• Published 5th Jul 2013
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Equestria Noir Case 25 "Endgame" - Jacoboby1

Part 2 of Equestria Noir's Season Finale. The final battle begins when Lunard comes with an army to wipe Equestria from the map. Private will need every ally to stop this fiend from taking over his home. But will that even be enough?

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Chapter 5 "Escalation"

Chapter 5


Perspective: Private Eye

Rarity held a crying Fluttershy for a few minutes. It was a while since Discord went to fight Shar’drel. Fluttershy didn’t take it very well, but I was glad Rarity was here. If there was anypony who could handle Fluttershy when she’s like this, it’s Rarity.

“We gotta get moving,” I told them. “We can’t let Discord’s sacrifice go to waste.”

They all looked at me, except for Fluttershy who kept crying into Rarity’s shoulder.

“I do beg your pardon, Private, but aren’t you being just a bit... well... cold?” Rarity asked.

“Discord gave us some time,” I said. “But we don’t know if Lunard will send something else after us.”

“He’s right, Rares,” AJ spoke up. “We gotta get movin’, everypony back in town is countin’ on us.”

“And how many of you, dare I ask, have had to watch a dear friend go flying off to fight for you, leaving you behind?” Rarity asked, gently supporting the weeping Fluttershy, as we started to move on.

Everypony was quiet for a minute, not saying anything. Twilight led the pack, she kept casting glances back at me. Sometimes she would linger, as if she wanted to say something. But, then she’d face forward again and we’d keep moving.
Rainbow hovered over to me. “Okay, I’m getting sick of this.”

“Sick of what?” I asked my cyan colored friend.

“Sick of you two not talking!” Rainbow blurted out, getting in my face. “You and Twilight are like, the super couple. Yet through this whole thing you two haven’t said a word to each other. Then when you do once in a blue moon you guys argue! Will you two jus-”

“It’s none of your buisness, Rainbow!” I yelled.

Rainbow crossed her forelegs. “Before we even reach the palace you are talking to her, otherwise I’m gonna get AJ’s rope, tie you two to a tree and make you stay there until something is said.”

“Feel free, sugarcube,” Applejack said, pulling the lasso out of her saddlebag. “Ah’m might tired of it mahself.”

“Now hold on!” Twilight said, turning around. “We have more important things to worry about than this!”

“And the lack of harmony between yourself and Private isn’t as important?” Rarity asked. “After all, he is an Element, too. If you two are still at odds, it’s quite possible that the Elements will not work should we need them.”

“It’s still something between her and me!” I snorted.

“Then it is up to you and Twilight to fix it. And soon, darling,” Rarity said solemnly. “If not for your sakes, for the sake of Equestria.”

At Twilight and I’s stubborn expressions, AJ got a look on her face and looked at Rarity. “Rares, they ain’t gonna cave...GRAB EM!!!” Rainbow lived up to her reputation, and quickly grabbed Twilight, and Applejack was just as quick with her lasso. Faster than I would think possible, Twilight and I were tied to a tree, with the others setting up a small camp, just out of sight, but I doubt out of earshot.

Pinkie stood in front of me and said, “Now, you two are not getting off that until Private stops being a meanie pants, and Twilight stops being snooty.”

“I’m not snooty!” Twilight retorted loudly, struggling with the ropes.

“Get us outta here right now!” I yelled.

“Our apologies, darlings, but tis for your own good. And the good for Equestria and the Elements of Harmony, of course, but mostly for your good,” Rarity said admonishingly.

This, was going to be a very long day...


Perspective: Discord

I looked on the dragon as it flew towards me. Hopefully I could keep her busy long enough for the others to get outta here. I dodged and weaved as she snapped her jaws at me. Oh boy, somebody didn’t get their in flight meal.

But something was off, I couldn’t quite put my claw on it but there was something wrong with this dragon. I mean, aside from wanting to kill little old me for no good reason. That’s just bad manners.

She unleashed a torrent of fire at me that I barely dodged with my tail intact. But wait, wouldn’t my whole body be considered my tail? I mean, I am serpentine sort of. Oh, the pains of being a mixed up creation of alchemy.

Alright, now it’s time to stop playing.

I turned and snapped my fingers, small firecrackers appeared out of nowhere and hit the dragon right on the kisser. She snarled at me and tried to snap at me again. But, she just snapped at a whoopie cushion I placed where I was. I got a quick laugh out of that.

Never gets old, no matter how many centuries.

Suddenly the dragon reached one of her claws and grabbed me. She squeezed me tighter than a tube of toothpaste. I looked up at her. “Really, I know I’m a charming individual, but you just aren’t my type honey.”

She glared at me, that’s when I noticed her blue markings...oh...

Lunard you bastard.

“I see he’s done a number on you, what did they call you? Shar’drel?” I asked, teleporting out of her grip.

She roared at me, sending me flying several feet away. Somebody give that dragon a breath mint!

I raised both of my hands, magic coming from them. Suddenly Shar’drel’s wings began pulling themselves at extremely painful levels. Though, I doubt she was really feeling any of this. Her mind was long gone.

Lunard, you never seem to learn do you? You don’t mess with creatures like this...

Lest you want a date with a god of chaos.


Perspective: Tailspin

“Whatdowedowhatdowedowhatdowedo?” came a frightened voice from among the fillies, bordering on panic. Call me crazy but it sounded like Diamond Tiara. I'd better keep that in mind for later.

“We don’ jus’ let that bug come in an’ take us, that’s what we do,” Apple Bloom said determinedly. “There’s lotsa stuff, down here we can use.” With that she began to look around for materials.

She came up with a bucket and some other materials. I nodded. “Just like in the mansion, we’ll barricade the door.”

“Kids, what are you doing?” Cheerilee asked.

“We’re gonna stop him from coming in!” Scootaloo replied determinedly, tossing a board to Rumble.

“You can’t risk yourselves!” Cheerilee cried, looking worried.

“Better ‘n nuthin!” Apple Bloom replied. “We gotta stop him!”

“I just, don’t want to have any of you get hurt,” Cheerilee said, looking guiltily at us.

“Then you can help us stop him!” I said, looking at her. “You’re our teacher, you’re not going to let him in!”

She slowly nodded and ran to help barricade the door. I heard a loud boom on the other side. I crawled up to the door and we all began pushing against it.

“Oh don’t struggle my little fillies and colts,” The changeling glowered on the other side. “We’ll take good care of all of you.”

“No way!” Sweetie cried, pushing alongside me. “You all tried to hurt my sister and her friends! You aren’t getting us!”

“Dumb brats...”

Suddenly the door exploded, a blast of magic must’ve been fired. I fell back to the ground and groaned, I looked up to see the Changeling pressing down on us. Cheerilee stood in front of us. She glared at him.

“Step aside, mare, and I won’t kill you in front of your students,” the Changeling said, his horn glowing and his sharp teeth grinning evilly.

“These are my students!” Cheerilee cried, “I won’t let you take them! You’ll have to get through me first!”

“Yeee HAW!” came Apple Bloom’s shout, as a heavy box suspended from a rope came crashing into the Changeling’s side.He let out a screech as he went sailing into the wall.

I saw Rumble and Pipsqueak leap onto the Changeling and began pounding away at him. The Changeling threw them aside, and got up. Scootalooo leaped onto his back and bucked the back of his head.

The bug couldn’t reach her. I looked over and saw a hammer. I picked it up in my teeth as the Changeling threw Scootaloo off with his magic.

“Hey ugly bugly!” I taunted through my teeth.

He looked at me.

“I’d say you’re gonna get squashed!” I turned my head and threw the hammer towards him. The hammer hit him right on his horn, breaking it completely.

The bug fell into unconsciousness. We all cheered, but I was more concerned about Scootaloo. I crawled over to her, a trickle of blood was coming from her head. “Scootaloo?!” I cried with concern.

She blinked open her beautiful violet eyes and groaned, “Hey, anypony get the number of that cart? Oh, hi Tailspin, when did you get brothers...?”

Even when dizzy as heck she still found a way to make me smile.

“C’mon, everypony,” Apple Bloom commanded. “We need ta get the door back up, an’ fix up some nasty surprises fer any more bugs that try an’ get us.”

“Like us?” We all looked up and saw that a pair of changelings have come through the door. Aww nuts...

One tried to grab Sweetie Belle, when suddenly he was grabbed by magic and slammed down onto the ground. The other tried to retaliate, but a white blur grabbed the changeling from behind...and a sword stabbed through him...

Covered in sweat, blood both red and green, and clad in violet armor, was Twilight’s brother Shining Armor. He let the changeling down as Sweetie bucked the other one in the face.

Cheerilee smiled, “Thank you so much.”

The unicorn smiled, sheathing the sword he was using. “No problem, now let’s get you kids to a better spot. We’re gonna make sure you all get to the town hall basement safely. This place is too far behind enemy lines now.”

So, if Private marries Twilight, I get this guy as a brother in law?



Perspective: Swarm

We arrived to a war zone. Pony and altered changeling fought each other to the death. One to save their home, the other for the sake of our former queen, who had been changed so much, she was unrecognizable. Even if we didn’t change, the differences were obvious. Where they were once green, these altered changelings were marked with blue. Even so, we did change to the forms of ponies, and joined the fray. Despite our differences, these ponies had accepted us, and had formed a symbiotic relationship with us. It was the least we could do. Buildings had been destroyed in the fighting, and the streets had been stained with both pony and changeling blood, smears of both red and green painted the scene in grisly colors.

We wanted to change how they saw us. We weren’t monsters anymore. We didn’t want to be seen as such. I wanted to make sure that every changeling in my hive fought for that future. Where one day ponies and changelings can live side by side. Not one leeching off the other, but as true friends.

I will fight for that future today!

I knocked a changeling off Big Mac. The workhorse smiled at me. “Bout time ya showed up.”

“Took me awhile to find everybody,” I replied, firing a bolt of magic at an oncoming altered changeling.

“Thanks, Swarm!” Big Mac yelled, sending another one flying with a swift buck. “Just like the Snowlands!”

“Except this time no strength enhancers,” I smiled as I kicked another one in the face, knocking him out cold.

“Who needs em?” he grinned, lifting a changeling by the tail, swinging him around, and throwing him into a group of changelings about to attack Lyra and Bon Bon.

I was about to continue, when I felt a burst of green magic hit me in the chest. I went flying into a nearby wall and lost my disguise. I looked up, right into the eyes of Chrysalis.

“Well well. Looks like I have found the little traitor,” Chrysalis glowered, as she used a pain spell to lash at me, making me feel like I was being dipped in acid. “I will show you the price of treachery, and the price of your worthless sentimentality!”

I growled despite the pain, “I smell no love from you, how are you living?”

Chrysalis laughed cruelly. “We feed on fear, and it is a most delicious feast. Despair adds such a wonderful spice to the dish,” she grinned. “These poor fools feed us even as they fight, they fear for their lives, and despair of winning.”

I fired a spell at her, hitting her in the chest, it knocked her back. “You’ll never understand. No queen should rule like this. You are no longer a changeling! You’re a worthless shell of what being a true changeling is all about! It’s not to leech and soak, but to receive a gift. I found that gift in Pinkie Pie, I will never let you take it from these ponies!”

“WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT A TRUE CHANGELING IS?!” Chrysalis roared lashing me with pain again. “You betrayed your hive, betrayed your queen, all for the sympathy of a foolish party pony! No pony could ever truly love a changeling!”

I stood, and growled, “You want to know who I am...? I. Am. Swarm. You are no longer my queen, the only being I will ever belong to is Pinkie Pie! Because I love her more then anything in this world! Now...you will never know what it feels like ever again. I pity you...”

She then summoned a cruel looking dagger in her magic. “I don’t want you pity! I want your death!!!”

She was about to plunge the dagger into me... Pinkie...I’m sor-


There was somepony standing between Chrysalis and me. A pink alicorn, clad in crystal like armor and wielding a rapier in her magic. Princess Cadence? She...saved me?

“So, this is what you do when your subjects don’t agree with you, old hag? No wonder you can’t get a date,” The princess said, keeping the dagger from reaching me with her sword.

“You!” Chrysalis screeched and swung her dagger again, Cadence parried it expertly. Seems her love has taught her a few things about swordplay. “I should’ve just killed you in those caves!”

“You and I have a score to settle!” Cadence grunted, keeping the dagger at bay. “Nopony tries to take Shining Armor and gets away with it!”

“This love is really getting annoying!” Chrysalis pushed Cadence away and the two creatures began dueling one another.

Another changeling tried to attack Cadence from behind. But before I could warn the princess, the changeling froze in mid air. I looked over, and saw...

“Princess Snowflake!” I cried, seeing the white alicorn clad in what looked like a military uniform.

The princess of the Snowlands smiled at me. “It is good to see you again, Swarm, now it is my turn to save you!”

I looked up at the skies, and saw dozens of airships in the sky. They bore symbols of the Crystal Empire and the Snowlands. The ships landed and the soldiers ran out to join the fighting. The Crystal Empire brought melee fighters clad in their crystal armor and wielding blades made from the same substance. I saw soldiers belonging to the Snowlands firing their battle saddles and rifles at any Changeling that got near the Crystal ponies.

The tide has turned in this war!


Perspective: Private Eye

They’re not speaking to us. They’re over, beyond the bushes, giving us some semblance of privacy, but they’re not talking to us. Apparently Twilight and I are supposed to talk to each other, and they’re not risking either one of us convincing them to let us go.I fought with the ropes a little, but they gave nothing. I seriously doubt that I could untie these with my magic. AJ’s knots are known to be so tough not even the most powerful of unicorn’s magic could break them.

Twilight however, didn’t take the hint of why they weren’t talking to us. “Guys! This isn’t funny! Untie us right now!”

“Twi, they aren’t going to let us go,” I said, squirming even more.

“Well, I hope you’re ready to apologize then,” Twilight scolded, sticking her nose in the air.

“Me?” I said incredulously. “You’re the one who wasn’t talking to me!”

“You’re the one who’s all about focusing on a mission!” Twilight retorted.

Our argument escalated from there. We started arguing about everything. And I mean everything.

“Did anypony tell you that you kick in your sleep?” Twilight cried. “I swear you almost bucked me off whenever we cuddled!”

“Well you groan and toss around!” I yelled back. “It’s like wrangling a fish!”

“And another thing you never put the books back after you’re done! You always leave them wide open!”

“That’s so I can come back to it!”

“There’s such a thing as a bookmark!”

It only got worse from there.

“You are just the most stubborn stallion I’ve ever met!” Twilight cried.

“You are just a snotty noble waiting to happen Princess!”

“I can’t believe you’d think I’d become that!”

“Well excuse me Princess!”

“I have a name! You were more than happy to use it before!”

“That was before you sprouted wings!”

“Why do you hate me being an Alicorn so much anyway!?”

“Because then I’m nothing!”

That stopped our argument right there. We silently sat there. Both of us looked down, for about a minute nothing was said. Then Twilight asked, “Private, can we talk?”

“We’ve been doing that for the past few minutes,” I answered.

“No, I said talk, not scream at each other,” Twilight groaned. She then looked at me. “I just, want to talk to you about it. I’m tired of this.”

I sighed. “So am I.”

“Will you just tell me why you don’t like me being a princess?” Twilight asked.

I finally came out with it, what I was holding back for so long. “I was afraid.”

“Of what exactly?” Twilight asked, her voice gentle.

“Twilight, just look at me. I’m a worthless sorcerer, a poor detective with no real future. What could I possibly offer a princess?” I admitted.

“Private.” Twilight soothed, scooting in her bindings so she was closer to me. “I, you know I’d never leave you for that. I love you more than anything! You’re strong! Incredibly smart and brave, and the greatest friend I’ve ever have. I’d never trade the year we spent together for anything!”

“But, how many years?” I asked.

“What?” Twilight said, a little confused.

“Twi, I’m not going to live forever. If you accept immortality I’ll still age. I’ll grow old while you’ll remain young forever. You would also suffer a great amount of grief should I die...let’s just say I have...seen it very clearly.”

Twilight started crying.

I looked over at her, and saw the tears in her eyes. She shook her head. “Private, I had no idea!”

“Twi, please don’t cry...” I said, pressing my muzzle to hers.

“I should’ve guessed, I should’ve known!” She said, pressing her muzzle deeper into me. “I was so caught up in being what Equestria needs I didn’t think about how you felt! I thought, I thought you just didn’t want me to succeed. That you just stomped out what I achieved...”

“Twi, for that I’m sorry,” I apologized, touching her horn with mine. “I was the idiot who stomped all over that. You did something that no unicorn has done in centuries. I, I should’ve been proud of you. But I was too scared and arrogant to admit how I felt.”

“Do you, still love me?” She asked, gazing into my eyes.

I pressed my lips to hers, and poured all the love I felt for her. Twilight kissed me back with equal fervor. I felt the love I turned away from earlier come flooding back. I don’t care if she’s immortal! I don’t care that she’s a princess now! I love Twilight with all my heart! I’ll never turn away from her again!

Our kiss broke and I felt tears falling from my own eyes. “I love you, Twilight, I never stopped loving you.”

“Private, I’m not going to become immortal,” she said, a wide smile on her face. “I’d rather live for a little while with you, than a millennia without you.”

“Twilight, if these ropes weren’t holding us back I’d kiss you to death,” I smiled.

“You don’t wanna do that, silly willy,” Pinkie said with a huge grin on her mug.

“Well, ain’t ya a sweetheart?” AJ said, as the others came out from their hiding spot.

“How long were you all listening?!” Twilight yelled as both of our faces turned scarlet.

“Long enough to know you two are finally back,” Rainbow grinned.

Fluttershy then walked up to us. She smiled and said. “I’m happy for you two, don’t ever fight like that again.”

“We won’t Fluttershy.” I promised, nuzzling Twilight.

Twilight returned my nuzzle, and then said, “Would somepony untie us so I can kiss this stallion better?”

“Have at ‘im, Twi,” laughed AJ as she went to untie us.

Twilight subsequently glomped me and kissed me lovingly. I held her in my forelegs, all the mares were giggling around us, but I barely heard them. I had Twilight back, and I was the happiest stallion in the world.

Now, to make sure there is a world for us to live in...