• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 15,508 Views, 227 Comments

Twilight's Love - Bluecatcinema

The ongoing romance of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry.

  • ...

Twilight's Birthday

Twilight was whiling away her time reading a book. Normally, she would consider this enough to take her mind off her worries, but not this time. She couldn't get her mind off of Flash. A long-distance relationship had seemed like a good idea at the beginning, but now, the time they spent apart tore Twilight up inside. It was getting so the longer they spent apart, the less Twilight was able to function properly. She knew something had to be done, but her birthday was coming up, with Flash having promised to visit. She resolved to talk to Flash about it then. But what exactly could they do? Twilight wouldn't be able to bring herself to leave Ponyville and her friends, but she couldn't ask Flash to leave his home and career just for her. Hopefully, they could figure something out together. Just the thought of them being together at her party was a great comfort.

Twilight smiled. Pinkie Pie, of course, would be organising the party. It was bound to cheer her up. Pinkie hadn't said anything about it, so Twilight could only assume it was going to be a surprise party. The only real surprise was going to be where she and the others would spring it on her.

On the day of her birth, Twilight awoke to a beautiful morning.

"Morning, Spike." She told her assistant, who was still lying in his basket.

"Mornin', Twi." Spike yawned. "Looks like I'm the first to wish you a happy birthday."

"Yes, you are." Twilight chuckled. "Thanks, Spike."

"No problem." Spike smiled. "So, what's on the agenda for today? You gonna cut loose and relax?"

"No such luck, I'm afraid." Twilight sighed. "I have a meeting with the Mayor to discuss the next Summer Sun Celebration. Can you hold down the fort until I get back?"

"Like you've gotta ask." Spike smirked. "Good luck at your... meeting thing."

Twilight travelled to the town hall, and discussed all kinds of matters regarding the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration; decorations, refreshments, entertainment, and much more. In time, she returned to her library home. She opened the door, and was greeted by a shower of confetti and a cacophony of noisemakers, followed by a chorus of "Surprise!!"

The library was festooned with streamers and balloons, and a banner reading "Happy birthday, Twilight!" was strung across a wall. All of Twilight's friends were there. Flash, true to his word, was also in attendance.

"Guys!" Twilight cheered. "What a surprise!"

"I told you she wouldn't suspect a thing!" Pinkie boasted. "Happy b-day, Twilight!"

"Many happy returns, sugarcube." Applejack smiled.

"Hey, Twilight." Flash stepped forward. "Miss me?"

"Always." Twilght hugged him. "In fact, I wanted to talk to you about something later... in private."

"Okay." Flash nodded. "But now, we celebrate the day of your birth. Because if you hadn't born, we'd all be a lot worse off."

"Hear, hear!" Rarity agreed.

The party began in earnest. There was games, dancing, and Twilight-based reminiscing.

"Remember the time you lost it and made everypony crazy over a doll?" Rainbow chuckled.

"A doll?" Flash snorted. "Really?"

"It's a long story." Twilight cringed.

"Cake time!" Pinkie boomed, sparing Twilight from having to tell the embarassing story.

The cake had been made by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. At it's center was an image of Twilight herself, horn raised, wings open.

"Now that's a gorgeous cake!" Flash chuckled. "Almost seems a shame to eat it..."

But he did, as did the others. After they had finished the cake, it was time for the presents. Rarity gave Twilight a magnificent jeweled cloak, Fluttershy some jars of honey, fresh from the beehive. Applejack brought in an entire barrel of Sweet Apple Acres cider. Rainbow gave Twilight some weighted training bands for her wings, Pinkie had gotten her a flugelhorn, and Spike gave her a small purple crystal, which he himself had carved into an alicorn shape.

"Thanks, everypony." Twilight smiled. "These gifts are all so great."

"My turn." Flash smiled. "I don't mean to one-up anypony, but I got you two presents. The first is this."

Flash extracted a slightly worn book from his saddlebag. Twilight inspected it.

"Is this a first-edition compendium of ancient Equestrian spells?!" Twilight gasped.

"It is, indeed." Flash smiled. "I saw it in this old book shop in the Crystal Empire, and thought of you."

"Oh, thank you, Flash!" Twilight squealed.

"If you think that was good, wait'll you get my next present." Flash grinned. "It's actually from me and somepony else. It should be here any moment now..."

Spike suddenly belched, releasing magic flames that turned into a letter.

"Ah, right on schedule." Flash said cryptically.

Twilight opened the letter.

"It's from Princess Celestia." Twilight noted. "'My dearest Twilight, it has recently come to my attention that I have made a glaring oversight. Now that you are a princess, you deserve your own royal guard. We are short on available guards at the moment, but one stallion was up for the task - Flash Sentry.' Wait, what?"

"Surprise, birthday girl!" Flash beamed.

"You... when?" Twilight babbled. "How?"

"I contacted Celestia through Cadance, and asked if I could get a transfer somewhere closer to you." Flash smiled. "Next thing I know, the princess of the day's got me set up with a cottage in Ponyville, just around the corner from here. I move in this weekend."

"A transfer?" Twilight asked. "Just to be closer to me?"

"I couldn't stand the long-distance thing anymore." Flash declared. "And now, through the grace of Celestia, we can see each other every day. Some present, huh?"

"You can say that again." Twilight leapt at Flash, hugging him tightly. "The long-distance relationship was driving me crazy, too. That's what I wanted to talk to you about later."

"How about that?" Flash chuckled, returning the hug. "Guess we were really on the same page."

"This is the best present ever." Twilight sighed.

"A coltfriend's gotta do his best." Flash grinned.

"And now, I've got something for you." Twilight purred. She gave him a long, deep kiss.

"Oh, how romantic!" Rarity sighed. "Don't you think so, girls?"

"Oh, yes." Fluttershy cooed.

"Boy howdy." Applejack nodded.

"I guess so." Rainbow shrugged. "Kinda mushy, though."

"Don't know what you're complaining about." Spike groaned. "I'm the one who's probably gonna be walking in on this all the time."

"Do you know what this means?" Pinkie asked in hushed tones. "HOUSEWARMING PARTY, THIS WEEKEND!!"

The gathered ponies all chuckled at Pinkie's outburst.

"It's gonna be like this all the time, isn't it?" Flash asked.

"More or less." Twilight shrugged.

"I think I'll survive." Flash smiled. "As long as I have you."

"And you always will." Twilight beamed, moving in for another kiss.

Now there was nothing to stop Twilight from spending as much time as she liked with her beloved. That night, she went to work on an overwhelmingly grateful thank you letter to Celestia for making it possible. Afterwards, she slumped on her bed, exhausted, and dreamt of Flash all night long. It had been a birthday Twilight would never forget. Possibly even the best birthday of her life.