• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 882 Views, 43 Comments

How to Bore a Commissioner - Shieldheart204

The tales of Shield Heart in Ponyville. He has faced several monsters and nightmares, but now his ultimate threat is sheer boredom. How will he overcome this mighty foe?

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Well that's great news! Now I think we should go someplace else, what do you propose Shield?"

Shield Heart looked surprised, his face holding his chocolate as if it were a cigarette. "I think we should go with miss Rarity. I feel out of place in this outfit and maybe a change of clothes would be welcoming sight for the people." He said as he walked out the door.

"That may be the best idea you've had in a while." Said Cadence as she exited the hospital.

Shield started his ATV again and drove. He was grateful for the silence behind him, as it helped him focus on the people around him.

To his surprise it was already noon, time really seemed to fly by in this place. They passed through Sugarcube Corner, the delicious smell of pastries filled their nostrils. And then the Commissioner's stomach began to growl.

"Would you mind if we stopped to have a quick bite first?" He asked his passengers as he slowed down.

"Sure, I suggest we go to Bluegrass Delites." Responded Twilight as she pointed out a restaurant near the town hall.

"Sounds like a plan." He said as he pulled over and killed the motor.

As with all buildings in this town, the inside was very quaint and simple. Every square meter seemed to be alive without any sort of technology, and being there really felt like being in an actual restaurant in the outskirts of Prance.

He scanned the inside and there was something, or better said someone, that attracted his attention.

At the very end a woman with light pink hair and white clothing sat eating lunch with a man who was probably in his fifties. The man had black hair with several grey hairs peppering his head and a brown suit.

He knew they looked familiar, but dared not speak with them. Instead he followed his group to a table next to the terrace.

"Welcome to Bluegrass Delites, the Gourmet restaurant of Ponyville." Said the waiter as he handed each of them a menu.

The Commissioner began reading the prices, curious if they inflated the costs just because this was a place with a fancy name.

And if they did so, he really couldn't tell. In Vanhoover he would spend the same amount on a bacon cheeseburger, extra fries and a Sparkle Cola Zero in Rocket Power.

He ordered a simple turkey ham panini. Cadence and Twilight both ordered a portobello salad, something vegetarians love ordering.

Minutes passed as he sat in silence and the women made small talk. It was mostly about trivial stuff like cribs and romance and something about Princess Celestia choosing Shining as the head of the ERG.

He had to chuckle in his mind at that idea. There was little chance that Iron Hide would resign any time soon. But he was the best candidate, after all if you're already in charge of the princesses' security you might take control of all the security on the country.

And so they ate in relative peace, undisturbed until the time for dessert came.

"Is that Shield Heart? Commissioner of Vanhoover and Brigadier of the Steel Legion?" Said a female voice behind him.

He turned around and saw the pink-haired woman in front of him. He knew he had seen her before but couldn't quite pin down her name.

"Of course he is Fleur, but I must ask what this man is doing here." Said the raven and white haired man.

Shield immediately rose from his seat. "Mr. Free Will! What a surprise to see you here with Miss Fleur Dis Lee."

"She's with me because Fancy Pants sent her as an ambassador. They're planning on expanding their clothing lines and want Rain Industries to help them with the distribution. But the real question is, why are you here?" Answered the man in the brown suit.

"That's kind of complicated." Shield started.

"He's actually the new commissioner of Ponyville." Intervened Twilight as she rose from her seat.

"Now is that right? I heard the rumors but dismissed them, now I can sleep better knowing that you are here." The man said as he turned to face the librarian and shook her hand gently, his head appeared to be searching for her name. "You're Miss Twilight Sparkle if my memory serves me right." He finally answered.

"Your memory does serve you well sir." She replied.

"You still haven't answered me sir. I thought you were out touring the world?" Intervened Shield.

"No my boy. Rain Industries is still not ready to brave the world, we still have to deal with a few bureaucratic dilemmas." Answered the elder. "Nothing to worry about, I assure you. Ive actually retired here, much more peaceful than Hollow Shades.."

"Really? I never thought an active man such as yourself would decide on a peaceful hamlet such as this." Responded the blond. "I bet good money you had moved to Manehattan."

"No my boy, Manehattan is the last place I want to live in right now." Chuckled Free Will.

Then a catchy song interrupted the conversation, the rhythmic chip-tune song emitted from one of them.

It was Shield. He pulled out a cellphone from inside his coat and answered. "This is Brigadier Shield Heart speaking." He then exited the restaurant, leaving Cadence and Twilight behind. "Fine Ex-Brigadier, you win Fire."

"I believe I must ask you to answer me some odd questions." Said Free Will as he neared the librarian.

"I hope I can answer them." She responded. Both him and Fleur sat down at their table.

"I want to know who was the idiot that thought about this idea." He said sternly as he glared at Twilight.

"Excuse me?"

"Shield Heart has several problems, and keeping him in a town where nothing ever happens is downright dangerous!"

"Are you saying Princess Celestia is an idiot?" Shot back Twilight.

"It was her?" He answered perplexed. "She has got to be out of her mind! I clearly told her that Shield was not to be removed from Vanhoover!" The man began cursing in a hushed voice.

"I'm sorry, but what's the problem with putting Shield here? This town is a great environment for him to unwind and relax." Intervened Cadence.

"Your highness, it is clear to me that you do not know who Shield Heart is. If you did you would perfectly understand why it his mere presence is a terrible risk for this town and himself." He shot back.

"Excuse me? I grew up with this man. I know that he's had a rough time and I'm confident in Princess Celestia's plan to restore him back to how he was before." Replied the Princess of Love confidently.

"Have you worked with him for the past seven years?" He glared.

"No, I've only seen him occasionally in Canterlot. But even though he has changed I know that there's still a chance we can help him out of whatever is happening with him."

"I can now see you are too naive to understand him. But I cannot speak more, Fire Storm cannot get a lot of conversation out of Shield. If you want any more information you will have to come and find me, for now I will need to leave. If he finds out about our little chat he'll be very displeased." The man stood up and started walking out.

"And one last tip. You might want to send him hunting before he gets any worst." He said grimly as he walked away.

It took Fleur a complete second to realize her companion was no longer next to her. And after recovering from her brief shock, she took off.

"Do you know what he meant by 'get worst'?" Asked a confused Twilight.

"I really don't know, but: Who does that man think he is, calling me naive and saying I don't know Shield?" Snapped Cadence.

"I really don't know. Maybe we should ask Shield, at least he can explain anything that man said."

And at that moment Shield retook his seat, his face showing disappointment.

"Some people just can't do the most basic things." He said as he covered his face with his right hand. Twilight glimpsed once more a halo in his iris.

"I told them specifically that the eight kilo black diamond we got from that dragon was specifically to be used only on the AS, and what's the first thing the do when I'm gone? They cut it up and use it on JAWs! Idiots! Don't they know that power armor is top priority in the use of rare, self-regenerating gems?" With a grunt he then shut up and called for a waiter.

A couple of seconds passed by and a petite waitress came by. "What can I get for you sir?" She asked with a cheery smile.

"Do you happen to have hazelnut cream crepes?" He asked in a disillusioned voice.

"Of course sir!" She replied. "Would you like me to bring you an order?"

"Please do so, and if you happen to have some Canterlonian fire whiskey I'll have that too. Any of you want anything?" He asked his companions. They both shook their heads. "On second thought, could you bring me a glass of Sparrow Rum and a Sparkle Cola?"

"Of course sir! So it'll be an order of hazelnut crepes, a glass of rum and a sparkle cola?"

"That's correct."

And so the waitress skipped away.

"Don't you think it's a little early to start drinking?" Asked Cadence.

"What?" He asked with an alien look on his face. "It's never late to drink! Anyways, I need to relax after hearing what they've been doing with all the loot I gave them."

"What kind of loot are we talking about?" She asked.

The order came, and as soon as the drinks were placed Shield placed half of the rum on his soda.

He took a drink.

"It was a couple of weeks ago, a category 3 green dragon nested itself near Vanhoover. So my friends and I went in, and after some failed negotiations we were forced to slay it. From his carcass, which I'm currently wearing by the way, we found out his lungs were full of miasma. This caused its aggressiveness and blocked out any sense of diplomacy. And his lair was filled to the brim with treasures, one of which was the biggest black diamond I had ever seen."

"So you kept everything? Shouldn't you have left it alone or..." Asked Twilight.

"Of course not! That black diamond alone is worth millions of bits, and is crucial to the development of better armor for my soldiers."

"What's so special about that diamond?"

"Aside from weighing eight kilos? Everything. Diamonds are the best gem to use whenever power is involved. We use them to power half of the airships in all of Equestria and most of our heavy weaponry needs diamonds as mana cores. Otherwise there won't be enough juice to power up even the basic systems."

"I didn't know gems had such an important use in the army. I thought they were mostly used for fashion purposes."

"Were is the key word." He pointed out. "Ever since we learned that gems make better bullets than the real thing we started buying mines."

"So who was that man? You seemed to know him very well."

"Mr. Free Will? Of course I know him well. He used to be the governor of Vanhoover. He retired last year when he lost the elections and then decided to begin his own company: Rain Industries. I used to work with him back in the old days. He had some pretty messed up ideals regarding safety of the people, but he was strict in a city that needed a firm hand."

"Still not clear how you know him."

Shield grunted. "I used to work for him while I was in a special SWAT division called Special Tasks Group. It was basically a group of unofficial Commissioners doing stuff too dangerous for cops and too small for the army."

"Unofficial Commissioners?"

"Better known as Auxiliaries. It's because there's a stupid law that says that there can only be one Commissioner per major city so my friends and I formed our special group. It's approved by the COD, so this isn't illegal. They actually liked the idea of a larger team of expert soldiers, but there wasn't enough major towns to justify the introduction of new recruits."

"What's the reason behind it?"

"A commissioner costs twenty thousand bits a month, so it's not exactly cheap. And since the city must provide for their every need you can imagine why it's a hassle to hire one agent."

"I imagine they still get paid for their regular jobs."

"Nobody works for free Twilight Sparkle."

"I do."

He slapped his face and sighed. "Of course you do."

He then asked for the check, afterwards they left the restaurant and headed for Rarity's shop.

He couldn't choose an outfit, since she commanded that they finished refurbishing his home before doing anything else.

And so the day ended with boring visits to various home-related shops. And half the time he wasn't even conscious, he prefer to dream about fighting dragons or something like that. It was definitely better than paying attention to three women bicker about paint and Feng Shui.

At the end of the day the blond thanked that he was finally home, for that meant that he could rest and start making plans for tomorrow.

Author's Note:

If you find any grammar mistakes, problems or doubts don't doubt to ask away!
But if you don't have anything bad to say I ask that you tell me what you liked about it, don't be shy!