• Published 25th Jun 2013
  • 2,663 Views, 67 Comments

Fatal Corruption - Pinkies Imagination

Kassadin... A powerful member of the void... is thrown into Equesria. God only knows what he will do.

  • ...

Chapter 2: A Whole New World to Toy With

Chapter 2: A Whole New World to Toy With

(Back to Kassadin's perspective)


I snap my eyes open, and come face to face with dirt.

'Wasn't I just in a building?' I thought to myself as I rolled onto my back. 'The sky? It looks so... clear.'

I blinked and tried to push myself up, but fell back down immediately as a rush of pain shot through my right shoulder. I rolled to my back and looked at my arm. Biting back the pain, I examined my arm and shoulder.

I let out a small growl. "Broken shoulder, and my sword isn't functioning." I said aloud as I touched the top of my right hand.

I looked around and notice it is the middle of the night and in some kind of forest. I got on my knees and forced myself up while nearly falling again.I looked at where I had been laying.

Where I had been was a small crater still sizzling with heat, meaning I had fallen from quite a distance. That's when it occurred to me.

"The battle!" I shouted as I looked around quickly.

I continued to look around expecting someone to jump at me, but nothing of the sort happened. I would fly up and survey my surroundings, but I can't so much as even hover.

I took a few steps towards the nearest tree. "Been a long time since I walked on my own feet." I said as I leaned my back against the tree.

I let out another sigh as I looked around once more. I shook my head as I pushed off the tree and began walking. Step after step seemed to drain more and more energy from me. I eventually couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the ground, closing my eyes.


"Stop! You don't know what your doing!" Shouted Kassadin as he attempted to free himself from his captors.

"Heheheh.... you wanted power right? To see the void? Well... here is your chance!" Said another voice.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Shouted Kassadin as-


"NOOOO!" I shouted as I flew upright.

I began panting heavily as I looked ahead of me. I took in a deep breath and calmed down, trying to kill off those awful memories, and that awful past. I looked around and noticed it was just before sunrise. I turned to my right shoulder and poked it causing it to twitch a bit in pain, but nothing to bad. I propped myself up again and onto my feet.

"Sigh... still can't fly. But at least I feel stronger again." I say as I start walking some more.

I continue walking through the woods, nothing in particular catching my eyes. Then suddenly there is a loud sound, I immediately raise my guard and hide behind a tree. I listen a little closer, hearing what sounds like crunching leaves and sticks. Then everything stops and the forest go silent. I peek around the tree and don't believe what my eyes tell me.

"A dragon?" I say aloud, my empty voice catching it's attention.

It's scales are a purple with green fins, while looking no taller then knee length for me. It turns to me and gasps and speaks.

"TWILIGHT!" It shouts aloud.

I bite back my surprise and focus my energy. Just as I'm about to obliterate it with a force pulse, I hear movement. Lots of it. I stop my casting and run. I try to Riftwalk but remember the problem with my sword. I jump over a fallen tree and duck down, hiding under it. A few moments later I hear voices.

"I swear I saw something. It looks so weird! I think it was wearing a mask. But it was HUGE!" Said the dragon.

"Oh stop it Spike, you must have just seen something else. This forest can play tricks on you." Said a feminine voice.

'That dragon has a name?' I think to myself.

"But Twilight!" Begins Spike.

"Enough." Says Twilight.

'Twilight...? Heh.'

I hear a growl from the other side. "Fine...." Says Spike.

"Alright, now lets get home. We came here to go to Zecora's and that's it. We shouldn't hang around in this forest for much longer." Says Twilight.

I hear some shuffling then more stepping noises. As they go silent I get up.

'I have to follow them. I need to get somewhere and get some information on what's going on.' I think as I start walking towards the direction I heard them go. 'More importantly, why I'm not dead....'

I continue walking as I look around now and then, thinking I hear something. As I walk I continue to tinker with my hand where my sword should be deploying.

"Ugh... why won't you WORK!" I shout out angrily.

I attempt to activate it and it sparks. Nothing. I pull out a fragment and examine it closely.

"Ugh GREAT. I need a new gemstone." I say as I put my arm down.

My anger fades when I notice something ahead of me, light. I begin to pick up my pace. I get nearer and nearer. When I reach the edge I spread the trees away and look forward.

"What in oblivion?" I say aloud as I stare forward.

Ahead of me is a very large grassy field. And beyond that, the buildings of a town. I scan the area.

"Looks empty, but I can't just walk out there like that. Too much open land." I say as I try to focus on the town. "It looks uninhabited. Strange."

As I finish that I see an animal run into the field. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't for it's strange colors and what it was actually doing. The animal was probably the height of my chest, maybe even smaller. However it is quite difficult to tell from this distance. It's color was clear white and it's mane and tail was purple and looked very curly.

I hunched down a bit and examined it some more. It lowered it's head to the ground and began walking around. Eventually it began walking towards my direction. I inched back a bit and hid in a nearby bush where I continued to watch. Suddenly it stopped, then right before my eyes a cluster of gemstones flew out of the ground.

I was amazed. I decided it was well worth it to take a closer look. By the shape of it's body it seemed female, and judging by it's forehead it was a...

"Unicorn...?" I whispered aloud.
I covered my mouth quickly in fear of alerting her, to my relief she didn't hear me. That's when It hit me, gemstones! I need a gemstone for my sword to work. I began thinking of how I can use this as my advantage, then I heard it speak.

"Oh... sapphire. I have enough of YOU. Where are those pesky emeralds." She says as I see her throw it away.

I watch it as it falls a few feet in front of me In the field. I look up and see her back turned away from me. I shake my amazement off of seeing a talking horse and began to inch forward. I crept towards the gemstone, Closer and closer. I picked it up and turned around, just as I did I heard a scream.

"MONSTER!" Shouts the unicorn as she turns to run.

I quickly install the gemstone and light up my sword. I watch as it shoots from my wrist outward and grows to it's full length, emitting it's purple glow. I then look forward at the running creature heading for the town. Without any thought about what my power is limited to, I swipe forward and riftwalk towards it. After a second I appear right in front of her, causing her to jump back in surprise.

"What are you!" She shouts as she makes herself as small as possible.

"The void walker." I reply as I grab her.

She begins fighting back. I hold her mouth closed and quickly riftwalk back to the forest. Feeling more tired now, I stretch out my arm holding her and look at her. She is still panicking, but not screaming.

"Please don't hurt me..." She whispers as she looks down at my sword.

I hesitate for a moment and look back at her. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just didn't want any panic." I reply trying to calm her down.

I can feel her shaking in my hand, she nods. "Now, I need to ask you a question, where am I?" I say to the unicorn.

"Eq-questria...." She says still shaking.

"Never heard of it... are there more like you?" I ask looking back at the town.

"Like me?" She asked confused. "You mean, ponies?" She says tilting her head.

I nod.

"Well yes, many of us live in Ponyville which is where I had come from." She said smiling a small amount.

I grunt. "Well..." I put her down. "I'm sorry I had to grab you." I said, nearly shivering for saying that word for the first time in a long long time.

She shook herself a bit and nodded. "I suppose it's alright... it was partly my fault... jumping to conclusions and whatnot." Then her eyes widen.

"Speaking of which, what ARE you?" She says looking at my clothing more closely.

I sigh. "That... is a long, LONG story..." I say as I sit down behind a tree.

The unicorn sits across from me. "Well, I have a lot of spare time." She says smiling.

I let out a small laugh. "Heh... call it a camp then?" I ask.

She nods and sparks her horn. Causing a small fire in the center of us. I shake my head.

'That's... different... magic' I think to myself staring at the fire.

I look back up to her and see her smiling.

"Well, my name is Rarity." She said smiling more.

I nodded. "My name is Kassadin." I say back.

We both inch closer to the fire.

"It all began with the void...." And so I began my tale.

Author's Note:

Let me know what you thought of this chapter, and let me know if you want more.