• Published 18th Feb 2012
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Professor Layton and the Equestrian Silence - Crystal Blue

Professor Layton is drawn into Equestria by the Royal Pony Sisters, for a unique mystery...

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Prologue: The Vanishing Dusk

Professor Layton

and the Equestrian Silence

By Russell Smith

“Crystal Blue”

Prologue: The Vanishing Dusk

The sun shone weakly on the rustic houses of Ponyville. A light yet apparent mist had descended on the town, and Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. With the boisterous Pegasus caught in her hometown of Cloudsdale preparing for the upcoming Best Flyer Competition, the skies were a little more unkempt than what was to be expected.

A large tree stood at the top end of the town. Upon closer inspection, a door and windows could be found dotted in strategic places around the trunk, and a balcony stood proudly from a main branch, facing towards Princess Celestia’s dawn. The interior of the tree was hollowed out, and positively coated in tomes, bound in jackets of multiple colours and shades. In the centre of the room wandered a young lavender unicorn, complete with a straight-cut mane and tail, comprising of a deep indigo with a streak of pink and a lighter purple. The unicorn Twilight Sparkle was setting her affairs in order, preparing saddlebags with enough scrolls, quills and ink to form a lengthy essay.

“Spike!” she called, awaiting the patter of her assistant’s feet from the next room. Sure enough, the door opened revealing a wide-eyed young dragon of purple and green colouring. Spike was struggling to maintain his balance, carrying a stack of books twice his height. He let out a despondent huff, before placing the stack carefully on the wooden floor.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Are you sure you can look after the library on your own while I’m gone?”

“Twilight,” Spike sighed, “I’ve looked after the library before on my own. You need to stop worrying too much. I don’t think you’d look good breaking out in a sweat in front of the Princesses.” Twilight thought to herself for a moment before closing her eyes and smiling.

“You’re right. I must be presentable. Besides, if Rarity got wind of me looking less than my best in front of royalty, I’ll end up being given a lecture on fashion again. As much as I appreciate her input, I don’t think I can sit through another one of those. Right, Spike?” The mare turned to the dragon, only to find that he had zoned out. “Spike? Ponyville to Spike, do you copy?” It was no good. Spike’s focus had evaporated at the mere mention of Twilight’s fashionable fellow unicorn friend, to the point that his heartbeat was audible and his tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth.

The pony frowned and shook her head. Her horn glowed red, and levitated Spike side to side quickly to shake him out of his stupor. Once he put his feet back on the floor, it took him a couple of seconds to regain his balance.

“Hey! Why’d you do that? Give me a warning next time!”

“You were in a Rarity trance again, weren’t you?” Spike resisted the urge to drift off in his head again, but couldn’t stop himself from blushing and comforting his own tail.

“Yeah...” Twilight grinned knowingly and rolled her eyes at her number one assistant’s indefinite infatuation.

“Right, I must go now. Two weeks of advanced studying await me. Ooh, I can’t wait!” The squeak in the student’s voice spoke volumes about her enthusiasm. “Don’t forget to send me letters, now.” Twilight reached a hoof around Spike’s neck and pressed her right cheek to his left.

“I promise. Now go on, Twilight! You’re gonna miss your ride if you get too snugly with my scales.” Twilight stood bolt upright, before bringing the front door open with the greatest of magical ease. At the threshold, she turned to the dragon again, a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, before heading out and bringing the door to a close.

A beautiful golden royal carriage awaited Twilight Sparkle, with four royal Pegasus guards hitched to the front. Interestingly enough it was a complete carriage, roof, doors and all. The lavender pony smiled, before cracking the carriage door and climbing inside, the array of stars adorning her flank catching the light one last time before the carriage was sealed. All set, the pegasi lifted the carriage from the grass beneath and made a beeline for Canterlot, the royal marble city.

Twilight drew the red velvet curtains and sat relaxed in the carriage, her eyes closed. She imagined the beautiful conjuring she would be able to practice and perform under the guidance of Celestia and Luna.

“Twilight Sparkle,” an indignant voice spat out the unicorn’s name. Twilight’s eyes shot open, looking for the source. The carriage’s interior was now pitch black, rather than the red light which originally penetrated the drapes.

“Wha- wha- Who are you?! How did you get in here?”

“It’s has been too long, Miss Sparkle,” the angry tone continued. "Some issues must be addressed in my life, and thus, I must address my issues with you. Only then can I truly dominate this land in the way I intended!” As soon as the voice had spoken, a blinding white light filled the inside of the carriage, swallowing Twilight whole. She couldn’t even grab a sight of her assailant.

The now-empty carriage touched down in the city square of the marble marvel that was Canterlot. Princesses Celestia and Luna, unaware of the happenings mid-flight, wore smiles of pride to see the gifted unicorn again. One of the towing Pegasus guards opened the golden door. Any trace of a smile either sister wore was quickly erased upon finding the carriage bear, no Twilight Sparkle to be seen.

“H-how could this happen?!” Luna was barely able to control herself. "Where did thy student go, sister?”

“I... I don’t know...” Celestia was aghast at the turn of events. “Did something happen on the journey?”

“This is a matter of the gravest urgency.”

“Indeed. But I have a dreadful feeling this is no isolated case. It’s too well-planned.”

“So what do we do, older sister?”

“We must launch an investigation.”

“But how? Our sharpest mind vanished from that very carriage, and we have too many royal duties to perform!” Luna had made her point, and Celestia stood deep in thought.

“It looks like we’ll need help from... further afield.”

“Does Appeloosa have investigators with such prowess?!”

“Further afield than that, Luna.” Celestia looked upon the carriage with mirth. “Much further afield...”