• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 5,932 Views, 297 Comments

Tangled Up In Blue - ShotgunNeko

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive the haters? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ P

  • ...

With A Little Help From My Friends

Rainbow Dash felt her stomach lurch as she closed her eyes and tried not to vomit all over her hooves. She had come to check if her lackeys had yet to find any information on her missing friend, Fluttershy. She expected to find three tortured vamponies begging for mercy and their lives, but instead she had found the entrails and remains of her former followers scattered around the room.

Rainbow covered her mouth, attempting to keep down the cucumber sandwich she had eaten at lunch. Unfortunately, her eyes wandered to Dumbbell's crushed, headless carcass and she was no longer able to contain it. She emptied the contents of her stomach on the already wet and bloody floor.

Although she was clearly not in the best shape at the moment, Rainbow still had an amazing ability to move quickly. Which is exactly what she did when she heard the sound of slow, methodical hoofsteps approaching.

"Who is it?" Rainbow asked, wiping her mouth and turning around.

As Rainbow tried to focus on the approaching figure, she went into defense mode and quickly flew up from the ground. She had a feeling she was in danger, and if so, she planned to use her speed to her advantage.

Rainbow's eyes narrowed as a lone mare stepped into the room. She cautiously looked on at the intruder. The light illuminated the stranger's features and for the first time Rainbow was able to get a good look.

The first thing Rainbow noticed was the unicorn mare's stunning aqua green eyes. For a moment it seemed she could not look away. Rainbow blinked, trying to free herself from whatever trickery was afoot. As she was finally able to break the mare's intoxicating gaze, she then noticed the vibrant red, sun-streaked mane and her deep orange coat.

Sunset Shimmer smiled sweetly up at Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash! I'm so excited to finally meet you. Have you been admiring my work?" Sunset asked, waving her hoof in the direction of Hoops and Dumbbell.

"Y-You did that?" Rainbow gasped, her mouth dropping open.

"I figured your not-so-secret fortress could use a bit of redecorating. A new rug here, a throw pillow there, and my personal favorite, two disgusting pegasi carcasses. I think they give the place some character, don't you agree?"

"You're sick!" Rainbow yelled, striking a defensive pose.


"If you're going to try to kill me, let's skip the talking and get down to it." Rainbow said, gritting her teeth.

"Oh, relax. If I really wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were losing your lunch." Sunset grinned, flashing her fangs.

Rainbow felt her cheeks redden.

"What a cute blush." Sunset cooed, giving Rainbow the once over with her eyes. "I didn't expect the big, bad Rainbow Dash to embarrass so easily."

Rainbow wasn't sure what game this vampony was playing, but she didnt like it. Still, her body betrayed her and her cheeks continued to glow a deeper shade of crimson.

"What do you want bloodsucker?"

"I need your help."

"What makes you think I would EVER help a vampony?" Rainbow asked defiantly.

"I've done some research my dear Rainbow Dash, and it seems we have a common enemy."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed.

"Blueblood." Sunset smirked, as she watched the color drain from Rainbow's face.

"W-What? He's dead! I have intel in Transylmania and they told me--"

"He's alive." Sunset interrupted. "Not so long ago, I used to travel with his pack. Until I realized he's even more sick and sadistic than yours truly."

Rainbow swallowed hard. She had always wanted to go after Blueblood. He was the one who had taken her mother from her and torn her family apart.

"He killed my mother, then defiled her while my father was forced to watch." Rainbow murmured. "The other pony he was with, used some sort of hypnotization spell and my father confessed to the police. Even though the police knew my mother's death was the work of vamponies, my father's confession held up. Everypony just wanted to sweep the whole mess under the rug. I tried and tried to tell them the truth, but nopony wanted to believe it."

"I know. Like I said, I did my research." Sunset continued. "I have a propostion for you."

Rainbow looked back at Sunset, feeling slightly vulnerable after admitting what happened to her parents.

"I'm listening..."

"I'll lead you to Blueblood and even help locate your friend Fluttershy, assuming she's still alive. In exchange you and your followers will leave Vinyl Scratch and her marefriend, Octavia Melody alone."

"That's it?" Rainbow furrowed her eyebrows. "Why do you care about them?"

Sunset sighed. "It's hard to explain, but I have my reasons. Vinyl Scratch is off limits. Once we've finished with Blueblood you can do whatever you like to the rest of those losers who hang out at Fangtasia, but Vinyl and Octavia are MINE."

Rainbow shrugged. "Fine. But I won't need your help. I don't trust vamponies, no offense."

"None taken. But even you aren't dumb enough to think you can do this on your own, are you?"

Rainbow crossed her forearms over her chest.

"Seriously?" Sunset laughed loudly. "No, unfortunately neither one of us can do this alone. To defeat Blueblood we will need your voice."

"My voice?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, you're Rainbow Dash, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, the voice of all the little powerless ponies. It's time for them to play follow the leader."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. She wasn't quite sure what Sunset Shimmer had in mind, but if it meant a chance to face Blueblood after all these years, she was in.

"So, do we have a deal?"

"Deal." Rainbow grunted.

Both mares stared each other down, with Rainbow once again being caught in the mysterious glare of the orange vampony. The cyan pegasus shook her head, trying not to think about the vivid green pools that captivated her gaze.

Damn that unicorn magic! Rainbow finally managed to tear her gaze away and clear her head. She didn't trust Sunset Shimmer one bit and it would be a cold day in Tartarus when she worked together with a vampony.

But for now, with the promise of revenge on Blueblood she found herself following Sunset Shimmer out of the cave.

"Where are we going?" Rainbow asked.




Octavia Melody yelled loudly. It wasn't something she normally did, but when she had to, she had quite the commanding presence. At the moment she was insanely frustrated, dealing with an insanely frustrating mare.

Vinyl Scratch.

As promised, DJ PON3 had delivered her safely to Fangtasia. She had immediately been welcomed by Bon Bon and Applejack, who were both happy to see her safe and sound. Rarity and Lyra were still regaining their strength and currently resting. Before Octavia had a chance to really talk to anypony else, DJ PON3 had disappeared.

Octavia had frantically searched the basement of the club and finally found her marefriend laying face down on one of the beds in Rarity's fancy guest rooms. A short while later Vinyl was back. Octavia had given her marefriend time to rest and then they had begun a lengthy conversation about the events that had taken place over the past few days.

And now they were fighting.

"Octavia..." Vinyl said, her tone somber. "I can't allow this to continue. You're in danger, and I'm not letting anything happen to you."

"Vinyl!" Octavia sighed, exasperated. "I'm not some silly little filly that you need to take care of. I'm your very capable and loving marefriend, who is tired of you running away. That seems to be your answer for every problem. I know you're just trying to protect me, and I love that valiant and gallant side of you, but I'm tired of this!"

"That's exactly the reason you need to go."

"Shhhh." Octavia said, using her hoof to clamp down on Vinyl's mouth. "Can you just please listen for a moment?"

Vinyl could feel Octavia's hoof as it grazed her muzzle and then moved upwards without warning. The shorter earth pony slowly removed her marefriend's tinted glasses, forcing the vampony to look her straight in the eye.

"I love you. I know those are just three small words that anypony can rattle off, but I know that you know it's true. I don't know when it was that you first started loving me, but I've loved you for a very long time."

Octavia playfully stroked Vinyl's muzzle as she continued. "I want to be an equal partner in this relationship Vinyl, without being scared that you're going to run away or tell me to leave. I've spent my entire life chasing you and now that I've found you, I'm not letting go so easily. Don't you have faith in me? In us?"

Vinyl nodded slowly. It was hard to disagree when Octavia was touching her so gently.

"I know that I messed up with Frederic, and that you have some sort of odd relationship with Sunset Shimmer, not to mention the fact that we are attacked on a daily basis by ponies who don't agree with our relationship and want to separate us."

Vinyl cracked a small smile.

"I just want what every mare wants. I want to come home to my marefriend, and relax in our home, cooking dinner together and then having you watch me eat it." Octavia finished, gently pressing her lips to Vinyl's neck.

The vampony chuckled softly. Her arms made their way instinctively around her lover.

"Living the Equestrian dream huh?"

Octavia snuggled further against Vinyl's chest.

"Vinyl, you're my best friend. You always have been, since those lonely days at the hospital. Please dont give up on us."

"Tavi..." Vinyl groaned, struggling for some words of protest. "I just want to protect you. You can't trust DJ PON3."

"Vinyl, DJ PON3 is just an extension of you. I'm not going to lie and say its not weird, because it is, but she has never put me in danger. In fact, she has been there when I needed her."

"And I haven't?" Vinyl asked.

"Vinyl! She IS you!"

"No, she isn't. I don't expect you to understand what I go through when my alternate personality emerges, but I don't recall or remember one thing about the time spent as DJ PON3. It's scary waking up, not knowing where you've been, what you've done and with who."

"I know that." Octavia said, wrapping her hooves around Vinyl's midsection. "I just meant that, you're always protecting me, no matter which personality is controlling your body."

Vinyl closed her eyes as they held each other closely. Every sane bone in her body was screaming at her to let Octavia go. There was no way that this could end well. She had been down this path before, a long time ago with a young Sapphire Shores. Sapphire had claimed to love Vinyl as well, saying all the right things, but when push came to shove she couldn't handle being the marefriend of a vampony, let alone a vampony with a split personality disorder.

Could it be different this time?

Her back and forth musings were cut short as her best friend Lyra charged the door.

"Hey! You guys gotta see this!"

The mint colored unicorn beckoned them both with her hoof, and as quickly as she came in, she was gone.

Octavia and Vinyl both exchanged knowing glances.

What now?

Author's Note:

i gots nothin' ;)

oh wait more fanart from swift-blaze
She did a few different fanarts of her favorite OctaScratch stories. Tangled Up In Blue is the 6th one in the middle.
I personally love Vinyl and DJ PON3 both vying for Octavia's attention.

Again check out her user page here swift-blaze

Comments ( 37 )

had found the end trails and remains of her former followers scattered

it's spelled entrails

Well I get back and what do I see

All these new chapters?


4471037 lol thank u! Ill fix that haha
4471052 welcome back count! :) yes I'm trying to be as productive as possible hahaha!

Wait, are they humans, anthros, or just ponys? I'm not really to sure, and there isn't any tag

4471704 they're ponies

3662454 Denizens is a word

4471704 they are ponies...it says so on the story's main page. The artwork I know is a bit confusing...swift-blaze only draws humans ...so she drew her interpretations of Vinyl and Octavia as humans.

i love this story!!!! i really really like the relationship of vinyl, pon-3 and octavia!!!

4472469 to be honest....the last chapter was really painful for me to write...nothing seemed to flow like I wanted it to...I felt extremely frustrated...and wondered why I was continuing to do something if It wasn't fun....I contemplated deleting my account...but to do that I would have to get banned...and I didn't want that...so I took a deep breath and thought about all the wonderful octascratch fans...the writers...the artists and especially the readers....and decided I'd try one more chapter...I'm pretty stoked with how this one turned out....I finally reached 300 followers...and I actually have an idea of how I want this to end...so I guess we will see what happens next....thank u as always for continuing to support this fanfic with your comments and ur wonderful fanart! :)

4473693 dont worry i totally understand that, there was a time when i was like that, you get to a point where you no longer like what you are doing and you want to give up, it happened to me ones, but i took a little break and then i swung my pen again... and it felt good!!! really good! and you know what, when ever i feel like i can go on like, i have to make a lot of big drawing i have to make ilustrations, they are what people like the most and what i love to do the most! but they are very very hard to do, so when ever i feel like not touching my pen again i start to make random stuff :) sketches and thing like that, i forget about my serous work and i jusr to it for fun, its helps the love come back :)

im so glad you didnt give up on it x3 i already lost 2 awesome octascratch writers... honestly im only here for octascratch, i mean i like the show but these two make the day for me! so yeah this is one of my favs x3 im so glad it didnt die .

Still loving it with all my heart!!!
I don't know what I'd do with out this fic!!!
Probably normal stuff! *shivers*

4474419 lol ur hilarious....yuck normal stuff lol who wants to do that? Hehe glad to see u back again :)

Yep! And don't worry I'm not going anywhere!

Oh boy, something is going to happen. So exciting! Good chapter. :twilightsmile: I really like how you do the OctaScratch pair, it's sweet and loving. :heart:

4473958 I know the feeling. :raritycry: first Psp7master leaving for good, and then Bonejingle for a hiatus of writing (hopefully it's just a hiatus and not gone.) It's sad when great writers leave or stop thier craft.

4482337 i knowwww!!! i wanna cry ><

4024973 I love this you must continue. I should be sleeping as it's one in the morning, but I need to read this!

Loved it so much :D please continue it :D

4758986 I will continue it...unfortunately my sister is using my laptop...hopefully ill get it back soon and can get back to it! Thanx for the watch!

4648992 I will continue it as soon as I can :) thank u

4803673 ur completely correct! Lol@u being the first one to catch that mistake.....:)

4806032 Um, when do you think you can update?

5126798 lol agree!!!!!! Haha

I like most taviscratch stories but its rare to find one i love love love LOVE! this is one i bucking love. its good MAWR more moremoremoremorerormemoreormorommomoremoremoremoremore also does aneone know how i can get my fingers idle pasison of wasd.

im on fimficktion for taviscratch keep up the good work and :pinkiehappy:

5303210 thank u hehehe! Always glad when my stories can make someone happy....I hope to do some updating soon...fingers crossed

5315111 no thank you for writing such a good story that i just fall in love with. and thank you for making tangled up in the blue and feed me vinal feed me is pretty good to. :pinkiehappy:

When do you plan on updating "tangled up in blue"

It's a bit disturbing that Rainbow is so fixated on ending Blueblood that she's even thinking of working with a vampony and her former lackey's entrails don't bother her. They deserve a decent burial, whatever's left of them at least. For better or worse, some vamponies deserve to die (in as much agony as possible) for harming the very ponies that allow them to live on.

5490522 thanks for the comments...it's been awhile since I updated hehe my bad :) anyways yes even tho rainbows lackeys were jerks they didn't deserve what sunset did but rainbow is pretty lost at this point...she is too caught up in her own demons to really think about anypony else at this point. She is blinded by her need for revenge and is being quite careless....but we all know rainbow acts before she thinks and her pride gets in her way. In this story she has never had the chance to learn about loyalty...but who knows *wink* maybe if I ever get back to writing ...she will :) thank u again

Ooooh, are all the chapter titles parts/titles of songs? I know at least four are... Before, you had my interest. Now, you've received my attention! I shall read this on the morrow!

5622150 lol good eyes :) most of the chapter titles are songs. The only ones that aren't are *She is my maker* and *Children of the Night*

*Things we do for wub* is a play off the song *Things we do for love* and *Mare of two minds* is a play off a song called *Man of two minds*

Thank you for reading so far...I know it's been awhile since I've updated but I am finally getting my computer back in a week or so...and I hope to be back at writing soon!

Thanks again :)

5866037 Actually, Children of the Night is in fact a song. A very good song, I might add. You should look it up on YT, there's an animation for it by Silly Filly Studios, I think.

I love it. Please update

It's been around 3 years. I think it's dead m8

Awww man. I was looking forward to see how it ends but they just left it as a cliffhanger. 😔

I jumped in just on the cover I assumed it was going to be a story about Octavia and her bodyguard vinyl scratch falling in love

Very good, much like. Dead? maybe, maybe not. We'll see in the coming years, or decades :D

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