• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 565 Views, 12 Comments

Elemental Task Force - The Whiskey Spirit

When Silver Lining joins the military, he expects to have a hard time. The time he serves will be so much harder.

  • ...

Task Force E

It had been two and a half months since training had started and the number of Cadets had dwindled down to a measly seven. Both Sunset and Burn, as well as three others, had been transferred to a separate platoon for some reason, leaving Silver with no one to talk to.

Silver and the other Cadets had gathered in the armory, a large building housing countless weapons, It had pistols, assault rifles, shotguns, swords, spears, axes, and so on. Drill Sergeant Heavy Hoof was stood before them.

"Cadets, as you can see you are going to be training in combat today. You know the drill by now, get your weapons, come to me for the spell, and head outside." The unicorn stated before the Cadets saluted and broke off to retrieve their weapons of choice.

Silver had tried almost every weapon in the Armory before settling on one of the few katanas in stock. He had been allowed to use it due to his incredible proficiency at the blade. Once he had grabbed the slender blade, Silver brought it over to Heavy Hoof to put the spell on.

Each weapon had to have a spell that would make a strike harmless except for blunt force. It was also enchanted to paralyze limbs so that it gave the feeling of when a limb is cut off.

Leaving the Armory, Silver noticed that a stallion was sitting off to the side of the circle they used as an arena. He recognized him to be the Captain of the Royal Guard, although Silver was confused, he didn't dare go up to him and ask why he was there. Instead, he sat down a little ways away from the other Cadets and waited for Heavy Hoof to explain.

"Alright, Cadets, I bet your wondering why the captain is here so I'll tell you. The Captain requested to observe your performance, and see how much you have progressed in your training, so show him how great you guys are!" Heavy Hoof said when he walked out, sitting next to the Captain.

"Yes, Sir!"

"The first cadets in the practice ring will be Silver Lining and Running Streak."

Standing up, Silver rested the katana an his shoulder and stepped into the circle that was drawn in the ground. His opponent was a dark purple earth pony stallion with a mane of blue, his weapon of choice was a rapier, held firmly in his mouth. The two ponies bumped hooves before putting distance between them.

"Begin!" Heavy Hoof Stated, putting both ponies in gear. Unlike most ponies Silver preferred to hold the blade in his hooves which had allowed him to use a more diverse move set. Using this way of combat to his advantage, he blocked his opponent's first strike, a simple slash, and locked both blades in a battle of force. Getting an idea, Silver used a back leg to kick his opponent, making him stumble backwards, giving Silver the perfect opportunity to strike. He quickly jabbed the sword forward and hit the earth pony in the chest, just over his heart, paralyzing the poor stallion.

"The victor, as usual, is Silver Lining." Resting the sword on his shoulder again, Silver approached the paralyzed pony and put a hoof on his neck applying a little pressure, releasing the spell. Helping the stallion get up, he returned to his spot outside the ring.

By the time the training session was pretty much over Silver had only lost twice in eleven mock fights, and he had thought that they were done for the day, until Heavy Hoof spoke again.

"Alright, Cadets, I know you all probably want to kick Silvers ass, right?"

"Yes, Sir!" All the Cadets, minus Silver, stated.

"Hey!" Silver exclaimed at them, but no one seemed to care.

"Well here's your chance, the Captain here would like to pit all of you against him, at the same time." Heavy Hoof said with a smirk that almost made Silver faint.

They want me to fight six ponies by myself!? What the fuck!

All the other Cadets cheered at the thought of kicking Silvers ass.

"Your all traitors!" Silver exclaimed at his comrades, making the captain chuckle.

"Alright, get in the ring and lets see who wins." Silver did not like the smirk that the Drill Sergeant was giving, it was thoroughly creepy, but he obeyed.

He's trying to kill me, I knew it!

Once he bumped hooves with the six ponies he stepped back and got ready for the pain he was about to endure.

Oh well, if this is going to happen, I'm not going down without a fight.

"Begin." As soon as the words left the stallions mouth the six ponies charged Silver, trying to use brute force to overpower him. Silver, however, was too smart for that, he deftly jumped over the ponies, and hit one of them in the head before landing, paralyzing him.

Wow, no teamwork skills, this'll be easier than I thought. Silver swiftly turned on his hooves and face the five remaining ponies just as two of them charged at him again. Ducking under their first swing, Silver blocked the next one, and kicked the other pony away before breaking away from their lock, just in time to see another pony had tried stabbing him, instead getting knocked down by the other blade. Silver swung at the two ponies who were in front of him, dispatching them easily. Taking a look around he didn't see any more ponies on the ground.

Huh, where did the other three go? Wait... shit!

Silver rolled to the side just in time to see a sword impact the dirt where he was standing moments before. He looked up to see the other three ponies were up in the air above him.

Is that even allowed!? Oh, whatever!

Launching himself forward, Silver paralyzed the pony who tried to impale him before flying into the air with the two others. The two, not learning from their friends mistakes, charged him, allowing Silver to fly around them and hit their wings, forcing them back to the ground. Before either of them could get up Silver struck them on their heads, ending the match.

... How the fuck did I not get hit? Oh well, not complaining.

"Silver Lining, come here." Heavy hoof ordered.

"Shouldn't we release them?"

"Don't worry I'll take care of them, but the Captain would like to speak to you." Silver nodded, put down his blade, and approached the Captain as the Drill Sergeant went to release the paralysis spells.

"Silver, walk with me." The Captain said, standing up, and walking away without waiting.

"What is it you would like to talk to me about, Sir?"

"Well, I don't want to beat around the bush here, I'll just say it. I have been observing this platoon for possible candidates for a special Task Force the princesses are creating. I'm sure you remember the five ponies that had been transferred, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I assume that they had been transferred into you Task Force, or am I mistaken?"

"I'm happy to see that you have a brain in your head. Yes, the five ponies have been put into the Task Force, so I'm sure you can figure out why I'm telling you."

"You would like me to join as well." Silver stated simply. "My question is why new recruits, why not older guards who have more experience?"

"That is because the task force would be dealt with in a different manner to the Royal Guard. The princesses find that it would be easier to train new recruits in this fashion, instead of, as i say it, trying to teach old dogs new tricks."

"Okay I can see the reasoning in that, but why me? I don't think I'm the right kind of guy for this."

"Oh, come now, your selling your self short. Did you not see how you took down six ponies single handed?"

"I just got lucky." Silver said modestly.

"No, I've seen lucky, that was not lucky, that was skill. I've had Heavy Hoof keep an eye on you after that first night, and each day you were more eager to train, not for yourself, but for the good of Equestria. The Task Force has been composed of ponies who are not only smart and strong, but of those with a good heart as well, and you Silver have a good heart. So, what do you say, will you join the Task Force?" The Captain stopped and looked at him expectantly.

"... Well, if you really think I'm cut out for it, then I'll do it." Silver said after a pause, making the Captain smile.

"Good to have you on the team." He said happily shaking Silver's hoof.

"Well, I have to ask, what does the Task Force do?"

"Don't worry I'll explain on the way." He said before waling off again, this time towards the castle.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"To see the Princesses." He said nonchalantly, making Silver stop in his tracks.

"Th- the Princesses?"

"Eeyup, now come on, we can't keep them waiting." With that Silver hurried to catch up to the stallion in front of him.


"The task force has been dubbed as the Elemental Task Force, or Task Force E, any idea why?" The Captain started as they entered the castle.

"Well, I can only assume that it has to do with elements of some kind."

"Yes, it is named that because the task force harnesses the power of six of the Natural Elements. The Elements in question are Light, Shadows, Fire, Water, Earth, and Nature."

"Wait, are you saying that the Task Force uses the Natural Elements like how the Elements of Harmony use theirs?"

"In a way, yes. The, lets call them bearers, the Bearers of these Natural Elements are able to use the elements to any advantage they have. For example, the Bearer of Water would be able to douse enemies in water and then freeze them, the Element of Earth can open a chasm that his enemies will fall into. The best part is that they don't have to be near each other to use their powers, do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

"Yes, I think I do, You are saying that the Bearers of the Natural Elements are able to use their Elements to effect the world around them, and use it for their own advantage."

"Precisely, the Task Force will be Equestria's greatest defense." The Captain said with a smile.

"Okay, question, how do we bond to these Elements?" Silver said after a moments thought.

"That is where the Princesses come in, they will cast a spell that will bond you to your Element."

"Okay, I guess, then what Element am I?"

"Shadows, you will basically be an infiltrator, using the shadows to your advantage to sneak into enemy strongholds."

"Oh, good thing I like darkness, then."

"Yup, anyways, we're here." The Captain said as they stepped up to large, golden double doors. The Captain nodded to the two guards standing outside before entering the room, Silver in tow.

The Throne Room was grand, it had high ceilings, a nice white and gold, color scheme, and many stained glass windows, depicting historical events. At the far end was two thrones, one a beautiful marble, the other was made of slate, the two princesses siting on them respectively.

"Shining Armor, is this the one?" Princess Celestia asked politely as the two walked in.

"Yes, he is, Princess."

"Please step forward, young one." The princess said, talking directly to Silver. With an encouraging nod from the Captain, he stepped forward. "What is your name?"

"S- Silver Lining, Princess."

"Well then, Silver Lining I hope Captain Shining Armor informed you of what is expected?"

"Yes, your Highness, he has."

"Good, then tell me what was your goal when joining the Royal Guard?"

"To protect, those who cannot protect themselves."

"That is a noble cause, but what about you, did you do any of it for yourself?" Princess Luna questioned.

"No, The only thing i wanted was to make sure the citizens of Equestria could live in peace for as long as possible." With that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia shared a look before turning back to Silver.

"Very well, Silver are you ready to become one with your element?" Celestia asked.

"Will it hurt?" Silver asked nervously, causing the Princesses to chuckle.

"No, my little pony, you wont feel a thing."

"Then yes, I'm ready."

Both Princesses stood up from their thrones and approached him, horns glowing. Silver started to feel nervous as he felt his hooves lift off the ground, suddenly everything went black.


For what felt like hours he waited, hearing nothing and seeing nothing in the black expanse around him, when he saw a figure start to form in front of him. The figure had the shape of a pony except that it was lacking a mane and tail, nor did it have pupils, its eyes were pitch black. The creepiest thing about it was that it had rows of teeth that were long and sharp, like tiny knives.

"Hello, Silver Lining." The creature said in a slow, whisper-like voice.

"H- How do you know my name?" Silver asked nervously.

"Because I have been integrated with you, Silver. I am the Element of Shadows, but you may call me Shade."

"Your, the Element of Shadows?"

"Yes, did I not just say that?" Shade smiled apparently amused by what Silver had said. "I bet you are wondering why I am talking with you, right?" Silver nodded. "Well, I am here to learn more about you. You see I will be in your head for a long time now. You seem to be a nice guy, and I would prefer if our relationship was... pleasant. However it seems the spell is finishing, so we can't speak face to face till you dream, I'll speak with you later." Shade faded as he spoke and his voice grew fainter and fainter until Silver couldn't hear him any more, then the black expanse dissipated and was replaced by a bright light.

Comments ( 11 )


Nature Element is best Element.:pinkiehappy:

2963974 Well she is the medic pretty much but ill make sure she has some badass moves for you.

Ps thanks for the follow.



PS No problem.

4253450 You do realize this is cancelled... right?

"Oh, come now, your selling your self short. Did you not see how you took down six ponies single handed?"

your to you're your self to yourself
waling to walking siting to sitting

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