• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 2,829 Views, 74 Comments

The 6 Million Bit Pony - BaronVonStallion

Big Macintosh is laid up in the royal hospital. But we can rebuild him. We have the technology!

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Mac looked over the edge of the carriage, viewing Ponyville from an angle he’d never dreamed until recently. Seeing his little town from up here was an experience, to say the least. A few ponies bustled about, tending to their goals for the day. From up here, they looked like so many apples in Mac’s ever-growing orchard. They passed overhead of Everfree forest, flying higher so as not to disturb anything potentially dangerous. Mac could see the corner of Danger Chasm as the carriage headed towards Canterlot.

“So...do you think we’re gonna see some action?” Soarin’ was trotting in place, teeming with determination.

“Settle down, Soarin’. Ah’m sure whatever the princesses need us for, it’s important.”

“I know. I’m just sick of waiting around, ya know? You forget, but I was awake in that hospital longer than you. I really want to test myself out. I can’t stand bed-rest.”

“But ya’ll have been workin’ with AJ...”

“Don’t get me wrong! It’s certainly helped, but I do stuff like that all the time. Wonderbolts, remember?”


Mac watched his companion walk around the carriage, gently stretching and twisting his body. Soarin' continues to gush over the chance to prove himself. It was still early, so he decided that a light nap might help his morning disposition. Mac rested on the bench he was sitting on, trying to ignored Soarin’s incessant squabbling. He closed his eyes, thinking about his warm bed with its newly added hoof holes, and drifted into a state of half-sleep.

Mac opened his eyes groggily, wishing he had more than the twenty minutes a sky carriage needed to arrive in Canterlot. As he sat up, Soarin‘ peered back at him smiling.

“Wake up. You’re gonna miss the best part of the day.”

Big Mac sat up, holding on the the edge of the carriage. The sun was just peeking over the horizon as Canterlot neared them. The royal guards started a downward approach towards a brilliantly white castle, its spires reaching into the sky around it. As they closed the distance to the castle, a pony was visible, and she was standing on a balcony. Her horn glowed yellow as the sun slowly rose above the edge of Canterlot. As it did, the deep blues and purples of the night faded into maroons and reds.

Their carriage careened around the spires, weaving in between them and the towers which held them. The carriage pulled up, landing on the balcony housing the white pony. Mac and Soarin gazed at the spectacle before them, unaware that they’d arrived that their destination. One of the guardponies accompanying them coughed, startling the passengers.

The two ponies exited their vehicle, shaking out their muscles after the short but early trip. As both Big Mac and Soarin‘ stretched out, Princess Celestia approached them, mentally preparing herself for the situation she was going to put her subjects in. Macintosh noticed her first, bowing deeply in her presence. Soarin’ continued to twist and pull his back until a swift kick from Mac brought his attention to the princess. Soarin followed suit. Celestia stopped a few feet in front of them, smiling softly at their little display.

“Rise, my ponies. It’s good to see you again” she said.

Mac and Soarin’ refrained from their genuflecting, wondering what exactly she meant by that. Mac was the first to speak up.

“Um, yer majesty...”

“Oh please, Macintosh. We needn't be on such proper terms. I find it slows down normal conversation, and unfortunately, time soon may be of the essence. Just refer to me as Celestia.”

“Uh, Celestia, whut do ya’ll mean by, ‘again’?”

Celestia gave Mac a questioning look. Surely they would have told him... Celestia trotted closer to the stallion, eying him with uncertainty.

“Macintosh, the doctors did explain to you how you came to my facility, yes?”

“Truth be told princess, they didn’t explain much of anythin’.”

Celestia sighed. She knew she should have attended to the ponies awakenings herself. I was just so busy. Maybe I could have had Luna talk to them. She chuckled at the thought. She trusted her sister like...well, a sister. But Luna didn’t particularly know what this situation called for. Celestia feared that Luna's jovial manner might upset their guests.

“Come, my friends. We have much to discuss.” She lead the two into her castle, and they promptly followed. Corridor after corridor, Mac and Soarin’ couldn’t help marvel at the things they saw. Most rooms were adorned with long, beautiful tapestries along the walls. Chandeliers hung from each ceiling, each more elaborate than the last. In one room which looked like a museum, Mac spotted a shining metal yoke. He raced in as Soarin’ and the princess followed. Its handles were polished ebony, with the initials I.H. etched in between the two handles.

“Celestia, is this what Ah think it is?”

The princess smiled. “That, my friend, is the yoke of Iron Henrys. I remember him well. The ‘steam-powered pony’, they used to call him. He was such a determined pony. He actually managed to plow two orchards within 24 hours on a bet, and ended up earning his cutie mark for it, too.”

Mac grinned with delight. He’d grown up hearing old pony tales about the strong farm horse plowing through mountains and planting hundreds of trees in a few days. It was no coincidence that Mac enjoyed plowing so much. To him, it was living a bit like a legend. “Some bet. What’d he win?” Mac asked.

“A date.”

Mac smirked. “Must’ve been some pony, ta go through all that fer jus’ a date. Why didn’t he jus’ ask ‘em out, instead goin’ through all that trouble?”

Celestia giggled. “Well, after he managed such a feat, I guess he figured I’d have no reason to refuse.”

Mac’s pupils dilated as the information he just gathered sank in. He let out a resounding Ohhhhhhhh.

Celestia smiled as she watched the large, red pony piece everything together. “Come now, we can discuss old friends later. I believe Luna is waiting downstairs, and we really do have much to talk about.”

She led Big Mac and Soarin’ out of the museum, took a left and headed towards a large mosaic adorning the floor right before the hall forked. Celestia stopped in front of it, looking to her sides to make sure nopony was snooping. Her horn began to glow, and piece of blue, gold, and purple rocks flung themselves around the circular mosaic. As they move, the rock started forming the image of the two ponies. Or more specifically, two alicorns.

As the rocks finally stopped, the blocky effigy of the ruling sisters became imprinted. A few seconds after, a slow rumble began to radiate from behind the wall perpendicular to them. The wall split, a line of light running down the middle. The halves parted, revealing a platform surrounded by an steel walls. A pulley system above them allowed for easy vertical transport. Celestia stepped forward into the elevator, gesturing for her companions to follow.

Soarin’ and Mac watched in awe at the spectacle before them, but only for a moment. Shaking themselves from their stupor, the two ponies joined their ruler in the metal box. As the doors shut, Big Mac and Soarin‘ looked at each other, each a look of uncertainty on their faces. The elevator shook, then shot down at an alarming speed. Soarin‘ wrapped his forelegs around a guardrail to his right, while Mac instead chose to rocket into the ceiling, both of them screamed louder than anypony would think possible.

“You may want to save your breath, because we certainly won’t be slowing any time soon.” Celestia laughed to herself. “You should have seen Luna’s first time. It was like watching a new-born foal trying to stand.”

Mac could only understand bits and pieces of whatever Celestia had said. It had become inaudible over his own shouting. Tears were slowly peeking out of the corners of Mac’s eyes from the speed alone. He turned to look at Soarin’, who was hanging vertically by now. If....Ah...can...jus’... Mac tried to inch his way across the ceiling, moving towards the railing Soarin’ was glued to. Slowly but surely, Mac grew closer to the safety bar. Just when he reached the end of the ceiling, he felt some of the elevator’s speed give way.

Uh no... the elevator skidded to a halt, slamming Mac into the floor. Celestia watched over him with concern. “Macintosh, are you alright?”

Mac grumbled. How the hay did she stay still on that? “Ah’m fine, Princess. Jus’....don’t make me ride that thin’ again, okay?”

“You’ll get used to it.”

Celestia strode into the room. It was a cement structure, shaped in a circular fashion. Decor was nonexistent, instead maps of different regions hung from the walls. Stairs lead down to a round table in the center of the room, with large chairs surrounding it. One chair, directly across from the elevator, was facing the wall. Only a well of blue spectral hair was visible, emanating from the side. The chair spun around revealing Princess Luna, hooves locked together, and she was staring at her sister’s two companions.

“Gentlecolts...” she said.

Celestia sighed. “You always were one for theatrics, Luna. Macintosh, Soarin’, this is Princess Luna.” Mac and Soarin’ quickly bowed, bringing a small smile to Luna’s face.

“Please rise, my ponies. If you don’t mind, I would like to start right away.” Luna took a seat at the end of the table.”

“Everypony, take a seat.” Celestia motioned towards the table. The three other ponies each took a chair opposite one another, and Luna used her magic to levitate a map onto the table.

“Sirs, we have a problem.” She pointed to a lower right section of the map, which appeared to be the blueprints for a city. “This is a map of downtown Canterlot. We’ve heard reports of strange noises coming from this complex for weeks.” She circled her hoof around a large building. “This apartment complex have been abandoned for three years, and just now is it seeing activity. Celestia sent a three guard squad to investigate two days ago. We haven’t heard from them since.”

Luna placed her elbows on the table, looking at Soarin‘ and Big Mac.

“We want you to go take a look. No recuse attempt, no heroics. Don’t even enter the building. Just recon. Understand?”

Soarin‘ looked as if somepony took away his Gamecolt color, while the news had the opposite effect on Mac.

“Good. Now, since Mac is a bit more experienced, at least in terms of age, he’ll take the lead on this one.

“That’s sounds jus‘ fine, but...how are we gonna find anythin‘ if we can‘ go inside?”

Luna looked over to Celestia questioningly, who in return rolled her eyes. “The doctors, the ones who released you...explained how to access your, well, ‘powers’, correct?”

Both Mac and Soarin‘ shook their heads no. “But they did give us a handbook. That’s something, right?” quipped Soarin’.

The royal sister simultaneously facehooved. “What’s the point of all this development if we can’t even trust our scientists to explain them to their patients. I’ve got half a mind to trot down there and...” Luna was cut off by a stern look from her sister.

“Now, Luna...” she started, “I’m sure they meant to explain everything, and they just ran out of time. In any event, what’s done is done.” Celestia turned towards the two bionic ponies. “Have you read your manuals?”

“Honestly, Ah didn’t think we’d be needed this soon. Ah’ve just been tryin‘ to get mah body up to snuff.” Mac knew he should’ve at least peeked inside the handbook, but between his training with Rainbow Dash and daily chores, the desire to read had escaped him.

Soarin‘ thought back to when he received his manual. It had been a few days before Mac woke up, and other than reading the intro, he had almost no working knowledge of the script. The little he did read seemed like a completely different language.

“Yeah, sorry Princess, but that thing is harder to understand than Quantum Physics.”

Celestia allowed herself a small grin. I should have known Forrester would have let them with most of the work. At least they’re enthusiastic. “Well, both are a start. And we won’t be needing anything special from either of you. We only give this to you because frankly, you two need the experience.” She levitated an envelope over to the table. Opening it, she passed the contents of it to Soarin’, and then Mac.

They looked at the device, which resembled a very small paper clip with a string attached. The string lead down to a small rectangle box at the end. The pair gave Celestia a curious look.

“There for communication when on your mission. We call them ‘Codex’. We’ll be able to hear you, and you us, within the city limits of Canterlot.” Celestia smiled proudly. “We’re working on a long range version as we speak.” Mac nodded as he and Soarin‘ placed in their Codex communicators. “Now, let’s delve into some...logistics...”

As he and Mac were escorted out of the castle, Soarin’ couldn’t help but wonder how Celestia kept all of this a secret. I mean, the guards are in on it, there’s all the scientists, the management, staff, janitors...is she just the best smooth talker ever, or... his thoughts were cut short by the clash of closing castle gates. He looked over to Mac, who was walking towards downtown Canterlot already.

“Hey, hold up a second.” Soarin’ quickly flew over to Mac, dropping down next to him. “So, you ready?” He was literally bouncing.

Mac turned his gaze over to his excitable companion. “Ah don’t know what you’re all giddy about. We’re jus’ gonna go listen to an abandoned house. Nothin’ like the ‘action’ ya’ll were dragging on about earlier.”

The two stopped at a crossing, waiting for traffic to pass. “I know that” Soarin’ replied, “but it’s better than just sitting around, doing nothing!”

“Ya call farm work nothin’, huh?”

“You know what I mean.”

The two stood before the street, trying to coordinate themselves with their destination. After crossing, they moved five city blocks ahead, turning left into the downtown district. A stark contrast of upper Canterlot, downtown was bustling with ponies of all classes. Blending in to this crowd was going to be easy, but finding a specific building? Not so much. The two wandered into the center of the street, which was packed shoulder to shoulder with ponies.

“Soarin’, ya’ll see it?”

“I...think it’s that one on the right.”

“Unless our guy is a manic barber, I doubt he’s hiding in ‘Chops’ Facial Follicles’.”

Mac dragged Soarin’ from the center of the road. “This is gettin‘ us nowhere.” He sat down, pressing his right hoof to his ear. “Blue Moon, this is Red One, do you copy? Over.” Personally, He thought the code-names for himself, the princesses, and Soarin’ were silly, but Mac agreed to them anyway. He wasn’t going to protest such a thing, and Soarin’ had to win at least one battle.

“This is Blue Moon, I copy. What’s the status on Pie-bringer?”

“He’s just fine. We’re havin’ a bit o’ trouble findin’ this building.”

“Oh I can solve that!”

At that moment, Mac’s left eye went black. Before he had time to panic, a blueprint of the street they were standing on appeared in the let side of his vision, showing that the apartment complex was a few blocks to their left. As his normal sight returned, he pawed at his eye, trying to remove whatever sorcery overcame it.

“Don’t ...*pant* ... DO THAT!”

“You’ll have to get used to it, eventually. Might as well start now.”

Mac looked back at Soarin’, who was playing with a leaf until Mac’s spasm. “C’mon, it’s this way.” He gestured toward the left.

“Hey Mac, I think this is it.” Soarin’ turned the corner, coming upon their mission. The apartment building was fairly worn-down, the paint chipping off it’s sides and a semi-collapsed roof. Its windows were smashed in, and a stray cat ran out from behind a garbage can next to the entrance. The busy streets of downtown seemed miles away from the rundown residence ahead of them.

“Heh, a regular mansion, eh Mac?”

Big Mac smirked, trotting up to the front door and placing his ear on it. Deep in the complex, he could hear a small vibration. Nothing large enough to warrant machinery. Is that...a voice?

“Hey, Ah hear sumthin’. Soarin’, what ‘bout you?” He looked back to Soarin’, who strode up next to him. Mac moved, giving Soarin’ full berth of the door.

“Nah, I don’t....”

A blood-curdling scream stabbed it’s way into the duos ears. It broke through the quiet surroundings echoing off of hard concrete. Mac immediately turned his back, preparing to call Luna, but was interrupted by the sound of shattering wood. Mac craned his neck around, finding the entrance trampled over, and Soarin’ running down the hall.

“Soarin’! Wait!” Mac shouted after his partner, who promptly ignored him. Damn it, Soarin’! She said no theatrics! Mac chased after his partner into unfamiliar territory.

HEY, LAZY-FLANK!” Rainbow Dash had been yelling at Mac’s window for the past twenty minutes. “GET UP!” She tapped on the glass to his ground floor window. He must sleep heavier than me, she thought.

“He ain’t here...” replied Applejack.

“AHH, jeez!” Rainbow wasn’t expecting AJ to be directly behind her. “What’d ya do that for? ...Wait, what do ya mean ‘He ain’t here’? We were supposed to work on cardio today.”

“Ah mean he’s gone, vacated. Big Mac has left the building.” Applejack spat, more than a little annoyed.

“Okay, AJ, I get it! What’s up your flank today?”

Applejack sighed. “Ah’m sorry Rainbow. Ya’ll didn’t deserve that. It’s just...Mac and Soarin‘ had ta leave this morning. Somethin‘ about ‘royal duties‘ and that. They left in a sky carriage headed towards Canterlot before dawn.”

Applejack walked over to the front porch of the house and Dash following her. They sat down, AJ took off her hat and inspected his hooves. “Ah’m jus‘ nervous, is all.”

Dash gave AJ a supportive hoof to the back. “They’ll be fine. They’ve got the two strongest, bravest coaches in all of Equestria behind them! Not to mention the royal sisters.”

AJ looked up at Rainbow, a small smile on her face. “Ah know, sugarcube. Ah jus’ thought we’d have more time.”

“You can’t be too worried about Mac. Just look at him! He’s stronger than three ponies put together, and that’s before the operation. He’s fit, though. Not bulky. It’s not like he’ll get stuck in a jam.” The more Rainbow tried to reassure AJ, the more she though about Big Mac.

Huh, he really IS strong. I should know. Jumping hurdles with somepony on your back isn’t easy, no matter how big you are. He’s smart, too. Not to mention deceptively clever, the little smartflank. He’s a pretty cool pony, if I do say so myself. Kinda a shame that I never knew him before this. I missed out on some good competition.

AJ giggled as Dash lived in her thought for a bit. She had a theory, and it’s about time AJ had tested it. “Yeah, Mac’s pretty tough. He always been a workhorse. He’s also keener than ya’d think.”

“You got that right,” Dash responded.

“Handsome, too. Least, that’s what Granny Smith always says.”

“Hmph” Rainbow grunted, lost in thought.

“An’ if the mares ‘round town are to be believed, he’s got the flank to rival a god.”

“Eeyup” said Dash, a very subtle blush appearing on her face.

AJ smiled. Ah must be some kinda evil genius. “Ah can see why Rarity’s so interested in him.”

Dash head snapped toward Applejacks as he jumped to all fours. She was flustered, having ripped out of her daydream so furiously.

“What!?! Rarity!? I haven’t even seen her TALK to Big! I love Rarity as much as the next pony, but she’s totally not Big’s style. She wouldn’t even know what to do with that quality of flank!”

“Oh, an‘ Ah suppose you would?” AJ asked, anticipating the answer like a director during release night.

“Well, of course I....” Dash stopped, releasing the treason her tongue just committed. “Umm, what I meant was...that...ahh, heh...” Rainbow observed Applejack, who wore a grin twice the size of her entire orchard.

“Gotcha, Dash.”

Hayfeathers. Motherbuckin‘ hayfeathers, Soarin’. Ah shoulda known ya’ll really would be the death of me. Mac felt the light tug of string on his foreleg as he jettisoned himself upwards, avoiding a sharpened iron rod that shot out of the wall to his left. This was the third trap he’d run across, by now he’d figured that this wasn’t a coincidence. He fell quickly, using his oversized hooves to slam the rod out of the wall and into the ground.

Looks like Dash did know what she was talkin‘ bout. Mac walked forward, watching the corners of the hall for tripwires and other forms of traps. So far, most had been avoidable with quick reflexes and a small feat of agility. Dash’s training really had come in handy. Ah’ll have to thank her. Mac proceeded with cation, making sure to be wary of where he stepped. He arrived at the end of the hall, checking both right and left directions for danger. He chose to to go right, figuring that since his last turn had been left, this would keep him on track.

Looking around, Mac wondered how so many traps were able to fit in such halls. He had trouble just walking normally, he couldn’t image how those contraptions wedged themselves in. Ah just hope Soarin’s fairin‘ better than me Mac thought.

Soarin’ sprinted down his own corridor, screaming like a filly. CRAP CRAP CRAP! He thought as fire nipped at the edge of his tail. How in the name of Celestia did I manage to find the one floor panel rigged to KILL ME! I swear, if I find the bastard behind this... In Soarin’ excited rush into the complex, he neglected to watch for danger. He had ran through a few hallways, inadvertently tripping a pressure sensitive tile. the ensuing inferno it unleashed led Soarin’ to the predicament he was currently in. Soarin‘s thought quickly switched to the dead end rapidly approaching him.

Double Crap! He mind raced through a few possibilities. Any nearby window? Of course not. Can’t fly, damn ceiling. Wouldn’t be able of spread my wings in here anyways. Too closed in. Soarin‘ noticed the wall causing all this stress was cracked and misshapen, appearing to be warped from some sort of water damage. I hope AJ’s damn farmwork practice weakens walls...

Soarin‘ tackled the wall, crushing it and rocketing him forward. The fire spewed into the new section of hallway, absorbing the oxygen and receding back into the recently fixed dead end. Soarin‘ landed a safe enough distance away from the blast of fire, sliding to a stop at the hooves of a familiar red stallion.

Soarin’ looked up, grinning sheepishly. “Um, hiya Mac...sooooo...come here often?” He was met with a stern glare from Mac. Soarin’ recoiled slightly, expecting to be chewed out. Instead, Mac just trotted forward, not acknowledging Soarin’ in the slightest. Soarin hopped up, trailing Mac by a few steps.

“Hey, Mac....” Soarin’ wasn’t the best at apologizing, but admittedly he had got them into this situation. Before he was able to attempt one though, Mac cut him off.

“Don’t. Jus’...don’t.” Mac shook his head in frustration. ”Since we’re already here, let’s grab the guards an‘ get out. Ya’ll got any idea where they are?” He looked back a Soarin’, who shook his head no. Mac sighed. “Well, Ah guess we’ll just hafta keep lookin’ then.”

The group turned the corner, hanging a right down the preceding corridor. Soarin’s ears twitched at the sound of a quiet whimper coming from the end of the hall. The two quickened their pace, stopping just before the door where the sound was coming from. Soarin‘ shot a cautious glance at Mac, with Mac returning it. Both of them knew that this quite possibly was another trap.

Soarin‘ slowly opened the door, peeking inside and checking his corners for danger. Deeming it safe, he walked in as Mac followed him. The room looked more like a dungeon. It was cold and damp, with water leaking from the ceiling. There were no windows here; only a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The three missing guards were lined up against the leftmost wall, hanging from chains. The first pony was unconscious, while the stallion in the middle was whimpering quietly. The mare on his left bleeding from her side, grunting periodically because of it.

“Soarin’, help me git them down.” They snapped to the sides of the guards, releasing them from their bondage. They dropped to the floor, nursing various wounds. Mac bent down to talk to the bleeding mare.

“That don‘ look so good...” he said, pointing at her ribs.

“I’ve had worse..should be able to dress this. I assume you two are from the castle? ”

“How’d ya’ll know that?”

“Well, you let us out. Kind of a big indicator.” She tried standing, but her legs buckled from the pain of the open wound.

“We need to get ya’ll outta here.”

The guardspony raised a hoof to stop him. “You’re right, but I think the presents that crazy bastard left for us might be trouble. Give us a few minutes to pull yourselves together.” She crawled over to the whimpering guard, starting to comfort him.

Soarin‘ pulled Mac to the side for a conference. “What do you think we should do? I mean, we could run into whoever runs this sadistic shindig.”

Mac thought for a second. They were unprepared to get by traps on their own, let alone three more ponies. And they ran the risk of getting into a fight while escorting injured.

“To be frank, Ah think we need to take this guy out.”

Soarin‘ was surprised to hear Mac’s answer. Mac had been so docile up until this point; now he wanted to fight?

“Mac, What gives? Thought you were Mr. Non-violent?”

Mac snorted at his comment. “Ah am. Unfortunately, Ah don‘ really see any other way out.”

“Well, at least you have part of that right.”

Mac and Soarin‘ snapped their necks in the direction of the door. A dark blue pony stood in the doorway, the light from the bulb reflecting off his glasses blocking his eyes. He stood about Soarin’s height, with greasy brown hair occupying his head. A scar stretched from the base of his nose to the left corner to his mouth. He gazed at the group, wearing a sickly grin that could churn a goat’s stomach.

The stallion laughed under his breath. “But...I think you’re meaning to say, ‘there’s no way out’.”

“I soo totally do NOT!” Dash protested from her rocking chair, crossing her forelegs.

“Yes ya do. Ya’ll gotta crush on mah brother!” Applejack smirked as her friend squirmed under the inquisition.

“No! I can just appreciate his...strength, I guess” Dash said.

“You’re a terrible liar, Dash. Ah should know.”

Rainbow turned towards her friend. “Hold on a sec...how did you do all that anyways?”

“Do all what?” AJ inquired.

“Trick me, I mean.”

“Well Dash, Ah guess ah’m gonna be the one to tell ya. You not quite the sharpest tool in the shed...” AJ grunted lightly from the punch Dash gave her. “Ah’m only kiddin’, Dashie.” She raised her brows, hinting with the pet name the Rainbow despised.

“You know what I mean. How were able to lie without your face imploding on itself?” Dash pointed a hoof at Applejack. “Also...don’t call me’Dashie’. You know I hate that name.”

“Remember, Dash. Ah made the name, so Ah git to use it.”

Rainbow scowled. “I hate that rule...” she muttered under her breath.

“An‘ to your other question...well, Ah didn’t lie. Everything Ah said was fact.” AJ sat back in her chair, putting her hooves behind her head. “He really is pretty smart, and it ain’t like Ah don‘t overhear gossip now and then.” AJ shuddered. “Most of it’s fairly tame, but...some of those Canterlot girls. Ah don’t even know where they come up with some of the stuff they were discussin’.”

Rainbow snorted. “Really, ‘Jack? I’d think you’d know all about that, with your rope and all.”

“Very funny, ya little punk.” AJ snickered.

“So...all of it’s true? Even that part about...”

“Yup” replied AJ. “Ah caught Rarity staring at him just the other day. Not to mention the fact that she keeps sayin‘ somethin‘ about needed to make more outfits for draft ponies.”

“How does that prove Rarity’s interested?” Dash asked.

“Whelp, Ah figure if she’s gonna make clothes fer drafts, she needs a model. None of those dummies she has are gonna work. So, who’s the only pony ‘round here tat fits the bill?”

Rainbow brought her hoof to her chin, pondering AJ’s answer for a few moments. The realization hit her like a brick.

“Ohhhh, I see” Dash smiled. “Clever girl, ain’t she?”


“Ya know, I gotta ask. Why isn’t Mac...well...‘with’ anypony?” Dash wasn’t really sure how her friend would interpret this, but the question had been digging in the back of her mind since the conversation started.

“Well,” Applejack started, “It ain’t from lack of admirers, that’s for sure.” AJ looked to Dash. “Ah swear, he gets more customers in two days at the apple stand than ah get in a week.” She inhaled deeply, gathering her thoughts. “An it ain’t because he’s not interested. He’s had a few marefriends, but...it has been a while since then. Honestly, you’d have to ask him.” AJ giggled at the thought. “Though Ah doubt that happening now.”

Dash stood up from her seat. “Yeah, yeah. Joke all you like. I think you want a sister as awesome as me, and you’re tryin‘ to plant ideas.” She opened her wings, preparing to take off. “See ya, AJ. I gotta get some training in, even if I’ve got nopony to train.”

With that, Rainbow took off. Flying towards Danger Chasm, AJ’s words turned over in her mind. Silly pony. Me and Mac are not like that at all. Just because he’s all those awesome things and more doesn’t mean I like him. He’s just an awesome pony...like me. Right? She banked right, heading into the Everfree forest. He sure better be ready, though. No one missed practice on my watch. He’s gonna be in a world of hurt by the time I’m through with him.

“AGGH, bucking hell!” Mac groaned. “Soarin’, get up!” He pushed Soarin’ off him, an effect of the mysterious pony before him throwing Soarin’ back. While the blue pony started introducing himself, Soarin’ took it upon himself to lunge at the threat, which turned out to be a bad idea.

“Really, gentlecolts. Manners, please? I mean, I’ve been practicing that monologue for weeks now!” The pony grinned maniacally, his eyes widening as he arched his eyebrows. “It was very good, too!” he shouted.

“Who the buck are you? What do ya’ll think you’re doing here?” Big Mac retorted.

“Do you take me for some comic strip villain? Why would I tell you anything about my glorious plans to plant sleeper agents within the palace? You must take me for a fool!”

The azure pony craned his neck to glare at the now freed guardsponies started to recover. Realizing their were free, his vision shot over to Mac and Soarin’, who were poised to pounce when ready.

“So, you two must fancy yourselves the conquering heroes, no? He started to laugh. “I have no idea I’d be fighting foals today, since they’re the only ponies stupid enough to believe in such things!”

“Oh yeah!” shouted Soarin’. “At least we didn’t declare our plan to all of Equestria!”

The navy pony took a confused stance until he realized what he’d actually done. He stared furiously at Soarin’, as if he could burn a hole in him with thoughts alone.

“And you call us foals? Ha!” Soarin’ continued. Ya know what, I think I’m gonna call you Impostor, because you’re certainly not the pony who laid those traps. He was smart!” Soarin continued the barrage of words and started to circle around the pony. With each insult, the blue pony grew more aggravated. “In fact, your mother must have been so ugly, that she actually gave birth to the ugly stick! Ohhh, that must be your name.”

At that, the pony launched, swinging at Soarin’ rabidly. Soarin‘ leaped to the side avoiding the shots. Mac leaned back, swinging his back like a pendulum, throwing his momentum forward on the back turn. The force of Mac’s buck sent the blue pony reeling back. He got back to his feet, aware that perhaps these ponies were not so helpless.

He dashed forward, bringing an uppercut towards Mac. Mac swayed to the left, dodging his first punch. The attacker followed it with a left hook, catching it on the chin of Big Mac. Mac stumbled, surprised to find that it...hurt. The hell? He jus‘ hit a slab of metal. He glanced at his opponent. Mac noticed a slight red hue coming from behind his glasses. He only had a second to investigate, as he threw another barrage of attacks Mac’s way. Luckily for Mac, the stallion telegraph his first punch. Mac pushed hard against the ground, jumping high over the attack. He landed behind it, grabbing Soarin’s hoof.

“Tag in!” Mac hollered as he pivoted, throwing Soarin’ straight at their assailant.

“Whaaaa...!” Soarin’ rocketed forward, turning his head just in time to collide his skull with their attackers’. Both ponies slammed into the wall, shaking the room and even breaking the lightbulb above them. Soarin‘ slowly stood up, holding a hoof to his head. The blue pony lay of the floor, motionless. Soarin‘ poked him a few times, which did nothing.

He turned his attention to Mac, who was helping one of the guards to their feet. “The Hay, Mac! Ya coulda told me about that little stunt!” He rubbed his head. “That really hurt...”

Mac shook his head. “Sorry Soarin’, but Ah saw your thick head, and it occurred to me that it’s a perfect weapon.” Mac threw in a weak smirk to make sure Soarin’ didn’t confuse his meaning.

“I still don’t like it.....but you may have a point” Soarin’ chuckled. “If it works as good as it did here, then...”

“...then you may want to try again!” Their attacker leapt from his spot on the floor, scooping up a piece of broken glass from the bulb. He led his “blade” towards Soarin’. Mac lunged forward at the same rate, tossing Soarin’ sideways into another wall. He came face to face with the sharp accessory, tilting his head enough to avoid taking it in the eye. The shard dug into Mac’s left cheek, slicing it open and spilling a small amount of blood. Mac grabbed the stallion’s arm, struggling to keep it from his face.

“Not so invincible, I see.” The stallion sneered. He slowly drew the glass closer to Mac. “Looks like you’d be returning home a bit more dead than expected.”

Mac fought against the stallion, adrenaline and fear coursing through his veins. Images of his sisters ran through his mind. Sweet Apple Acres needs me. Mah family needs me. AJ can’t do math very well. Applebloom'll need help with her schoolwork, too. The blade inched closer every few seconds, and started to press against his neck.

Dash’d be disappointed... her voice echoed through his head. “You serious? Can’t even beat a wimp like HIM! I can’t believe I wasted my time on you!” The makeshift knife held it’s ground as Mac started to power back slightly. He started to twist the glass out of his aggressors hand when he heard his mutter something.

“You’d better hope...y-you’re an orphan. If I...find...anypony y-you happen to c-care for..” That was all the motivation Mac needed. The rage in Mac’s mind was so thick he could have hammered armor from it.

“NOPONY THREATENS MAH FAMILY!” He screamed, a very low red glow emitting from his eyes.

Mac forced the blade back towards his assailant’s neck. The blue stallion’s eyes grew wide from the shock of such a sudden reversal. The shoe was on the other hoof now, with the shard of glass, still in the blue pony’s hoof, at his own neck. Big Mac didn’t wait for a surrender or last words. He wasn’t going offer mercy.

Mac was about to slide the blade straight across his throat, when he came back to his senses. Mac saw how close he was to ending that fight permanently. He hoisted his head back, smashing the flat part of his forehead into the temple of the blue pony. Finally dropping, Mac motioned for one of the guardsponies to slide the previously occupied shackles over.

Once he chained up the fighter, He took a few steps back and sat on his haunches. Mac looked to his hooves, noticing they were shaking. Ah...A-Ah almost did it. Ah was gonna kill ‘em. Soarin’ returned to Mac’s side.

“Hey Mac. Mac! You alright?”

Mac snapped back to reality, he avoided Soarin’s eyes, only able to nod his head yes. Ah can’t lose mah head right now, gotta get in the game. He stood up, trotting over to the guards who had now awakened their companion and calmed down. “You alright?”

One of the ponies, the mare Mac talked to early, stepped forward. “Yes, I-I... believe so.” She straightened up, saluting. “Sargent Quickstep, at your service.” She winced slightly from the bandage around her waist.

“Seems like that needs ta be looked at, huh?” Mac asked. “You ready to git outta here?”

She giggled lightly. “You should talk.” She pointed at Mac’s cheek. “Let me get that..” Quickstep ripped a piece of cloth from under her armor, and tied it around Mac’s face. “That should at least keep the bleeding down. And, If it’s already with you, sir, I was ready hours ago.”

As they started walking towards the door, Mac threw the unconscious cobalt pony onto his back. ”Hey Soarin,’” Mac called. “I thought of a name for this guy.”

“And what would that be?” replied Soarin’.

“Dead Weight.”

“Huh...not bad.”

Just before they left the room, Soarin’ stopped at the door. He faced the group with a concerned look on his face.

“Umm, how do we get out of here?”

The group looked to each other, realizing none of them knew the way out. Mac shrugged, rustling the pony on his back.

“We should call the princesses, Mac.”

Big Mac nodded, activating his earpiece. Unfortunately, only white noise could be heard. “It sounds like we’re on our own fer this one” said Mac. “Lemme see if this one’s got anythin‘ useful.” Mace shook the stallion, expecting nothing. Strangely, the sound of crunching paper could be heard coming from “Dead Weight”. As the group looked at him, a small, folder note left out of his mane.

Soarin’ walked over and unfolded the note, eyes growing wide as a grin spread across his face. “You’ve gotta be kidding me...Mac look!” Soarin’ pushed the paper into Mac’s face. It looked like a map, though very poorly drawn. It had a red line on it, which zig-zagged along what looked like the outlines of some corridors.

“Mac, this guy was actually stupid enough to draw a path outta here! I think naming him ‘Dead Weight’s’ giving him to much credit.”

Big Mac looked to the exit, following the rest of the group out. He managed to put on a fake smile, to at least keep the guards’ spirits up. Mac was not looking forward to confronting Celestia, since they disobeyed a direct order. They weren’t part of the Guard, but she’d save’d them, and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful.

There was also the fact that he had almost killed another pony just moments ago. Ah jus’ don’t know what happened. One minute mah fighting, the next Ah’m about to string this guy out. Ah lost control. Ah...Ah need to talk to someone. Maybe one of the princesses kin help. Mac cleared his mind, content with that thought.

“Mac, this guy was actually stupid enough to draw a path outta here! I think naming him ‘Dead Weight’s’ giving him to much credit...” The words buzzed over a speaker, crackling as it shut off.




The clapping echoed from the shadows, a deep chuckle accompanying it. “Very funny, boys. Funny. And interesting, if I do say so myself. Do keep an eye on them, will you?

“Very well.” A higher voice replied. The sound of trotting could be heard, slowly getting quieter.

The deep voice rumbled in thought. "It seems that the dice has finally been cast, my friend. You should have picked...more wise.”

As they reached the gates of the royal palace, Mac eagerly left their captive with a group of guards, who promptly escorted him to their own dungeon. Quickstep stopped in front of them. “I’d better check us into med bay. I-I don’t think I can thank you enough. What you did...”

“All we did was our jobs, miss. Now ya’ll get down to sick bay, m’kay?” Mac smiled as the guards left to treat their wounds. Now, he only had to explain disobeying orders to the two most powerful beings in existence. He and Soarin’ walked into the main hall of the palace, coming face to face with one of Luna’s pegasus guards.

He was a dark gray, like most of Luna’s guard. The guard bore shimmering black armor, with Luna’s cutie mark printed on his chest piece. Unlike most guards though, this stallion didn’t wear a helmet, instead letting his long, silver mane drape around his shoulders.

“You two, come with me. The sisters need to see you...immediately” he stated.

The doors to the elevator slid open, as Mac pushed himself up from the ground. Ah hate that thing with a passion he thought. The royal sisters looked up from the forms on the table.

“Thanks heavens you’re alright!” Celestia rejoiced, shooting up from her chair. “When we couldn’t hear you on our Codex, I thought you’d been discovered.”

Mac rubbed the back of his head. “What exactly happened with that, if ya don’ mind me askin’?”

Celestia shot a glare at Luna. “Care to explain, sister?”

Luna gave the group a nervous smile. “You see, I had something current ponies call...‘cider’. I must say, it is rather glorious...” Celestia nudged her, and Luna continued, unable to deflect her answer. “...I, happened to..spill a bit of it on the radio receptors. You understand, of course?”

Mac just shook his head, laughing. “Of course, princess. Ain’t nothing wrong with liking cider.”

Luna beamed, turning to Celestia. “See, they don’t mind!”

“You still can’t have any more drinks in here. There’s too much valuable technology in here, Luna.” Celestia sat down, while Luna pouted in her chair. Soarin’ and Mac took their seats across from them. “So...I hear we have a new friend downstairs.” Celestia smile shortened, looking straight through them. Soarin’ flinched in his seat, while Mac looked down at the table. “So my question is...” Celestia continued, “...what happened?”

Mac looked up, excepting to see anger in her eyes. He was startled to be met with compassion, instead. He took a deep breath, ready to explain himself. He was leader, after all.

“It was my fault” said Soarin’. “I ran in without thinking, and Mac only followed to make sure the mission went smooth.”

Mac was surprised by this sudden outburst. Soarin’ takin‘ responsibility? “Now hold on, there. Ah was in charge of this. I don’t make any excuses for this.”

“Mac, don’t...” Soarin‘ protested.

“Stallions, please.” Celestia silence them with a wave of her hoof. “I’m not blaming anypony. All I want to know is what happened.

“And then I said, ‘I think we’re giving him too much credit!’!” Soarin’ grinned, waiting for the sound of uproarious laughter, which never came. “Well I thought it was funny” he pouted.

“Anyways,” Mac said, “We left after that. We came straight here after.”

Luna rubbed her forehead, soaking in the events of the evening. She opened her mouth to speak, but gasped instead. “OH NO! Do thou see what time it is?” she shrieked, breaking into her royal voice from stress. “The moon! I have to raise the moon!” She sprinted to the elevator, slamming a button and quickly disappearing behind the metal doors.

Celestia chuckled, Ohhh, Luna. what will I do with you. She peered up at the clock, taking note of the time. “I think we should take after my sister, and call it a night.” She beckoned Mac and Soarin’ towards the elevator. They entered as she pressed a button which read: GARAGE next to it. It moved upwards slower than normal. Big Mac quietly whispered a “thank you” to Celestia, who nodded in agreement.

They stopped shortly after on the highest floor. The doors slid open, presenting a multitude of different sized and colored carriages. They trotted down the hanger, arriving at the carriage that had originally held them. Celestia called two of the guardponies waiting by the entrance. “If I find anything of interest, I’ll send it your way.” Celestia ushered them into the carriage.

“Celestia, Ah..need to talk ta you ‘bout something.” Mac was nervous. He really didn’t want to talk about this to anyone, but he needed to head off this problem before it really started.

“I’m sorry, Macintosh. I really don’t have time right now. Since Luna’s little mishap, I’ve been trying to fix that, keep up with my regular duties, and...” she saw the look on Mac’s face. “As soon as I’m available, I’ll make sure to stop by the orchard, okay?” Mac nodded.

“Also, you both should talk to Twilight Sparkle, my student in Ponyville. She might be able to help you understand those manuals.”

"We'll do that as soon as we can, princess" said Mac. He'd met the purple unicorn a few times, but never had more than a few words with her. He heard good things from Applejack, though she did seem a bit...obsessive at times. By then, pegasus guards arrived at the carriage, and Celestia bid them well and waved goodbye.

As the carriage touched down on Sweet Apple Acres, the moon had just reached it’s apex, unusually late for some reason. The carriages passengers exited, trudging to the house on the complex. Upon entering, the smell of a wood fire bellowed out.

Mac walking into the living room, where lay a passed out Applejack, a fire slowly burning itself out. Mac walked over, pulling a blanket over his sister. Mac quietly tip-toed down the hall with Soarin’ in tow. They entered their respective rooms, a chance to left the emotions of the day flow out. Mac stared at the ceiling, something he felt he’s done a lot of recently. He closed his eyes, hoping even with the shortened night, he could still get a little rest.