• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 1,340 Views, 62 Comments

Haylo: Sky Torn Asunder - Avalanche56

Lukas, along with his squad had one mission during the fall of reach...

  • ...

This is our Land

Chapter-6 This is our Land
August 6th 2552
Canterlot, Equestria

Yesterday was odd for the captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, it started out like any other day and even after going to Ponyville with Princess Celestia to meet up with his little sister Twilight Sparkle it had seemed rather mundane. It continued to remain uneventful until Rainbow Dash appeared being chased by some unknown creature, which quickly overtook her, and nearly crashed into the Golden Oaks Library, were it not for Shining Armor’s hastily erected shield it most likely would have crashed through the wall of the library.

And now, well now the creature was securely locked up in the Canterlot dungeons, and what shocked the Captain and everypony else there almost as much as the appearance of the creature was Rainbow Dash’s reaction.

Rainbow Dash seemed to be more concerned for the wellbeing of the unconscious creature than for the concerns of her friends, she ignored questions as to what had happened to her and refused medical attention. The only request she had was to simply stay with “Lukas,” yeah apparently it was male and it had a name, and Rainbow was genuinely concerned for him.

Shining Armor shook his head as he thought about the previous day, the way Rainbow had acted was completely out of character for her, none the less her request was granted to her by Princess Celestia and she was given a guest room to stay in at the castle that night.

The Royal Guard captain’s thoughts were soon interrupted by the rapid sounds of hoof steps on the marble floor and the sound of panting coming from the guard.

“Captian Shining Armor, sir.” The guard took a deep breath, he seemed tired as if he had just run a marathon, “the creature in the dungeons, its waking up sir.”

“Thank you, you may return to your post,” Shining responded now prepared to deal with this creature.

The guard, in turn, gave a salute before trotting back the way he came and just as Shining Armor was about to make his way towards the dungeon a nearby door slammed open to reveal Rainbow Dash.

“Did he say that Lukas was waking up?” Rainbow asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

“Yes, I suppose he did… and I suppose you want to tag along?” Shining responded hesitantly knowing the answer already and fearing how the Princess would react to her presence.

“YES! LETS GO!” and with that Rainbow Dash stayed true to her name and dashed her way towards the dungeon.

Shining Armor took off after her but in a much slower jog, he knew the Princess would already be on her way to the dungeon herself and he didn’t want anything to happen without him being there.
- - - - - - -

Lukas awoke with an audible groan and a loud pop from his neck, he felt sore, he didn’t remember why, he also felt the fact that he was still in his suit.

“Oh yeah, I’m in a wonderful fucking fairyland of ponies and mythical creatures,” he groaned again as he sat up in what he assumed to be a jail cell, “looks like I did something wrong… ah now I remember, I almost crashed into a bunch of ponies, it probably doesn’t help that I’m an alien.”

A few moments passed as Lukas sat up and assessed his surroundings and equipment, nothing looked to be missing or broken so that was nice, he spent a few more minutes clearing his head before he heard the sound of a badly oiled door creaking open and then closing.

Lukas had sat himself on the ground in front of a small wood table having deemed the stool no match for his mighty bottom, and then he waited.

He turned his head to see a white pony with a blue mane opening his cell before stepping inside and closing the door behind him, with magic no less.

‘This looks like an interrogation, hell, it feels like an interrogation,’ Lukas thought to himself as he prepared to engage the response that was drilled into his head at basic.

“Might as well get this started,” the white pony said with a glance at the wall as he positioned himself across the table from Lukas.

‘Must be a one way mirror-wall thing, there are others watching,’ Lukas contemplated this before mentally shrugging and reminding himself that it doesn’t matter who is watching him.

“Ok, I am Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor and you will answer my questions today,” Shining Armor said as he began to get into the groove of being an interrogator.

“First off, what are you?” he begun not realizing the hornet nest he had just kicked.

“SERGEANT LUKAS WOHLFKRIEG, UNSC ODST DESIGNATION 68451-56186-LW!” Lukas rattled off without missing a heartbeat.

Shining Armor was clearly startled by this outburst and even more confused, he took a moment to compose himself before continuing.

“Alright then, where are you from?”


“No, that’s not what I asked but thank you for clarifying,” Shining Armor said with a deadpan expression, “how about you tell me what you are doing here in Equestria.”

By this time Lukas had already gotten bored with this pony so he decided to see who was watching, he activated his VISR and turned to look at the wall, only he wasn’t looking at the wall he was looking through the illusion and at the faces of Rainbow Dash and a much larger white horse with wings and a horn.

After observing their rather confused expressions he concluded he could make this interesting… and possibly hilarious.

Shining Armor and Princess Celestia watched in confusion as the creature, Lukas, casually reached his hand through the fake wall and began petting Rainbow’s mane.

“Damn you ponies are cute,” he mumbled just loud enough for them to hear him.

“How… how did you know there was an illusion there?” Shining Armor asked genuinely confused at the behavior of Lukas.

“And I’m not cute,” Rainbow Dash said defiantly.

Lukas responded in the most cryptic way he could, “I know many things.”

“What do you mean by that?” Shining Armor asked again not liking the way this creature was acting.

“I have approximate knowledge on almost anything,” Lukas said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

“I don’t know how to respond to that but you still haven’t answered my questions.”

“Ok this is getting ridiculous,” Rainbow groaned as if it had been going on for hours, she turned to Celestia, “can I just talk to him?”

“Well I don’t see why not, he clearly knows we are here, with that Rainbow Dash hopped through the fake wall and stood on the table.

“Sup?” Lukas said as Rainbow appeared through the wall.

“Not much, just wanna talk,” she said as she dropped down from the table and sat down next to Lukas on the floor in front of the table.

“So why are you sitting on the floor any ways? There was a stool in here, right?” she looked at Lukas with those large magenta eyes.

“Yeah there was, still is actually, but there is no way in hell that thing is gonna hold me up.”

“What? Why? You can’t weigh that much,” Shining Armor said in disbelief.

“Well right now I weigh about two hundred or something pounds.”

“Right now? Do you expect to go on a diet or something?” Shining Armor asked again?

“The answer is in your name Captain Armor,” Lukas replied with a smug grin that the ponies couldn’t see due to his visor.

“Armor? You’re wearing armor?”

“Bravo!” Lukas exclaimed as he clapped in applause, “and actually, yes, I might have to go on a diet here now that I think about it.”

“And why is that?” this time it was Celestia’s turn to ask, she had dispelled the illusion and was now simply standing there behind the part of the wall that was about hip high on a human.

Instead of answering Lukas simply stood up, easily matching the height of Celestia, removed his helmet and flashed Celestia the most tooth filled smile as possible.

As Lukas proudly showed them his sharp and clean teeth, not to mention the rest of his face and head, they quickly noticed what he was referring to and nearly recoiled in fear of being bitten, all except for Rainbow Dash who had seen the remains of a squirrel he had eaten.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t get too full of yourself there big boy, why don’t you tell the Princess and Captain how you almost crashed into them… and for that matter how did you manage to even fly? You clearly don’t have wings,” Rainbow asked Lukas something that had been bothering her a little.

“I’ll tell, or show, you later, its story time now!” Lukas said as he clapped his hands together and settled himself back down comfortably against the wall.

Celestia decided she should cut in at this point, “That sounds wonderful, but wouldn’t you rather move to a more…” she paused as she searched for the right phrase, “a less dull setting.”

“Lead on,” Lukas said with a gesture of his hands.

One confusing as hell walk through identical corridors later, Lukas found himself and the other ponies in a room that looked like it was designed to host a tea party more than anything.

“Do we get tea too?” Lukas asked in the most sarcastic manner he could manage.

“Yes, it should be hear any moment” Celestia responded with a warm smile.

“ok then let us begin,” the amused ODST said as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation of his epic tale.

After receiving nods from all the ponies present he began his tale.

“By means of which I cannot reveal to you, I accidently ended up here, on this planet I mean, upon arrival I crashed in a bog and blacked out.”

“You also crashed through my house,” Rainbow Dash interjected with a scowl.

“Yes that too, when I crawled out of said bog I saw a very colorful pony, naturally I went to pet it’s mane. Sadly Rainbow Dash was too afraid of me and she flew out of reach.”

“Wait, you crash landed, nearly died in a bog, saw a creature you have never seen before, and your first instinct was to pet it?” Shining Armor asked in disbelief.

“Well yeah, she didn’t try to kill me or anything,” Lukas said with a roll of his eyes, “of course all was not well for Rainbow Dash cuz she then got stabbed in the ass by a manticore,” he chuckled as he remembered this, “and then she totally fainted, real funny.”

“It was not funny!” Rainbow said in annoyance, “and it still hurts a lot.”

“Well yeah, you got like a two inch deep hole in the side of you, honestly I’m amazed you’re standing, let alone not showing the pain.”

“Yeah, well, I’m awesome like that.”

“Clearly. Anyway, I then killed the manticore and saved Rainbow’s napping butt,” Lukas paused, obviously proud of himself for defeating such a horrible monster.

“How?” asked Shining Armor.

“How what?” countered Lukas.

“How did you kill a manticore? All you had on you was that knife and it is not nearly big enough to kill a manticore, though I must admit it is rather large in comparison to our standard issue knives,” Shining Armor was clearly confused and Princess Celestia was also showing signs of skepticism.

“I’ll show you later,” Lukas said with another dismissive wave of his hand.

As Lukas described what happened in the Everfree forest that day Rainbow Dash decided to clear up certain things like how she was totally not scared or anything. Once Lukas began on the start of the next morning Rainbow once again interrupted the story.

“You still haven’t told us how you were able to fly.”

“Calm down I’m getting to that part,” Lukas responded as he mussed up her mane, an action he had grown quite fond of.

“Yes, do go on,” Celestia was also interested as to the means of flight this human possessed.

“Anyway, that morning Rainbow was pretty excited to get back to Ponyville, but she said it would take forever because I had to walk,” Lukas paused as a smile grew on his face, “little did she know that I have in my possession a jetpack, which allowed me to fly and surprise Rainbow Dash with.”

“Hey, I wasn’t surprised at all! I was just making sure… that my bandages wouldn’t fall off, yeah that’s it!” the flustered Pegasus said.

“Uh-huh,” Lukas said unconvinced, “well, I promptly challenged Rainbow Dash to a race to Ponyville, and before you go saying ‘but Lukas, Rainbow Dash is the fastest flyer in Equestria,’ yeah, trust me, I know, she said that a lot, but I warned her about her injury and advised that she go easy on my sorry Bullfrog ass.”

“Ok, that makes sense, not really, but sure, now explain how this ‘jetpack’ works, I’m amazed by something allowing flight without wings,” Celestia said now completely amazed by this being.

“I’ll show you in the courtyard in a bit,” Lukas paused, “assuming I’m allowed to go?”

“Yes, you’ll need to fill out some paper work but that should take no more than a few moments.”

“Alright, awesome, gonna live in a world of magical ponies now, god I need a beer so bad, anyway, any questions? Hmm? No? Ok, awesome,” just as Lukas was getting up, Shining Armor spoke up.

“Actually, I have a few.”

“Awwww, ok shoot,” Lukas sighed as he sat back down on the decorative pillows that had been brought in earlier.

“First off, why did you yell at me earlier in the dungeon cell?” Shining Armor asked, looking a little hurt.

“Protocol,” Lukas simply replied with a shrug, “that’s the only information I am supposed to give in an interrogation, or else.”

“Or else what?” asked Rainbow Dash.


“Ok then, secondly, you said you were a ‘Bullfrog’ just now in your recap of past events, what is that? Obviously you aren’t a frog so it means something else,” Shining Armor continued his questions disregarding the odd response from Lukas about Rainbow’s question.

“A ‘Bullfrog’ is a soldier, like myself, that uses a jetpack to get around, the animal bullfrog is used because normally we only use our jetpacks for making jumps that would be too large for us normally, also it allows for more maneuverability in combat, very useful,” Lukas concluded with a knowing nod.

“That actually leads into my next question, you say you are a soldier, from what military? And it sounds like you have combat experience, I’d like you to tell me more,” Shining Armor commanded more than asked, he didn’t want this human to cause trouble, even if he seems nice he might do something stupid, especially if he does get that beer he was talking about.

“I am part of the United Nations Space Command, the UNSC, more specifically I am an ODST or Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, even though we hate to admit it we are the second best of the best, but I digress, I was part of a squad that was dubbed ‘The Wolfpack’ by some of the marines for our pack like fighting style,” Lukas smiled at fond memories of his squaddies, “I was the squad medic, it was my job to keep people alive, even if I was at greater risk of death myself.”

“A noble role to play on a battlefield, but what battlefield would that be? If you don’t mind me asking,” inquired Celestia.

“That would be the battlefield in the fight for survival.”

“Many battles are fought for survival,” Shining Armor threw in his two bits.

The sharp blue eyes of the ODST pierced right through the ignorant soul of the Royal Guard Captain causing Shining Armor to physically recoil.

“This fight is not for the survival of any human,” Lukas snapped with venom thick in his voice, “it is for the preservation of a species, the human species.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know,” Shining Armor said trying to fix what he had broken.

“I know you didn’t, and I hope you never have to face the horror of such a fight, millions died in the first years of the war and it is far from over.”

“MILLIONS!?” What kind of enemy are you facing?” Celestia burst out at this unimaginably loss of life.

“A cold, heartless, genocidal, fanatical, and technologically advanced Covenant of several alien species that wants nothing more that the destruction of the human race, ‘your destruction is the will of the gods, and we, are their instrument’,” he finished his sentence with a quote from the covenant.

“Well, that was dark and depressing,” Rainbow sighed trying to lighten the tension.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Lukas thought for a moment, “anyways, how about I show you guys some of my stuff?”

“Yes, that sounds nice,” Celestia said with a nod, “come, the courtyard should suffice for your demonstration.”

With that they all filled out of the room, Shining Armor mumbling another apology to Lukas which was quickly accepted, they then agreed to never talk about it again.
- - - - - - -
SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKERS, anyways just wanted to throw in a quick AN because I know half of you will not read the actual one, as of tomorrow, I’m going to Germany because stuff, so I won’t be able to get another chapter out for atleast two weeks, I apologize for your sadness and for how long it took to get this chapter out, I felt like SpongeBob writing his essay.
Thanks for reading this, carry on.
- - - - - - -

As the small group arrived at the courtyard Lukas glanced around as he did a quick stretch, still a bit sore from the floor of the dungeon cell, he noticed that it was a very well kept assortment of flowers and small bushes on the inside courtyard of the castle.

He found a nice rock to sit on, even though there was a bench to sit on he didn’t trust it, where he lead everyone, or everypony, to gather around.

“Alright kiddies let’s get started, I hope you’re all paying attention cause I’m only explaining it once,” Lukas said as he unclasped the jetpack on his back and set it on his thighs.

“I’ll have you know I’m not a child anymore, I’m quite old,” Celestia said with a smirk.

“Yes, but it would be oh so rude of me to ask the age of a lady,” Lukas said in turn.

“Stop stalling and get going already! I’m getting sleepy just sitting here,” Rainbow Dash sigh to emphasize her point.

“Hold your horses Rainbow,” Lukas paused, “holy shit I just realized.”

“What? Is something wrong?” Shining Armor asked looking around for some hint of danger.

“No everything is fine, I just realized I can now make so many horse puns,” Lukas could barely contain the maniacal laughter that was birthed from the realization of this newfound power, ok maybe he was going a little overboard, but hey, he was in a land of magical, techno colored, talking horses, he was entitled to a little crazy.

“Now that that is out of the way can we get started?” Rainbow asked less than amused.

“Yeah sure, ok, so this wonderful piece of technology is the in-atmosphere personal jetpack, it is used primarily for increased mobility in combat and other dangerous situations. It is the defining part of a Bullfrogs load out, and also the most fun part,” the jetpack totting ODST patted the jetpack to emphasize his point.

“How does it work? I mean what powers it? Everything needs a source of power even magic related things do,” Shining Armor finished his little magic fun fact and looked at the jetpack in question.


“Really? That’s it?” Shining Armor was skeptical that something could allow flight with only water.

“That’s impossible! Didn’t you say you lit the fire with that thing? How can that be if it uses water?” Rainbow asked proud of her intuitive question.

“Ok, not water, but hydrogen, you know, science or whatever, screw that though, I only need to know how to fix people not machines, if you want the specifics ask an egghead,” Lukas said with an expression easily read as ‘whatever man, fuck you.’

“Quite, well can you show us it in use? I’d very much like to see,” Celestia was getting rather excited, a shame Luna is asleep, she will have to meet this human at another time.

“Yeah, why not should be fine,” and with that he slipped on his helmet and slapped on his jetpack, making sure it was securely fastened he checked all of the rest of his gear as well, wouldn’t want something to drop and hit someone, or explode someone all over the wall.

“Here goes,” and with a slight hum the jetpack jumped to life, striking a pose he yelled, “TO INFINITY AND BEYOND BITCHES.”

And then he was up.

And then there was a distinct yell of, “OH SHIT!”

And then he was down.

“Lukas are you alright?” Rainbow asked a bit worried again.

“Yeah I’m good,” Lukas said with a grunt as he pushed the Pegasus guard that had tackled him off of him, “Hey Shining Armor, you didn’t tell your little guards that I was doing this.”

“No, I suppose I didn’t,” Shining thought out loud for a moment, “probably would have been a good idea, huh?”

“Yeah no shit, well no avoiding this now that it’s happened,” Lukas said with a sigh.

“Avoiding what? If I may ask?” Celestia asked a little in the dark about the strange habits of Lukas.

“I mean dammit Shining, I’m tired, sore, and lost.”

“I don’t understand, what is happening?” Rainbow whispered to Celestia.

“I don’t know either.”

“And now I’m gonna challenge your pushover guards to a duel just to prove that I’m awesome,” Lukas said with a shake of his head.

“Wait, what?” Shining Asked now completely confused by the strange man’s actions.

“You heard me,” he said to Shining Armor, “and this hug happy Pegasus is gonna be my first victim,” he made his point by cracking his fingers and neck.

“I accept your challenge, no one is gonna beat my guards, I have full confidence in their abilities,” Shining Armor said trying to not show weakness.

“Awesome, now you will finally be able to assess how much of a danger I am to the ponies of this land like how you’ve been doing since we had our nice talk in the dungeons,” Lukas said with an excited clap of his hands.

“How did you know?” Shining Armor asked.

“Dude that’s like, your job.”

“Oh, yeah that kinda gave it away then, very well, what are your terms?” Shining Armor looked a bit embarrassed but quickly got back on track.

“I get to make terms? Meh, swords or whatever sounds cool.”

Shining Armor turned to the guard Pegasus that had picked himself off of the ground and had ben glaring daggers at the human the entire time, “Go get this prepared, gather the best of the guards.”

With a salute the ever vigilante guard took off into the air to get the duel ready.

“What just happened?”

“Well exactly what you just saw happened,” Lukas said to the Princess.

“Yes, and who authorized this duel?”

“Only THE captain of YOUR Royal Guards, you picking up what I’m putting down?” Lukas emphasized certain descriptive words to get his point across.


“Human expression.”


“So how about in the meantime, while your guards prepare I show you the rest of my stuff?” Lukas asked trying to get out of this mini-interrogation by Celestia.

“That sounds lovely,” Celestia said with a smile.

“It does indeed, but we should probably move somewhere more open,” Lukas advised.

“Why is that?”

“Some of my things are not safe to use in highly populated areas,” Lukas said in the nicest tome possible.

“Very well, the guard training area should suffice for your demonstration,” Celestia was admittedly a little apprehensive about letting Lukas walk around with weapons and decided to talk to him about it later, perhaps tonight at dinner.
- - - - - - -

As they made their way towards the Royal Guard training grounds Lukas noticed something very odd.

“Yo Rainbow Dash, you’ve been real quiet, almost forgot you were there, you ok?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine, just thinking,” responded Rainbow Dash who had clearly been in deep thought.

“Well don’t think too hard now,” he said as he patted her prismatic mane, “wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself after all.”

Their banter was interrupted by a small laugh escaping through the royal lips of Celestia.

“Hey, it’s not funny!” Rainbow claimed with great vigor.

“Oh no it’s not that,” she said as another giggle escaped, “it’s just that you two have formed such a strong bond in such a short time.”

“Yeah, I noticed it too,” Lukas said as the surprised ponies turned to face him.

“What do you mean you ‘noticed it’?” Rainbow Dash inquired a bit skeptical.

“I may act stupid, but remember I’m a doctor, well kinda, I had to be able to assess troops to make sure they were mentally prepared for duty, and that meant psychology,” Lukas explained his source of knowledge to the ponies present, “and that means that I can read you like a book, Rainbow Dash.”

“No way! Prove it then if you’re so confident in your abilities.”

“Hmmm, let’s see. Ok, you act cool on the outside but you hide your true emotions inside that shell, you try to be the best there is so that people see a big hero but really it is a ruse to hide your smaller actions that may compromise your tough act. You are often unsure of yourself but you act to keep up appearances, you are a lot of things, some very admirable some not to be mentioned in public, but most of all, you are undyingly loyal, and no matter how much your image would be ruined you would do anything to help a friend, even refuse medical attention and ignore others for the sake of the individual you care about,” Lukas finished his psychological assessment by smiling a sad smile at the Pegasus in question, “I’m not sure whether I should feel bad for you or to be jealous.”

“Y-you, figured all that out in two days?” the stunned Pegasus stammered in shock at how easily she had been read.

“Oh my, that was quite intense,” Celestia said.

“Damn, we need more ponies like you,” Shining chimed in.

“Hey Rainbow,” Lukas said trying to get her attention.


“I didn’t,” he said with a big goofy grin.

“You didn’t what?” she asked.

“I didn’t figure that out in two days.”

“Then when did you?” Rainbow was once again confused by his actions.

“I found that out a minute ago, when you confirmed my suspicions,” Lukas now had the Cheshire cat of all smiles plastered on his face.

“Huh? What? Oh you – ah ponyfeathers!” she said with a stomp of her hoof.

“Hey cheer up sport, it is time for a demonstration!”

“Of what?” Rainbow asked.

“Remember that manticore?”

“Yeah, the one that hurt me, the one you killed.”

“I’m gonna show you how I did it.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow said, cheering up nearly instantly.

“Hey Shining, get me a Royal Guard helmet.”

“Yeah, sure here,” Shining Armor tossed Lukas an old Royal Guard helmet from the rack nearby.

“Thanks mate, you know this place looks awful similar to a football field, you guys play any sports out here?” Lukas asked as he propped the helmet up on the tip of a spear implanted in the ground about forty feet away, “gather all the guards behind me, I don’t want to hurt any of them.”

“Er… ok? But I doubt you will,” nonetheless he set to calling all his guards from the field to attention behind Lukas before quickly briefing them on what was about to happen, not that he actually knew, just that it would be dangerous.

“Ok here goes,” Lukas said as he reached for his revolver, “Oh actually, Rainbow, put this on your head.”

“Why? Will it even fit?” she asked as she caught the ODST’s helmet and slipped it over her head, it seemed to fit good enough, just a little loose, “hey what is all this stuff I see?”

“That’s the HUD, don’t worry about it.”


“Now ladies and gentlemen, the main event, cover your ears, cause this shit gets loud.”

A few guards decided to not heed his warning and brave whatever storm was about to come.

With a glance at the stalwart guards Lukas shrugged and drew his revolver, aimed at the helmet, and pulled the trigger.
- - - - - - -

About thirty minutes later, Shining Armor finally returned from the infirmary to the lounging ODST and Pegasus, Princess Celestia having left to attend some royal duties, Lukas and Rainbow noticed him coming and more importantly noticed the less than happy expression he wore.

“You ok, Shining?” asked Lukas.

“Yes, I have good news actually, those guards will regain full functionality of their ears in due time, I’m just a little disappointed that they would be so reckless and not heed your warning,” Shining Armor explained his disappointment to the medic in a thoughtful tone.

“By the way, how come you didn’t start bleeding profusely from your ears once you fired, I didn’t see you covering your ears,” Rainbow inquired.

“Rainbow, it is literally my job to be around things like that all day, plus pony ears are more sensitive to loud noise than my own, that’s why I let you borrow my helmet,” Lukas explained to Rainbow Dash as if he was talking to a child.

“Thanks for that by the way.”

“Yeah, no problem, but it looks like the duel will have to wait, I’m assuming the ponies picked to challenge me were the same ones that didn’t cover their ears.”

“Yeah, how did you know?” asked Shining Armor.

“Pride makes you do stupid things,” Lukas said as he nudged Rainbow with an elbow.

“Meh.” She replied

“Anyway, I’m really hungry,” Lukas emphasized his point with a pat of his belly, “what’s for grub?”

Author's Note:

Yeah, you guys have been waiting for a while for another chapter and you guys wanted a longer one so I wrote a little longer one.
Dont expect massive 30k word chapters cuz thats fucking ridiculous.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading!
Just wanted to remind you guys, incase you forgot already, I'm going to Germany Tommorrow and I will be staying for about a week and a half, I'm not going to have internet so I won't be able to see all your wonderful comments about how beautiful I am.
K bye.