I do hope others will participate as well, because this is a great way to let people write stories with another person's ideas in mind.

This is something (shipping wise) I want to see more of. Minuette could be a bit less kinky per say, but I like the characters.

I love oppisites attract sigguations but all I ever find are two stories in which this happens affectively.

A Pinkies X Noteworthy story

And this story, which for being a comedy, which I lack the ability to write and over all hate reading most of the most, is great.

2738333 Thank you kindly for the advice. I actually wanted to call her Minuette instead of her fanon name, but I decided against it for... Reasons, I guess...

Regardless, I think I will have to check out this other story you've mentioned. This was meant to be a comedic one-shot for a writing prompt/kinda-sorta-not-really competition, but I may continue it... Once I finish my other two fics which, judging by my update speed, won't be for a few months.

Interestingly enough, while writing this I constantly thought "I really wanna delve into why she's so sexual and such!" but, once again, due partly to the prompt to keep the focus (and quick pace) of the story, I decided against it. Nevertheless, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read it and comment. It really means a lot to me. If you want an overall (but only 3/4 done) more serious romance story that MAY surprise you, I suggest reading my other fic "What We Haven't Had". But it is, like I said, unfinished. Also, you do not have to read it by any means.

Whatever your decision, may you have a wonderful day/nite!

Love always and forever,


It's okay I read really fast but I can put it in my quite large read later list.

I have been studying for my next story mostly due to one being a one-shot one is a if you make a chapter it will be added regardless as long as it all fits and its above a thousand words and the last one is just crap loaded all together that I need to delete.

Oh and ones my dump heap of failed works so please if you would give one of them a read and comment. (If that's okay with you no rule against self advertisement for some self advertisement.

2738651 Haha that's fair. I usually try to check out the people that comment on my stories, anyway, just to show my gratitude. I will definitely check your work out! :twilightsmile:

Also, if you try a short short story/ one shot, you could always make two shorter chapters instead of one big one. Sometimes that helps if you separate the story into two parts, so when you go to reread it or edit, you won't have as much to go through at first. But that's just me. Plus, I'll admit, the 1,000 word minimum is kinda annoying. Especially for POEMS! :twilightangry2:

But I digress. Just take your time and you'll do fine.

Caramel :facehoof: There's a difference between being awkward and being a complete retard. All I could think of was, he babysits? Who the hell would trust him with their children, I've seen/read Of Mice and Men you leave him alone with a foal and next thing you know, he's killed it with retard strength. :trixieshiftright:

2738724 Le GASP!!!! :pinkiegasp:
Caramel, mentally defunct yet so quiet and meek that nopony pays him any mind even though he MAY or MAY NOT be a cereal killer!!!???? THE HORROR! Or hilarity, if you're into that stuff.:pinkiecrazy:

Anywhosit, the idea was to have Caramel be a bit of a retard, obviously. And obviously, based on your comment and facehoof, you were... pleased? Well, at least ya read it! That's a plus in my book! But anywhosit, Imma just go and say thankies, cause I'm not going to think subjectively, and neither should you! Wait.....:twilightoops:

I laughed. Do I need to say more?
While reading this, I was already picturing some sort of cloppish sequel in my head, but the ending pretty much killed those thoughts. Still, it was enjoyable little story.
Have some cute Ditzy.


2739799 Hee hee. Cute Ditzy is Cute. Glad you enjoyed it, though! Thankies for taking the time to read it and comment! :twilightsmile:

Love always and forever,

A sequel, if not a continuation story is in order, Caramel should really go back to getting his terms right and to get the signals right... Especially apologize to Colgate, Immensely.

I was the first to thumbs up. I deserve a cookie
,So where is it

2743348 A sequel, eh? Maybe... I agree that Cara would apologize to Colgate and the nine other mares... ONCE he learned what they meant with the words they used and got away from his insecurity. Actually, a sequel doesn't sound too bad. But it's also the ponies' fault for using that word to mean sex in the first place! Thanks though for reading it and giving your thoughts!

Love always and forever,

2744488 Qué???!!! *Immediately hands cookie, squees nervously, wishes that it were possible to see who upvoted and downvoted stories.*

*Waves happily and thanks from far away, making silly Googly eyes!*

Love always and forever (and with cookies!!),

This is great, I was grinning like an idiot the whole time through.

2766010 Thanks a bunch for taking time out of your patrol to read this, Mr. or Ms. Guard! Thank ya kindly.:ajsmug:

Now, back to your station!

Love always and forever,

I like your version of Caramel tho way he has his own unique personality, I hop to see more of this Caramel in the future

Oh man, this was absolutely brilliant :rainbowlaugh: well done :yay:

2774199 Awesome! I personally kinda get annoyed how every story I've seen has Caramel as shy, but not very smart. I put a spin on a character trait overused for him, and I think it turned out well. I can see writing more of him in the future, definitely!

2776847 Haha! Thanks a lot! I truly appreciate it!

Love always and forever,

2777333 and ill be shore to read more of you story's in the future

There I was, reading the story and preparing to skip the clop. Then I start to think, "No, he won't..." He did. That is amazing. Very funny. I hope somebody will clue him in.:coolphoto:

2781464 AHAHA! Oh my, I laughed way harder at that than I should have! Thanks! Hopefully one of those Canterlot "snobs" will show him a how to and whar for! :ajsmug:

Love always and forever,

so i was not sure exactly what was gonna happen, i knew it would be funny, but that ending, i died :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

2802884 Hee-Hee. I guess you could say that I KILLED MY AUDIENCE!! *ba-dum tish!*
Thanks though. I'm glad to be able to bring smiles and DEATH to readers! Thanks for the fave also! Don't forget (if ya want) to check out my other stories! Like romance? Got it! Like poems? Got those, too! Want a crossover where the dynamic duo known as The Doctor and Mister Spock solve a murder mystery in Equestria and Darth Vader comes as well to kill ponies??!!! WELL I GOTZ DAT AS WELL!

Okay, shameless promotion over.

Love always and forever,

...I...uh...wow...I kinda love how you write Caramel...That's too damn funny.

2803030 REALLY?!!? WOW... I'm honestly shocked so many people love how I wrote him, as if nobody else on this site has. Although, since I love reading Cara fics, I wanted to do something different for my version. But seriously. I'm really really shocked that just about EVERYONE wants to see more of this version of him... I'm really tempted to write a sequel. But Mr. Ferret, thank you so so much for the comment, fave, AND ANOTHER WATCHER (does epically bad victory dance)!!! Really, it's cause of guys/gals like you that make this worthwhile! Thank you sosososososo much! Be sure to check out my other stories, as well if ya want!

Love always and forever,

This is priceless!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:I love it hope to read more of your awesome stories, especially about caramel.:rainbowlaugh:

4408468 thanks a lot for the comment! And sorry it's so late! I think, since my other stories aren't going anywhere at the moment, I may start writing a mult-chapter sequel to this...

But the question is; who should be the ponies involved to clear Caramel of his awkwardness??? I was thinking of having Vinyl Scratch involved, but I'd want someone more out-of-nowhere and obscure shipping-wise, like how Colgate gets no love and stuff!! Any ideas would be appreciated!!

Love always and forever,

Well. That explains the other nine mares. :ajbemused: Although Colgate is probably going to be rather upset when she wakes up. :twilightangry2:

4617925 Oh most definitely! Think of her lost teeth!

I've got an idea in my head involving these two for a sequel, but no idea who Caramel should learn the rules of the modern world from. Any ideas? Don't worry though, Colgate will make a return.... Once I finish my other stories that is.

4619269 I say revenge.
Let's say she gets Caramel in her office for a checkup, bt accidentally "botches" his teeth. At which point she tells her what happened after she woke up missing teeth.:pinkiecrazy:

Revenge in general would make for a good storyline.:twilightsmile:

4656321 Oh, totally. That's actually a really good idea. I can see it now: Caramel getting on pretty well with his new life in Canterlot, maybe finally having a marefriend to break him out of his shell, when during a monthly checkup for his teeth, who should be there but the vengeful Colgate herself! Hilarity ensues. Brilliant! Thanks!

4658971 Thanks! I love writing stories, just haven't posted any yet.:twistnerd:

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