• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 2,374 Views, 78 Comments

Becoming Daring Do - ThunderChaserCreate

When Rainbow Dash gets roped into an impersonation gig involving Daring Do, things manage to get out of hoof rather quickly.

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Adventure Unfolds

As I gazed about the room, several things jumped out at me. The first things I saw were the hideous wood carvings. Images of animals killing ponies, statues of horrifically deformed ponies being slain in awful ways were immortalized in excruciating detail. I winced at the sight, but there was more too it than that.

It was almost like they were too perfect. They seemed more like snapshots than reproductions, the expressions too real and the faces too perfect.

Which lead me to my second discovery.

I approached of of the statues, trying to get a closer look at the detailing, when a single tear slipped down its cheek. It followed a well-known trail, leaving the wood just a tiny bit darker as it traced that path.

I stumbled backward, falling into Soarin. "O-oh my god... they're real... these ponies are real!" I screamed, trying to regain my balance.

"That they are. Well done, Miss Do." The Trottingham accented voice echoed around the chamber. The figure dropped from an entrance in the ceiling, but barely made a sound. "Of course, it was all rather obvious, don't you think?"

The three of us looked around, frantically searching for the sinister voice.

"Oh, honestly. Stop with the dramatics."

"That's not Ahuizotl..." I whispered.

Claws clicked on the stone floor, and a shadowy figure emerged. The whole of the creature was in shades of black and grey, even the featherless front feet. They were covered by saggy grey skin that clung to its very bones. Below that were curved black claws, looking like tiny scythes attached to his toes. Two golden eyes glinted in the darkness, and below them was a severe beak that smirked at us. The top of his head was adorned by three large feathers sticking almost straight up in the air.

He jumped down from the small ledge he was on, allowing the light from our candle to shine on the glossy black fur that covered his back half. He was a griffon. But not a typical griffon. He looked less like an eagle-lion cross and more like hawk-panther cross.

"Surprise! Did you miss me?" his words oozed with smugness.

"I... I don't know who you are..." I murmured.

The griffon clicked his tongue. "Forgotten so soon, have we?"

His tail brushed under my chin, and I swatted it away. "I. Don't. Know you." I said, firmer.

The smirk became a grimace. "Balder!" He spat, but quickly regained his composure. He sighed, not seeing even a glimmer of recognition in my face. "Oh, bother. It seems Ahuizotl isn't as... mmph, 'studious' as I had hoped."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, he works under me. My command. Everything he has done has been under my direction."

"... What?"

"Oh, come on! Do you really believe a creature that stupid could do all that? It was me! Every time, all of your triumphs, they have been over me!" He screamed, his beak pressing into my snout. I stood firm. "But not this time... you've stumbled upon something big, Miss Do. Bigger than you, bigger than your weak companions, and bigger than that oaf Ahiuzotl. This time, you are nose-to-beak with me, and you will lose." His voice became little more than a breath. "In fact, you've already lost."

Balder backed slowly toward the opening he came from, reaching up to snatch a rock out of the ceiling. "Farewell, Miss Do. I pray we never meet again." He spread his huge wings, taking off in one powerful beat.

A deep rumble filled our ears as pebbles started to bounce down the walls of the cavern. At first, we were so dumbstruck by the information laid before we didn't move. But a large stalactite dropped from the darkness above us, embedding itself in the wet earth between Soarin and I.

That was enough of a reality check.

I grabbed Scootaloo, tossing her onto my back and scanning for the exit Balder had used.

"There! There it is!" I shouted over the rumbling. "We're going to have to fly out!"

"I can't! I lost my wings, remember?" Soarin replied, looking very distressed.

I could feel my breathing speeding up as I tried to figure a way out. It seemed impossible. But... what would Daring do? She'd think of something incredibly clever and haul herself out at the very last second. But I didn't have a mind like hers. She was made up. Nopony was actually like her, it was impossible.

Then I thought of something. "Scoots! You have to fly!"

"B-but I can't!"

"Small Fry can!"

Scootaloo was silent. She looked at her wings, wondering what power in Equestria could possibly lift her through the exit. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Hurry!" Soarin panicked, a large piece of rock narrowly missing his flank.

The tiny filly's wings started to flap. They moved faster and faster, making a small sound like a hummingbird. I could feel her weight lessening as she began to take off. When suddenly--

"I'm flying!" She shrieked, hovering just above me.

"Well, MOVE!" I yelled, giving her a shove. I know it seems mean, but the world was literally crumbling around us. Not a good time.

I turned to Soarin. "I need to carry you." I knew before I said it that it wasn't going to go over well.

"Uh... maybe I can climb up!" he suggested.

"Get over here!" I leapt on him, getting my hooves around his chest. I launched myself off the ground, hauling the full weight of his non-pegasus bones up through the hole.

The sunlight hit me full on, and I dropped a bit. I made a beeline for some solid ground, setting down Soarin as gently as possible. He laid down right there, rolling over onto his side and trying to get his breathing under control. I let myself fall next to him, my chest heaving from the exertion and fear I had just experienced.

"Dash, I'm FLYING!" I sat up, checking the sky when a flash of orange whirled past me. It buzzed around my head before idling in front of me.

"Scoots! Y-you're... you're really doing it!" I squealed in disbelief. I put my hooves on her shoulders, wrapping her into a hug and pulling her to the ground. "I'm so proud of you," I whispered, even daring to give her a peck on the forehead. She giggled, squirming out of my grasp to continue flying about.

"What about me?" Soarin murmured, still out of breath.

"Mm... you didn't do much of anything. Sorry." I shrugged, giving him a playful punch in the shoulder.

"I conquered fears I didn't know I had." He stared up at the sky, folding his hooves behind his head. "That's a full day for anypony."

"Aw, I was just kidding. You were pretty brave back there." I chuckled. "William."

Soarin grinned, closing his eyes.

"So, who in the hoof do you think Balder was? Discord's pretty weird, but I don't think he's smart enough to create a character like that."

Soarin sighed contentedly. "I don't know, and, frankly, I don't care right now. I just want to watch the sunset and get some sleep."

I looked over at the horizon. Soarin was right, it was nearly twilight.

That's when a fact hit me: I might never see my friends again. Twilight might become a time of day instead of my best friend in the whole world. I couldn't let that happen. We had to win this.

I sniffed, feeling a lump rise in my throat. I tried to remember Applejack's accent, Pinkie's laugh, Rarity's little sighs, Fluttershy's wide and shining eyes, and Twilight's smile. I could see them all, hear them all, but I knew at some point they'd disappear if I wasn't careful.

"You okay?" Soarin sounded concerned.

"Y-yeah..." I turned away, smearing my hoof across my cheek to wipe away the tears.

"You're crying," he realized, leaning closer. "What's wrong?"

"I just... I was just getting worried about home," I explained, the lump warping my words.

"C'mere," Soarin whispered, putting a tender hoof around my shoulders and pulling me close. He pressed his cheek against my forehead, and I welcomed the warmth of the embrace. "You are going to be fine. I won't let anypony hurt you. I promise, you're going to get back home."

I sniffled again, nodding my head. "Mm-hm."

"Good." Soarin gave me a kiss on the cheek and released me. I rolled over onto my back, sliding a bit closer to him. We were quiet, just watching the triumphant Scootaloo gliding easily above us.

I almost didn't hear what Soarin said. He was so quiet, it was barely even a whisper. But I'm pretty sure I heard these words:

"Even if I don't."