• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 3,306 Views, 67 Comments

A Different LIFE for a Change... ling - AngelShy24

Witness how things are going about 1 month after the event of the Pony and Changeling peace treaty.

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In the flashback sequences, the speech lines are color coded: Dragon Heart-Razor-Dusk-Ivory-Chrysalis
The outcome of this chapter is more amusing than you think.

About a month had passed since Dragon Heart helped change Chrysalis’ heart… mostly, and bought a second chance for Changelings and Ponies to live together in peace. She returned to Ponyville with Razor and Dusk to visit her friends and spend some time with them; as well as seeing her dragon friend, Spike. However, all reasons for them being there was not all sunshine and daisies; mainly because they had to tell them about something that happened to them. Dragon Heart told them all that a couple of days ago that they were ambushed; this struck a huge shocking surprise to them all.

“You guys were ambushed;” shouted Spike, “as in being attacked kind of ambushed?!”

“That’s terrible!” added Fluttershy.

The crusaders quickly came up to Dragon Heart and the other two to see if they looked hurt in any way.

“Are you okay, Dragon Heart;” said Sweetie Belle panicking, “please tell us that you’re all okay?!”

“You’re not seriously hurt, are ya?” asked Apple Bloom.

Dragon Heart just smiled and laughed; she thought that it was kinda cute seeing her crusader friends being so concerned for her and her changeling friends, “Well of course we’re okay; it only happened a couple of days ago after all.”

“That maybe the case,” Dusk complained while rubbing his flank, “but I can still feel some of the bruises.”

“I just can’t believe somepony would do something like this to you guys,” said Twilight, “and after everything you’ve done!”

Sweetie Belle felt confused as well of why someone had done this to their changeling friends, “But why; what was their reason?”

“Well isn’t it obvious,” said Rainbow Dash, “these ponies are nothing but a bunch of peace loving haters, if ask me.”

Dragon Heart knew of the real truth and tried to speak up, “Well actually, they were…”

“I have to agree with Rainbow Dash on that statement;” said Rarity suddenly, “To do such a thing as unfairly ambushing Dragon Heart and her friends like this is totally barbaric and makes those ponies complete cowards to boot.”

“Amen, sister!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

Dragon Heart tried to speak up again, “But… the truth is that…”

“Whoever these ponies are,” said Apple Bloom, “Ah say that they should be put on trial fer makin’ us look bad!”

“I agree!” said Scootaloo.

“Me too!” added Sweetie Belle

Dragon Heart tried to speak up one more time, “Guys, I’m trying to tell you that…”

“I’d like to meet these ungrateful ponies myself!” shouted Spike while acing all cool, “You mess with Dragon Heart, and you mess with the Spikester!”

“CAN I PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!!?” Dragon Heart suddenly shouted out.

Everyone suddenly jumped and looked over at Dragon Heart feeling rather surprised by her raised voice.

“Excuse me;” she said while smiling nervously, “it was the only way to gain your attention.”

“Okey dokey,” said Pinkie cheerfully, “you have our undivided attention!”

“Sorry, Dragon Heart,” said Spike, “I guess that we were all a bit distracted pondering over why somepony would do such a horrible thing. So, what are your thoughts about these ponies that deliberately ambushed you, Razor and Dusk?”

“Well you see… that’s just it. The ones that ambushed us were not ponies at all, they were… other changelings… like us.”

Suddenly, everyone became silent again as they all stared wide-eyelid at her. Did they hear her correctly; that they were attacked by their own kind?!

“Say what now!” Spike questioned.

“NO WAY!!!” all three crusaders suddenly shouted.

“Dragon Heart, are you seriously saying that you guys were attacked by your own kind?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

“Pretty much;” Razor answered, “Trust us; we’re just as shocked as you guys are.”

“This situation is more serious than we may have thought it would;” said Twilight, “This could endanger everything that Dragon Heart has worked so hard for.”

“How could these jerks even think about doing this anyway;” Rainbow protested, “it’s not like they could get away with such an act without the Princess, their Queen or any of us finding out!”

“Dang; well hopefully it can’t get any worse than that,” said Applejack.

Dusk glared at the earth pony and arched his eyebrow, “Wanna bet?”

“But Applejack is right;” said Spike hoping that he was right, “I mean… they were probably just forcing you to call back the peace treaty because they are a bunch of peace hating devils. Isn’t that all that it was about?”

Dragon Heart shook her head and said in a regretful tone, “Well, Spike… I’m afraid that there was more to their ambush than you think.”


We were so deep in thought discussing over important details regarding our tactics in spreading the word of our new treaty, that we somehow didn’t even realize the group of Changelings that suddenly had us surrounded; there must have been around 20 of them at least. The one leading the group was a Changeling who we have been suspicious of before. He’s #666, but recently he picked up the name Ivory. He started to approach us wearing a snooty looking smirk.

“Well well, what do we have here… the beautiful young Dragon Heart together with her two lackies. Going over some of your little peace business?”


We all recognized them right away… including me.

“Hey Dragon Heart, aren’t these guys…”

“Yeah they are, but what are they doing here at this moment?”

Just then, Razor made a little joke towards them.

“So are you guys here to provide us with entertainment; I heard Chrysalis promoted you to the royal fools.”

“Nice one.”

It was rather clever; it definitely rattled Ivory’s buttons.

“I’m afraid that none of you are in any position to crack jokes at us, peace huggers!”

“Um, if you guys don’t mind, we were in the middle of an important peace meeting; us being Peace huggers as you call it.”

“And that’s exactly why we are here!”

Not that we really cared or anything, but we were quite curious about their plan… and how it would fail.

“So… you’re here to do what exactly?”

“To finally put our plan into action and end your little peace project.”

“Oh really, is that what you guys are planning, to try and stop us… all three of us?”

“They’re kidding, right; even they shouldn’t be that stupid.”

“Hey, we’re all standing right here!”

“Look here, leader of the creeper club; since you’re so confident in yourself, why don’t you tell us the reason that you want to stop us.”

It wasn’t too much of a surprise.

“We’re not totally thrilled with your act of peace.”

“No kidding.”

“Yeah, our way of living and surviving was just fine for all these years! We’re Changelings; we’re creature that strike fear into the hearts of others! We survived through lies, deceit and trickery; it’s what we are! All of this peace and making friends with the ponies, it’s all a mockery for us; it ruins our image! Your way will only go so far before we’re all betrayed by ponies again; which is exactly what Chrysalis said… before you went and ruined everything! This nonsense needs to end… now!”

“Is that all; I was afraid that you were posing some serious threat.”

“What the… are you mocking me!?”

After hearing all of that, we were suddenly bored and decided ignore them and carry on with our schedule.

“Should we get back to business, guys?”


Then suddenly…

“Don’t you dare ignore us!”

Ivory shot a beam from his horn that nearly missed us. We all jumped and stepped back, and then turned our gaze at him.

“Hey, what your deal?!”

“Seriously, you guys are really starting to irritate us.”

“I was already irritated when they made themselves known.”

That he was.

“If you guys are looking for a fight, let me warn you that it won’t be a fair one; the three of us are way out of your league in fighting combat skills.”

“Oh we’re not just planning to fight you; we’re planning to wipe you all out… permanently.”


That’s what caught our attention; just what exactly were they planning to do?

“Don’t act like you’re so surprised; you had this coming right from the start.”

“Are you telling us that you would dare slay members of your own clan?!”

“Unfortunately it’s a necessary step to bring fear and respect back to the changelings. With Dragon Heart out of the way, things should go back to the way they were before her stupid peace theory. Although, it’s a shame her highness didn’t just kill you off in the beginning; that was her obvious mistake.”

“You guys really are idiots; Chrysalis is going to hear about this treason!”

“Oh please, her majesty is still in the middle of her little emotional rut thanks to you, and we’re about 5 flight miles from the nest. No other changeling knows about this, not even Chrysalis herself! And once she does find out, she’ll learn that Dragon Heart, Razor and Dusk were betrayed and killed by a group unknown ponies that don’t give a flying feather about any of us! Doing that should trigger Chrysalis’ angered past in her mind and she’ll forget all about making peace with those pansy ponies forever!”

“No… he wouldn’t dare.”

“And what about Celestia, or Twilight and her friends; where were they when this happened? Did they really care about them at all?”

Ivory was really starting to push our buttons; especially me.

“And that little dragon; Spike was it? Is it possible that he really didn’t love Dragon Heart; that he played her; that he was nothing but a big, fat, selfish…”

At that point I was finally fed up and shot a beam from my own horn at Ivory and barely missed him. With that last quote he said, he crossed the line… not that I didn’t care about the rest of you guys.

“Be quiet; don’t you dare speak about Spike that way… especially in front of me!”

I was so infuriated, and so were the other two.

“Alright, that’s it; you guys wanted our attention, so you got our attention… and you’re going to regret it.”

“You guys are unbelievable; we’ll take you down one by one and have Chrysalis pour judgment upon you all!”

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear.”

“Razor, Dusk… take them down.”


“Whoa, that’s pretty intense,” said Spike hearing Dragon Heart’s story, “and how dare that changeling say that about me; I’m not selfish at all… mostly.”

“So what happened after that?!” said Scootaloo, “I bet you, Razor and Dusk wiped the floor with those traitors!”

“Well of course they did, Scoots,” said Apple Bloom, “obviously they are more experienced in combat then those other ones were; you really were, right guys?”

“Does an ambiguous creature have a gender?” said Dusk trying to be a little humorous.

All three crusaders tilted their heads in confusion and said, “Huh?”

Dusk just sighed and rolled his eyes, “Never mind.”

“So just how fast did you three beat down those changelings traitors?” said rainbow Dash, “20 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 seconds?”

“Neither,” said Razor, “we decided to humor them a bit and lengthened the fight out to prove our point across.”

“Oh, I get it; you guys are pretty smooth.”

“We try.”

“So you guys eventually took them down and that was that, right?” said Twilight, “And I am sure you turned them into Chrysalis for judgment.”

Dragon Heart chuckled nervously and her face wasn’t glowing with a proud expression, “Well… it didn’t happen… that way exactly.”

“What do you mean,” said Spike, “You guys won, didn’t you?”

“We would have, but Ivory and his lackeys planned to take us down… by cheating.”


We did have them on the ropes as we expected and they were breaking a sweat… but we weren’t. They were lying on the ground almost out of breath and we were about ready to take them down and get things over with, but Ivory still had something up his sleeve… or… wing… or… oh whatever.

“Well, I guess your perfect plan to get rid of us has fallen flat… as expected.”

“Are you ready to surrender and pay for your intended crimes?”

We were just waiting for them to start groveling at our feet and beg for mercy, but Ivory wasn’t giving up that easily.

“We’re not done just yet. You guys are going to fall beneath our claw, just you wait!”

“This is getting tiresome, Dragon Heart; lets subdue them already and then continue our business.”

“I agree, lets…”

Suddenly, Ivory and the others rose to their hooves…

“N-not just yet; now guys!”

… and then they all just dashed at us again nearly missing us by a mile.


It was no big deal, but they needed to learn when to quit while they were ahead.

“Just give it up, Ivory; you’ve already lost!”

Just then, I noticed a little smirk hiding behind Ivory’s expression as he leered at me.

“Or have we?”


And just like that, I heard both Razor and Dusk scream out in pain behind me. I turned around and I saw them on the ground and they weren’t moving; I panicked.

“Razor, Dusk! Ahh!”

But because I was so distracted, I got struck down too and fell to the ground not moving a muscle. Ivory sounded so proud of himself.

“Excellent work, just as we planned.”

I could barely move, but felt a couple of things that was sticking me in the sides. I moved one of my legs that wasn’t frozen and pulled them out, and I couldn’t believe what they were.

“Wh-what the… are these… stun needles?”

They were stun needles; the same trick that Chrysalis did to me when I fought her because only fully grown changelings could produce them.

“That’s impossible; none of you are fully grown!”

“Well duh, that’s why we stole some of them from the nest that were left over.”


And that definitely explained a lot.

“Did you really think that we would be stupid enough to pick a fight with you three without some sort of hidden plan?!”

“Actually, we did; it seemed obvious.”

“Silence; you three had your fun, but now it’s time for my favorite part…eliminating you all!”

“You know, killing us won’t change anything at all; you idiots do know that, right?”

“Well… I guess we’ll find out soon enough, darling… once you’re dead.”

The three of us could’ve easily beaten their butts, but then they had to go and cheat just to get their way. Since we were frozen and couldn’t move at all, they were able to knock us around in any way they saw fit. There was only one thing to say in a situation like this…

“Man, this s-s-s-sucks.”

Exactly my point.

“Well my fellow Changeling, I think they have suffered enough; let’s finish them off now!”

We couldn’t believe of how we allowed this to happen; if someone didn’t show up at that minute, it would’ve been over.

“Enjoy your peace in the afterlife; victory is ours!”

After all of that despite being confidant in assuring our short and easy victory, I felt like we were going to cease to exist before we even finish with our business. But then, fate changed for the better as an unexpected someone flew down from the sky and shielded us from those traitors. It was…

“N-n-no way, its… its…”


“Whoa whoa whoa, hold on!” Spike said suddenly, “Are you saying that you three were about to have your life ended, but only to have been suddenly saved… by Chrysalis?!”

“Are you really that surprised?” asked Dragon Heart curiously.

“Well… yeah! I mean… I know that she’s trying to change and everything, but she was being that defensive for you?!”

“To be honest, we were kinda surprised ourselves,” said Razor, “she just showed up out of nowhere without any of us knowing. She was supposed to be back at the nest resting and calming her nerves, yet she found out about this whole ordeal and somehow brought herself to come and protect us. Our Queen really is something, ain’t she Dusk?”

“Y-y-yeah… she truly is,” Dusk responded hesitantly; he also appeared to be lightly blushing.

“What’s up with him,” asked Spike.

“I’m not exactly sure,” said Dragon heart, “he’s been acting rather odd around our Queen lately, but I’m sure it’s nothing.”

Twilight and her friends and the crusaders as well as Spike were rather astonished by Dragon Heart’s story about what happened to them a couple of days ago; and like a good story they wanted to hear how it ends.

“So what was Chrysalis doing there and what did she do about the situation?” asked Twilight.

Dragon Heart smiled with a glow of happiness shining from her expression, “Well, for Chrysalis… she handled the situation quite well.”


When Ivory and the others realized Chrysalis’ sudden appearance and the fact that she was in their path, they had to literally stop on a dime to avoid physical damage on her. Razor, Dusk and I looked up and were quite surprised and couldn’t believe our eyes; Chrysalis just swooped in and saved us on her own will!

“Ch… Ch-Chrysalis?”

“Queen Chrysalis?”

“Y-y-y-your highness?!”

Ivory was quite surprised himself but was also a bit terrified of the possible thought of Chrysalis finding out about their plan; he did his best to act normal.

“Y-y-y-y-your majesty, what are you doing here?! Sh-shouldn’t you be back at the nest resting your mind and restoring your energy; n-n-not that we’re not happy to see you or anything.”

Chrysalis didn’t look very happy with the traitors; in fact you could say that she was… buzzing mad.

“Silence your trap, you one-minded simpleton; care to explain to me exactly of what you are doing here?!”

You wouldn’t believe the pitiful excuse that Ivory came up with.

“Oh, well you see… we’re just doing a… a little test. Yeah, a test to see if these three were ready for any kind of surprise attacked them; and if you ask me they need more training than you think."

"Do you really think I am that I am that dumb? From the looks of things it seems that you purposely ambushed them somehow and were about to take them out. Although, it's kinda hard for me to even believe of how they were taken down by you so easily; they could kick all of your sorry flanks in seconds."

Razor slightly twitched one of his hooves towards some of the needles that were lying nearby

“D-does those things answer your question, y-your highness?”

Now Chrysalis was furious; her face was literally steaming red as she glared down at those that went behind her back.

“Stun needles?! You used leftover stun needles… without my authority?!!!”

“Y-y-your highness, I can clearly explain about this.”

“Hmph, there is no need to waste your breath; I’ve already knew about your plan.”

“You… y-y-you what; you knew all along!? Pardon me for raising my voice, but how long did you know!?”

“Pretty much the entire time; you fools obviously have forgotten I can hear and sense things all over the Changeling nest. Nothing gets past me.”

So all this time she actually knew about this possibly happening; could’ve been nice if she warned us ahead of time, but then again she obviously didn’t know about the whole stealing the leftover stun needles thing.

“However, I didn’t think some of my own soldiers would actually be foolish enough to plot a traitorous scheme behind my back; but I guess now I can see that I have proven myself wrong.”

Chrysalis then looked down at us feeling quite concerned for our health. She was trying hard to not show it off too much, but we weren’t fooled; she really cared about us.

“Are the three of you… alright?”

“We’re fine, Chrysalis; thanks.”

“Yeah, we’re a little shaken up and bruised, but okay.”

Dusk didn’t say anything at first though; he just laid there while looking at our powerful and humble Queen.

“Well Dusk… I just asked you a concerning question.”

“Oh, um… we’re all just very lucky that you showed up in time… your highness. We’re all very grateful.”

“You’re welcome.”

It was kind of an awkward moment, but it soon past after awhile.

“So… you fools were actually planning to kill these three and then make me believe a complete lie about it and then have me gain revenge for no reason; DID YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT WOULD’VE WORKED!!!?”

“Our apologies, Chrysalis, but we just wanted to have things back to the way they were. Don’t you think that this whole peace thing is a bit too much for us? After all, who’s to say that the ponies won’t stab us in the back one day; we were doing what might have been best.”

“By what… killing off three of your own kind?!”

“Okay, maybe that wasn’t the smartest move I’ve made…”

Smartest thing he said that day.

“There is absolutely no mistake going on here; the only mistake here is your foolish actions!”

It seemed to us that Chrysalis thoughts about the past really were changing, and the idea of living through lies and deceit was fading from her morals.

“No matter what happens… I have made… a commitment; one that I wish to fulfill… and one I intend to keep. The Changelings will… do as I say, and those who don’t will be punished severely otherwise.”

As Chrysalis was continuing to stare Ivory and the others down intensely, Ivory was was getting pretty nervous and tense in his body; I think he knew that he was done for.

“Heh heh, come on Chrysalis, your highness… surely we can talk this over.”

“No… I don’t think we can.”

Chrysalis then produced a few needles of her own and shot them at Ivory; and then his entire body instantly froze and fell to the ground. I had to admit, the frozen look really suited him.

“As for the rest of you traitorous followers, come to me; swear your allegiance to me and these three... and I will spare your pitiful lives.”

And that they did; after seeing their little ringleader get taken down there was nothing that they could do now but obey their Queen; the alternative decision might’ve not turned out pretty.

“Thanks a lot, Chrysalis; we really owe you one. It must have taken all of your strength to come out here and protect us.”

“You owe me nothing, Dragon Heart; all I did was take care of a conniving traitor that needed to be dealt with. And besides I had more than enough energy to do it anyway.”

She didn’t admit to it, but I could tell that she was a bit wiped out yet she stayed strong and showed true endurance… like a true leader.

“Whatever you say.”

Chrysalis also noticed that Dusk’s face was lightly red all over and became quite curious.

“What is up with Dusk; is he suffering from a heat stroke?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Anyway… as your Queen, I advise you three come return to the nest; you need to heal.”

“Will do.”

As our Queen, we did comply with her order and decided to just take care of our business another day; and a special request was made for Dusk.

“And will someone please get Dusk a cool moisture bath or something.”


“And that’s pretty much of what happened. After that, Chrysalis proved the strength that she gained by carrying me, Razor, Dusk and the traitorous Ivory on her back all the way back to the nest. We were eventually treated, and Ivory… trapped inside a chrysalis cocoon for as long as Chrysalis feels like it; and knowing her... that could be quite a while.”

“Ha, I told you Twilight;” shouted Pinkie suddenly, “Chrysalis is becoming nicer and nicer by the minute!”

“Yeah, but she’s still no kitty cat.”

“Kitty cat?” questioned Razor.

Spike just shook his head, “Don’t worry about it.”

“So is it really true,” Apple Bloom shouted, “Chrysalis really is stickin’ to her commitment?”

“I always knew she would,” said Sweetie Belle, “She promised.”

Scootaloo lightly punched Dragon Heart on her shoulders while chuckling awkwardly, “Well I’m just glad that you guys are okay after all of that; b-b-but… of course you guys are okay, you’re right here talking to us… so I wasn’t worried at all.”

Scootaloo wasn’t fooling those three.

“Aw, how sweet,” said Razor, “she was worried about us.”

“I was not!”

“So let me get this straight,” Rainbow protested, “this Ivory guy plans to kill you guys behind Chrysalis’ back and then lie to her about it, and all she basically does is put him in changeling time-out; is she crazy?!”

Dragon Heart understood what Rainbow was implying, but there was a reason behind it, “Well… I guess she understands about the way I feel about ending lives even if that someone tried to end yours. Besides… have tried staying inside a slimy cocoon for days, weeks or even years? I haven’t but I never want to find out.”

“I still say that she should have executed him,” said Rainbow, “but I guess that fine too.”

“So other than that, everything is going okay, right?” asked Twilight.

“Pretty much,” Dusk responded, “although the mutiny against our peace with the ponies doesn’t just stop with Ivory.”

“It doesn’t?” wondered Spike.

“Well of course it doesn’t,” said Razor, “it shouldn’t be too surprising that not everyone in Equestria is officially happy about us trying to make peace throughout the lands.”

“Well it doesn’t surprise me one bit,” said applejack, “darn hooligans; so hardheaded to accept the truth.”

“I say forget those guys;” said Spike suddenly as he went beside Dragon Heart, “Changelings inspired to gain love through friendship with others is the greatest thing to ever happen in my opinion! I’m sure you agree too, right Dragon Heart?”

Suddenly, he gave Dragon Heart a sweet little hug and he wouldn’t let go; he was showing just how much he cared. Dragon Heart looked at him awkwardly and softly smiled feeling his loving embrace.

“W-w-well of course I do; it was sorta my dream.”

After that there was total silence for a few seconds until Spike suddenly looked up and saw everyone looking at him and Dragon Heart making little daww faces seeing the two together again.

“Oh don’t mind us, Spike,” said Fluttershy with a sweet smile, “Just watching you two get into the moment.”

“Come on guys,” said Spike while blushing bright red, “you’re embarrassing us!”

“Aw, you know what,” Dragon Heart giggled, “you’re really cute when you act all embarrassed; it helps make my embarrassment feel a little less stressful.”

Dragon heart then grabbed Spike and wrapped him in a huge hug herself.

“Awwwwwww!” said all three crusaders; they couldn’t resist the sweet sight.

Razor sat there with the others smiling for his sister and Dusk had a little slight smile himself and he wasn’t ashamed to show it.

“Heh, glad you feel that way, Dragon Heart,” said Spike nervously.

Spike felt quite happy getting a return hug from Dragon Heart, but he still felt a little embarrassed of all of his friends staring at them like this; he felt like they were doing it on purpose.

“Why me?” he thought solemnly to himself.

Author's Note:

Next time... Spike and Dragon Heart spends some time together.