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Last One Out, Get the Lights

You'd better sit down. Maybe put on some Music.

Today, I will be uploading the last chapter of Fallout Equestria: Begin Again.
But this isn’t where the story was supposed to end. I just have to stop.
I know I promised you all more than this. And if you’ve been with me from the beginning. From Sola Gratia -

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I’m sorry this is the way I’m ending it.

But I can’t do this anymore. I can’t write the word hoof when I mean hand. You know that I’m slipping. You’ve seen it. How many times have I used the word fingers? Even though Grace wouldn’t know a finger from a fish. How many times have I used the words Man and King and God? I’d say I’m leaving the fandom, but I don’t even know what episode we’re on. Or how many Equestria Girl spinoffs there are. It’s been a long time since I went on Equestria Daily…daily. I’ve been gone for a while now.

It’s funny. Grace has always been a pony in my head. Caliber, Ash, Damascus. They’re all little horses. And this is not America. Or Africa. This is Equestria. My own twisted version of Kkat’s own twisted version of a cartoon, storybook world. And I’m in it up to my neck. But I can’t hide what I’m writing any more.

I left home last summer, but I started Sola Gratia when I was seventeen. And since then, I must have put thousands of hours into it and its prettier Kid sister Begin Again. I wrote a short story for a competition last month (I got runner-up, which if you read the winning story is some serious bullsh… Sorry).
And it’s the first thing I’ve ever written that my parents read.

Before that, they had to be proud of me. Be it because I told them I was a good writer, or just because I’m their little girl/boy. Either way, I want to make them proud instead. I want to be able to show them the first book I finish. I want to be able to get it published. And show everyone. So I have to leave.

Over the next week, I will be putting up everything else I have to give you. I’m going to put up the images that inspired me the most. The songs that I’ve kept with me for the last two years. Old notes and half-finished ideas. It doesn’t sound like much, I know. But I’d rather leave it all behind. This story’s raised a lot of questions and, If you want, I can even leave you the answers (I do have them, you know.)

Where was I going with the orbs or Sovereign or the broken Goddess? Where was I going with Grace and Caliber? Was I going to go all Shakespeare and kill everyone at the end?
Or all Bioware and, well… Maybe it’s better that you choose your own answers.

I will not take this story down. Come back in a few years and read it to your kids if you’d like. But on April 16th I will be changing my password on FIMfiction to random keyboard bashed gibberish.
And I will log out for the last time.

I hope you all enjoy Flutterwonder and Flight Dream, both named for this fandom's inexhaustible talent. And, in that vein I have to say: Thank You, Kkat.

I'm sorry I can't be as passionate as you are about this place - these people. But I'm proud, still. Of Shiropoint and shortskirtsandexplosions and my beloved cenyo and of course, my idol, you. You were like my big sister. And you know what I’ll still be carrying with me, fifty years from now? Not Twilight or Rarity or Applejack.

But Littlepip, Velvet Remedy and Calamity.

Not Friendship is Magic, but Fallout Equestria.