• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 2,714 Views, 44 Comments

Non Soli Vos - Darth Atrox

  • ...

The Mandatory Origin Story *EDIT*

This is a work of total fiction, made entirely for entertainment purposes. No money is gained from the production of this prose.

The new High Council sat at their round table, eager to get to know the alien visitors. They had so many questions, so much that they wanted to know that these Humans may very well be able to provide the answers for. Despite these desires, everyone present didn't actually know what to do or say to begin any kind of talks. The humans themselves seemed to be busy taking in their surroundings, surveying everything in sight.

Finally, one princess had had enough.

"Where did you come from!?" Twilight demanded.

Everyone in the room turned to look at her in surprise. The Griego natives in shock, and the humans (or rather, Meia) in amusement. Before anyone could chastise the overzealous princess, Meia started laughing. Now everyone looked at her in surprise.

"Well, I suppose that's a good enough place to start, I suppose." She said. Reaching out with her left hand, palm up, one of the larger, red and gold colored guards approached her placing a perfect, silver orb in her hand. Curious, every non-human in the room watched carefully, wondering what the Admiral could want with the tiny, marble sized orb.

What they didn't expect was for her to toss it on the table. Remarkably, it stopped dead center, as if guided by it's own intelligence. Suddenly, the orb flashed twice before it illuminated the room in a bright light. When the light died down, everyone was looking at a projection of a solar system.

"This is our home solar system. Sol." Everyone in the room looked around, taking in the magnificent sight of the solar system. It was a sight that the had probably never seen before. Suddenly, the illusion rapidly zoomed in to one planet in particular. It was a blue planet, covered mostly in water with land masses spread throughout.

"This planet Earth. It is the planet that gave birth to humanity." Said Meia. "We've observed your planet in the time that we've had here. We know that you have many creatures that are also natives to our own planet, such as monkeys and apes, so we'll skip out on that part of the explanation." Meia said. "We'll start with Proconsul." Again, the image of the blue planet zoomed in to a massive landmass and focused on a small primate in a tree.

"Proconsul was a primate that lived in Africa approximately 25 million years ago, and it is theorized that he is the ancestor of both humans and chimpanzees. They were very small, and arboreal animals." Suddenly the image changed again. This time, however, the lush green jungle that proconsul was observed playing in decayed and vanished, leaving nothing but grasslands and savannahs behind.

"Eventually, there was a great climate change that turned most of Africa into a desert and savannah. A population of proconsul were separated by the climate change and left to fend for themselves in the savannah. Those who remained behind in the jungles eventually evolved into the modern Chimpanzee. Those left wandering the savannah had only two options: adapt or die." The image of the proconsul wandering the savannah changed. This time, an ape-like creature was wandering the savannah on it's hind legs.

"This is Sahelanthropus tchadensis, the first hominid. A bipedal ape. Now, bear in mind that while our ancestors were indeed capable of bipedal locomotion, they were, for the most part, still arboreal."

Everyone continued to marvel at the display before them. To think that such grand creatures had dropped down from the trees was almost inconceivable. Twilight herself had been doing nothing but taking down note after note regarding these humans.

The image of the ape shifted and morphed as Meia accelerated the passage of time in the illusion.

"For now, I'll spare you the Australopithecines, and skip over to the genus Homo." The illusion settled on a biped with reduced prognathism. "This is Homo habilis."

"What makes the genus Homo unique is that this is where we see a jump in intelligence, and an increase of fifty percent cranial capacity compared to the Australopithecines. Starting with Habilis, we see tool making, and scavenging for meat."

Once again, the image morphed into a new creature. This one looked much closer in appearance to the humans.

"This is Homo erectus. He is the first of of our human ancestors to leave the continent of Africa. The original pioneer. As you can tell, these resemble humans much more than our previous ancestors, with nearly identical bodies, and habitual bipedalism. These were the first to use fire, and used more sophisticated tools." Once again the human ancestor morphed into a much more human looking creature.

"Finally we come to Homo sapiens heidelbergensis. This is the rise of humanity. These are the first of our ancestors to achieve true sapience. They were as intelligent as any of us. Some consider them their own species, our ancestors, but the majority of the scientific community considers them an early variation of the modern human race. Early Archaic humans, if you will." Explained, Meia.

"The Heidelbergs will give birth to the Modern Humans as well as our extinct sister species, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Like Homo erectus, the Heidelbergs will also leave Africa. A small population that remained in Africa eventually became the anatomically modern human, Homo sapiens sapiens. Our sister species, however, resulted from a population of Heidelbergs that lived in the frozen north and were forced to adapt, becoming Homo sapiens neanderthalensis."

"Unfortunately, while humans and neanderthals evolved around the same time period, about two hundred thousand years ago, neanderthals went extinct about thirty thousand years ago. Meanwhile, the anatomically modern humans will go on to inherit the planet. This brings us to recent events."

"Approximately five hundred years ago, the year 2014 A.D. Gregorian Calender, humanity had finally decoded the human genome. With total and complete access to our D.N.A. humanity was able to tamper with the genes and manipulate the outcome of human evolution."

Everyone in the room sat in silent awe. To be able to manipulate the future of an entire species, these creatures must have been a great civilization.

"They were fools." What? "The humans back then total fools. With this new technology, all they thought to do was focus on the superficial, or utilize it for war. The main population used the technology to influence their children to be more athletic, taller, more attractive, and they threw in strange requests as well." Meia gestured to her head. "You see my hair, how it's blue? That's not a natural human color. The modern humans have all kinds of strange colored hair and eyes, but these things are a result of nerdy parents over five hundred years ago that watched too many cartoons and anime. And the military...all they thought to do was to create super soldiers." Meia sighed.

"The governments of the world created artificial humans that were stronger, faster, and far more intelligent to use as super soldiers. They were designed to remain subservient to their creators, but things didn't go as they planned. There was a great war, World War three, between the Western World and the Muslim World that occurred in the year 2033 A.D. The war lasted for fifteen years before the super soldiers, on both sides, realized the futility of their battle. They turned on their masters. The super soldiers didn't want dominance, or revenge, they just wanted to end the war and to be treated equally, but the world leaders grew afraid of their power.

"In order to combat the millions of super soldiers, they created more specifically to target the wayward soldiers. The worlds leaders didn't realize that the people actually agreed with the enhanced humans. They too felt that the governments treatment of the enhanced beings was deplorable. Billions of people, from hundreds of countries along with almost a billion super soldiers overturned the governments of the world and created a singular world government. This was the People's Republic of Planet Earth. The super soldiers and enhanced humans eventually interbred to form us, the next step in human evolution.

"This new government created many policies which funded universal health care, education, science and military. As the people continued to enhance themselves, the new government decided to instill a mandatory five year military service to instill discipline and solidarity amongst the people. By the year 2060, the first fully functional Hyper Drive was built. With it, humans spread throughout the solar system, colonizing it. This was only the beginning.

"By the year 2110 Humanity had spread across over a hundred star systems. Coming together, these hundred star systems formed the Interstellar Federation of Systems, a new interstellar government. It has been this way for five centuries."

Everyone in the room remained silent, pondering the implications of such an advanced species populating the galaxy.

"Ten years ago, however, we were attacked. Out of no where, for absolutely no reason, our home planet and Capital, planet Earth was destroyed without mercy or warning. A species known as the Drox declared war on Humanity."

The metal marble flashed once again, revealing the image of a small, grey colored creature with a large head and eyes.

"Since then an interstellar war has been raging. It has consumed billions of lives, both Human and Drox, with no end in sight."

"How did you end up here?" Asked President Fortis. "If any of your worlds were anywhere near ours, surely contact would have been established long ago. Just what happened to lead you so far away from your country?"

Meia smiled.

"Very astute of you, Mr. President. You are correct, we are indeed quite aways away from our Union. An entire universe away, to be exact." Everyone's eyes widened. "Our ship, the Interstellar Federation of Systems Ship Marx is an evacuation ship. We received word from our Intelligence division that the Drox were targeting the military planet Sparta. Two hundred million of our finest soldiers manned and operated the Marx and successfully evacuated approximately eight hundred million civilians, soldiers and soldiers-in-training from the planet. What we didn't know was that the Drox orchestrated the whole thing in order to make us an easier target.

"They attacked just as the planet was evacuated and successfully damaged our hyperdrive, which would have allowed us to escape. We managed to hold them off in a battle while our top engineers tried to fix the problem. What we discovered was that the hyperdrive was not being powered sufficiently enough, and therefore lacked the power for a successful jump into hyperspace.

"One of our engineers, Emmet Brown, wanted to connect the hyperdrive directly to the ships power source, which is extremely dangerous. With little option left, we did it. After recalling our troops, we engaged the hyperdrive and prepared to jump. With an overpowered drive, instead of warping space-time, we punched right through it, propelling us into a universe not our own. Yours.

"Now, after searching for ten years in this universe for a life-bearing planet, we found you."

Author's Note:

Sorry to those of you who feel like I went overboard with the pictures and explanation of human evolution. Many probably don't agree, but I think our evolution is an important part of us that should be shared with any species we come into contact with. Let's face it, telling aliens "We were intelligently designed by an omnipotent being" is a stupid thing to say.

I'm not saying belief in God is bad. I believe in God. Religion, however, is bullshit.

Also, most of what I stated about our evolution is true, but some of it is still in debate. For example, I said that Proconsul is the Human ancestor. Some anthropologists believe that, but others believe another known as Aegyptopithecus is our ancestor. Also, some anthropologists believe Homo heidelbergensis and Homo neanderthalensis are separate species from modern humans, Homo sapiens.

However, in my opinion, because modern humans were able to interbreed and produce viable offspring with both of the aforementioned "species" I consider them to be separate races of the same species. Like there are 4 pony races, Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth and Alicorns who encompass "ponydom" these three species Homo sapiens heidelbergensis, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens all form the species known as Humanity.

This is, however, my opinion on the matter. Until I get my PH. D in Physical Anthropology and I am able to publish my theory, it remains unvalidated and unimportant.

Comments ( 6 )

I'm not saying belief in God is bad. I believe in God. Religion, however, is bullshit.

Yay, someone that shares my opinion. Though I think some of the religions are doing better there are still a lot of people out there who go "Everything in the bible is true and all you sciency people are heathens for saying otherwise." I really don't have anything against the good book, but I see it for what it is. A way to give order to chaotic society. Very much needed in the old days, not so much now. Though I do still respect it, it is a huge part of our culture after all.

So, is this story dead? It hasn't been updated in over a year...

I sense a doctor who reference.


R.I.P story :(

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