• Published 2nd Jul 2013
  • 8,432 Views, 110 Comments

Color Schemes - distortedtruth92

Rainbow Dash has always been complimented on her athleticism. What happens when she gets complemented for her looks, too, especially when said compliment comes from a certain purple dragon?

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2.5 Spike's Kitchen Misadventures

Spike was a dragon. This should be clear to you by now, but just in case… anyway, yeah. A dragon. But not just an ordinary dragon.

He was the personal assistant of the princess' star pupil. This mostly meant stacking shelves, however, like on today. It was Monday morning, and Twilight wanted a clean library, which Spike personally found odd, since no one ever came in to check anything out, not while he was around to see it, anyway.

Regardless of his opinion on the matter, Twilight insisted on cleanliness, and Spike, being the obedient assistant that he was, complied with little grumbling on his part.

That is, until he saw Twilight daydreaming, again.

“TWILIGHT!” he called out. This caused the lavender librarian to jump, ending her spaced-out moment. “You're staring into space, again! I'll help you, but I'm not doing this by myself this time.”

At this the startled pony started to blush and nervously re-insert the books she had been holding in her magical grasp into their respective slots on the shelves. She then let out a sigh, and said, “Okay, I think we need a break. BOTH of us.”

The reptile in the room was quite eager to agree. “I'll say,” he said to his friend. He had been working all morning with the unicorn, and he had neglected to prepare breakfast for either of them because of this. ‘Oh well, brunch is still a good meal.’

He decided to go to the kitchen and see if anything looked good for the mid-morning meal he had in mind. He went to the icebox and peered inside, and found something he didn't expect to find: peach blossoms. This was unexpected because they weren't in season, and also because they were expensive. He lifted them up and when he did, a note that was stuck to the bottom of the plate the blossoms were on fell off.

“Huh?” Spike grunted inquisitively, “What's this?” He opened the note and read it aloud. That is to say, he was GOING to read it aloud, but then something made a rather loud sound in the main room of the library, startling him, and causing the plate to fall from his grasp.

Using his natural dragon reflexes, he quickly reached out and caught the plate before it shattered. Letting out a breath he had held, he set the flowers on a table and read the note.

“Dear Twilight, my most faithful student,
It has come to my attention during my last visit that you have never tried peach blossoms before, and if I might say, you most certainly should! They are a most delicious flower, very aromatic, and well worth what the vendors charge for them nowadays! I have sent you some so that you may finally try them for yourself, and perhaps your assistant as well. I hear they are a delicacy in the dragon kingdom.

I suggest sandwiches for your first time trying them. This may sound a bit plain, but I assure you, they'll be the best sandwiches you'll ever have!

Bon appetite!

- Your loving mentor, Princess Celestia.”

This sounded like as good a plan for lunch as any, so without wasting a second, Spike set up the ingredients for the sandwiches. Thankfully, there was enough bread left in the breadbox for them to have a sandwich apiece. ‘How she forgot the bread, I'll never know.’

He then set about getting plates, and found a large one to set both sandwiches on. This plate happened to be on the bottom of a very large stack of plates. Unfortunately for our scaly stud, he forgot what gravity does to plates, especially when they tip over, and absentmindedly grabbed the bottom plate and tugged.

He regretted that act instantly.

As soon as the deed was done, heavy plates began crashing down on him, including one that landed on the tip of his tail. This caused him to burp up a small fireball that set ablaze a small portion of the counter, including the bread. He quickly dodged falling flatware, and eventually made his way to the sink to retrieve water from it.

He found a bowl in the sink and put it under the faucet, turning the water on full-blast at the same time. When the bowl was full of water, he threw its contents onto the counter, dousing the flames and everything else they hit. Including the bread and the blossoms.

“Oh, come on!” Spike yelled as he threw his head back in exasperation. He went over to check the damage, and he found it. What parts of the bread weren't scorched were soaked, and although the peach blossoms didn't receive the flame treatment, they were also very wet. He tried to scrape the ash off of the sandwich bread, but only managed to get soot on his arm.

He decided to think of a way to fix the situation, when his eyes caught the mess on the floor. Broken plates, and lots of them, were all over the floor. He figured he might as well clean it up before doing anything else, so he went to the pantry and got the broom and dustpan.

As he started sweeping, a spell was cast in another room. Now, there is something that should be noted about spells. Whenever a unicorn casts a spell, there is always residue that comes off of the horn that built up during the last spell. It is a self-cleaning mechanism that all unicorns are born with. The residue in question comes off in the form of particles that appear to sparkle in light or darkness, and they float through the air until they dissipate, which, for some ‘sparkles’, may take some time.

One such particle made its way into the kitchen area of Golden Oaks, and into the eye of a certain dragon named Spike.

“AHHH!!” Spike yelled in pain. He tried to rub the offending magical substance out of his eye, but ended up tripping over his own tail and fell into a pile of dust he had swept up, coating himself in it. The residue then dissolved in his tears, and the dragon's vision was restored, although his eye still stung a little.

“What WAS that?!” he said to no one in particular. In a few seconds, he heard laughter as a response. Was the universe itself mocking his inability to make the simplest meal know to pony-kind? Probably.

Now covered in soot and dust, with a bruised tail, sore eye, and damaged confidence, he set about slowly, delicately putting together the ruined food, so as not to ruin it further. This was not going to be a good day for him, and he knew it. With food finished (finally), he hurriedly hustled on the hardwood floor into the main room.

When he got there, he saw two mares instead of one, and they were both looking at him with concern. Well, one was, the other looked terrified. “Don't ask,” Spike told them, then he decided to greet the newcomer with, “Oh hey R.D., back again, huh? Whatcha doin'?”

“Uh, I'll talk with you later, Twi, see ya!” And with that, Rainbow Dash was gone.

Thoroughly confused, Spike sought to become enlightened, and asked a question. “What was that all about? What did she need, Twi?” The look he got was almost dreamy, like Twilight was in her own little world.

“Oh, just girl talk, you'll understand when you're older.” He was about to point out that he was mature for his age, and almost as old as Twilight and her friends, closest to Dash, in fact, when Twilight's face took on a serious expression. “Now about our lunch,” she said, looking at the platter he was holding.

“Heh, there's a funny story about that… also, is there an easy way to remove burn marks from a wooden counter-top?”

“What have you done?” Twilight deadpanned.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all. Distorted here. I would like to thank all of you who like this fic and continue to read it. Everything up to this point has been the Brony Critic's writing with me editing. Next chapter is solely mine. Those after that will be a true collab effort.

We hit 100 likes! Woo-hoo! Thanks to all you guys who DIDN'T dislike this! *looks disapprovingly at the dislikes* In any case, I hope you enjoy this not-so-little chapter as my way of saying, thank-you! -The Brony Critic