• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,623 Views, 28 Comments

Dangerously In Love (Sequel to Rarity's and Spike's Relationship) - GracefulFluttershy

There's a new Unicorn in town, and she's out to get Rarity! What will happen to Rarity's and Spike's relationship now?

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Not So Good Help

*The Next Day*
Rarity’s P.O.V.
I decided to take a stroll around Ponyville to clear my mind. I think I’ll stop by Twilight’s place to see how she’s doing. For some reason, I didn’t see any of my friends yesterday. I wonder what happened! It’s not normal for them to just stay inside their houses all day, especially Pinkie Pie!
“Twi, are you there?” I asked, knocking on her door. I pushed the door and it opened! Why would the door not be locked? Umm that’s weird, but I just walked in to find-
“Hi Rarity! How are you?” asked Snowcatcher.
“Uhh, hi, and I’m doing okay,” I responded, getting very confused, “Why are you here?”
“Huh? Whadda mean?” Snowcatcher asked.
“Oh, not trying to sound rude,” I replied.
“Oh, it’s okay,” She replied, “Well, Twilight asked me to come over here and help her organize her books.”
“Where’s Twilight?” I asked, getting a little angry.
“Snowcatcher, I find the ladder,” Twilight said, coming into the room, carrying a ladder with heels with her magic, “Oh, hey Rarity!”
“Hi Twilight,” I said, turning to her.
“Snowcatcher is here to help organize my books,” She replied, putting the ladder beside one on her many book shelves.
“So I heard,” I replied, nervously laughing while glancing at Snowcatcher.
Twilight giggled, “Wanna help, Rarity?”
“Umm, I wouldn’t really know where goes where, and I’ll get very confused,” I confessed, sweating and blushing.
Twilight giggled once more, “It’s okay. Oh, and Rarity, why didn’t you set your work aside and come to the party?”
“Huh? What party?” I asked.
“Uhh, Twilight shouldn’t we get to work? I mean, I have to go help everypony else, remember? If I get this done early, I can go help Pinkie quicker,” Snowcatcher replied, sweating.
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” Twilight replied, “Well, Rarity please excuse us.”
“Okay, well, goodbye Twilight,” I responded, “Goodbye Snowcatcher.” They both waved as I closed the door behind me and left.

What party was Twilight talking about? Why did Snowcatcher try to cover it up? Wait, no way! That Snowcatcher has something to do with it, I bet! I’m watching her! I have to find out more about this “party!” I continued my walk, and then I reached Sugarcube Corner. If there was a party, Pinkie would know about it! Thus, I started knocking on her door.
“Hiya Rar!” The party pony greeted me, opening the door and pushing me inside, “Whatcha here for?”
“Umm, well, I wanted to stop by because I was just taking a stroll,” I replied, sounding casual.
“Oh, awesome! Wanna play a game before Snow gets here?” Pinkie asked.
“Snow?” I replied, something inside me sinking.
“Yeah, I gave Snowcatcher a nickname! It’s Snow!” Pinkie giggled. Oh my, why did she do that?! Basically, if Pinkie gives a pony a nickname, (not including the random ponies) it means they’re welcomed into the group. I don’t want her to be in our group!
“Oh, well, that’s n-nice,” I replied, sniffing.
“Rarity, are you okay?” Pinkie asked, walking next to me and putting her hoof around my shoulder, “It looks like you’re about to cry!”
“N-N-No I’m not! I-I’m fine!” I cried while Pinkie tried to hug me but I pushed her away and rushed out the door!
“WAIT, RAR, COME BACK!!!” I heard Pinkie called while I ran towards Fluttershy’s house.
*Meanwhile at Twilight’s House*
Snowcatcher’s P.O.V.
I really didn’t want to be here, but it was for my plan, so I just went with it! I didn’t care about books. Reading is stupid, lame, and boring! I don’t even know where these stupid books go! I just picked up a bunch of books with my magic and dumped them on top of me, so Twilight could help me. I noticed that each book was organized by color, so I did what Twilight did. Though, there was this huge, brown, old looking book called “The Elements of Harmony.” Huh, what can of book is this, and where does it go? I threw it in the garbage while Twilight wasn’t looking because I didn’t know where it goes. I’m sure she wouldn’t miss an old book like that, anyway!
“Okay, we’re finally done!” Twilight said, wiping the sweat away from her face.
“Yeah, and if you’ll excuse me, I have to go help Pinkie Pie now,” I replied, worrying to the door and opening it.
“Okay,” Twilight said, waving as I waved back and left.
*A Few Minutes Later*
“So Pinkie, what are we doing?” I asked as I entered the door.
“You’re gonna help me bake some treats!” She replied, bouncing up and down.
“What kind of treats?” I asked, pretending to get excited.
“All kinds of treats!” She replied, “Like cake, cupcakes, muffins, and other sweets!”
“Oh cool!” I replied, secretly unamused.
“THEN LET’S GET THE BAKING!” Pinkie exclaimed, pushing me into the kitchen. She gave me a hat and an apron. She also gave me a mixing bowl and some ingredients.
“So, what are we making first?” I questioned, putting on the hat and the apron.
“Muffins for Derpy!” She replied, jumping up and down once more.
I clapped my hooves together, “Hooray!”
“You still remember how to bake, right?” She asked, taking out measuring cups.
“Yeah, of course I do!” I lied. I didn’t know the first thing about baking!
“Ever baked muffins?” She questioned, taking out the rest of the stuff we needed.
“Yeah!” I lied once more.
“Okay, then begin!” She exclaimed.

I just put random stuff into the mixing bowl. I put coke, chips, bananas, random candy, and some of my hair that fell in into the bowl. I quickly mixed everything together and poured it into one of the muffin pans that Pinkie brought out. Pinkie was still making her muffins, looking like a boss! I hope me finishing so fast wouldn’t make me look like an amateur! When I got down pouring it, I put the pan into the oven.
“Well, I gotta go help Fluttershy,” I quickly said, not wanting to bake anything else. Pinkie looked at me with sweat coming down her face.
“Aren’t you gonna wait till your muffins get done baking?” She asked.
“I would, but I really have to go help Fluttershy, so can you do it?” I asked, stepping outside her house. Pinkie nodded as I left.
*Rarity’s P.O.V.*
“Thank you Fluttershy for understanding,” I said, sitting next to Fluttershy on her couch.
“Of course! If you think Snowcatcher is a meanie pants, then I’ll find out today!” She replied.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, she’s coming over to my house today to help me feed my animals. Today is the Big Feeding Day! I’m even going to feed animals that aren’t mine, like animals that don’t have homes,” Fluttershy explained.
I nodded my head to show her I understood, “Well, what time is she going to come?”
“Well-“ She began, but then the door flung open!
“Hello Fluttershy! I’m here!” I heard a voice say.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. I've been very busy. The story is sadly coming to an end, so yeah. I hope you've enjoyed it so far, so stay tuned for the ending! :)