• Published 3rd Jul 2013
  • 2,405 Views, 60 Comments

Chrysalis Eats Crayons - Serina

Nopony should go around eating crayons. Especially Luna’s crayons...

  • ...

You Ate My Crayons!!!

The stars sparkled over the moonlit gardens as Chrysalis waited by the lush bush where her friend had found her the night before. She sighed and tapped her hoof in impatience. Where is Luna?

The changeling filly looked around the beautiful garden. Most flowers had their petals closed, although there was a series of white flowers which seemed to be in full bloom. She trotted over to them,and the closer she got,the bigger the flowers seemed to get. As she reached out to touch one, she realized the flower was nearly three times bigger than her hoof. Its petals were so soft, softer than any of the other flowers she had felt.

“Those are called moon flowers.”

Chrysalis jumped at the voice emanating from behind her, turning only to see a smile spread across Luna’s face. Releasing the tension that had filled her body only moments ago, she sighed in relief. “Would you warn a filly before you go sneaking up on them?”

Luna giggled. “I can’t help that you weren’t paying attention, besides, you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

Chrysalis nodded once and turned once again to the white blooms. “They’re so beautiful.” She turned to Luna. “You said they’re moon flowers, right?”

The blue filly nodded. “Yes, Star Swirl planted some of their seeds in the garden when he came back from one of his trips into the Everfree Forest. They’re extremely rare to be seen outside of the forest and only bloom at night. Pretty cool, huh?”

The changeling's eyes grew wide. “Wow, that’s super cool! I wish we had flowers like that at our hive. It would really liven things up.”

“Is that where you live?”

Chrysalis turned towards her friend. “Hm? Oh! Yeah, well I live in one that’s in the Everfree. Mama says there’s three hives in all and that they’re pretty far apart from each other.”

Luna jumped up. “Wait one second!” she sat her saddle bags on the ground and unbuttoned the sack. She began to lay all that she had brought on the ground. “I brought a research journal that Star Swirl gave me, so we can show Equestria that changelings are just like ponies!” She laid the journal in between them. “Oh, right!” She dug around in the bag until she produced two shiny red apples, floating one over to Chrysalis.

The black filly took it in her hooves. “Is this for me?”

Luna nodded. “Yeah! This way we won’t get hungry while we work!” She bounded her way next to Chrysalis and sat down. The research journal was placed in front of them by blue magic, followed by the quills, ink, and crayons.

Chrysalis pointed to the colorful, pointy objects. “What are those?”

Luna picked up a red crayon in her hoof and held it out for her friend to see. “What, these?”

The little changeling enveloped the crayon in green magic before placing it in her mouth.

Luna gasped. “What are you doing?!”

Chrysalis began chewing on the crayon. “What? They taste good.”

The blue filly tackled the crayon eating filly and pinned her to the ground. “You can’t eat my crayons!”

Chrysalis swallowed the rest of the crayon and stuck her tongue out at the angry little princess on top of her, before bucking her off, and grabbing the rest of the crayons from the ground.

The filly hit the ground hard on her back, her wings flared out under her. She sat up and looked at the changeling. Luna’s face, from her cheeks to the tips of her ears, was turned crimson with anger. Performing the royal Canterlot voice she shouted. “DO NOT EAT OUR CRAYONS!”

Chrysalis again stuck out her tongue at Luna and started to run away to the other side of the garden, chewing away on a purple crayon. “Nomnomnom”

Luna pursued, her tiny hooves carrying her as fast as they could manage. She began to catch up to Chrysalis, that is until the changeling made a sharp right and sent the poor unsuspecting filly chasing her tumbling into some rose bushes.

Chrysalis stopped and turned around, unsure whether to go back and check on Luna or continue running. Maybe she was being a little too cruel and- Wait. Why did she smell smoke? Suddenly the rose bushes was reduced to a pile of roaring blue flames. Chrysalis’s eyes grew wide as she saw a tiny filly’s shape form out of the flames. Luna came unscathed out of the bushes, smiling.

The tiny changeling took a step back. “Um, Luna, you okay?”

The blue filly looked up at her with wide, twitchy eyes and flared her wings. “Here’s Luna!” The little filly charged at the crayon eater as fast as she could, her horn a glow with blue magic. Chrysalis held her ground, her own horn glowing green. Luna took aim, as well as Chrysalis, and they both fired. With a loud bang the two bolts of magic met, they struggled against the ongoing flow. Neither one of them giving in to the other. After a few moments the two fillies magic began to form a ball which grew, and grew, and grew. Until finally it was too large for either filly to control.


Suddenly a rush a raw magic surrounded the fillies, blowing them back, and enveloped the garden.


“Uggg....” Luna’s head really hurt for some reason. She opened her eyes slowly, only making out glimpses of her surroundings. Then she opened them wide only to see she was laying in a giant crater. And who happened to be in the middle of that crater?


Who happened to be eating her crayons at the moment?


Luna bolted up and roared in frustration, pounding her hooves into the charred dirt.

The tiny changeling held out a crayon to Luna, shook it in her direction, and smirked. “Want one?”

Luna’s nostrils flared.

Chrysalis smirked and began chewing on a green crayon. “Come on, Luna.” She waved a orange crayon at her. “Taste the rainbow.”

Before Luna had time to charge again a booming voice shook the now destroyed garden. “LUNA!”

The shaken filly looked up at the white mare calling her name. “Uh-oh” Luna whispered.

Celestia stood at the entrance of the ‘garden’, quickly making her way towards the two. Chrysalis was paralyzed by fear, Luna knew this was it, the end was near.

Celestia finally made it to the center of the crater, gliding down to where the two fillies were, she turned to Luna, “What is the meaning of this, sister?!”

Luna shuffled her hooves and looked up at her big sister. “Well,” she pointed an accusing hoof at Chrysalis. “She stole and then ate my crayons!”

The princess of the sun then turned to the small changeling, Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “I see.” Her horn glowed a powerful yellow and with a flick of it the changeling was sent like a rocket into the sky, to where? Who knows.

Luna bounded towards her sister. “‘Tia will you make more crayons for me, pwease?”

Celestia stomped her hoof, shaking the ground they stood on. “No. From this day forward crayons are banished from Equestria! You have caused too much damage over a simple object. You will have to learn to live without them.” She began walking towards the castle’s entrance.

Luna stood there, jaw dropped. She turned towards the figure of her sister, she closed her mouth and sneered at it. She took away my crayons... She took them away.

From that day forward a darkness grew in the young filly’s heart, one which would follow her for many years. One which would eventually consume her.

Author's Note:

Lesson to be learned from this story? Do not steal peoples/ponies crayons because they will plot revenge against you for the rest of their life and turn into a freakin' tyrant.

...I regret nothing! *Runs away*

The real story can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/107592/my-dearest-friend

Comments ( 60 )



[8:26:18 PM] Diarch: Para
[8:26:19 PM] Evelyn Rose: that must be awesome
[8:26:23 PM] Diarch: We posted at the same time
[8:26:28 PM] Diarch: We are meant to be together

I love this story. It's hilarious, and it shows a little realism. Maybe that's what really created the dark side of Luna. Probably.

I have to say one thing about this story. At the beginning, you didn't space out the commas (Big disaster, right?), but other than that, good job. Can't wait to read more your works.

How to identify a true Luna fan... They portray Celestia as a tyrant, cruel and bitchy. Long live the true ruler Luna!

Oh, lollerz. :rainbowlaugh:

I had some crayons once. Not impressed. Moral of this story? Two creatures became evil and corrupt because of crayons. Chrysalis could have had a friend, and Luna turned hulk. This story was as funny as
And as awesome as


YAY! :derpytongue2:

Hahaha yeah I totally believe that's what happened with Luna! And yeah I know, I was just like "Should I fix this... Pft too lazy!" :rainbowlaugh:

Hey you gave the definition of Cadence too! God, the only princesses I like are Twilight and Luna. :twilightsmile:

yes many lolz~ :pinkiecrazy:

You about nailed the summary of this story good sir. :moustache:

Eeyup~ :eeyup:

Combing 4 different times in history in one person! :raritystarry:


Trust me, I understand that you don't wanna fix it. It's a pretty small mistake, and I doubt people will care. Just chucking it at you for your attention.

:derpyderp2: I meant awesome picture? :rainbowwild:

No, it's fine thanks for pointing it out! I'll probably fix it tomorrow or the next day... Sometime, somewhere over the rainbow~ :heart:


Somewhere over the Rainbow is a Rainboom. :rainbowwild:

And in that rainboom is another dimension. :pinkiecrazy:


And in that there dimension is humanes.

2818458 hehehe a voyage into my subconscious is unadvised due to all the confusion
Way up high~

I believe that would be an interesting place to go, though getting there would be quit the show.

and those humans are good but some are bad.


Like Hitler, ooooooo, bad Hitler.


I wanna take a trip through your subconscious!

2818495 good choice, "quit the show" as you said. :trollestia: people... Change in my subconscious... Also he's rather anti-social.
No I'm not.
Yes you are. What if I told you she was gonna visit?
Um... Alright just gimme bout 20 to clean up?



Yesh. Prepare yourself!

Not as bad as Stalin!

Can I come to your selfconscious too? Maybe he and my selfconscious could be bestest of friends!~
Why me...
Oh come on give him a chance!

2818530 please don't I have enough voices in it already.
Im not an it.
Shut up I don't care.
Well you sh-
You can't sleep your just a voice in my head.
He's right ya know.
Yes... Sir...
Logic you shouldn't let Rage be so mean to you. I want you front and center. But you are unfortunately subdued...
Run he's back!!!
Why do we run from Crazy?

... Trust me you don't wanna see the rest.


.......still wanna come in.

2818560 2818565
Your subconscious is soooo like that Teen Titians episode where beast boy an dcyborg visit Raven's subconscious! :raritystarry:

2818565 watch yourself, don't let Naughty see that...
Hehehehe see what?
2818495 hmm maybe... Just hope they don't get in too far...

2818579 what?
She wasn't referring to you.
Maybe we can be friends.
... Woah why am I having hardcore déjà vu?
Ive had this conversation before.

You have a lot of different voices. :derpyderp1:

2818596 Hi?
Wtf how- what- when-?!?! ... Okay lemme rephrase. Wtf are you doing in my head?
I was forced here against my will save me!
Ummm... How?
Expulse me from your brain.
Trust me I tried that.
Yea he did. It faaaiiiiilllleeeeddddddddd! Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
Shut up, go sit in the corner.
So who's the new girl?
Some else's subconscious... Why...?
Oh I don't know...
...Damn it...

It's very... Spacious in here

2818656 Naw... That just the porch and yard! Here lemme show you inside... *opens door* *pushes back random info...*
...hmmm... What's he up to...
5 bucks Hes probly showing her the bedroom, hehehehehe!
Naughty just get out, I can't stand you anymore...
Aww butcha loved me l-
Shut up and get outa my mind.
... I should probly see to them...
*finds them...*
And my personal favorite room, the bedroom!
Hehehe! Where my money boy? No actually I don't want that I want-
No! You get money!

You have a very nice color scheme going on in here

2818727 Mmm if you look closely at the bedsheets you'll see they have many different colors in them... Now bend over to get a gooood look...
Mabey we should leave...
Awwwwww... But I wanna see it!
No you perv.
Thank you!
*pops outa the ceiling* but I wanna see it tooooooo!
*BLAM!* hmm never thought of that...

2818727 ... Lol nice timing...


Hehe, good one.

Chrysalis smirked and began chewing on a green crayon. “Come on, Luna.” She waved a orange crayon at her. “Taste the rainbow.”

XD i died

Luna stood there, jaw dropped. She turned towards the figure of her sister, she closed her mouth and sneered at it. She took away my crayons... She took them away.
From that day forward a darkness grew in the young filly’s heart, one which would follow her for many years. One which would eventually consume her.

So that was the REAL reason why Luna turned into nightmare moon!! :pinkiegasp:
I mean its much more logical then thinking her night wasnt accepted right?? :D
Love this alternate ending :heart:

O_O Nice :rainbowlaugh:

Thank ya! :ajsmug:

Hahaha you're lucky. I almost forgot to put that in there. After I finished writing it I was reading over that part and was like "hmm.... OH YEAH!" :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! And yes it is soooooooooooooooo much more logical than her thinking her night was being ignored. :duck:

That's such a 'colorful' story! And it's magically delicious, too!

Stealing one's crayons really does sow the seeds of deep-hatred...


Why thank you. And I totally agree with you about the stealing crayon thing. When I was a kid I had the big pack and if anyone touched it I unleashed hell fire on them. :pinkiecrazy:

2839006 hello I am sorry it took so long to respond, it just Crazy lead a revolt against Logic, and killed him. Tear.

crayons fucking crayons

celestias world is nothing but a big drama show

Wait, come back
You don't need to run away. I was expecting something like that to happen.
But the 'taste the rainbow' was a bit to much, and making nightmare moon happen becouse Tia wouldn't make any crayons, a bit much,
I regret nothing about reading this :moustache:

:twilightoops: Poor Luna... She doesn't have anymore crayons.

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