• Published 10th Oct 2013
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I wish, I hope, I dream, I pray - TNBi

When Princess Luna heard of Snowdrop's wish that she wanted to see the world, she determined that she'd somehow help her realize it. She walked into her dream, and granted her dream vision -- not knowing what the consequences would be.

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Chapter 1: A Wholehearted Wish

Once upon a time, there was a little pegasus filly named Snowdrop. Her life was a little “different” than all the other ponies: not long after her mother had given birth to her, a serious illness struck her, taking away her eyesight. Years passed, and she lived in a world of sole darkness.

With her blind eyes, Snowdrop often felt herself inferior: there were just too many things that she was unable to do, and she always needed special care from other ponies in her daily life. At school, her classmates would usually regard her as a big hindrance whenever they were assigned to work with her.

She became depressed; she wouldn’t want to be the burden on other ponies, instead, she’d rather be one that may contribute something of her own to the world. Her mother had always told her that doing her best would be quite enough; still, she hoped that someday, she would win the respect and favor of all the others. Her attempts however had hardly succeeded, and had usually caused an aftermath that must be coped with.

It had always been this way, until the end of winter that year.

The year was special: it was the centennial of the rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Luna’s reign. The school in Cloudsdale, which Snowdrop attended, had planned to offer a present of commemoration to them on the very first day of spring. Back in winter, the teacher had asked her students to work in groups and come up with something to present to the princesses, and as always, Snowdrop found no one to partner her. It was not until the remaining few days of winter that her teacher discovered that, and she was offered to get placed in one group and get credit for the project. Still, she politely turned down her teacher’s offer, saying that she had already prepared a very special gift, so special that it must be done all by herself.

In fact, she had told a lie — for being a blind filly, she just did not want to bother her classmates that could have been assigned to work with her. She had prepared nothing. She had not even the slightest clue of what to prepare.

That night, she curled on a cloud outside her house and wept alone, for she could neither go to the spring sunrise, nor present her gift to the princesses, all because she was a useless foal that couldn’t see or even do anything.

In her sorrow, all of a sudden, a story her mother had told her came to her mind — a long time ago, the night stars were quite rare and seldom to be caught a glimpse of, so the ponies back then would wish upon the star they saw, because rumor said it would make that wish come true. It was not until Princess Celestia and Luna had brought forth the Sun and the Moon that the stars would come out more often, and decorate the night skies.

She had wanted to wish upon a star that she could regain her sight, however her mother had told her that she should save her wishes for something she really needed — because she was a special little filly, one like no other, for some wish like that.

Back to reality at this moment, Snowdrop stood up from the cloud. She inhaled deeply, and started to make her wish to the stars:

“I wish, I hope, I dream, I pray… that by the Princesses’ rule, light my way. Please…? I I just want to show… I can do something for once.”

The next moment after she finished her prayers, she heard the snow — back then, snow was still little droplets of ice, not holding such pretty appearances as the snowflakes today; when the snow fell upon her leg, it chimed just like the sound of a star’s twinkle she had heard before. She was surprised, and became very excited, as an inspiration suddenly struck her mind; she pulled a feather off her wing, and started engraving on the snow, carefully digging little holes to form patterns. Hour after hour, she kept on doing it in the cold snowy night, until finally her mother called her to come home.

Several days later, at the Spring Sunrise Celebration, Snowdrop came to the Princesses and presented her gift: The Snow-made Star for Winter. She explained that she made it in hope of changing winter into a favorable season just like the other three to all the ponies: despite she hadn't been able to see the shape of a star, when she heard the snow chiming just like one, she tried her best to carve it into its shape, so that when snow falls, the ponies on the ground could have something to relish and to make a wish upon.

Her gift was well accepted by the Princesses, especially Princess Luna: it was the first time that she had ever come across somepony who could truly understand the wonder of her night. She thus became very close friends with Snowdrop.

When the next winter came, the pegasi spread the carved snow into the air to let it fall upon the land. Ponies cheered for seeing such beautiful thing, and that was when Snowdrop earned her cutie mark.

It wasn't the end of story though — and in fact, it was only the beginning. After Snowdrop's graduation ceremony, a snow factory was specifically established in Cloudsdale by the two Princesses, in order to produce enough beautiful snowflakes to cover all of Equestria. Inside it, the temperature was kept cold enough for the ponies to work on the snowflakes.

Naturally, Snowdrop became one of the workers there, as well as the instructor who taught other ponies the tricks to engrave patterns on the fragile crystalized snow. For the first few months, when most ponies weren't able to keep the snow from cracking into bits, she was highly respected by them. It was a time when Snowdrop was cheerful, knowing that she could really do something for this world even with eyes that couldn't see.

And yet the sweet months passed all too soon; by then, those who had followed Snowdrop's instructions had mastered the techniques and started carving snowflakes artistically, while Snowdrop herself could still only make some ugly and bizarre shapes.

It was not her fault — she had no way of telling beauty from ugliness, for ever since the day that she could remember things, her world was in pitch black, — of which she was not sure either, for she had not any knowledge of colors. Even she could dig holes four times as many as anypony else could do on one single snowflake, the results would not inspire any sense of beauty. Day by day, she slowly fell back to those times when she was regarded as a useless pony, all because of her blind eyes.

Then one day, when the snow she produced was mistakenly judged as waste product and disposed of, she wept bitterly, and run out of the factory. Princess Luna, who happened to be visiting the factory, saw her flew away in tears. She flew after her, wanting to know what had happened.

They rested on a piece of cloud hanging over Cloudsdale, and Snowdrop told Luna that she wanted to quit her position, as she couldn't bring happiness to the ponies who'd see the ugly snowflakes she had made.

"No, it's not like that..." Princess Luna soothed her, "You've brought me happiness. I don't find your snow ugly at all. They're all very special — each of them are one of a kind. Last winter, whenever I noticed the snow you carved covering the pathway, I couldn't help smiling. Your effort was not wasted." She spread her wings, and held Snowdrop close to her gently, wiping away her tears with her feathers and giving her comfort.

Luna's care made Snowdrop feel better, and she worked up her nerves to ask the princess more about wishing upon a star. For there was still one wish in her heart that she dared not say, in fear that her selfish and unrealizable wish would trouble the stars too much. They've granted her one wish after all, and she felt she should appreciate it instead of demanding even more. Nevertheless, it was still her heart's desire to make it come true.

"You have underestimated the powers the stars own... But it's all right, since you don't know how large their quantity is. In the night sky, they glimmer, even though it's not so bright and dazzling as the sun, it's enough to lighten all the land. The scene when they appear in the sky, is even more mind-refreshing than anything I've witnessed on this earth. Thus in my opinion, there will be a star that may help you realize that wish. Maybe making a wholehearted wish upon them, and they'll make it come true."

"Really? But I don't know how to do it the wholehearted way. Well... could I do it just like when I wished upon them for the first time?" Snowdrop said, hanging her head in thought.

"You may pretend that I were a star, and practice speaking your wish to me."

"Huh? May I?" Snowdrop asked, astonished.

"Yes. I'll exert myself in acting like one."

"Okay.... I'll try." Snowdrop inhaled deeply, before she began:

"Oh the stars above in the sky... It's me again, the humble filly that had wished upon you last time. My name is Snowdrop, and I'd like to thank you for granting me my last wish, and also... I'm sorry for thanking you so late. Now I call upon you, because I have another wish... My mom thinks that I don't need to say it, and I don't want to be a wayward pony either, but..."

Snowdrop looked very solemn, as if really wishing upon a star.

"I wish, I hope, I dream, I pray... that my eyes could see... even if it's only for a day. I really want to see the world, and see you... and also, see Princess Luna, who has been caring for me all the time."

Princess Luna couldn't help but slightly opened her mouth, nearly forgetting about the practicing and almost broke her silence. It was after a while that Snowdrop spoke again: "Thank you for listening to my wish, Princess Luna."

"That was all of it?"

"Yes." Snowdrop nodded, a wry smile came to her face. "What an extravagant wish I have, don't I? I've heard the doctor telling my mother, that unless a miracle should happen, I won't be able to see anything for all my life. I know mom doesn't want me to make such a wish because I could get disappointed, so... I just can't keep being wayward and demand the stars realize this wish of mine, right?"

"...Snowdrop, little pegasus filly of Cloudsdale," after a period of silence, Princess Luna said, "I'll bear your wish in a star's stead. And I hereby vow to you, that whatever method I try, I'll certainly make your wish come true."

"Um... Huh?" Snowdrop was surprised, not knowing what was going on.

"Wait for my good news!" Princess Luna spread her wings, and flew away. Snowdrop stood there stupefied for a while, before finally coming to herself.