• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 12,433 Views, 157 Comments

Embers take flight - Flutterfan457

Fluttershy had always cared deeply for Spike. Now she may have a chance to be with him.

  • ...

Chapter 3

WARNING: This chapter contains violence.

Twilight woke first the next morning, still holding Spike under her wing. She smiled at him and nuzzled him gently to wake up. Spike shifted and yawned, stretching out. Twilight smiled warmly at him.

"Sleep well, Spike?"

Spike nodded sleepily. Twilight stretched out and got out of bed. Spike followed suit and the two went down stairs. While Twilight prepared breakfast, Spike's thought's went back to Fluttershy and Rarity. One part of him was saying to go to Fluttershy, to try and get back that amazing feeling he experienced and be with someone who cared so deeply for him. The other part told him to remain loyal to Rarity, the mare he worked so hard for and cared about for so long. Spike continued to seriously think about it, weighing the pros and cons of each choice and also thinking how to best go about it without ruining his friendship with the other.

Spike didn't notice Twilight was looking at him in surprise. She hadn't seen him with such a serious look since he left for the dragon migration. It was so odd to see her assistant, normally a lighthearted little guy, with such a stern look on his face. At least he wasn't taking this lightly. Twilight finished making breakfast and gave him a big bowl. It was fresh made oatmeal, mixed with plenty of brown sugar and banana slices, just how Spike liked it most. Spike proceeded to eat slowly but he still looked like he had a tremendous amount of thoughts on his mind. Twilight gently spoke to him.

"Are you okay?"

Spike sighed and fiddled with his oatmeal.

"I...I just want to settle this Twilight."

Twilight gently placed her hoof on his hand and gave it a comforting rub.


Fluttershy was busy seeing to her animals. She tried to stay upbeat as she worked; she was still very worried about Spike, fearing the consequences of her actions. As Fluttershy prepared a nice salad for Angel, her thoughts went back to her kiss with Spike. She wasn't certain how to feel about it. That moment for her was honestly the best she had ever experienced in her life.

Not once before had she felt so happy, content, and fulfilled then that wonderful kiss. However, seeing Spike so scared by it…she took a deep sigh. She had dumped all her pent up feelings on him. Fluttershy really hoped she didn't ruin her chance. All she wanted was to make him happy and share her life with him. But after his reaction yesterday...Fluttershy sighed. She finished the salad and set it on the ground for Angel. As he ate it, Fluttershy sat on her couch, taking a moment to collect her thoughts.

Fluttershy truly did love Spike. As much as she wanted him to herself, she didn't want to hurt him or make him upset. Even though Rarity and Twilight supported her, she still had doubts if Spike really would be happy with her. Fluttershy rested her head on her hooves and looked out the window. Angel watched her quietly, having finished his salad. He hopped onto the couch and nuzzled her side. Fluttershy smiled at him and patted his head. Hopefully it wouldn't take long for Spike to decide.


Twilight ans Spike stayed in the library for the day, focusing on the house chores. Twilight wanted to keep Spike home and not have him worry about work. Twilight watched him out of the corner of her eye.

Ever since finishing breakfast, he had dived into organizing and cleaning. He barely said a few words. Spike's mind had been churning throughout the morning. No matter how he figured, he thought he couldn't avoid losing a friend. If he said no to Fluttershy, she would be heartbroken. If he said no to Rarity, she'd probably hate him. Especially after he spent so long trying to win her over. He stopped for a minute. Fluttershy was already miserable if she was crying last night. Twilight noticed and trotted to him. When he didn't turn to her, she gently nuzzled his arm. He jumped a bit and turned to Twilight. Twilight put an arm around him.

"What's on your mind Spike?"

Spike didn't meet her eye. He wasn't sure how to tell her. He fiddled with his hands, trying to think. Finally, he decided to ask her something that had bothered him since last night.

"Twilight...was Fluttershy here last night?

Twilight felt a pang of empathy, realizing Spike must have been awake.

"You heard her?"

Spike nodded solemnly. Twilight hugged him a little tighter.

"She's just really worried about you Spike.”

Spike lowered his head in shame. He still didn't know why he did what he did in Fluttershy's cottage. In the end, all it did was hurt Fluttershy.Twilight gently nuzzled his cheek, wanting to give him comfort. Spike shook his head and pushed out of Twilight's hug.

"I need to talk to her."

Twilight looked surprised and gently stopped Spike.

"Spike, are you sure you're ready."

"Yeah. I've....I've made a decision."


Spike took a deep breath and turned to look at Twilight.

"Twilight...What happened is my fault! I didn't think and....and I hurt Fluttershy because of it."

"What? Spike, what hap-"

Twilight stopped when Spike put a claw over her mouth.

"I'm going to tell her it's not gonna work."


"Twilight, I still love Rarity! I can't let go of that.”

“But, Spike!”

"My mind is made up! I'm going-"

Spike stopped as Twilight pulled him close so they were touching noses.


Spike tried to squirm out of Twilight's grip, but she held him tight.

"Let go Twilight!"

"Spike, listen to me!"

"Twilight, this is my choice!"

"Spike, you have been trying since we came to Ponyville! Why do you keep torturing yourself like this?"

Spike gritted his teeth in frustration and pushed Twilight away.

"This is my life, Twilight! I'll decide who I-"

"Spike, calm down!"

Spike took a breath,suddenly realizing how upset he became. He had no idea where it came from. Twilight gently rubbed his cheek as Spike tried to calm down.

"Spike, I know you've liked Rarity for a long time, but-"

"Twilight, why are you so dead set against this?!"

Twilight hesitated for a moment. Spike really was not ready to hear the truth, but if Twilight didn't tell him, Spike would turn down Fluttershy and keep trying to win Rarity. Spike continued to look at Twilight with a small amount of frustration.

"Give me one good reason it can't work! Besides me not being a pony!"

"Spike, that is not the case!"

"Then why?!"

Twilight took a deep, sad sigh. She gently put her wings around Spike and pulled him close.

"Remember that I was upset at Rarity?"

"During the sleepover?"

Twilight nodded. Spike looked concerned and confused.

"Wh.....what happened?"

Twilight tightened her hug and looked Spike in the eye.


"Twilight, just tell me!"

Twilight took a breath, terrified at how much this would hurt Spike.

"She not in love with you."

Spike recoiled, hurt and confused.

"H-....how do you know?! You don't-"

"She told me Spike! She said she likes having your help, but that's it."

Spike stood wide eyed in horror. His lips started to quiver and his eyes filled with bitter, heartbroken tears.Twilight held him close, trying to hold back empathetic tears as Spike started to wimper with heartwrenching sobs. Twilight gently rubbed his back.

"Spike....I'm so sorry...you deserve so much better-"

Twilight stopped as Spike roughly pushed her away, his face contorted in anger with tears rolling down his face.

"You're wrong! Rarity does love me! She does!"

"Spike, calm down!"


Twilight held him with magic and tried desperately to calm him down.

"Spike, listen to me!"

Spike finally lost control of his anger. He balled his fist as tight as possible into a fist and punched the base of Twilight's horn as hard as possible. Twilight screamed in pain and her magic disappated. Twilight layed on the ground, her eyes clenched shut and gritting her teeth as her head throbbed with an intense migrain from the impact of Spike's punch. Spike stood shocked at what he just did. He wanted to apologize to Twilight, but he was afraid she would keep him away from Rarity. Confused and scared, Spike ran out of the library. Twilight tried to stop him, but her powerful headache kept her from moving.


Spike slowly walked through town, looking around for either Rarity or Fluttershy. He was still very hurt by what Twilight told him. Rarity wouldn't really do that, would she? She always liked having him over. He didn't think she would lead him on like this. But then why did she turn him away for so long? He needed to tell her how he felt. Maybe once he did, she would finally let things go to the next step-"

Spike stumbled as he bumped into someone. He saw it was Fluttershy. She immediately lit up seeing Spike and scooped him into a big hug. Off to the side, Applejack saw this and wondered what they were up to. Pinkie hopped by her.

"Pinkie, look at this."

Pinkie stopped in the air. When she saw Flutterhshy and Spike, her face lit up like a star. She fidgeted excitedly beside Applejack. Applejack looked very curious.

"You know what's going on with those two?"

Pinkie stopped hopping.

"Nuh-uh! I Pinkie promised not to tell!"

Applejack raised a brow at this but decided to let it go. She knew how important Pinkie promises were. She simply watched Fluttershy smother Spike in hugs. Rainbow landed beside Applejack looking interested.

"Hey. You think this is why Fluttershy exploded yesterday?"

Applejack thought on this for a moment.

"I didn't even think of that."

Pinkie looked confused.

"Fluttershy got upset? What happened?"

"I'll tell you in a minute. Let's just watch."

The three remained silent as Fluttershy continued to cuddle Spike.

"I'm so glad to see you again, Spike! I didn't mean to upset you like that and-"


Fluttershy stopped her doting and looked Spike in the eye intently. Spike could barely keep himself from turning away in shame.

"I....I have to tell you something."

Fluttershy set him down. She sat and waited, wondering what he was thinking. Spike fidgeted nervously. He was still terrified both by losing Fluttershy's friendship and what Twilight told him.

"It's just...I...."

Fluttershy waited, becoming nervous. What could he-

"This.....this isn't gonna work."

Fluttershy recoiled and gasped in shock. Spike felt tears form in his eyes as he continued.

"I'm still in love with Rarity."

Fluttershy felt completely devastated. Even after everything, Spike still wanted Rarity. Fluttertshy started to weep bitterly. Spike tried to explain himself.

"Fluttershy, I didn't mean for things to get this far, I swear!"

Rainbow was about to fly toward the two, driven less by thought and more by indignation. She was stopped by Applejack who also looked shocked by what she heard. Applejack shook her head no. Pinkie looked very upset as Spike continued.

"I...I don't why I did what I did yesterday! It's just.....I do care about you Fluttershy, but....I'm so sorry."

Fluttershy felt like her heart had been torn to shreds. Spike still cared enough to talk to her and be honest with her. That might have been even more painful, because he was still the sweet little guy she knew, but she could never have him.

"I....I understand...."

Fluttershy turned and ran from him, sobbing all the way. Spike tried to reach out to her, but she was gone before he could. Spike hung his head in shame. In the back of his head, a voice was telling him still he made the wrong choice and he needed to fix it. It was too late for that now. Spike noticed the others watching him. He didn't even spare them a second glance; he simply walked away sadly. Pinkie slumped sadly. Rainbow stuttered over her words for a second.

"Wh...wh-what the hay just happened?!"

Applejack took a breath.

"I...I don'tknow but we best figure it out. Pinkie, see if you can find Twilight and tell her what happened. Rainbow, you go help Fluttershy. I'll keep an eye on Spike."

"Wait, you want me to comfort Fluttershy?"

"You've known her longer than any of us."

"But...but I'm no good at this."

"I think you're better than you know."

Rainbow wanted to argue more, but she was more concerned about Fluttershy than her own abilities. She flew off. Applejack and Pinkie went their respective ways.


Spike had reached Rarity's boutique, though he had yet to enter. Fear was holding him back. Part of him did not want to know the truth. He was so scared Twilight was right that he was shaking. Everything he had done and tried, could it really have been for nothing? Why would Rarity pretend to like him for so long? He wiped at his eyes in frustration, feeling tears forming. He needed to know. No matter how much he hurt, he needed to know. Spike reached up to knock on the door.

"Spike, wait!"

Spike stopped and turned to see Applejack. She trotted to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Listen little buddy, I think you need to step back for a bit."

Spike angrily pushed Applejack's hoof away.

"This is none of your business Applejack-"

"It is when my friends are so upset."

"Well, go help Fluttershy then! She needs someone more than I do."

Spike's guilt took hold of him again as his eyes overflowed. Applejack gently hugged him.

"Spike, honestly, I don't how you've kept this up for so long! Rarity just isn't meant for you, and all you're doing is making yourself miserable."

Spike gritted his teeth and roughly poked Applejack in the chest.

“Back off, just back off Applejack! This is my decision! I’m tired of everypony telling me what I can and can’t do! You don’t like my decision, I don’t care! This is-!”

“What is all that yelling?!”

The boutique door swung open to show Rarity looking frustrated. Her annoyance turned to shock seeing Spike panting in anger and Applejack looking astonished. Spike stilled his breath as best he could and spoke to Rarity.

“R..rarity. I need to talk to you.”

Rarity nodded and invited both Spike and Applejack in. Applejack stayed back a bit, wanting to help but realizing this was between Spike and Rarity. Spike thought for a moment, trying to think what to say.

“Rarity. I...I-“

“Spike, before you say anything, I need to tell you something.”

Spike felt very worried but listened intently. Applejack sent Rarity a concerned look, trying to warn her. Rarity took a deep breath before she spoke.

“I have always considered you a friend; and you have always been a wonderful help to me.”

Spike perked up a bit. Maybe Rarity wanted to finally take their relationship to the next-

“But I…I don’t have feelings for you like you do for me.”

Spike felt like his heart had been torn out of his chest and torn to shreds. Twilight was right after all. Everything he’d dreamed of for all his time in Ponyville was meaningless. Rarity continued.

“I should have told you sooner. I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.”

Rarity continued to explain herself, but Spike didn’t hear her. His eyes overflowed with hurt, bitter tears as he tried to hold in his feelings. This only made them churn inside him until they turned into a single feeling.


Spike couldn’t hold back anymore and roared at Rarity at the top of his lungs.


Rarity recoiled in shock. Applejack tried to hold back Spike.

"Spike, please, settle down-"

Spike tried to shove her away as he continued to yell.


Rarity recoiled in hurt, never thinking Spike would react so violently.Applejack barely held onto him as he writhed furiously, trying to get loose.


Rarity felt tears sting her eyes at Spike's harsh words. She reached out to him, wanting to tell him he was important to her.


Spike gritted his teeth and managed to free one hand and slashed at Rarity outreached hoof. Rarity yelped in pain and saw she had three bleeding cuts on her hoof.

"Dont. You. DARE!!! Call me that!"

Applejack tightened her grip on Spike and scolded him.

"Spike, that is enough! You calm down right-"

Applejack screamed in shock as Spike actually threw her backwards a good three feet. Applejack shoot her head and had no idea how that happened. One look at Spike answered her question. Spike was slowly growing in size, still looking furious and shooting bursts of flame from his nostrils as he panted in anger. Rarity and Applejack stood frozen in absolute terror as Spike grew larger and larger due to his burning anger.


Twilight had managed to leave her home after almost an hour of immobility. Her head still throbbed with a large migraine, preventing her from using magic, or much of anything else. She needed to find Spike though, before he did something he regretted. Twilight continued to slowly walk around town, squinting her eyes to keep the sunlight out of her eyes and prevent her headache getting worse.Twilight barely moved a inches before someone shouted at her.


Twilight grimaced at the noise as Pinkie stopped beside her and started rambling.

"Twilight! Spike just talked to Fluttershy and he said they had to split so Applejack went to talk to him and Rainbow Dash is talk-"

Twilight shoved her hoof in Pinkie's mouth to silence her.

"Pinkie...not so loud."

Pinkie wasn't sure what the problem was until Twilight rubbed her horn.

"Do you have a headache?"


"Be right back!"

Pinkie ran off. Twilight had no idea what she was doing, but didn't have long to wonder. Pinkie returned a second later with a bottle of some kind of fluid.

"Take this. You'll feel better."

Twilight didn't have a clue what it was, but if it would help, she'd gladly take it. Twilight took the bottle and downed the drink in a single gulp. After a few seconds, the medicine completely removed her migraine. Twilight's eyes widened in amazement. Pinkie smiled in excitement.

"Feel better?"

"Uh, yeah. What was that?"

"It's a medicine I give Gummi when his gums hurt."

Twilight stood dumbfounded for a moment but put it out of her mind.

"Well, you said you saw Spike?"

"Well, yeah. He talked to Fluttershy earlier.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror and she gasped.

"What did he say?"

"He said he was sorry and it couldn't work and he didn't mean to hurt her."

Twilight buried her face in her hooves and shook her head side to side.

"We need to keep him away from Rarity!"

"Applejack is with him now. She sent-"

Pinkie stopped and both ponies jumped in fear at the sound of a massive, thunderous roar. A huge shadow overcame them both. When they looked up to see the cause, they both gasped in horror.


Near the edge of the Everfree forest, Rainbow reached Fluttershy's cottage, but didn't enter right away. She could hear Fluttershy sobbing from outside. The longer she listened, the more she was worried she would do somethign wrong. Rainbow finally reached for the door and carefully entered.


Rainbow received no response, only hearing more crying. she saw Fluttershy on her couch, her face buried in a pillow. Rainbow carefully walked to her and gently placed a hoof on Fluttershy's back, making her look up. Rainbow nearly grimaced at the sight. Fluttershy looked completely heartbroken and pitiful. Fluttershy immediately buried her face in Rainbow's chest as she continued crying. Rainbow awkwardly held her, not experienced in giving comfort. After a few more moments, Fluttershy finally calmed down and caught her breath.


Rainbow had no idea what to say. She was still very worried she would mess up.

"Uh...what the heck happened between you two?"

Fluttershy wimpered and sniffed. She sat upright on her couch and Rainbow sat beside her and put an arm around Fluttershy's shoulders.

"I....I thought I had a chance with him..."

Fluttershy continued to sniff as tears rolled down her face onto the floor. Rainbow felt her anger churn in her seeing her friend so miserable.

"Why would he make you think it could? I didn't think he'd try to lead somepony on."

"It's my own fault."

Rainbow recoiled at this. She started to feel indignant to Spike as she nearly shouted.

"You expect me to believe that?! You're here, bawling your eyes out over him, and this is YOUR fault?! How?! From where I stand, he's the reason for all this!"

Fluttershy suddenly shot up and held back Rainbow.

"NO! He didn't do anything!"

Rainbow crossed her arms and gave Fluttershy a look.

"Well then, what the hay happened?!"

Fluttershy took a deep breath and started to explain.

"At the slumber party...Rarity told Twilight she doesn't have feelings for Spike."

"Well duh! Anypony can see that."

Fluttershy fidgeted a bit. Rainbow decided to just let her continue and keep quiet.

"And...I...well, I've had....I've liked Spike ever since I met him."

Rainbow's brow rose in surprise. How did she not see that? Fluttershy wasn't exactly subtle with body language. Then again, she and Spike didn't spend alot of time together. Raibow remained silent as Fluttershy continued.

"I...I thought...I thought maybe I could have a chance. If I was there for him...he would understand."

Fluttershy pushed her hoofes to her lips to cover more sobs. Rainbow gently rubbed Fluttershy's back.

"We...I invited him over and...and..."

Fluttershy covered her face, feeling ashamed.

"What? What happened?"

FLuttershy took a deep breath to steady herself as she lowered her arms, showing her eyes filling with more tears.

"We kissed."

Rainbow recoiled in surprise. She didn't think Fluttershy would even try something like that.

"Uh...was that a bad thing?"

Fluttershy looked Rainbow in the face. Rainbow nearly recoiled at the miserable look on Fluttershy's face.

"He got so scared and ran from me..."

Fluttershy started to weep again. Rainbow gently pulled her into a hug and gently rubbed her back.

"I was so stupid to try that! I can never compare to Rarity!"

"Wait, what?"

Fluttershy wiped her eyes and continued.

"She's so much more beautiful than me and...I could never-"

"Hey, hey, would you quit acting like that?!"

Rainbow lifted Fluttershy's gaze to hers.

"You said yourself that Rarity doesn't like Spike that way, right?"

"Well...yes. She said she would tell him next time she saw him."

"Right, so how do you think he's gonna feel about that?"

Fluttershy fidgeted for a second.

"L-like me..."

Rainbow smirked a bit and looked Fluttershy intently in the eye.

"Are you just gonna leave him miserable and alone?"

Fluttershy gasped.

"N-no, but-"

"Are you gonna let him suffer?"


"So what are you gonna do?"


Fluttershy wanted to answer, but still felt so nervous and afraid. Rainbow put a hoof on her shoulder to give her comfort.

"I...I'm going to be there for him..."



FLuttershy stopped for a moment. The thought of Spike as unhappy as her flashed through her mind, making her shout.


Fluttershy covered her mouth, shocked at how loud she just yelled. Rainbow stood dumbfounded at Fluttershy's outburst. SHe shook her head and smiled wide.

"That's the spirit, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy smiled slightly and blushed.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up fir-"

They both jumped when they heard a massive roar.

"What the heck was that?!"

Rainbow flew to a window and looked toward Ponyville. She saw the silhouette of a massive dragon stomping through the town.

"Holy smokes, a dragon!"

Fluttershy gasped and pushed Rainbow down to see. She saw the dragon was indeed very large, but what caught her eye was it lacked wings.

"Oh no! SPIKE!!!"

FLuttershy opened her window and flew out it, flying as fast as she could toward Ponyville. Rainbow flew after her and stopped her.

"Fluttershy, wait! You won't be able to reach Spike in time!"

"That IS Spike!"

Fluttershy pulled outy of Rainbow's grip and kept flying toward the town. Rainbow stayed right by her.


Spike had become a full size dragon even more powerful than his first rampage. His scales were thicker and stronger, all their colors much darker and intimidating. His spines were curved and jagged like an assassins' dagger. His claws and teeth were longer and sharper. But he was driven not by greed, but a mindless rage, which made his eyes turn blood red. In his grasp was Rarity, screaming in horror, trapped in Spike's tail. Royal soldiers gathered large seige weapons and air ships in an attempt to subdue him. Twilight however was trying to use magical blasts to slow him down to avoid such a fight. Unfortunately, despite Twilight’s raw magical strength, Spike was far stronger than his original rampage and even Twilight lacked the power to stop him. Twilight started to falter as she exhausted herself with the amount of magic she used. A Pegasus officer pulled her back behind a fortification once she finally ended her effort.

“Rest easy your highness, we’ll handle him now.”

"Don't hurt him! He's...he's not-"

"Your highness, we have to do what is necessary. If he's not stopped, somepony will be killed."

The officer signaled for the artillery to ready to attack.

"Take aim!"

THe soldiers set the weaponns on a firing path for Spike,aiming for his head and torso.


The weapons shot dosens of large projectiles. Each on e hit their target, but Spike barely even budged at their impact. It did make him more angry. Spike snarled loudly and took a deep breath, the glow of fire rising in his throat.

"INCOMING!!! Fall back! Fall back!"

The soldiers and Twilight flew away from the weapons seconds before Spike released an enormous blast of dark fire that tore through the weapons. Spike continued to march through Ponyville, more soldiers trying other weapons to slow him down. A large platoon of unicorn soldiers set up behind a makeshift defense barrack, waiting to fire. A pegasus stood ready to signal when Spike passed by. Spike stomped by a second later, oblivious to the impending attack.


The platoon stood and unleashed a blast of magical energy in unison. The magic's impact caused Spike to stumble a bit, but did little more than lightly singe his scales.Spike growled furiously and stomped to the unicorn emplacement. The soldiers tried to fire on him to slowhim down, but it was no use. Spike stomped on their construct repeatedly, reducing it to woodchips. Rarity shouted to him, trying to calm him.

"Spike, please, stop! You could kill so-"

SPike snarled at her, licks of fire and smoke raising from his nostrils and teeth. Rarity recoiled and covered herself in fear. Spike's mind was gone, controlled completely by anger fueled instinct. HIgh above him, the wonderbolts, led a contingent of pegasus aces as they escorted a formation of six armored blimps. The blimps were all connected by wires to a huge chest filled with priceless treausre. The treasure was to be used as bait to lure Spike away from Ponyville to avoid further damage to the town or it's ponies.

The blimps lowered toward Spike slowly, wanting to gain Spike's attention and stay out of his reach. Spike did notice the massive horde of wealth above him, but he had no interest in it. He took a deep breath and blew a burst of fire which destroyed all but two of the blimps. The loss of their wingmates caused the blimps to fail under the weight of the treasure and they crashed to the ground. Spike huffed at the wreckage and left it.

The soldiers regroup as best as they could to try and hold back Spike while Twilight, joined by Applejack and Pinkie, led the rest of town to safety. The wonderbolts led their fellow pegasus into attack posiiton and dove toward Spike. They tried to slam into his side to topple him, but Spike barely moved an inch and the pegasus tumbled at the hard impact. The attack only increased Spike's anger, which somehow made him stronger. He roared furiously, so loud the ground actually shook. It seemed like nothing could calm him or stop him.

Spike stopped in his rampage hearing someone screaming his name.


Spike turned to see who it was, but was too far away. He only saw two small dots approaching him.

It was Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked around at how much damage Spike had already done, feeling terrified. Fluttershy however was completely focused on Spike, the only fear she felt was losing her friend to himself. Fluttershy tried to fly faster, but Rainbow grabbed her and tried to pull her away.

"Fluttershy, no! He's out of control! You can't stop him-"

"I don't care! He needs me!"

Spike began to slowly stomp toward them. Rainbow desperately pulled Fluttershy away from him. Fluttershy tried to break out of her grip, crying and screaming to Spike.

"FLuttershy, shut up! He's gonna kill us!"

"Let GO!"

Fluttershy kicked Rainbow with her hind legs, sending her flying backwards. Fluttershy flew directly toward Spike. Spike quickly grabbed Fluttershy in his right claw and lifted her to his face. The others all held their breath in horror, thinking Spike would hurt her. Fluttershy, amazingly, showed no fear for herself, but for Spike.

"Spike, please stop!"

Spike listened to her, not interested, but curious why she was doing this.

"Please don't leave us! You're better than this!"

Spike felt like tossing her away for a split second, but stopped because of a single thing.

Her eyes.

Spike recognized those same beautiful perfect eyes he remembered, but there was something else. That feeling of kindness and love now seemed to be so much stronger and filled his heart and soul. The feeling was so fierce and powerful, Spike felt all his anger disappear and his eyes turned to their normal colors. Fluttershy continued to pour her heart out.

"I don't care who you go to, I don't want to lose you!"

Spike's grip loosened on both Fluttershy and Rarity absentmindedly. He'd never felt such unconditional love and even emotional need from someone for him. The feelings in him were overwhelming, but Fluttershy was still not finished.

"Please, please don't leave us...I love you."

That finally shattered Spike's resolve. His eyes filled with thankful and emotional tears. Spike started to slowly reduce in size. Fluttershy held onto his claw throughout, but Rainbow and Twilight flew to Rarity to help her back to the ground safely. Fluttershy continued to hold onto Spike as he continued to reduce in size to normal. Once Spike was back to normal, he couldn't look Fluttershy in the eye. HE hung his head and wept bitter tears, feeling ashamed at his actions. Fluttershy gently picked him up and gave him a gentle, loving hug, crying tears of joy.

"It's okay, Spike. It's okay."

Spike returned the hug, settling down a bit thanks to Fluttershy's loviing embrace. The rest of their friends joined the hug, thankful their friend had been saved.


That night, everypony had returned home to rest and prepare to reapir the damage to Ponyville the next day. Fluttershy sat in her den resting and letting her mind settle. Spike was safe with Twilight and needed time to set his feelings in order. Fluttershy didn't mind; Spike was safe and his rampage didn't cause too much damage. That was enough for her, even if she-

Fluttershy was shaken from her thoughts by a knock at her door. She didn't have many visitors, especially at this hour. She went to her door and opened it and nearly squeaked in joy. Spike was before her shyly smiling at her. Behind him a short distance away was Twilight smiling warmly. Spike fidgeted awkwardly not sure what to say.

"Um....Hi Fluttershy."

"What are you doing here, Spike?"


Spike wasn't sure what to say. He honestly didn't think Fluttershy would say yes after what happened. Spike took a moment to look Fluttershy in the eye. He couldn't help but smile at her beautiful eyes. Spike smiled and leapt into her and gave her a big hug.Fluttershy was surprised for a split second, but quickly returned the hug happily. Spike whispered to her.

"Thank you so much..."

Twilight watched them quietly. She never realized how perfect the two of them were together. Twilight smiled in relief as the two broke the hug.

"I'm glad you came to see me Spike, but I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Well, I was wondering...if you'd..."

Spike fidgeted, still very nervous what Fluttershy would say. Fluttershy leaned closer, her smile widening in anticipation. Spike tried to say what he wanted.



Spike took a deep breath and simply said what he felt.

"Would....would you be...my special somepony?"

Fluttershy gasped and smiled a big bright overjoyed smile.

"Oh Spike, of course I will!"

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Spike and pulled him into a big happy kiss. Spike smiled and returned the kiss. Twilight felt tears of joy roll down her face as she covered her mouth to hold back her squeals of joy. Even after all the hurt and trials, Spike and Fluttershy found each other. There were many uncertai moments, but in the end, they finally had one another. Whatever may come, they would face it together.

The End

Comments ( 55 )

i love it and is there more chapters to come out for this story

3385446 No, just these three. I'm sorry, but I always forget to update story status to completed.

3385511 ok and can you make a sequel to this story that has fluttershy and spike dating each other and eventually can get married and live together and fluttershy has a foal to take care of together and with Slice of Life in it

3385556 I'll have to think about it.

This literally gave me a literary orgasm because you wrote the fic I've wanted to write for so long.

:rainbowlaugh::twilightblush: thx for catchin that; i more or less asumed that was t way u spelled it :twilightsheepish:

Amazing story i give it a good 8/10 :pinkiehappy:

3386332 Thank you very much.

3386398 A little TMI, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

3387176 I can't wait to see your next story the sequel of A week with Trixie :pinkiesmile:

3387201 That might take some time.

Classic Spike/Fluttershy story,
Had emotions, Anger, and True love conquering all,
All in All, an enjoyable read
Would read again

3387228 Oh well go ahead take your time i don't mind :scootangel:

:fluttercry: Tears of joy my friend. This time it was Fluttershy who saved Spike from himself, and I'm glad Rarity was able to forgive him even after him swiping at her hoof.:fluttershysad:

3388672I'm glad you liked it. And, not to be mean to Rarity, she kind of brought it on herself.

I threw up cause of so many FEELS
you are a master at FEELS.

3388822 it was either that or that burrito i had for lunch.:trollestia:

3389370 Ew! Go get some tums, man!

It aws a joke>>3389376

3389509 I figured that, I just wanted to keep it going.

3388755 That is true. Rarity just used Spike, and she was asking for it indeed. Although it was a childish crush, she still should have considered his feelings.:flutterrage: Either his feelings as a crush or just feelings as a friend.

3389875 I agree with you on that rarity should has talk to spike in the first place.

You know, this is a nice story (you earned a favourite for the premise and concept alone) but I do have a few gripes. Okay, more than a few.

Spike and Fluttershy are both slightly OOC. I don't think Spike would be overly-devastated being rejected by Rarity, at least not in a rage-central manner. I'm quite sure that Spike is mildly aware that his crush is a bit one-sided. If Rarity rejected him, sure, he'd be upset, but his crush is based on hope, not certainty as is portrayed in your story. Spike has made no indication in the series that he thinks Rarity feels the same love for him as he does for her. Withdrawal of hope results in despair-central thoughts and feelings. Rage is present, but it is not the central emotion. And Fluttershy...wouldn't she be a little more passive in her pursuit of Spike's heart? See, that's the problem here: Your premise is based on the idea that Fluttershy has had feelings for Spike ever since she met him. Not just feelings actually, but a strong and certain one-sided relationship. For that to be true, she must have dropped some hints that it was, even if she did so unknowingly. And you have to rely on the show for that. Which is why I don't think this story is believable. Fluttershy is head-over-hooves in love with Spike from the very beginning. My advice for you on these kinds of ships: Have both characters develop or build on feelings in the story, whether it's from scratch or if some feelings are already present in one of or both of the characters.

Rarity is also slightly OOC. I mean, she's the element of GENEROSITY. Taking advantage of someone like you implied she knew she was doing is a form of SELFISHNESS. Polar opposites.:applejackconfused:

One more thing-grammar. Now, I usually don't talk about this, but I think that you're far too good of a writer to have your work look like it hasn't been proofread. Use some sort of grammar checker if you feel you don't have the time to thoroughly proofread.

I really don't mean this as a rant or anything. Please forgive me if it sounds that way. I'm just trying to help. I wish for you to take this as advice from one writer to another.:twilightsmile:
Please disagree with me if you think I've made an invalid point.

Spike transforming again and for that reason is almost something i want to see in season 4, now. Only almost, though, as i prefer to see Spike happy, through and through, with a pony that can make him such; like Fluttershy does in this story. I highly enjoyed reading it.

Really scary, truly emotional, and most excellent.

3395987 You bring up some good points. I'm gonna have to think about them in the future.


owwww :'D really niceeeeeeee

Hmmmm.. a little of a stretch for Spike to actually do something like that other than getting his hopes with Rarity dashed. But other that than, this was a good fic.

It think it needs a sad tag.

3775070 I think it's more "Drama" than "Sad". I wish this site had a tag for that.

This was an awesome read. It had my feels comin out a lot. I really liked how the last chapter panned out. There are a few confusions but overall a good story.

8 out of 10 for Romance
10 out of 10 for Slice of Life
8 out of 10 for grammar
9 out of 10 for overall story.
A like and a fave for this story.

3813737 thank you very much. What parts exactly were confusing though?

Well, not exactly confusing, more like surprising. Like spike not believing Twilight, how things get A-ok after Spike gets small again, and how Fluttershy immediately forgives him... Well that one is understandable considering her personality. Don't get me wrong, the story is still good, just those surprised me is all.

This almost gave me manly tears.

That cover image makes me think naughty thoughts

I have to admit... It was a good story... Though It did not cause me to lose any of my liquid pride over it...

Adorable to awesome in three chapters, great read indeed. :raritystarry:

4481692 its when you blow into someone's stomach and make a fart noise to tickle them.

So much feels so little time, with Flutterspike storys the love just feels so real, thank you for making my evening.

Eh... Not much of a fan of the part where Spike goes on a rampage.


man the shrooms must be kicking in, i can see fluttershy actually giving spike a rasbery :derpyderp2:

5453848 that's no shroom, that's a daww moment.

5454929 yea i guess. anyways i wanted to congratulate you on writing such an amazing story, and that im really looking forward to reading the other ones ive marked. i dont know why, but the part where fluttershy softly makes out with spike in his sleep, and during the sleepover with all of the cute, awkward moments, it made my heart soar like it used to years ago,when i first joined the fandom and everything was new and, well...magical. ::derpytongue2: But, i digress,im ve ry glad this story was made. without it, and the "An Affliction of The Heart" series, i probably would have given up on the fandom altogether.

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