• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 13,909 Views, 373 Comments

Heads and Tails - Corvo

In Equestia, humans serve the ruling pony class. Their lack of magic makes it near impossible to survive on their own. But on Earth, and in many other solar systems, their strength is the pinnacle of hope...

  • ...


Luna sighed. So many dreams, thousands upon thousands, and not a single one was interesting enough for her to visit for more than two minutes. The night court itself never was interesting, so Luna spent her time simply sifting through dreams, and helping to grant restful sleep. In all honesty though, Luna was looking for something. Or rather someone.

The princess was searching for the dreams of Rifleman. He intrigued her, and anything she could learn about him would be considered a success in that department. Heck, even something similar in terms of the way he looked would be considered an accomplishment in her books. So far though her search had not been going well.

“Let’s see.” Luna’s horn, again began to glow, and suddenly she was plunged into a random dream. Taking a good look around, she quickly noticed she was at an art exhibition. A closer look revealed a filly with a paintbrush as her cutie mark, giving a presentation on art.


There was a flash, a burst of color, and suddenly Luna found her staring at...a human? Hanging from the ceiling? The dream was blurry, and shaky. As if the line between dreams and reality were blurring. She’d experienced this before.

Tired ponies. Ponies who were exhausted to near the point of passing out, and basically sleep walked their way around, we're actually still dreaming...in part anyways. This meant Luna, felt, saw and experienced everything they did. But, while she was completely Lucid, the pony experiencing them, may not be.

Feeling around herself, she quickly realized she was Twilight Sparkle. However the human in front of her was a foreign entity. There was no recollection of who he was. She watched as a blurry line suspending him in the air flew back and clicked into his wrist. The human then walked towards Twilight, and laid a hand on her head. Suddenly, the princess felt a soothing scratch behind her ear. The human’s limber fingers were massaging Twilight’s. She then felt a hand trailing down her back, and rubbing just at the base of her neck. The human the embraced the unicorn and scooped her up. The unicorn, suddenly began feeling warm, as the Human embraced her, and began rocking her back to sleep.

As he stood up, Luna became acutely aware of the Human’s height and warmth. He seemed to be much warmer than usual. The warmth combined with the scratching and rocking slowly, soothed Twilight back into unconsciousness, and the beginnings of a dream formed.

Retreating out of the purple unicorn’s mind, Luna sat wide eyed on her throne.

‘I think I witnessed something very sweet. And possibly private...’


Back at the Library, a certain purple unicorn had been soothed back to sleep by a rather nervous Elite. Twilight Sparkle was quietly snoozing in John’s arms. The elite had essentially turned himself into a giant teddy bear, and done his best to hit every sweet spot he could think of. It was much like putting the old cat he had back home to bed. He’d simply pick the little guy up, and pet him ‘till he passed out. The furball was the cutest when he was asleep. Twilight was no different. She had curled herself into a ball, much like Patchwork would when he fell asleep. The mare looked so fragile. Like she would break if he hugged her too tight. It was rather nostalgic. Almost alarmingly so.

John gave a very unmasculine coo at the thought of his cat. Snapping back to reality, he looked at the sleepy unicorn.

‘I’m glad I didn’t have to knock her out. Hitting people for no reason isn’t my thing...even if they are stuck up at times.’

Another minute of awkward staring…

‘She looks like a child’s toy when she’s asleep… except she’s breathing.’

As he began walking out the door, he drew multiple parallels between her and one of the oversized unicorns children always got at street fairs. But for every similarity, there was the odd fact that this creature was actually alive. It honestly amazed him. With the various specimens he’d seen, he thought that the universe held no more surprises. But time and time again he was proved wrong.

Reaching the unicorns room, he walked up to the messy bed, taking care not to wake Spike as he moved about. Gently placing her on the bed, John grabbed the blankets, which were still warm, and tucked the unicorn in. He quickly ruffled her mane, and made for the door. Before he would reach it, he heard a quiet, groggy, whisper.

“Thanks BBBFF…”

‘BBBFF? The hell is that supposed to mean?’

Shrugging, John quietly closed the door, and made his way back to his room. The Elite slept soundly that night. But he did learn his lesson. “Never use a grappling hook when spying on purple unicorns that live in trees…” Or so his personal log said.


“Honestly Twilight, I don’t need a Human. I don’t,” Said a flustered Rarity, as she ran about, magicly assembling dresses and hats. “I already have Sweetie Belle to worry about. Adding a human to that list isn’t going to help me. Not to mention I have a HUGE order to fill for a shop that wants to carry my fall line!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. After she’d gotten ready that morning, she’d asked Punch to go help Spike pick up some supplies. The unicorn had found John’s behaviour a lot more unusual, compared to before. He seemed a bit more wary around her, but at the same time, slightly more protective. She’d dropped a cup, and both he and Spike had made their way over to her to make sure she was alright. Spike was expected, but John, with the way he’d been acting, had been a bit of a pleasent surprise.

After the usual events of the morning, she ended up making her way over to Rarity’s boutique, in hopes of convincing her friend to essentially form a contract with John.

“Come on, Rarity. You haven’t even met him yet.”

“Twilight, Humans require care and tolerance. They’re like children. I don’t have time to rase one.”

“Will you at least spend a day or two with him before you say something like that?”

The white pony eyed Twilight for a moment “I never thought I’d hear the day you’d say something like that, Twilight…”

“Just goes to show how impactful conversation can be with him… He’s really interesting.”

“Is he well behaved? Does he understand rules?”

“I assure you, he does.”

The items floating in the air stopped their intricate assembly of ensembles. Slowly they floated to the ground, and the blue glow around them vanished.

“Fine. I’ll meet him. But only because you speak so highly of him. John was his name...correct?”

Twilight nodded, as she trotted out the door. Rarity sighed and quickly followed.


As the pair of unicorns waited outside, they looked about for the human. He’d agreed to meet Twilight at the boutique at roughly noon, but as she looked around she couldn’t spot the towering frame of the human. All she saw were ponies going about their days, with the occasional meek man or woman following behind them. As she watched them, she noticed a critical difference in their behavior. Most humans quietly followed their caretakers and essentially did their bidding in an attempt to keep them happy. John seemed more inclined to worry about himself than others. On top of that, he didn’t exhibit the same sense of submission as the other humans.

Sighing Twilight scanned around again, as Rarity impatiently began to tap a hoof. Suddenly the purple unicorn noticed him. Most humans were keeping toward their caretakers, and walking hunchbacked, almost fearfully. But John, with his huge frame, was standing straight up. He was walking with his head up, towards Carousel Boutique. He exuded a sense of confidence and power much like Celestia did when she walked about. However, John’s aura was more invasive and oppressing. Almost drill sergeant like when compared to the Princess’. Despite this, he had a smile plastered across his face as he made his way towards them.

Rarity, who had expected another tiny meek looking human, looked rather wide eyed at the stark difference between John and the humans she was used to seeing. It was astounding the way the Elite carried himself. But at the same time, he was still a human…

“Hello Twilight…” He turned to look towards Rarity, who quickly regained her composure and ‘humphed’ then looked away. “You must be Rarity. Correct?” The unicorn continued paying him no mind. The more she ignored him, the more annoyed he grew. His presence wasn’t something that was normally taken lightly. As he stood and glared daggers, and the tension grew, Twilight attempted to defuse the situation.

“Hey, come on, we can all behave like adults, right? Say something Rarity. ” When the she didn’t reply, Twilight leaned in and hissed “You said you’d meet him! Please! Say something!”

Punch’s face began to take on a frown and he took a step forward, advancing towards the unicorn. Then putting on his best ‘you hurt my feelings’ voice John asked “Was it something I said?”

Twilight, looked up at John and quickly shook her head, then nudged Rarity. The mare huffed, then looked towards Punch, a frown on her face. As she stared at him she began to notice just how small she was compared to him. The white unicorn barely made it to his hip.

“Yes. I am Rarity...and you, must be Johnathan Punch.”

John’s frown deepened. “Don’t call me that.” he snapped, any trace of the fake sadness gone.‘Only Sasha calls me that.’

Rarity simply rolled her eyes. “So what was it that you did before?”

“I’m a short term contracter,” he said, plainly. The unicorn’s eyes widened, and she gasped before turning towards Twilight.

“A short term contracter!? You think I need someone like him?” She muttered in an angry whisper. Twilight gave her a confused look, but then it snapped into place. She was thinking he rented himself out as a breeder. Considering his physique it would make sense, but with the way he acted, it was unlikely. Not to mention the fact that John had already said he worked mostly as a freelancer…

Shooting him a glare, Twilight gasped. “You told me you’re a freelancer! Not a- a baby maker!”

The Elite stared at her for a moment, and his right eye began to twitch. “No. No, I don’t do that.” he said, annoyance growing.

“You just said you were a Freelancer not...that!” shouted Twilight, attempting to avoid the taboo phrase.

John held up his arms defensively. “Hey, Pinkie made me think they meant the same thing, and none of you reacted then!”

Twilight blinked. “You really aren’t from around here!”

“So what? Okay, forget where I’m from. What’s the difference between a freelancer and a… contracter?” asked John, afraid to set off the unicorn again.

Rarity had watched the entire exchange wide eyed and full of confusion. All she had wanted to know was what his job was. Suddenly she’d been caught up in the middle of some sort of terminology argument. As she listened to the pair talk openly about such...taboo subjects a blush grew across her face until finally she lost it. “Stop it! The both of you! This is not the time, nor the place to speak of such...things.” She said the last word like it was a curse, spitting it out rather than simply saying it. “Listen, I don’t need a Contracter, or a Human to give me trouble. Okay?”

John looked towards Rarity and gave her a kind smile. “Okay. Look, if you don’t want me around, I’ll do my best to stay out of your way. I just need a place to sleep.”

Rarity sighed. “I suppose I could give you a place to stay for a few nights...but as soon as you find somepony who actually wants you, you’re out!”

John gave her a fake frown. “Well...alright. But can I still come and visit?”

Rarity stared at him a moment and shook her head. “Absolutely not! I don’t need a filthy beast parading about my home!”

‘Wow...brutal. Well I guess the innocent unconditional love thing doesn’t work on her, like it does with Twilight.’

“Fine.” stated John dryly. ‘I like Twilight better...she’s not an imbecile. And she’s purple.’

Turning towards the purple unicorn he smiled at her, and got on his knees so he was on the same level as the mare. John then reached out and wrapped his arms around her. The mare, simply sat in Johns embrace for a moment before muttering “Idiot,”. Then she did something that completely caught the Elite off guard. For a brief moment, she put one of her own hooves around Punch’s neck.

After their rather awkward hug, the pair split apart, and Punch cast his gaze towards Rarity. She had a look of surprise, and slight confusion plastered across her face. “Are you both that close?”

John shook his head. “Not really. But I heard that hugs are fun-o-riffic. Especially when you throw one around a friend.” Twilight eyed him and giggled as she realized the Elite was echoing Pinkie Pie.

Reascending to his full height, Punch gestured behind him. “I’m going to go get my clothes.” muttered John.

As he walked off, Twilight turned to Rarity, and asked “Well what did you think of him?”

“I suppose he’s one of the better human’s I’ve talked to. But he’s kind of thick headed.”

“Actually he’s very well read. He notices things that most humans and some ponies wouldn’t. But yes. He is thick headed at times… would you like me to write a contract?”

Rarity thought it through for a moment, and then nodded “Sure, I suppose a one month contract could work. But I beg of you, please lean the contract towards me. I don’t want him pulling some crazy stunt, and pawning it off on me.”

Leaning. It was a simple concept. Make the contract favor one side or the other. In Ponyville, most contracts were what were known as ‘unleaned’, with the exception of Applejack’s and Fluttershy’s contracts, which was leaned in the pony’s favor. The cases where the contract favored a human rather than a pony were rare. But they did exist. Normally in cases where a human was caring for an elderly pony. The contract gave the human more rights, allowing them to do things with the same status as a pony, without fear of persecution by guards.

To kind of counter the leaning process, there was a system Celestia had implemented known as a bonding period. The heavier the lean, the longer one would have to spend getting to know the human they were engaging. The goal was to prevent abuse, and it had worked wonders. There were even documented cases where the bonding time lead to a romantic relationship. It was very rare. But it had happened.

Twilight sighed. “I’ll lean it. I’ll be back with a draft in a few hours. ‘till then, make sure that you try and talk to him. It’ll make the bonding time easier.” The unicorn turned and began trotting towards the library, but quickly remembered something important, “Oh! Rarity!”

“Yes darling?”

“I just have to tell you...he’s very confrontational. If he thinks that you don’t like something, he’ll ask you why. And nothing is off limits to him. He did it to me, it was probably the most uncomfortable conversation I’ve had.”

Rarity’s eyebrows shot up. ‘odd...’ She then nodded in understanding and turned around, walking back to her shop.


High up in the northern mountains of the gryffon kingdoms, captain of the SAI squad Viktor Reiss was sitting just outside the huge capital city of Oldalae. Being such a large establishment, the USSF had sent out six SAI’s, in order to collect information about the city. Due to the abundance of units there, they gathered intell in a matter of a few hours.

They had learned that the city itself was quite odd. Part of it was out on the side of the mountain, similar to the pony city that had been reported, Canterlot. Rather than being white stone, it was instead grey rock, and gold-colored metal, probably brass. This was the main living area. Humans, and griffons alike lived here. Discrimination was very low, and most seemed friendly with one another.

Most of what seemed to be the palace was actually carved into the mountain itself. The rest of the city was built on clouds, meaning the top of the mountain always had a cloud covering. One that not only hid the city, but helped to regulate temperature throughout it. The Monarch's sensors were easily able to pick out the city. Even so, based on the technology available around these parts, the design was impressive.

Most humans couldn’t access the cloud parts alone, so instead, they asked griffons to give them ride. The process was very ceremonial and intricate, but the SAI had decided that it wasn’t worth learning, due to the fact that they could get all the information they needed with ultrasound sensors.

Viktor was currently in a conference call with Lee, and other members of the bridge, which was broadcasted through a suitcase, very similar to John’s.

“Well, they’re adjusted to us. They still have national secrets, and their relationship with Pony race is rather offhanded,” Lee summarized

“I recommend revealing ourselves to them. They already have a respect for what humans here can do. What if we showed them one of our dropships?” asked Viktor, “First contact would be quick and easy. Send in a research crew, in a dropship.”

“Wha’ about the ‘umans ‘hat are ‘here?” asked Lori, the chief engineer. She was small woman, with a thick Th'anan accent, a result of having grown up on a non-human planet. “Wha’ll ‘ey say? We can’t jus’ rush in.”

Viktor nodded “I didn’t think of that… I suppose just talking to the queen alone, and getting her to come up to the Monarch would be good. The usual ‘Explain and Reveal.”

Lee nodded. “Tried and true. I like it. But I have to ask, Why the alternate method?”

Viktor shrugged, “I thought maybe we could do this faster.”

Lee shook his head, “I see. Well, I need to get going. I’m expecting a call from a deployed Elite.”

“The initial deployment? The one you sent to that tiny town, near the pony capital?”

“Yep. I thought that it’d be a good place to put him. I know he’s a troublemaker, but I also know that he’s a bloody brilliant strategist, he can think on his feet. He was on 214, you know.”

Vik’s eyes widened in surprise. The events on 214 were considered some of the worst in the USSF’s career. They had almost lost a colonizer ship, known as the USSF Starwatch. It had actually held the title of most advanced ship, before the Monarch was launched.

Sighing he shook his head, “Damn. He must be something.”

Lee nodded “Oh, you bet he is. How soon can you get a meeting with the Gryphon’s ruler?”

Vik thought for a moment, “Well, between the six of us, I suppose we could get one in a few hours.”

Lee stared at them through the screen for a moment. “Okay… my conference can wait. How will you manage to pull this off?”

“When we came here, we went ahead and got out hands on a bunch of legal documents. We fed them some bullshit about being from Equestria, and wanting to know the laws for if we were to move. I looked through their papers. Turns out if you have a large, organized, group of more than five hundred creatures or have information concerning the safety of the kingdom, you basically get the priority box.”

Lee nodded. “Okay, I like the sound of this. Keep going.”

Viktor smiled. “Good to hear, sir. I’m going to claim I’m a representative of a different nation, and essentially demand a meeting as a diplomat.”

“There are no human settlements on the planet. What if they call your bluff?”

The SAI gave a thumbs up “I’ve got that down too. Then I play the threat card, and we fly a drop ship in, at low orbit. Just close enough for them to see it if they look through a telescope.”

Lee smiled. “Sounds good. Get that meeting Viktor, I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Yes sir!”


Author's Note:

Yep...the griffons are going to get involved.

As always huge thanks to The Ruminative Ape known as Narlepoax III

So. Let me give you a hint as to what's going to happen next chapter. It's going to be titled. "Putting Your Hoof Down."

What do you all think ? Oh yeah, and there's also Rarity's and John's bonding period to look forward to. uummm...I don't have to change the rating because of this chapter do I?

Also one last question. Do you guys want more on general Human/pony relationship, like how I explained Leaning, or do you just want me to skip that and get on with the story?

Happy Friday!