• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

Comments ( 115 )

Well, darf always manages to write some interesting stuff. I can't wait to read more from you darf.

Is this the fucked-up stuff you talkd about a few weeks ago that I should probably pussy out of? :fluttercry:

Oh good, you've murdered a bird this time.


Holy hell, Darf. Written as an exercise or an outlet? Or for that arousing picture you linked as "written for"? What are those, anyway? Lightbulbs? Eh, I'll pass on this one for the content.

In other news the writing seemed solid. Not that I made it that far.

Enthusiastic tweeter eater Twilight! :twilightsmile: nom

It was difficult, but I read it all. I am so confused.

Okay, uhm, fuck, you weren't lying bro, this is fucked up.

Yes, I manned up and read it.

I don't know if I should go on.

Because this one seems to be the worst, what with disembodied, decomposing dick/slasher!Rarity.

Wow, I know you warned me but this didn't gross me out at all. It's too silly to get upset over, and I think too logically to get past the whole literal act of what Twilight's doing. I can't understand the appeal, but I'm taking it for what it is and just nodding my head.

I should really watch what I click. I really should.

Still... It was...


I'll get back to you on THAT.

~Skeeter The Lurker

2796875 Oh.


Then it's not nearly fucked up enough!

Dammit, Mr. Darf! You held yourself back! :pinkiecrazy:

With it all being a dream, though, it's cool.


Let me recite the motto of my people:

I'm here.
I'm there.
I'm everywhere.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I' speechless I don't know what this was. Was this the literal equivalent to an acid trip?

[quoteA few seconds passed. Fluttershy breathed heavily, her stomach and chesht rising and falling wildly as she gulped in air.]chest

Still horrifying to a certain degree, but the least horrifying of the chapters so far.

2796955 You heavily implied it and I'm going with that interperetation because it's easier on the soul more feasable to me.

I started trying to figure out what the purpose of all these shorts was somewhere after the first. I wasn't certain if there was meant to be one and I just wasn't getting it at first or if this was all just writing to capture/document extreme aspects of human sexuality through ponies. Because grotesque acts of paraphilia are what you'd normally associate with fanfiction about a little girls' cartoon.

It occurred to me near the top of this short that I was being entertained through reading disgusting stories about philia fillies continually doing disgusting things for the purpose of self-entertainment. Or the horse is I and I is he, I guess.

Well played. I'm not even sure if that's what you intended, but still. Well played. It was a nice piece of self reflection.

Also, given that we're on this chapter, here's some maybe typos: Wasn’t that enough, she had ask? --> missing 'to' or tense derp on ask & There was no ‘now’’; --> extra apostrophe at end of now.

I say you are doing wonderful job with the stream of consciousness. The Dubliners of the darkest side of fimfiction indeed. :twilightsmile:

Is it a bad thing that I went through this entire story without a single wingboner? I found the detail of the story far more interesting than anything else.

Well... that was certainly... something.

"ARCHIMEDES! NO! It's filthy in there."
An internet pony to the first person who knows what that is a reference to.

I'm not sure what I read... :rainbowhuh:
...but I liked it! :rainbowkiss:

Also, Luna needs to stop messing with Spike's dreams like that. She'll screw him up something fierce if she keeps doing that to him. :moustache:

Celestia's got nothing on Luna. That dark alicorn always sneaking into pony's dreams and turning them into her personal playground of the Id. Oh sure, save a few foals from nightmares and you're the Hero of the Night. No one bothers to mention all the sopping wet dreams causing a strain on national laundering resources. Luna goes into heat and half the country suddenly has a run on detergent and replacement linens... and a population spike about 11 months later. :trollestia:

...uhhhh... This has nice writing, and uhm, very unorthodox. All these situations and their variety will definitely help your writing style in the future in what I hope is a more 'normal' story.

Such pretty stories deserve a pretty song.

The Applejack one was my favorite. Possibly because I am prejudiced in her favor, but I like the bit about the knife in her leg, how it was too smooth and easy of a cut, and she just wanted to smash it. The stream of consciousness about being the forest floor and a hurt tool and such, that was wonderful. Sexy.
Trying to escape the banality of life and touch something real, but at the same time afraid of it. Twilight and Pinkie seem to touch on the idea as well. Getting within kissing distance of death and exposure just for the thrill.
The punchline at the end of Applejack's story was excellently delivered. Delicious.

The Fluttershy chapter came off as sexy somehow, I don't know how that works. Her suddenly pissing on Angel, as if she were so broken she didn't understand sex at all (I'm reminded of the cliche about a prepubescent child thinking that sex means peeing on each other).

Kind of works with Rarity's story thematically, characters in a state of sexual stasis. They're rotting, locked up in their little boxes and unable to overcome or confront themselves and continuously repeating a cycle that will only get worse.

Dash seems to have completely lost it though. I originally wanted to place her with Applejack because of the masochism, but unlike Applejack, Dash has completely gone feral. She's the only openly exhibitionist character, the only one to involve an active partner, and it is kind of baffling how she isn't in jail or the nut house. Her line about waiting a few days implies she has at least some control left, but everything else is about her is pushed to such extremes that even the crackhead-Dash in your last story seems a level-headed, forward oriented young lady.

I like the bookends Spike provides. The change in tone from the beginning of Twilight's story, and then the return to that tone in Spike's story, it creates a feeling like walking down a sunny street, suddenly turning into an unlit marsh filled with flesh-eating worms and shit, then without any explanation you're back on the sunny street again. It makes you wonder if the swamp really existed.
Fits quite nicely with Fluttershy's last line in her story, "time to get clean again."

Now, I can see what you meant about falling into the ethos of my writing. I hope it did not leave too many unfortunate stains.

nothing that wasn't there already.

you hit the nail on the head with pretty much everything, and i have to confess that i enjoyed Applejack's the most as well.

the one thing i'm interested to hear (or was, before such a lukewarm reception) was people's thoughts on the last chapter - not about it 'being a dream' (which i think is reductive), but about what the metafictional implications of analyzing unwanted thought about fetishes and then weaving them into something real says about this story, its author, the site at large, or the notion of fictional dictation in the first place.

that's kind of spoiling it, but fuck it. outside of an audience of a few people, i'm not sure anyone else would even bother to notice it.

Alright, you got me. Not going any further.


Things were supposed to be different after the first time. Rarity had screamed, protested, didn’t he understand he was a lady, and what that meant.


I think a certain mare needs to see a shrink.... badly......

This may be slightly related to one of my fetishes...
This was least disturbing so far... :rainbowderp:

Umm, pinkie enjoys other watching her masturbate? This is totally a new headcannon.

does this mean i've won the coveted back-to-back review blog prize?

When the box first came out, I was like: :pinkiegasp: <('Don't be what I think it is!')

Then: :rainbowhuh:

Finally: :pinkiesick:

(Interesting and well written, but yeesh this is something weird...)

Sometimes I am reminded that I love you. Seriously, why are your stories so amazing?

I felt things and poor Fluttershy and Angel. Also got the most unwanted boner.

2796989 You just read it in Connery's voice, that's all.

Well, if Twilight ruins Spike's arousal by throwing up, it's only fair that he do the same.

Honestly, though, I've just been waiting for you to write another "So Close, Yet So Far".

Oh god. I read this while eating rice crispies and milk.


Well, after that last one, this was just sweet and funny.

But I am glad that I don't eat eclairs for breakfast.

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