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Comments ( 58 )

,,.Huh. Didn't I see something like this in art form on Derpibooru?
Anyway, I know what I'm reading later!

Wahahaha! YES! Oh, I'm looking forward to this!

Comment posted by fuckyoudeletemyaccount deleted Jul 7th, 2013

Might as well ask this now. Are you going to want a riff of this?

You're more than welcome to riff it, if you want.

There's no murder or rape, so it should be a welcome change from my usual fare.

The story is romantic at heart, while still maintaining a healthy dose of my twisted sensibilities.

2837685 That's unusual for you. We'll see what happens.

Wow. I'm really surprised this story made the feature box already. This was my first attempt at making an OC fanfic, so I wasn't sure how well-received it would be.

2837432 No. No, there doesn't. If there were, it'd encourage all the little HUE MOMMY LEFT THE COMPUTER ALONE NOW I CAN WRITE TEH SEXI HORSE WERDS shits by offering acceptance.

Read this without noticing who the author was, figured it out from the alliteration :rainbowkiss:

I guess I have my own signature writing style. :twilightblush:

Thanks for the feedback! :yay:

Bronystories strikes again...
but not as hard as he usually does, with all the rape and torture and shit? Huh. I might actually read this then.
Read later it is.

2837805 I can only imagine when twow reads this. :rainbowlaugh:

I recommend twow riffs it while drinking some milk.

There's nothing more wholesome than milk, right?

Meanwhile, in Germany...

Wait for the pony reference at the end.

2838188 That was totally necessary in every way imaginable.

I honestly had no idea there was a brony shoutout until I watched the video. It's really amazing how pervasive the fandom is becoming.

2838221 The reference didn't even make sense. :rainbowlaugh:

WHY DID YOU NAME A CHARACTER HONEYDEW? Seriously, I JUST used that name in my own fic and now I'm scared that if I read this it'll somehow infect that one...

*adds to 'read later' list*

This story is set before the founding of Equestria. I wouldn't worry about our two Honeydews being confused as the same character, unless your story also takes place in the caves beneath Unicornia.

Oh I'm not worried about them being confused anywhere except in my brain. Still so tempted to read this now... But so repulsed by the amazing horribleness it surely contains... But so tempted anyway...

This is the situation in a nutshell.

Clop: 10/10 as always. Love it how it's never simple vanilla. There's always some fetishes worked in somewhere and just makes it worth the read from the norm floating around.

Romance: 6/10. The romance was eh. Personally I didn't think there was enough devoted to it and I never felt this was a scene shared between lovers and more just horny dogs and a pony for the sake of some good clop.

I felt the three siblings didn't get enough attention. They seemed to have spent more time watching and jerking it than actually participating in the sex. Of course, maybe they like to watch(?) and I suppose watching and jerking it can be counted as participating.eh.

When Azubah reunited with Alrand the scene seemed to go by so fast. "Hey dad welcome back from slavery, I'm going to go hunt now, bye!" :/
Would have been nice to have had a scene with Azubah, Alrand, and Honeydew spending the night together rather than simply grazing over the reuniting of father and son and inclusion of a new family member just to introduce the main love interest.

Love it as always Bronystories, with just a couple gripes.

~Have a good one.

The anticipation was delicious. And the result was more than I could have imagined.

Having done some work with you I saw some indication that you enjoy anal. In retrospect I could have pictured it but it was very creative. The anal fisting and toe sucking was nice, and of course the rimming I asked for. I had thought there would be vaginal but the lack was more than made up for by the intimacy and the tenderness, which added to the joking and good humor. Her drinking a bowl of semen was, if I may, the icing on the cake. The felching... hell, after all this effort and wonderful work it's entirely acceptable.

It was just her and no others, which is fair, it pares the story down to an appropriate length. But the story... oh the story! This is the kind of romance story I scrabble for. I usually have to dig through a pile of ugliness and misery to find a gem like this. Childhood romance, caring polyandry, and that ending... I say romance is hard to find but interspecies romance of that quality is rarer still. May her brighter tomorrow come soon and let her sit on the throne of a truly free and united land. Love is the most vital thing of all.

This deserved the feature box. Long may it remain.


Clop: 10/10
Romance: 6/10

You can sort of see where my heart is at with this story, couldn't you?

This was a happy challenge for me to write, as I've never been comfortable with interspecies clop. At least, not from a romantic perspective.

I'm not a furry, so I'm not used to animal miscegenation. In my mind, lizards would only be attracted to lizards and wolves would only be attracted to wolves, but I realize that interspecies relationships are common amongst the furry community.

You might ask what my feelings are regarding Spike and Rarity. The fact that a dragon can fall in love with a unicorn should prove that interspecies relationships in Equestria are canon, right?

Maybe, but I still find it difficult to write.

I'm used to writing clop scenes with pony on pony. I'd even be comfortable writing a rape scene involving a pony with a different species, like a bison, timberwolf or Diamond Dog.

The difference with rape is that it's not supposed to be romantic. The act of rape is abhorrent and unnatural. When the rapist is a different species from its victim, that makes the act feel even more unnatural and wrong; at least to me.

With this mindset, you can see why writing this type of romance story was going to be tricky for me.

I can write romantic dialogue between Lyra and Bon Bon okay, but sentimentality was never my strong suit.

Looking back on it Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis had some romantic chemistry in Adventures of a Teenage Foalsitter. The fact that she could shapeshift helped soften the blow of her being a different species.

But still, the fact remains that I have written interspecies romances before this one... I may need to go back and figure out what my mental blocks were.

I appreciate the feedback and will remember it the next time I try to write something romantic.

The pent-up pooch’s prick pulsed as he poured a petite pool of putrid puppy paste into the vivacious little valley between her swollen tummy and teats. :ajbemused::facehoof:

I'll admit, to my shame, that when I ready 'milky bunghole' I laughed so hard and had to take a few minutes to collect myself...


The anticipation was delicious. And the result was more than I could have imagined.

Then it was all worth it. I'm so happy that it exceeded your expectations.

The anal fisting and toe sucking was nice, and of course the rimming I asked for.

You can think Bluebreeze for the fisting scene. He prompted me to revise that part after reminding me how thick a Diamond Dog's wrist is. Honeydew had better wear a diaper for a few days.

I had thought there would be vaginal but the lack was more than made up for by the intimacy and the tenderness, which added to the joking and good humor.

The problem with anal, especially in the position she was in, makes vaginal penetration difficult, if not impossible. Plus, she's pregnant. I didn't want to make her do anything too taxing. I did have Alrand fingerbang Honeydew a couple of times for good measure.

Her drinking a bowl of semen was, if I may, the icing on the cake. The felching... hell, after all this effort and wonderful work it's entirely acceptable.

The two older brothers got to suck milk from her teats. Ferngal just wanted some milk, too. His drink just came from a... less conventional source.

But the story... oh the story! This is the kind of romance story I scrabble for. I usually have to dig through a pile of ugliness and misery to find a gem like this. Childhood romance, caring polyandry, and that ending... I say romance is hard to find but interspecies romance of that quality is rarer still. May her brighter tomorrow come soon and let her sit on the throne of a truly free and united land. Love is the most vital thing of all.

This deserved the feature box. Long may it remain.

It was an honor to write this. Thank you for the opportunity.

You should try reading my stories out loud sometime. Hearing the words makes them funnier.

Thanks for the feedback! :yay:

The pent-up pooch’s prick pulsed as he poured a petite pool of putrid puppy paste into the vivacious little valley between her swollen tummy and teats.

oh goddam it, how long have you been waiting to use that

2838335 Hee, well, that could be a bad thing depending on the story....

Comment posted by Lillian Trisk deleted Jul 8th, 2013


You did an admirable job breaking through a mental block. Interspecies is not an easy thing. I think the mindset may be at least partially genetic, or at least cultural somehow. There is a certain... I can't even describe it. An openness and willingness to accept those outside your circle. It's like interracial +. Fantasy and sci-fi are the best places to explore it because that + can be very interesting. For example it's played straight and for laughs simultaneously in the movie "Galaxy Quest" with Tony Shaloub's character. It is often treated with great and significant seriousness in the world of "The Elder Scrolls."

Does it affect things if the form is the same in general but some morphological differences are still very present? I speak primarily of the big three equiforms in Equestria: Ponies, Donkeys, Zebras. Zebras have a skeletal construction that alters gait, while donkeys have a clear difference in joints, head shape and ears. Do you have difficulty doing more "consentual" tales between those three types?

Another great story from Bronystories, and it is not the clop that makes it great. You made me skip over the saucey part, just for the story.

Though I am quite curious how a mare could possibly breed with a diamond dog, simce they are two different species. But still, questions aside, the only thing I focused on is the story.

2837660 I think at this point you're more or less obligated to.

2843032 Because it's your god-given duty to riff all of Bronystories' works.

2843366 Just go ahead and shoot me now, m'kay?

2843475 Don't you love those moments in life when everything just grinds to a halt and all you can do is go "Fuck"?


Awesome always Bronystories. I thought the romance was really good, and it was actually a very sweet story, even with the milk enema.

I truthfully think that with this set up- you could make it a full blown story. She has great back story.

I think this is the first time I've seen a clopfic involving a broodmare in a non-rape-y context.

Oh god the milk puns... you should feel more shame for that than the clop.

When it comes to puns, I like to milk them for all they're worth.
If you think I would ever grow tired of puns, you'd be udder-ly mistaken.
I've only just begun to skim the surface.
You'd butter think twice before you try to beat me in a pun off or you'll get creamed, because I'm the big cheese; and if you don't like it, you can kiss my dairy-air.

Seriously though, thanks for the feedback! :yay:


The pent-up pooch’s prick pulsed as he poured a petite pool of putrid puppy paste into the vivacious little valley between her swollen tummy and teats.

I think you could make "swollen" into "turgid."

I gotta hand it to ya, Bronystories - you can teach me new words whilst sending me on a journey through unconventionally-themed clop!

I mean, how else would I learn the words voluptuous, caca, or coquettishly?

I like the way you think.
EDIT: Done! :pinkiehappy:


I'll field that one, as this was sort of my thing.

Magic. Well, you know, it's a magical land. Griffins exists, which is crossing two very different clades. Crossing two mammals should be easier. Usually I have more involved, like special spells or lower success rates. But in this case, simpler is better.

"Poor" mare. :rainbowlaugh: She's fed, she's loved immensely, she's completely protected from a deadly plague, she had babies aplenty with folks that love her. If the plague ends before she dies the Princess will come back to the throne and become queen, and have her consorts as part of her court. And set a Diamond Dog on the throne of Unicornia after she dies. Oh the appropriateness :trollestia:

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