• Published 20th Jun 2013
  • 11,922 Views, 243 Comments

With Morning, Comes Surprises - Cheer

Twilight's Friends come to visit her at the castle and end up being the ones surprised.

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Magick, Lists, Apologies and Attitudes

After a few moments of talk between performer and fan, Trixie had once again snuggled herself within Twilight’s wing.

Aiming her free hoof past Trixie bundled within her wing, Twilight pointed toward the bespeckled earth pony mare who was in the process of pouring a glass of bourbon from Trixie's forgotten bottle. Photo Finish nodded. Taking this as an indication to begin, Twilight began her introduction.

"This is Photo Finish. As some of you know, she is a well known fashion photographer. What you may not know is that she is a magic enthusiast.”

Photo Finish could hear the sighs coming from Fluttershy and Rarity. “Not ‘ze magicks’. Magick.” She explained to the two. “Completely different.”

“Like being cool and being awesome.” Rainbow stated with a nod.

Twilight raised a brow at the still ridiculous idea of the pegasi’s. Shaking her head she continued speaking. “She was even the one who set up the most recent revision of restricted spell for fashion shows and the like.”

This caught Rarity’s attention as the gears in her head turned. “Wait. Twilight darling, how long have you all been together?”

Twilight was confused by the off topic question but answered nonetheless. “A few months now. Why?”

“And the new list was released two months ago.” Rarity said to herself causing Twilight more confusion.

Heaving a sigh Rarity looked straight at Twilight. “You helped her make the new list didn’t you?”

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “How did you know?”

Rarity laughed lightly at how obvious it was to her. “Because, while the new list is indeed much more comprehensive, it’s also ten times the size. With the knowledge of who put it together and your relationship to her, it becomes quite obvious.” Rarity explained, trying to prevent any annoyance from getting into her voice. It may have taken her two days to read the new list, only to discover that none of it applied to her or her works anyway but, that was no reason to get annoyed at Twilight and Photo Finish for being comprehensive. At least not in front of them.

“Ah. That makes sense.” Was all that Twilight could think to say

“Also few ponies even know that the ‘Want it-Need it’ spell exists, let alone what it does. The only reason I do is thanks to that one day when, well you know.” Rarity stated, ending on a shrug not wanting to announce Twilight’s worst flight from common sense to date in front of her marefriends.

“Yeah, I know,” Twilight cringed as her ears drooped at the memory

Seeing Twilight’s mood begin to droop like her ears, Photo decided to change the topic. “So Flootershy.” She announced loud enough to catch attention but not enough to seem as though she was yelling. “How have you been doing? You look as elegant as ever,” she stated, much to Fluttershy’s embarrassment.

“Ah. Zat reminds me. I must apologize to you,” She said as her ears drooped a bit.

“For what? You didn’t do anything to me,” Fluttershy said, speaking up for the first time in a while.

“But I did.” Photo admitted with a sigh. “Tvilight told me about her friends. She told me about how shy you are and you often try to not be ze center of attention.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy said quietly.

With a nod Photo Finish continued, “And zhere I vas forcing you into the spotlight over und over again.”

“Oh! But, it’s my fault for not saying anything. You couldn’t have known with me being so quiet all the time.” Fluttershy explained, attempting to get the photographer to feel better.

“I thank you. But, I am known for my attention to detail and being able to see what others do not. I had been blinded by success for far too long. It caused me to stop truly caring about those I vork vith. For that I am sorry.” Photo said with her head bowing slightly.

“Oh, but-“ Fluttershy began

“But nothing. I vas a fool. But, thanks to you valking avay from ze spotlight I got a new outlook. Sure, many ponies may vant to be famous, but not all of zem. I started paying more attention to vhat my models are saying und vhat zey vant. Thanks to zis, everypony that verks for me is much happier. For that, I thank you. You walking out on me vas one of ze best things zat could have happened for me.” Photo explained with a sincere smile.

Fluttershy felt as though any refuting of fault would be quickly dismissed and simply gave a small, gentle smile back to the mare.

“Photo- You don’t mind if I call you that do you?” Rarity asked, worried that she may offend before she ask her question.

“Nein. So long as you don’t call me Finn. Zat is for Tvilight alone.” Photo answered causing a small grin to grow on Twilight’s face.

“Oh, excellent. So photo, I have noticed that you refer to yourself differently. What caused you to change that? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” Rarity asked in a way reminiscent of an interview.

Waving a hoof, Photo gave a smile before she bagan to speak. “Vell as I said, thanks to Flootershy I became a bit more..” Photo moved her hoof in the air as she looked for the right word. “Modest. But I only lost my habit of saying things like, ’I, Photo Finish!’ when I began vorking vis Trixie.” She said pointing toward Twilight’s wing that held the showmare.

“Oh? How did that come about?” Rarity questioned

“She is very gut at doing the lights for my shows. Even if she over does it sometimes.” Photo stated simply

“I actually meant how did working with Trixie change that.” Rarity said, causing a small ‘o’ shape to form on Photo Finish’s lips.

As though she never made that mistake Photo Finish continued. “Vell…It’s actually a little embarrassing. I stopped using it around her because she thought I vas mocking her. As I am sure you have figured out by now she is very vocal ven she feels insulted.

A series of groans came from four of the five young mares on the other side of the table.

“Yes. We are quite aware of how vocal she can get.” Rarity said through slightly gritted teeth.

“Gut. Vell, I stopped using third pony around her and eventually I had gotten so into not using it that I forgot to use it around others as vell. They took it as me getting friendlier and started to act more casually around me as well,” Photo gave a slight chuckle before continuing.

“You see I had long vorried zat if ze vorkplace vas casual zey vould slack of during vork. Turns out I vas wrong. Zey actually started enjoying zhere job even more und zherefore did it even better.” This brought a smile to both Rarity and Fluttershy. Both remembering the attitudes they had seen from Photo Finish’s employees.

“Oh, that’s wondrous.” Rarity said happily.

“Agreed. But, enough about me. Zhere is still a mare und a half for you you all to be introduced to.” As Photo said this, a loud snort came from Vinyl’s sleeping form, causing all the ponies in the room to laugh.

Author's Note:

OH god this freakin chapter. Spell check hated it so much. Yeah not quite sure how I should be playing Photo Finish so here I suppose.

Ugh accents.

Also every time I typed Shparckle or Tvilight