• Published 7th Jul 2013
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Doctor Whooves: Nightmare in Old Equestria - sgamer82

The Seventh Doctor's visit to his former companion, Alicorn Celestia of Equestria, becomes a trek through the mind, dreams, and soul of Princess Luna to try and avert the crisis of Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

Part Six

“What started as a formless, mindless blob of dark magic has become a shadow of its host,” the Doctor said. “A creature that acts on the feelings the pony herself never would. That is Nightmare Moon. The essence of all Luna’s insecurities and desires to lash out gradually overpowering her.”

“That thing will cause neither my sister nor Equestria any further harm!” Celestia declared. “Now that we know what we face, the next order of business is to exorcise that darkness from Luna’s… from Luna’s… Where’s Luna?”

The Doctor and Edge Glimmer turned their heads immediately to look at the bed upon which Princess Luna had been sleeping when they entered. The bed was empty, and appeared as if it had been for some time. A quick look around the room saw nopony, possessed by darkness or otherwise, in the room aside from the three of them. Edge Glimmer carefully went to the bed chamber's main door and opened it. On the other side was the same guards that had opened the door for them when they first entered. Nothing seemed wrong at first glance until Edge Glimmer got a look at their eyes.

The guards’ eyes had changed, into the dark, cat-like eyes of the creature Nightmare Moon.

“Ah,” said one of the guards, a unicorn. “You’re awake. We wondered how long it would take.”

The pony spoke with a voice other than his own. It spoke with the voice of Nightmare Moon. The guard’s horn flared with a black darkness and all three ponies, even Princess Celestia, were restrained.


The three ponies struggled against the unicorn guard’s magic, amplified by the apparent possession of Nightmare Moon. Only Celestia, casting her own magic as she did, seemed to make any headway in standing. As soon as they noticed the guards’ magic focused on the Princess and forced her down again. Celestia suspected Nightmare Moon was augmenting them with her own power.

The trio’s struggle came to a sudden end when one of the tapestries suddenly flew from the wall and threw itself at the guard ponies. The spell holding the three ponies broke as the two guards concentration became focused on untangling themselves.

“Everypony! Over here!”

Celestia thought she recognized the voice. Edge Glimmer certainly did as his head snapped up to look to its source. Celestia did as well and saw a dark blue unicorn standing where a solid wall had been just a few moments prior.

Celestia, the Doctor, and Edge Glimmer got to their hooves and ran towards the unicorn. After they all passed her by she used her magic to slide a piece of stone wall that had opened inward like a doorway. Celestia’s own horn lit up, casting a spell to seal the door behind them so they couldn’t be followed. Celestia breathed a sigh of relief with the current crisis averted. She looked to the Doctor, who was simply watching Edge Glimmer and their rescuer, who were nuzzling one another.

“Meanderly, how did you find us?” Edge Glimmer asked the unicorn mare.

“I was not exactly looking for you,” she replied. “Not specifically. I was just looking in general. I had just set out to try and find anypony who was not beset by this madness that has affected the castle.”

“As usual, my love, your instincts led you to exactly the right place to go.”

“Indeed, my dear, your timing was impeccable,” the Doctor said to her, then remembering his manners lifted his hat over his head. “I’m the Doctor, pleased to meet you.”

“The Doctor?” Meanderly asked suspiciously. “That cannot be right. I met the Doctor, you look nothing like him.”

“Rest assured, Meanderly, this is the very Doctor you met previously,” Celestia assured her. “He has a distinct habit of not having the same appearance twice in a row. I have seen at least eleven different faces over the years.”

“One must change with the times,” said the Doctor with a grin. “At any rrrate, we have more pressing concerns.”

Edge Glimmer nodded and turned to his wife. The four ponies began walking through the passage, the unicorn Meanderly leading the way.

“Meanderly, what’s happening in the castle, how long has it been happening? Is the baby safe?”

“She’s fine,” Meanderly assured him. “As for your other questions, it seems everypony’s been… possessed by something. They are not acting like themselves. I am told by those I have found it has been happening since a few hours after sunset. It is almost time for the sunrise, now.”

“I’ll deal with that as soon as I can,” Celestia said. “What else can you tell us, Meanderly?”

“Not much more. I was…” the hoofmaiden cleared her throat and looked away. “I was asleep for much of what was happening.”

The Doctor instantly became alert, watching Meanderly very carefully.

“What happened as you slept?” he asked. “Did you dream?”

Meanderly froze. Celestia thought she might have seen the mare shudder. Edge Glimmer must have, as well, for he was at her side immediately.

“Yes…” She said after a moment. “At first it was some silly dream. I do not even remember it. But soon something attacked me.”

With some gentle prodding from her husband, Meanderly began to walk forward again.

“Some dark, black, shadowy… thing. I ran for what felt like forever. It chased after me. It was horrible. It felt as if the creature intended to devour me, just as in fairy tales we read to children about the monster that will gobble them up.”

“What happened then?” the Doctor pressed. “How did you escape being consumed?”

“The baby started crying,” she said simply. “It woke me up. As I tended to my child, some guards came to my chambers. I could tell immediately something was wrong with them, so I ran past them and escaped. I used the castle’s hidden passages to find a safe place for my daughter and have been finding other unafflicted ponies where I could.”

“Who else has been left unaffected?” the Doctor asked. Celestia noticed a look in his eyes. “Are you the only one looking for other ponies?”

He knows something, she realized.

“I am the only one who can,” Meanderly claimed. “I would not put anypony else I found at risk.”

“But surely somepony could at least he-” Edge Glimmer began. Meanderly interrupted him.

“The only ponies I’ve found unafflicted thus far except yourselves have been children.”

Celestia, having stayed quiet during this discussion and instead watching the Doctor, saw him nod to himself when Meanderly said that.

“Where are the children, now?” Celestia asked, entering into the conversation.

“The library,” Meanderly told them. “Specifically the hidden chamber within. I fear for how long it will remain secure.

Meanderly suddenly stopped with a gasp.

“Edge Glimmer! I must tell you something important. One of the ponies this darkness has affected… it is…”

“Princess Luna,” Edge Glimmer finished. “We know.”

“And we intend to free her from it,” the Doctor said. Celestia and Edge Glimmer nodded, too.

“Let’s get to the library for now,” Celestia told everypony. “We can check on the children you told us about and plan from there. It should also provide a place for me to raise the sun and start the day.”

Celestia thought she heard the Doctor mutter something.

“What was that Doctor?”

“Nothing, nothing at all,” the Doctor replied.

Celestia watched the Doctor as he walked ahead. Celestia could have sworn she heard him say something. She hadn’t been able to hear it clearly.

It sounded like “Assuming she’ll let you.”

* * * * *

Whinnychester Castle was built with a large number of hidden chambers and passages. This was primarily for reasons of security common to any castle, but that wasn’t the sole reason. Knowing that this castle would only be temporary, a capitol to be used until the reconstruction of Canterlot was completed, the Princesses had opted to have a little fun during the construction phase.

The castle was filled with various harmless pranks and tricks for those who walked through it carelessly. It was often just the thing to liven up an otherwise dull or frustrating day, seeing if either Celestia or Luna could get the other to fall into some little trap or other. The staff occasionally stumbled into the pitfalls and tricks, but eventually learned to avoid them.

To the sisters’ surprise, and slight annoyance, there was one pony who had never once fallen into a trapdoor, pressed a switch to make something jump out at her, nor even once fell into one of the tunnels triggered by the Organ to the Outside. No matter what happened, this pony always found her way through the castle without incident. Those times she did activate a hidden doorway, it often simply became a shortcut to whatever she was looking for in the first place.

Given Meanderly’s Cutie Mark was all about being able to find her way no matter what, the sisters realized they should never have been surprised by that.

Now, once again, that gift was employed as she led the three other ponies through the tunnels and passages without error. Not once did they encounter a guard that couldn’t be avoided and almost never did they actually have to leave the tunnels within the walls. Eventually, the four came into into an extensive library where Meanderly, without hesitation, walked over and tipped a specific chair back. Two of the library’s bookcases spread apart, exposing a door behind them.

Celestia did not realize anypony else knew of that particular room, as it was one Luna and Celestia used when they needed some time alone. Meanderly walked up to it and knocked on it three times with her hoof. Celestia heard the inside locks open up and the door creep open. They heard the voice of a colt from behind the door.

“Is that you, Meanderly?”

“It is, dear. I found some more ponies. Let us in, please.”

The door opened and everypony stepped into the private study. As Meanderly had said, everypony in the room was an adolescent or younger. All of them flocked to the Princess and began asking questions of her. All but one. A pink unicorn foal had leapt from where she sat and ran right for Edge Glimmer and Meanderly.

“Mama!” she cried out as she began nuzzling her Meanderly’s legs.

“We’re here,” she told her daughter. “Papa and I both.”

The foal moved from mother to father, who nuzzled her in return.

The Doctor stayed off to the side, leaning on his umbrella and watching the scene before him, a smile on his face. He changed his focus to where Celestia addressed the fillies and colts who had run to her. Some had cutie marks, others did not. The oldest among them was on the early side of adolescent. She had them sitting before her, and give them a basic explanation of the situation.

“My little ponies, a great darkness has taken hold of this castle,” she told them. “Princess Luna and your families are being controlled by that darkness. These ponies and myself are going to try and free everypony from that control, but there are things that must be done. First and foremost.”

Celestia’s horn lit up with her magic, outside, the dark night sky began to brighten as the sun rose and dawn shone over Equestria. The daily act was normally mundane, nothing that required a big show. She saved that for the Summer Sun Celebration or when somepony needed a bit of reassurance, as these children clearly did. The sun in the sky and the children calmed, Celestia pulled the Doctor aside.

“Professor, we need to talk.”

“Of course.”

“While we were in Luna’s mind, you were very intent on learning about Nightmare Moon’s origins. I assume that to mean you have a plan. Please, I need to know what it is. No holding back. Not this time.”

The Doctor hesitated in his answer. He was clearly thinking of how best to respond.

“Celestia… Ace… do you remember what I taught you about fixed points in time?”

The Doctor got his answer when he saw Celestia suddenly become tense.

“So tonight is a fixed point, I take it?” Celestia asked after she recovered.

“It is. Or, at the very least, the appearance and subsequent defeat of Nightmare Moon are fixed.”

“What do you mean, Professor?”

“What I mean, Ace, is that those are the only things that we truly know about this night. The details were never recorded and, if what you say is true, what is known is inaccurate. In other words, tonight’s events are fixed, but we don’t necessarily know what those events are.”

“Then there’s a way to save Luna?” Celestia asked hopefully.

“A slim chance,” the Doctor confessed. “But yes. Nightmare Moon was spawned by Luna’s darker emotions and feelings, but she has developed into an independent being. While Nightmare Moon is now influencing Luna’s behavior, she is not Luna herself any longer. That was what I had to be certain of. That the real Luna is still somewhere deep inside.”

“If we can awaken her, then, get her to fight back...” Celestia started to see where the Doctor was heading.

“That’s one option, certainly,” the Doctor nodded.

“Well, then, Professor, as I see it we have two things to do now. First is get these children out of harms way. The second is save my sister.”

The Doctor considered this.

“Are there any shelters or safe places in the castle they can go to? Preferably outside, in case a fight erupts.”

Celestia nodded.

“A few. One in particular is located outside the castle and should serve until everything is finished.”

“That will do. Meanderly is obviously adept at navigating the castle. If we send Edge Glimmer along as an escort-”

“I’d like you to go, too, Doctor.”

“Out of the question. You’ll need me to face Nightmare Moon.”

“Perhaps. But I want to face her myself first. Luna knows me. Trusts me. I might better get through to her alone than if I were with you.”

The Doctor glared at Celestia, but found himself unable to reject this logic.

“Very well. But as soon as these children are safe I have every intention of coming after you.”

Celestia surprised him with a smile.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Professor.”

* * * * *

With everypony else escorting the children, Celestia made her way to Whinnychester’s throne room. While the others were using the hidden passages of the castle to make their way outdoors, Celestia walked straight through the main corridors. She paid the mesmerized guards no heed. The guards themselves simply stood to the side, watching her. Celestia could see the eyes of Nightmare Moon looking at her through every one of them. With any luck, this meant that she wasn’t watching through any of the guards who might see the Doctor’s group. Celestia strode forward, wary of attack by any of the ponies. Under most circumstances, she wouldn’t worry at all. With Nightmare Moon apparently able to amplify a normal unicorn’s power, however, caution was well warranted.

No attack came, however, and she was able to reach the throne room without incident. At first glance, the room containing the sisters’ two thrones seemed to be empty. Celestia began to walk towards the thrones when she heard Luna’s voice.

“Stay where you are, sister!”

“Luna,” Celestia called out. “Where are you?”

“Out of sight. Out of mind. Right where you would prefer me, is it not?”

“Of course not,” Celestia replied. “Luna, when we fought Sombra-”

Do not speak that name!” Luna’s voice shouted. Celestia pressed on.

“You were aware of us in your mind before. You had to have heard us speaking. Saw what we did. Sombra infected you. Struck you with something very dark. It’s been eating away at you ever since. Luna, you need to fight its influence, before it’s truly too late.”

“Too late? Too late for what, sister? Too late to become the obedient little sister once more? Too late to resume my place in your shadow? Too late to see my night’s rejection continue?!

Celestia hadn’t expected this to go so badly so quickly.

Is she already too far gone? Celestia thought. Please, don’t let that be so.

“Luna… I’m sorry,” she said, bowing her head. “I never knew how much pain you were going through. How ignored you felt,” tears began to form in the princess’s eyes. “I love you. If I made any mistakes they were made because of that love. Not out of any ill will. I swear it! Right now, what I want is my Luna back. My wonderful, intelligent sister! Should you decide that’s not who you wish to be, then that’s fine, also. But please, before we can discuss anything… change anything... we have to remove Nightmare Moon’s influence from you and everypony else in the castle. The only one who can do that is you Luna! I beg you, resist!”

There was silence for several tense seconds until...

“What if I do not wish to resist?”


“Ever since the Crystal Empire, I’ve begun to see the truths I had once ignored. Truths I convinced myself could not be so, because of you and your so-called love. You recall our talk, up in the tower, do you not? You may yet be sincere, my sister, when you say you want me back. But what of everypony else? What of all those ponies who ignore or abuse my night?! Would they even notice?”


“They wouldn’t, sister! Nopony would even realize I was truly gone. It is you they love, you and your day! I have begun to understand that so long as the day exists, nopony will ever truly appreciate the night.”

“What are you saying?” Celestia asked. Please, don’t say what it sounds like you’re going to…

“The solution is really quite simple, sister,” Luna said. “If the day is the reason nopony will value the night, then I must take away the day. I shall bring an eternal night to Equestria!”

“Luna, listen to yourself!” Celestia began to move closer to the thrones.

“Not another step.”

Luna showed herself at last, walking out from behind the blue throne of the night.

“Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?”

Celestia stared at her sister in horror as she walked to the podium between the two thrones.

“There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess... will be me!”

With this Luna reared up and stamped the floor, a shadow emerged and grew from where her hooves struck. As it crossed them, it cracked the podium, the wall directly behind Luna, and destroyed completely the window high on that wall. From where the window used to be, Celestia briefly saw the sun she had risen before Luna’s body floated from the floor and, behind her, the moon appeared and eclipsed the sun.

As soon as the act had been committed, dark energy began swirling around Luna. The last thing Celestia saw as the shadows enveloped her sister was an expression on Luna’s face that seemed as surprised as Celestia herself was. The darkness formed a sphere around the Princess of the Night for several seconds, glowing bright then becoming utterly black before breaking open.

When it did, Celestia saw her greatest fear before her. No longer was Princess Luna the dark blue alicorn she knew. The pony before her now was a fanged, black monstrosity. The creature stood there, laughing maniacally to itself. As if she simply could not contain herself, the black alicorn shot a blast of magic from its horn, destroying a statue of Celestia and a good portion of the ceiling.

Celestia could no longer stand idle. She realized that if compassion and love were not going to appeal to Luna, she had but one route left. One thing that Luna valued above all else.

“Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!

“Luna?” the creature asked. “I am... Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!”

Nightmare Moon fired a blast of magic from her horn. Celestia dodged it and took off through one of the holes that had been blasted into the ceiling.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Nightmare Moon asked as she took to the air and gave chase.

* * * * *

The Doctor, Edge Glimmer, and Meanderly had just finished sneaking the last of the children through the castle gates when the new day suddenly turned night. To their surprise, not one guard had even tried to stop them, even when one of the kids had stumbled out in full view of one of them. She had jumped back to hiding in a panic, the guard had clearly seen it occur, and had done absolutely nothing except continue about his rounds. The Doctor filed that away in the back of his mind. He had bigger problems now.

“What’s happening?” Edge Glimmer asked.

“Eternal Night,” the Doctor told him. “Nightmare Moon is coming into her full power.”

“Are we too late?” Edge Glimmer asked. Before anypony could respond, two alicorn princesses burst out of the castle. One was immediately recognizable as Princess Celestia. The other could only be Princess Luna. She looked different, however. Her coat had gone completely black. She was also firing magic wildly, trying to hit Celestia. Celestia flew around the castle dodging every attack until one finally hit her and sent her falling back into the castle.

“Princess Celestia!” Edge Glimmer shouted. “Doctor-”

Edge Glimmer looked to where the Doctor had been standing and realized he was no longer there. Meanderly noticed, too.

“He must’ve left as soon as Celestia and that other pony appeared,” she said. “Edge Glimmer… that other pony… was that…?”

“Yes,” Edge Glimmer admitted sadly. “That looked just like the creature ‘Nightmare Moon’ we saw in the Princess’s dreams.”

“Then that thing is Princess Luna?!” Meanderly asked.

Edge Glimmer hesitated before answering. Husband and wife looked at one another for a few moments. The children were confused, unsure what was going on. The couple’s own foal moved underneath her mother for comfort.

“Go,” Meanderly told her husband. “Go to the Princess. I’ll watch the children.”


“Glimmer, the Princess needs us. We can’t both go, and I can make sure everypony gets to shelter. More importantly, you are the captain of the Princess’s guard. Go after the Doctor and do something, anything for our Princess!”

Edge Glimmer looked to his wife and daughter, nodded, and took off in the direction he had seen the fight end.

* * * * *

Nightmare Moon hovered in the air, looking down on where Celestia had fallen. She was considering whether it would be more enjoyable to go down and finish the Princess of the Day or let her come back up for more, first. Her thoughts were interrupted by the approach of a pony. She saw the off-white coat of the Doctor, in his brown jacket and umbrella.

“Good evening,” the Doctor said, raising his hat to her. “You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself.”

“I am indeed, Doctor,” Nightmare Moon replied as she landed close to him. “The night and, soon, all of Equestria will be mine. All I need do is remove a few bothersome pests from my castle.”

“Am I to prrresume I rank among those pests?”

“You do, indeed. I saw what you witnessed when you were in the dreamscape, Doctor. You knew exactly where you needed to go and how to get there. Nopony save myself has such skill in the psychic realms. You definitely need to go.”

“How much of our trek did you see?”

“Nearly all,” Nightmare Moon answered. “I could observe nearly everything, even if I did not act.”

“Or could not,” the Doctor replied pleasantly, Nightmare Moon’s expression, however, darkened with anger. “If you saw what the three of us did, then you also heard what we discussed. You know what history records this night.”

“I also know, from Celestia’s own words, that those events are impossible.”

“Yet they happen. Or, at least, something very much like them.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Did Celestia ever tell Luna about the concept of fixed points in time?”

Nightmare Moon looked at the Doctor in confusion.

“Thought not,” the Doctor said. “Time is, for the most part, in flux. Events can be affected, even completely altered, and history will find a way to work it into the overall narrative. Some points, however, are fixed. Fixed points are so because their effects on later events are so important, so profound that tampering with even one would cause untold damage to all that came after. These are the climactic battles that inspire, the great disasters and tragedies, the sacrifices heroic ponies have had to make.”

“Why do you tell me this?”

“Because I’m about to suggest tampering with a fixed point in time,” the Doctor said. “You remember what I said to Celestia? That the events of this night were not recorded beyond a few myths?”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes suddenly narrowed in speculation.

“You knew I was listening. You said all that for my benefit.” It was not a question.

“Not solely for yours,” the Doctor admitted, “but yes. I wanted you to hear that.”

“You even exploited my own memories of encounters with you… What manner of creature are you, Doctor, that you only ever make sense in hindsight.”

“A creature whose interest lies in ensuring a loved one need not suffer more than can be avoided.”

“You speak of Celestia?”

“I do. I had to hurt her very deeply once. That’s an act I don’t wish to repeat. I don’t want to see her suffer the loss of her sister. Even if doing so should put myself and the TARDIS at risk. Even if doing so should risk the very state of the universe itself. Even if doing so means robbing some of Equestria’s finest heroes of their first victory over darkness!”

“So what do you intend?”

“We leave,” the Doctor said simply. “You and I take off in the TARDIS. I’d always thought about asking if Luna wanted a go. Never got around to it. Along the way, we rrremove you, Nightmare Moon, from Luna’s body. Find you one of your own. A willing host, perhaps, or some other alternative. A way for both of you to live. Then I merely bring Luna back to the point she’s destined to return, with a few stops to visit her sister along the way.”

“And everypony lives Happily Ever After, Doctor?”

“Everypony lives, at any rate.”

“And if I were to refuse your generous offer?”

“Then one way or another, you will spend the next one thousand years locked away in the moon. Nopony wants that.”

The Doctor watched as Nightmare Moon appeared to truly consider his proposition.

“A question, Doctor. You confess that your motivations in this matter are based on your feelings for the Princess. What is to stop you from betraying our bargain? To completely destroy me once I have vacated this vessel?”

“A valid question. You’re right. This is a gamble for you. As a show of good faith, I’m willing to allow you another vessel. A willing host that will make no move to remove you beyond what we’ve agreed upon. That puts the onus to cooperate on both sides.”

“And that willing host would be?”


“Hmph. Nice try, Doctor,” Nightmare Moon said. “But do you truly expect me to believe you would sacrifice yourself so nobly? You’re far too clever to just let me take you without some way of removing me by force if necessary. Or potentially destroy me while we share your body.”

“Then how about me?” a new voice said.

“Captain?!” the Doctor exclaimed.

Edge Glimmer had reached the Doctor and Nightmare Moon. He stepped forward and took a position next to the Doctor.

“How much did you hear?” the Doctor asked.

“Enough to know you want to spare both the Princess and this creature.”

“You’re willing to risk yourself on this bargain?”

“If it means freeing my Lady from that thing’s grasp, yes I am.”

“There you have it,” the Doctor said to Nightmare Moon. “A willing host unlikely to overpower you on his own merits, no offense Captain. That should solve most of our short-term concerns long enough to formulate a permanent solution."

Nightmare Moon did not seem convinced.

“Nightmare Moon, you began life as a construct. A bit of magic with but one purpose. That purpose is moot now, but you live on. Through Luna you have gained a mind of your own. You now have one of the most precious gifts of all, the ability to choose. I warn you, however, that to choose wrongly will doom you. It does not have to be that way. With your cooperation, we can find a way for everypony involved, including yourself, to benefit. What do you say?”

There was a tense minute of silence as the dark princess considered the Doctor’s words.

“No,” she said. With that refusal, a beam of magic fired from her horn straight at the Doctor. Edge Glimmer, with reflexes honed from years of time as a guard, cast a barrier in front of the Doctor and repelled the blast. The sheer power of it made him weak in the knees.

“I do not know if I can block another one,” Edge Glimmer whispered to the Doctor. The Doctor either did not hear him or chose not to respond. He kept his eyes firmly on Nightmare Moon.

“You’re making a mistake,” he said simply.

“Am I?” Nightmare Moon replied. She left the sky and landed in front of the Doctor. The two ponies were eye-to-eye now.

“I am more powerful than anypony right now. Neither you nor Edge Glimmer can stand up to me. Not even Princess Celestia can stand up to my power. There is no reason for me to accept your offer and allow myself to be placed in a weaker body. Not when all I need do is destroy Celestia and yourself and there will be nopony able to stand up to me!”

“You’re wrong,” Nightmare Moon’s eyes narrowed at this statement. The Doctor continued.

“Celestia has the power to fight. She knows what needs to be done, understands it as well as anypony. She knows what letting ‘Nightmare Moon’ run free will mean.”

“You really think she can stop me?” Nightmare Moon scoffed. “She didn’t even try to fight me!”

The Doctor ignored Nightmare Moon and continued speaking.

“Celestia has the power to fight. And she absolutely will not do it.”

This time Nightmare Moon blinked.

“She made no move to attack during the battle we witnessed. I’d wager it was the same before the fight broke out, too. She won’t raise her magic against her family. She loves her sister too much. Even at the cost of all Equestria, at the cost of daylight itself, Celestia cannot bring herself to harm somepony she loves so dearly. She cannot bring herself to accept that burden.”

The Doctor took a breath before finishing.

“So we must help her by sharing it.”

“I already rejected your offer, Doctor. It is of no concern of mine if sweet Celestia is too weak to do what you say needs to be done! If she doesn’t wish to fight me then that will make her destruction all the easier.”

At this, the Doctor blinked as if he had only just remembered Nightmare Moon was there.

“Oh, my apologies, I actually wasn’t speaking to you any more.”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes narrowed in anger, then widened in realization.

“You believe Luna will be able to fight back?! You believe she can free herself? If that were possible do you not for a moment think she would have done so as soon as she realized what was happening?”

“Honestly? No. I do not believe that.”

Edge Glimmer’s eyes widened this time at the Doctor’s blunt admission.

“If Luna were able to actively resist Nightmare Moon’s control, she would have thrown it out a long time ago,” He told the guard captain. “It was subtle enough as a beast of instinct that Luna was too late in realizing what was happening to her. Now it’s sentient and able to act openly, its power to exert that control is greater. The only way she would be freed at this time is if Nightmare Moon were to relinquish control willingly.”

“No…” Edge Glimmer said, his ears dropping down in heartbreak.

“Yes!” Nightmare Moon cried. “You have it exactly right. Luna can do nothing, anymore! I am Princess of the Night now! The eternal night!”

“You’re wrong,” the Doctor said again. Nightmare Moon looked angry enough to send another blast of magic at him. The Doctor continued before she could.

“Luna cannot actively resist. That isn’t the same as saying she can’t resist at all. From the beginning Luna was fighting you, if only subconsciously. Why, look just down there.”

At this the Doctor pointed his umbrella down to the castle grounds. Edge Glimmer looked and saw Meanderly guiding the last of the castle’s foals into the outside shelter.

“Doctor!” he cried in outrage. “What are you doing?!”

“Demonstrating,” the Doctor replied flippantly. “Notice anything about the ponies down there, Nightmare Moon? Meanderly got lucky and woke up before you could control her, but every other pony down there has one thing in common. They are all the one thing that you have not once been able to directly harm during this whole business.”

Nightmare Moon looked to be concentrating. Edge Glimmer didn’t care, instead turning to the Doctor while the creature of the night was distracted.

“Doctor, why did you show her the children?! She’s going to-”

“Do nothing,” the Doctor said. “Look very carefully. You can see some guards in the courtyard, and not one is making any move to capture Meanderly and the children. Nor is she making any move to go after them herself. Do you remember, Captain, what you told me at the very beginning of all this? Do you remember what you said when I asked you what the victims had in common?”

Though those events had been mere hours ago, it felt like an eternity for Edge Glimmer after all that had happened. It took a few moments before he remembered what the Doctor referred to.

“Only adult ponies have been affected. There were no reports of colts or fillies being attacked!”

“Precisely!” the Doctor said. “Princess Luna, even in her darkest moment, would never allow harm to come to a child. Those most precious of dreamers, who need the most protection against nightmares. Luna has been influencing Nightmare Moon’s behavior every bit as much as the reverse,” the Doctor turned from Edge Glimmer to Nightmare Moon. “Isn’t that right, Nightmare Moon? You can’t bring yourself to harm those children?”

“Lies!” Nightmare Moon screamed, caught in a sudden fury. “I am in control! I am Princess of the Night! Luna is nothing! I am everything!”

“You’re wrong,” the Doctor told her yet again. “You are nothing. Nothing that could have been so much more. You rejected that opportunity, and now you will pay the price. If you don’t believe me, allow me to ask you this: Do you believe it a coincidence that the only attack of yours that was able to strike Celestia is also the one that sent her falling right into the chamber that stores the Elements of Harmony?”

* * * * *

Celestia’s eyes opened to nothing.

Before her was a vast white expanse. She stood and looked around. At first, it seemed there truly was nothing in this bright void. On closer inspection, she saw a figure, a pony off in the distance. As if noticing her were some kind of trigger, the pony suddenly appeared very near Celestia herself. The pony was faint, barely a shadow, as though she we was not truly there. Celestia could only make out an outline of the pony. But the outline, a pair of wings and a horn, was enough.

“Luna!” Celestia cried, for who else could it be? The shadow pony nodded.


Author's Note:

I originally planned to put up the whole finale as one chapter, make it a six parter akin to many classic Doctor Who serials. But it was running long enough I opted to scrap the idea and put the finale as parts six & seven. If all goes according to plan *heh* part seven should wrap it up. In hindsight, I think that actually fits quite nicely since I'm using the Seventh Doctor.

Also, the time the Doctor had to hurt Celestia is a reference to the pony equivalent to "The Curse of Fenric", where the Doctor had to shatter Ace's faith in him in order to defeat the villain.