• Published 5th Jul 2013
  • 1,416 Views, 34 Comments

The Lost One - The Boss

John has been stolen from his world, he is depressed beyond belief. Can he pull himself out of his downward spiral or will he drink himself to death. With a bit of Help from his friends he may have a shot. Will Music and Friendship be enough though?

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I really like this story, and rather than let you think that I've abandonned it I am putting it on Hiatus. I will occasional post a chapter here and there but I have a lot of other obligations and some other ideas for stories. Again I can't apologize enough.

Here have a picture.

Comments ( 11 )

:( Right when it was getting good. It's alright man don't worry about it. This story is a piece of art, Let it flow. I would love too see more of your work.
"See ya in another story"-Windchest

fucking procrastinating bitch :flutterrage:

puuuleeeezeeeiweeezeee post another chapter :fluttercry:



Finally. I didn't expect to ever stumble over a story that actually portrayed the emotional state of a person in that kind of situation realistically (sudden obvious dream invasion aside.) Now if only it wasn't written by a lazy bum who flaked out after two chapters.


Lazy bum? Yeah, I'm a lazy bum 'cause I don't spread myself too thin when I'm writing. I have other projects and other things on my mind that take precedent over this. It will get worked on, just not soon.

No insult intended, I was just joking around. I don't know how much spare time you have and I'm not about to bitch at you about it, it's not like I pay you or anything.

When are we getting more?

I get the feeling there was a bit of rage here.

No worries as the Eldritch Old One of comments I can wait until even I grow too old to read clearly!

:p but seriously though, take your time and enjoy it cause there's no point in writing to please those who would hate you just to hate and beguile for their own amusement.

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