• Published 22nd Jun 2013
  • 1,982 Views, 79 Comments

Deserts and Dragons - Metool Bard

Impressionable fillies plus tall tales equals a misadventure of epic proportions.

  • ...

Opportunities Abound

Chapter 11:
Opportunities Abound

"There we are. That should do it," said Flim as he finished the repairs.

"Finally," said Braeburn. "Now, let's get a move-on. We've wasted enough time here."

"Agreed," said Little Strongheart. "Flint, Steel. You two lead the way."

"Got it, LS," said Flint. "C'mon, Steel! We're gonna get our nest back!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" said Steel, shading his eyes with his claw and squinting. "I think I see something."

"Is it the fillies?" asked Braeburn hopefully.

"I don't think so," said Steel, flying up to get a better look. "But it definitely looks like a pony."

"Most curious," mused Flam. "I was under the impression that we were the only ponies traveling out here."

"Us and the tykes, you mean," Flim corrected.

Braeburn furrowed his brow. "We should really get goin'. Whoever that pony is ain't our concern."

"Actually, it might be," said Steel.

"What are you talking about, Steel?" asked Flint, folding his arms.

"The pony's waving at us."


"And it's not the 'Hello, how are you?' kind of waving."

Little Strongheart placed a hoof to her chin. "How far is the pony away from your nest?"

Steel paused for a moment. "Well, if we started heading for the nest, we'd bump right into him or her."

"Good enough for me," said Braeburn, adjusting his hat. "I'm worried 'bout the fillies, but I ain't one to turn down a pony in need."

"Very well then," said Flim. "Onward!"

Braeburn raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you ain't gonna debate with me?"

"What's there to debate?" asked Flam. "The customer is always right, after all."

Braeburn simply shrugged. "Let's jus' get goin' already."

With that, the traveler headed off to the north.


After a few minutes, they managed to bump into the pony Steel spot. It was a yellow mare wearing a rustic green shirt and a white stetson. She seemed to be exhausted. Braeburn recognized her right away.

"Fiddlesticks? What in blue blazes are you doin' out here?"

The traveling musician was in no position to respond. "Water..." she said weakly. "Y-y'all got any water?"

"We have better than that, my dear!" said Flim, producing a barrel from the back of the transport. "We have some of the finest apple cider in Equestria!"

"Indeed we do!" said Flam, filling up a cup and using his magic to give it to Fiddlesticks. "Here, free sample."

"Now wait jus' a cotton-pickin' minute here!" exclaimed Braeburn. "Y'all help a pony dying of thirst free of charge, but when it comes to rescuing a bunch of fillies, y'all charge me out the nose! How does that work?!"

"We're establishing a rapport with a future client," said Flim. "A free sample now means a large purchase later."

"Though we'll have to bill you for the loss of inventory," said Flam. "See, we usually set aside free samples in advance, and this was very spur of the moment."

Braeburn was about to object when Fiddlesticks downed the cup of cider.

"Phew~! Thanks, boys," she said. "Ah really needed that."

"Not a problem, ma'am," said Flam with a tip of his hat. "Just helping out a pony in need. Here, our card."

He used his magic to give Fiddlesticks the business card.

"The FlimFlam Brothers," she read aloud. She then raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you two cause some sorta stink in Ponyville? Sumthin' 'bout competing with Sweet Apple Acres?"

"What? W-we don't know what you're talking about," said Flim nervously. "We've never even heard of Ponyville."

Braeburn became skeptical himself. "For a coupla under-hoofed weasels, y'all sure are terrible liars."

"Whatever! It's not important!" said Flam hastily. "Do you want our help? Then stop bringing up Ponyville!"

Braeburn snorted. "Fine. But I'm askin' Applejack about you two next chance I get."

"Ah wanna be there when that happens," said Fiddlesticks, stifling a giggle. "Ah could use a laugh."

"You look like you could use a shower, Fiddle," said Braeburn, looking over Fiddlesticks. "I'm afraid to ask how long you've been out here."

"Actually, could we have some introductions first?" said Little Strongheart. "I'm not sure I know this pony."

"Oh, right," said Braeburn. "Little Strongheart, this here's Fiddlesticks. She's my honorary cousin, an' a travelin' musician."

"Yeppers," said Fiddlesticks with a tip of her hat. "Ah go wherever the wind takes me."

"Well, why did the wind take you here?" asked Steel.

Fiddlesticks sighed. "It wasn't mah idea. See, Ah was plannin' on headin' to Appleloosa from Dodge Junction, but the train was held up."

"Held up? You mean delayed?" asked Braeburn.

"No, Ah mean some crazy Diamond Dog with a dragon on his back pointed a cannon at the engine while this minotaur started robbin' everypony," said Fiddlesticks. "Ah didn't have much to give besides mah fiddle, an' no way was Ah givin' that up. So Ah hopped overboard an' ran out here."

"Hmm," Flim mused. "Sounds to me like you had a run-in with the Bull's Eye Gang."

"Just like we did," added Flam. "Although we managed to fair a lot better."

Braeburn obscured his eyes with his hat. "That sounds terrible, Fiddle. But, I'll be honest here: Appleloosa hasn't heard anythin' 'bout that."

"It will soon enough," said Fiddlesticks darkly, reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out a piece of paper. "Take a look at this."

Braeburn looked over the paper. It was a wanted poster with a picture of a nasty-looking minotaur on it.

"'Wanted for high larceny: Asterius. Five thousand bit reward. Contact the Mustangia Police Department for details,'" he read aloud.

"Saw this all over the place when Ah was in Mustangia a couple weeks ago," said Fiddlesticks. "Apparently, this guy is known as the Terror of the Mild West. He's been able to keep a low profile; mainly 'cause ponies are too scared to talk about him. Ah didn't know he managed to rustle up a gang, though."

She then cleared her throat. "But, enough 'bout me. What are you doin' out here, Braeburn?"

"It's a long story," said Braeburn sheepishly. "The basic gist is that I'm supposed to be lookin' after Apple Bloom and her friends this week, an' they got some wild idea into their heads an' ran off out here."

"Oof, tough break," said Fiddlesticks, lowering her hat over her eyes. "So, y'all are out here lookin' fer 'em?"

"That's the idea," said Little Strongheart. "We think we know where they went. These two dragons managed to trick them into raiding the hideout of the Bull's Eye Gang."

"It wasn't my idea!" Steel whined.

"Oh, stop acting like a baby," Flint snarled.

Fiddlesticks nodded. "Alright, Ah think Ah get the idea," she said. "Count me in."

Braeburn blinked. "Y'sure 'bout that?"

"It's the least Ah can do fer savin' mah life," said Fiddlesticks.

"How do we know you won't run away again?" asked Flim, raising an eyebrow.

Fiddlesticks gave Flim a dirty look. "Ah'm a fiddle player. That Asterius guy is a jacked-up minotaur carryin' a miniature cannon. What did y'all expect me to do, challenge him to hoof-to-hand combat? There's a difference between facin' down a bully and diggin' yer own grave. Ah had no choice."

"Well, clearly you don't know an opportunity when you see one," said Flam.

Fiddlesticks gave the FlimFlam Brothers a blank stare. "Ah beg yer pardon?"

"You saw the wanted posters in Mustangia, didn't you?" said Flim. "Surely your realized that if you could capture this Asterius fellow, you'd be the one raking in the reward."

Fiddlesticks placed her hooves on her hips. "Ah think mah life is more important than some stupid reward, thankyouverymuch."

"Oh, we're not saying it isn't," said Flam. "But if you played your cards right, you could've manipulated the situation and captured him with ease."

"It's really that simple," said Fiddlesticks disbelievingly.

"We'll be more than happy to give you a demonstration once we reach the hideout," said Flim.

"Focus, guys," Braeburn said tersely. "We're not out here to hunt for bandits. We're here to rescue my cousin an' her friends."

"Can't we do both?" asked Flam with a shrug.

Braeburn opened his mouth to protest, but thought better of it.

"Ugh, fine. Whatever," he groaned. "I'm tired of arguin' with you two."

"Glad you see things our way," said Flim, holding out his hoof to Fiddlesticks. "Climb aboard. The more the merrier, we say."

"Thanks," said Fiddlesticks, climbing up onto the platform. "Ah may not seem to have much to offer, but Ah'll do what Ah can to help y'all."

"It'll be much appreciated," said Little Strongheart, with a smile. "Well, shall we?"

"Oh, one more thing," said Flam. "Good stallion, we're afraid we'll have to bill you for this fine mare's ticket. We don't accept fiddles."

Braeburn groaned. "Daggnabit."

"Oof. Sorry 'bout that," said Fiddlesticks sheepishly. "Ah'll find a way to make it up to ya, Braeburn. Promise."

"Nah, you don't have to do that. It ain't your fault," said Braeburn with a sigh. "Let's, jus' keep movin'."

"Good idea," said Little Strongheart. "Flint, Steel?"

"I know, I know," said Flint. "Let's go, Steel."

With that, the two dragon flew off ahead while the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 chugged along behind them.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure if the Mild West is the canon term for Western Equestria (which I consider to include Appleloosa, Dodge Junction, Mustangia, and the buffalo's territory) or not. If anyone can confirm this, I'd be much obliged.