• Published 17th Jun 2013
  • 4,744 Views, 100 Comments

Rare Gems Embracing Shadows - Random_User

Rarity orders a collection of gems from the crystal empire to give her new designs that little bit extra. Included in the shipment is a stone that is far more than what it seems. The gem holds a dark secret and the key to one pony's life.

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Chapter 5: Three Contests and Three Hearts

Chapter 5: Three Contests and Three Hearts

Vigil followed Luna towards the stadium. The princess had insisted that they wait and allow the others to reach the stadium before them. She had given him a pep talk and helped him into his armor, making sure that enough time passed during the process to give the others an adequate lead. After he was secure in his jousting regiments, they followed. She cast a veil around them, ensuring they could not been seen or heard. She also made sure he could not hear outside the spell’s reach. She explained the spell was to keep anypony from distracting him before the Challenge.

Vigil was not a foal, and wanted to know what was in store for him. “Princess, what is going on?”

Luna’s eyes shown with mischief, as she replied, “You’ll see soon enough. I think this day will prove to be one of the more memorable ones in your life.” She turned and stopped him, before they entered through one of the side entrances to the stadium. “If you had any fears as to how ponies would react to your return before this day, I assure you those thoughts will end by the time this Challenge is over. She pulled open the door with her magic, and dropped the concealing veil. Vigil staggered past her with his mouth open.

The stadium was all but full with ponies, all ready to see a show of skill. He looked to Luna in disbelief. “This is crazy! I thought the Challenge would have been carried out in front of a few ponies from the castle and the Lancers, not half the Empire!”

Luna did not even attempt to hide her smile. “I had Rainbow and Brass complete a few tasks for me yesterday. Getting ponies to come here was the least of their accomplishments. Now come on, I’m eager to see the Lancers in action again. Celestia may have her esteemed Royal Guards and the Wonderbolts, but my Lunar Guards and Lancers have always been the best guardians of Equestria. You shall remind them of that this day.”

The pair made their way into the stadium and the crowd fell silent. Vigil and Luna stood before the platform of raised seats reserved for the royal family. Vigil got another shock as he saw Celestia and the full count of the Elements of Harmony on the platform alongside Cadence and Shining.

Cadence stepped forward and addressed the crowd. For the first time in her royal duties, she used the Royal Empire Voice. She told of Vigil’s trials from his time in the mannequin form, about the council’s rulings (when the crowd learned of the barring of Vigil from the Crystal Heart there were dark mutterings towards a certain council member), and the invocation of the Challenge. “My ponies, today Stalwart Vigil will face three challenges. The first will be a jousting match against Brass Ring, the current rings lancing champion of the Empire. The second will be a contest of martial arts against Rough Edge, the finest combat instructor of Lancers. The final challenge will be a race against Wild Wind on the Lancer’s obstacle course.”

A single voice cried out, “I must protest! These ponies are the captain’s friends! They will throw their matches with him!”

Cadence turned towards the voice. “Glittering Stone, come forward.” The stallion did so, leaving the bleachers he had been seated in. “Since you feel this way, I nominate you to be the second on the side of the Lancers. Do you accept?”

Now that his own coat was on the line, Stone started to back pedal. “Shining Armor should be the second. He is a Royal Guard. I’m just a humble gem merchant.”

“My husband may not be the second, as he is part of the royal family and is barred from the honor. As a council member, I would have thought you would have taken the opportunity to ensure that these challenges are conducted fairly.”

Trapped by Cadence’s cunning words, and his own foolish outburst, he hesitantly nodded. Sweat appeared on his brow from all the hostile attention he had garnered.

Luna smiled wickedly. She whispered to herself, “Well played Cadence. That was even better than what I had planned to ensnare him.”

Vigil risked giving the lunar princess a brief glance. Why do I feel like I’m a playing a part in a game I don’t even know the rules to?

Cadence turned to Luna. “Has Stalwart Vigil’s second been decided?”

Luna nodded. “The Element of Generosity, Rarity, has volunteered to be his second.”

Vigil’s eyes widened in shock, but he still remained at attention. No, no, no! It was supposed to be one of the Lunar Guards!

Luna sensed Vigil’s turmoil, and whispered to him, “Rarity has stood firm against manticores, Nightmare Moon, changeling invasions, dragons, and Discord himself. She will fare well. Besides, she only will get embroiled in these events if something happens to you.” Luna patted him on the shoulder, and went up to take her place on the platform.

The grounds ponies quickly prepared the pitch for the joust. Brass Ring warmed up as things were put in place by showing off his ability to precisely put his lance through small metal rings set upon posts of differing heights. This got the crowd to cheering and primed for the joust itself. Vigil shook his head, but could not help but grin at his friend. “He always has to show off.”

Rarity made her way from the platform and stood by Vigil. “It seems he earned his cutie mark of a lance going through a ring honestly. How many runs will it take for you to beat him?”

Vigil confidently answered, “Just three.” Rarity’s look made it clear she thought he was boasting a little. The joust preparations were completed, and the judge signaled the two into position. “I’ll explain when I get back.” He lowered his helm into place, and headed toward the first challenge.

Vigil took his lance from Wild Wind. (A Lancer giving the challenger his lance was not considered out of line, but common courtesy.) He waited, and the judge signaled the start with a blast from his flugelhorn. The two skilled warriors rushed towards each other without hesitation. Vigil knocked Brass’ lance downward at the last second, just before the two struck each other. Brass’ strike was a glancing blow to Vigil’s armor; Vigil left Brass in a heap of armor and hooves with a strike to the shoulder. The crowd cheered its appreciation for the skills of both jousters. The second run unfolded much the same. Brass struck a ringing blow to Vigil’s helmet, and Vigil knocked Brass off his hooves.

Vigil gritted his teeth behind his helm, knowing what he had to do. Brass had adjusted for his previous technique, and had nearly taken his head off with the last pass. Sorry Brass, this is going to sting. The third run began. Vigil did not use the same tactic he had for the last two runs. He expertly swept Brass’ lance upward, completely out of play, and knocked his opponent flat on his back by slamming the shaft of his lance into Brass’ chest as he passed. The sound of the wood connecting with Brass’ armor rang through the stadium. There was a collective intake of breath, as Mend rushed over to the upended form of Brass.

“Colt, you better talk to me or I’m going to get rough quick.” Mend started to pat Brass down, looking for serious injury.

Brass barely wheezed, “Just need air.”

Mend waved that Brass was not seriously injured, and the crowd applauded the match with a throaty roar.

Cadence declared, “Stalwart Vigil has won the first challenge. He will have half an hour to recover, and then the second challenge will begin.”

Rarity stomped in applause with the rest of the crowd. As Vigil came close she helped him remove his helm. “I almost feel sorry for Brass. You leveled the poor thing. Not to question your skills, but I would have thought the match would have been closer.”

“Brass is good with a lance, but his main skill is in trick jousting, not combat. That’s where I have the upper hoof. In a rings contest, he would take me every time. Thankfully, jousting for rings is apparently not one of the possible challenges.” The gem flared under his armor, and he gasped as the pain raced through him. “That’s getting to be a real problem.” After getting himself collected, he gave her a slightly infuriated look. “Rarity, I don’t want to argue with you about it, but what were you thinking when you decided to become my second?”

Rarity smiled, and haughtily replied, “I assure you, there will be no argument. A lady enters into debates and does not lower herself to raising her voice. As for being your second, it only makes sense. None of the royal family could do it, due to the rules. Having a Lunar or Royal Guard as your second could insinuate that the princesses were not being unbiased. Since you gave the gift of the shimmer to me, it’s plain for all to see where my heart is in the matter. I also have years of martial arts training, so I’m not exactly a delicate flower.”

He could find no fault in any of her points. “You’re right; I can’t disagree at all.” He touched his nose to hers. “You’re definitely no shrinking violet, but a beautiful and fierce creature all of your own. I’m lucky to have you here today.”

Vigil rested and made sure to keep hydrated for the next challenge. As time drew near, he began to put on his sparring gear. Rarity noticed he was much tenser that when he had faced Brass. “Are you alright? You seemed worried about this one.”

Vigil nodded stiffly. “I certainly am. Rough Edge was the one who instructed me in hoof to hoof combat. This challenge is likely to be the worst for me. He knows every weakness I have, and he will stick to the rules and not go easy on me. I just hope to come out of this without any broken ribs.”

Rarity looked over at the tough looking purple pony. Rough was not as large as Big Macintosh, but he was close in build. “He certainly looks like a bruiser.”

“The only chance I have of coming out with a win is to use my speed and flexibility. You’ve shown me a couple of things that he won’t be ready for, maybe I can use that against him.” He took a deep breath. “If not, I just hope to come out this without an injury bad enough to ruin my run against Wind.”

Cadence called the two combatants to the newly prepared ring. She explained to them, and to the crowd, “This match will go continuously for five minutes. In order to win, you must knock your opponent out or get their body completely out of the ring three times. Take your places.”

The two faced each other in the wide chalk ring. They both readied themselves, knowing this was going to be a rough fight. A horn blasted for them to start. The joust had been a challenge of skill. Vigil now faced a challenge of ferocity. Rough gave no quarter, pounding Vigil at every opportunity. Vigil, in contrast, picked his moments and struck with precision. His disabling offensive blows, while fewer, slowly broke down Rough’s offensive momentum. The only pauses during the match came when one of the fighters managed to knock or throw the other out of the ring. The stallions’ grunts of pain, the slapping of the pads, and the hissing breaths with each unleashed strike echoed through the stadium. Blood and sweat fell on the grass, and some parents covered their foal’s eyes. The unabashed brutality of the fighting reminded the crowd that this was not a spectacle for their enjoyment, but what was potentially a life and death struggle.

The horn blared again, and the combatants quickly moved away from each other. Cadence’s magically enhanced voice called out the score, “The challenge results in a tie, with two points for each side. Well fought, both of you.”

Rough and Vigil bowed to her. Rough turned pulled Vigil to him, in a sportspony’s hug, and laughed. “You’ve improved since you’ve been dead. I owe you a drink! That’s the best match I’ve had in years!”

Vigil winced at the contact with his new bruises. He patted his instructor on the shoulder. “The usual spot, I take it?”

“You got it! The Crystal Trough is the only place for Lancers! Do me a favor, and leave Wind in your dust. He’s been getting more and more of an attitude since he started getting close to your old record.”

Vigil returned to his spot on the field. Rarity flinched at his appearance. She levitated a cold, wet towel, and patted his face, neck, and chest clean. His right eye was already swelling shut, and he had a bloody nose. She could only guess at the other injuries that he had suffered. “Are you going to be able to run like this?”

He nodded, and sniffed as a few more crimson drops escaped his nose. “I’ll make it. I’ve trained and run the course with worse. Sorry I didn’t get to use anything you taught me, I was just trying to walk out of the ring towards the end of it.”

She dabbed the cloth against his face again. “Of all the things you should be worrying about, and that crosses your mind? It looked to me that you gave as well as you got, my little tricks or no. His face didn’t look much different than yours.”

She cautiously helped him out of his pads. With each bruise and welt that was revealed, her trepidation grew. “You’ll need to get some more water in you. Stretching to keep your muscles from tightening up wouldn’t hurt either.”

Too soon for either of them, Cadence called Vigil to the final challenge. Rarity gave him a quick hug. “Good luck.”

The final challenge reminded Rarity of the course that Applejack would run to prepare for her competitions. There were gates to jump, pools of water to slog through, and a couple of climbing and balance obstacles, there was also a long sprint to the finish. Rarity hoped that Vigil’s slightly larger build would give him an advantage if it came down to sprinting section of the course being the deciding factor in the race.

Wind and Vigil stood side by side at the start. Wind looked over to Vigil, and gave him a friendly nod. Vigil nodded back, and did his best not to smile. At a signal from one of the judges, the racers took their marks. The horn blew, and the two sped away from the line. For the first portions of the race, the pair were dead even. The gates proved to be no problem for either of the ponies, and they flew over them with graceful leaps. The pools proved to be easy for the pair as well. The third and more complex leg was where Wind began to lose pace with Vigil. Vigil’s experience with the various obstacles that could be substituted in for the course gave him an edge. Even slowed by the beating that he had received, Vigil soon pulled a couple of lengths ahead of the recruit. The crowd erupted as Vigil made it past the last obstacle and lengthened his stride for the final sprint.

He never made it to the finish. The stone flared, and Vigil fell. His legs folded beneath him, and he rolled in a painful, uncontrolled tumble. Wind raced past him, determined not to let his captain down by not completing the race and jeopardizing all that Vigil had struggled for.

Vigil tried to get back to his hooves, but fell again as a searing pain went through his right foreleg. He knew it was over as he hit the turf again. It was his knee. He had twisted it in the fall.

There were a few muted cheers as Wind finished. The winning Lancer immediately ran back to Vigil’s side, and helped him up. “Captain, this is bad.” Vigil leaned on Wind, and they slowly made their way back towards the platform.

Cadence waited until Vigil had returned to his designated spot on the field, before addressing the crowd. “The challenges end in a tie for the challenger and the Lancers. Their seconds will now face one of the challenges to determine the outcome. Seconds, please step forward. The challenge will be decided by a blind draw.”

Stone pompously offered, “I will let the little mare decide the challenge. That should level the playing field a little.”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed at the insult. She snarled her answer to him, “I choose a martial arts match.”

Wild tensed at her choice. “Is she insane? He’s nearly twice her size.”

Vigil simply replied, “Rarity will beat him like a training dummy.”

Wild turned to Vigil in disbelief. “Are you sure that fall didn’t rattle your head? Look at her! She’s a model, not a fighter!”

He smiled, glad at Wild’s reaction. “That’s what he will think too.”

Rarity slipped on a set of sparring pads, making a show of the process. Wild, much more calmly, noted, “She’s done that a time or two.”

The two seconds entered the circle. Stone looked like an overstuffed, moving couch. He seemed to have had some experience with pads, as their added bulk did little to hinder his moments. A good number of ponies in the crowd worried for Rarity’s safety and Vigil’s fate. Rarity looked too small for the contest to be fair.

Stone mockingly bowed to Rarity. “I played hoof ball in school, back in my day. I’ll try not to hurt you too badly.”

She just smiled like a predatory cat in return.

The horn blew and the bought began. Rarity nimbly darted in, dodged Stone’s clumsy attack, turned, and struck him dead center in the chest with a buck from both of her rear legs. Stone could barely stagger back, before she stuck him again. She battered his face, chest, forelegs, and anything else she could strike. Stone retreated so rapidly that he was outside the circle before he knew what had happened. The two returned to the center, the horn blasted, and Stone tried to go on the offensive. His plan opened him to a countering throw from Rarity. The impact left him breathless and lying exposed on the ground. She pounded him unmercifully as he tried to regain his hooves. Stone managed to roll away from her onslaught, and right out of the ring. Stone lay outside the ring for a few seconds, his breathing labored from the pain coming from his ribs. He got back to his hooves and staggered back into the ring. When the horn sounded again, he all but curled up in a ball as Rarity beat and kicked him with a vigor backed by her anger, fear for Vigil, and the desire to see Stone humiliated. Stone slowly backed out of the ring, more on his haunches than his hooves, with his tale tucked and his ego shattered.

Cadence announced, clearly pleased, “Rarity takes the challenge three to naught! Vigil, you have passed the Three Tiered Challenge, and have earned the right to approach the Crystal Heart!”

Vigil started to thank her, when the gem flared again. The pain dropped him to his knees. Rarity rushed over to him, still in her pads. “It’s getting worse.” He nodded, and she put his head to her chest. “This is almost over; just hold on a little longer.”

Luna landed beside Rarity, having taken a short flight from the platform. “We must act quickly. I do not know what will happen if we delay any longer. I will carry you to the heart immediately.”

Rarity barely had time to place a kiss on Vigil’s head before Luna’s magic took him. Luna flew with Vigil in her magical grip to the top of the palace at a speed that shocked the Lancer. Luna landed on the edge of the top of the palace and carefully returned Vigil to his hooves beside her. The Crystal Heart was held upon a stand at the very center of the platform. It gently glowed and thrummed with power.

Vigil never took his eyes from the Heart, as he asked, “There is a chance this might not work, isn’t there?”

Luna shut her eyes and took a breath in worry, but answered truthfully, “There is always that possibility. The forces acting here are unique. None of us can tell what will happen with certainty.”

Vigil raised his head to her. “Princess, if this doesn’t work, tell Rarity I love her. Tell her that I will always be grateful for everything she did for me and that I hope she has as wonderful a life as she has made mine these last few weeks.”

Luna solemnly nodded. “I will.”

Battered, injured, and scared that these were his last moments, Vigil limped towards the Heart. As he approached, the Crystal Heart’s inner light grew brighter. There was sudden flash of power, and a force unlike anything he had felt before struck him. His world became searing white and then faded to darkness.


As his consciousness returned, he groggily became aware of a soft humming noise. Vigil slowly raised his head from the pad he had been placed on. As his wits returned, he recognized that he was in the infirmary. A ring of Mend’s healing crystals surrounded him. Their humming stopped, as their job was finished. He rolled onto his belly, and folded his legs under himself. He closed his eyes, silently said a prayer to Celesita and Luna, and then looked down at his chest. The gem was gone.

He looked around the room, and smiled as his eyes fell upon Rarity. She had fallen asleep leaned up against the wall. He slowly and quietly made his way over to the pad where she was resting. There was barely enough room for a quarter of him to fit, but he did not mind. He put his head on the pad, and put his ear against her chest. He listened to her heart beat and her soft breathing. He began to doze, as her warmth and natural, rhythmic sounds relaxed him. A little later, a change in her breathing alerted him to the fact that she had woken up.

She stroked his neck and shoulder blades with a hoof. “This reminds me of when we first met.”

He lifted his head and hugged her to him. Tears of relief and joy ran down his cheeks. “I owe you everything. I would spend the rest of my days trying to repay you and it would not be enough to equal what you have done for me.”

She returned the gesture, putting her forelegs around him. “You’re tired, and you’re exaggerating what I have done. You would have won that last challenge had the gem not stopped you. I should be thanking you. If you hadn’t have had that accident, I would not have had the opportunity to beat the stuffing out of that vile excuse of a pony.”

He couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

The door to the infirmary opened, and Luna stepped into the room. She noted the pair’s positions, and shook her head with a grin. “Vigil, Mend would have both your ears if she knew you were lying on the floor like that. Release her for a moment.” As soon as he let Rarity go, Luna levitated him into the air and slid the pad he had been on next to Rarity’s. She tenderly put Vigil back down on the pad. “Now you and I both will not face her wrath. I felt you leave the dreaming state, and decided to check on you. Even with Mend’s skills, you will still need to take care and time to adequately recover.”

She knelt down and hugged him. “My dear captain, you performed magnificently today. It shall be a long time till another spectacle like this occurs. You have undoubtedly earned your respite.” As she released him, she slid something into his hoof. “I didn’t have a chance to deliver that message you gave me. You can deliver it yourself, whenever you see fit.” Luna turned and headed back to the door. “I will leave you two to rest, and will make sure that nopony disturbs you till morning. I will warn you, the Element of Laughter has planned a party for the morrow the likes of which I have never seen before. She and Cozy Room should never be left unattended. Between her party planning talents and his logistical skills, they could create a bacchanal that would involve all of Equestria.” Luna gently shut the door behind her as she left, leaving the two alone once again.

Vigil looked down at the object in his hoof. It was the gem that had been embedded in him for so long. Instead of angry red, it had been returned to its original diamond clear luster.

Rarity gave a little gasp at the sight of the gem. “It’s been completely changed!”

Vigil regarded the gem, turning it in the light. “The dark magic is gone. In fact, I don’t feel any magic of any kind left in the stone. The Heart must have removed it.” He took one of Rarity’s hooves and placed the gem in in. He covered the gem and her hoof with his both of his own. “This is yours.”

Rarity instantaneously protested, “Not at all. After what you have gone through, it is rightfully yours.”

“Then I choose to give it to you.” He lifted a hoof from hers, and caressed her cheek. “Consider it a part of my heart that I want you to always have.”

She put the gem to her heart. “How could I ever refuse, especially when you put it like that?” She gave him a searching look. “I don’t understand. Why hasn’t Luna delivered the message that you gave her?”

His joy dimmed for a moment, as he remembered the circumstances that caused him to give the message to Luna. “We didn’t know for certain that the Crystal Heart would remove the gem, destroy it and me, or do nothing at all. I told her what I wanted to tell you, in case I didn’t have the opportunity to later.”

Rarity tilted her head. “What did you want her to tell me?”

“I wanted her to tell you that I wished your life to be as wonderful as you have made the last few weeks for me. I wanted you to know that I appreciated all that you had done.” He leaned in and kissed her. He briefly broke the kiss to add, “Most especially, I wanted you to know one thing. Rarity, I love you and always will.” They kissed again. It was a long, deep kiss that left the two warm and slightly giddy at the end. They nuzzled each other, and lay back down together, both too exhausted to stay awake.

The Elements, the three princesses, Shining, Cozy, and Mend came to rouse the pair for breakfast. Luna indicated they should be quiet, as she sensed both were still deeply asleep. Without a sound, Celestia opened door with her magic. The gathered ponies found Rarity and Vigil curled together. They slept holding in each other. His head was tucked against her chest; her chin was placed on top of his head. The gem sat a hoof’s reach away from the pair, reflecting the tender scene in all of its facets.


The party that afternoon lived up to Luna’s warning. It was if the Crystal Empire Festival was being reenacted with even more enthusiasm. Music played, drinks flowed, and food was devoured in copious amounts.

Rainbow coaxed Brass into doing an exhibition joust. She lost horribly, even with him going easy on her. After the last run, when he crossed the dividers to help her up, she pounced on him and wrestled him to the ground. She lightly battered him with her hooves, as she sat on his chest. Brass laughed the entire time.

Vigil laughed at the pair’s antics. “They have gotten friendly awfully fast. By the way, what did you have those two do yesterday?” He looked to Luna, who smiled like a dragon with a new treasure to add to its hoard.

“They used the town criers and message runners to great effect. They had the criers announce the Challenge across the city, so that there would be as many witnesses as possible to spread the word of Stone’s votes during the council’s rulings. If they could not find evidence of his selling of the gem while knowing that it was dangerous, the news of his conduct would at least have detrimentally hurt his business dealings. They also had messages sent to a few key ponies that I know. Those ponies provided them with information that indicated they needed to talk to a pony named Shady Deal about how Stone had acquired the gem. They then spoke to Shady face to face. I know not, and don’t wish to know, how they got him to reveal it, but he confessed that he had been the one to find Sombra’s horn. Upon finding it, and the core gem, he then took the gem to Stone. Stone, in turn, sold the gem as part of a collection of other gems he had gotten from Shady to Rarity. He knew full well what it was he was selling, and how dangerous it could have been. Ironically, you had to face the Challenge due to the gem’s diminishing power speeding up our efforts to get you to the Crystal Heart. Had we gathered the evidence before the council meeting, Stone would have been barred from participating in the council’s rulings.”

Rarity asked, “And where are those two miscreants at the moment?”

Luna’s gave her a satisfied smile. “I have ensured that Stone and Shady are both spending this day in the palace dungeons, and that they will spend quite a number more there.” She put a hoof on Vigil’s shoulder. “I wish to tell you, that had the gem begun to threaten your life, I would have flown you directly to the Crystal Heart myself, Challenge or no. While I always strive to follow the laws of the land, there is no reason a pony should die on account of them. Cadence has assured me that she and Shining feel the same.”

Shining asked Vigil, “What are you going to do, now that all of this is over?”

Vigil turned his eyes to Rarity. “I plan to keep a promise I made. I’m going to return to Ponyville, to help Rarity with a project of hers.”

Celestia gave Luna a conspiratorial look. “I don’t remember you releasing Vigil from the Lancers, and I certainly haven’t. He still has a couple of years in our service, if I recall correctly. What shall we do with him? It would be a shame to have to demote him to keep him as part of his Lancers. We may have to though, if he’s planning to shirk his duties.”

Luna returned Celestia’s look. “I’m sure that we will find a use for him. He has a backlog of vacation time that he needs to take, and I insist he do so as soon as possible so that he may fully recover from these events. That avoids any duty shirking issues with him as well. His leave time will also give us the opportunity to consider what to do with him. I’m certain we will find a post appropriate for a pony of his experience and distinctions.”

Vigil didn’t know if he liked the sound of that or not. Knowing Luna, there was another game being played that he was not aware of. He was certain, no matter what it was, that he was right in the middle of it. Seeing his expression, Rarity leaned up against him and kissed his cheek. He decided not to worry about Luna’s words until after his royally mandated vacation, and focused his attention on the mare at his side. He kissed the spot below her horn where he had given her the shimmer, and just enjoyed being with the mare he loved.