• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 1,289 Views, 22 Comments

Jurassic Ponies - BeardyPie

A lesson in friendship 65 million years in the making.

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It was a calm night. Nothing but the sounds of tree frogs and the hum of flood lights filled the air around the compound where ten ponies stood awaiting the arrival of a very special cargo. The trees shook and branches snapped as a large tractor with a front loader brought forth a large cage. The tractor approached the loading dock where three ponies stood, two at the sides to guide the crate into position and one atop the docking bay to lift the gate.

"Careful now, you don't want your legs to get caught between there." said a white unicorn with a beige vest who was overseeing the process.

The loader eased the crate forward until it was in position. The two ponies on the sides stepped back as the one on top eased the gate open.

"As soon as Derpy raises the gate, you three run her forward with the shock prods until she's in the enclosure." The unicorn told three earth ponies at his side. The three walked to the back of the crate and waited until the blonde pegasus opened the gate. The animal inside hissed as the three ponies approached. Derpy slowly eased the gate open, but with the sudden shift in weight the crate slid back and Derpy lost her balance and fell. When she hit the ground, she landed with her top half facing the unicorn and crew and her bottom half in front of the crate. The creature inside the crate let out a bone chilling roar; a terrible, ferocious scream from some other more primal time. The creature sprang forward and grabbed Derpy by her leg. Derpy screamed and kicked, but to no avail. The animal began to drag her into the crate.

"Work her back!" The unicorn said, grabbing hold of Derpy trying to pull her out of the grasp of the creature. The rest of the earth ponies all ran to Derpy's aid, armed with shock prods. They began shocking the animal, but it was no use. The animal tugged on Derpy trying to loosen the white unicorn's grasp. Derpy screamed in pain as she and the unicorn both fell with release of tension between them and the animal. The sickening sound of tearing flesh and snapping bone filled the air midst the snarls and the screams from the workers. It had taken off her leg! The animal snapped at one of the prods then picked up the leg and darted into the open enclosure. One of the earth ponies slammed the gate shut. The white unicorn now laid with Derpy as she slowly faded away.

"Don't worry" The unicorn began, holding Derpy "We're getting help, it's on it's way." Derpy shook her head slowly and looked up into the unicorn's eyes. "I just don't know what went wrong."

The halls of the Canterlot palace were quiet and peaceful. Filthy Rich always felt at ease when he came here, it was a sort of serenity. The halls and tapestries always seemed to soothe him. His hoofsteps echoed through the hallway as he approached the Princess' chambers. She had summoned him; no doubt about the accident in the park last week. Things were going very smoothly up until now. "It was only a delay" he thought, and he hated delays.

He walked up to one of the guards.

"The princess requested to see me."

The guard nodded and allowed him entrance.

"Princess Celestia" Filthy Rich said bowing "May I say you're looking as regal as ever?"

The princess smiled and nodded. "You may, but I fear it will not help you as much as you'd like. I trust you know why you've been summoned?"

"About what happened in the park?"

The princess nodded. "I'm afraid I must delay the opening of your park until I can give it an inspection."

"With all do respect, princess, I can assure you that the park is perfectly safe. There's no need to-"

"Somepony died, Mr. Rich. That hardly sounds safe to me." The princess said, cutting him off. "Now, I know you'd rather not wait, but I'm afraid that's how it is going to be. Unfortunately I'm very busy with matters in the Crystal Empire and it will take at least four months before I can inspect the park."

"Four months??" Filthy Rich said slack-jawed "That won't do! The park is set to open in a few weeks, I can't halt production any longer."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rich, but until I can inspect your park for myself, production has to be shut down."

Filthy Rich thought for a moment, refusing to let the subject go. "What if a group of ponies come to sign off on the island? That way I can continue production and you can attend to your business. The main tour of the park is set to be fully functional with the opening of the park and other rides are set to be open later in the year."

The princess gave some thought to his proposal. She was getting rather annoyed at this pony in front of her. "There are adequate living arrangements?"

Filthy Rich nodded. "Of course, the main visitor lodge has many rooms prepared already with many more being built and the cafeteria is completed also."

The Princess nodded. "Yes, I suppose that would be acceptable, but I remind you, Mr. Rich, that this is a serious inspection of the stability of your park. You'll have forty-eight hours to convince my team that your park is safe for visitors. Forty-eight hours and if they're not convinced, I'm not convinced. I'll shut you down."

"Princess Celestia" Filthy Rich said grinning " when those forty-eight hours are up, I'll be accepting your apologies."

"We will see in due time, Mr. Rich." The princess replied while she began to write a letter.