• Member Since 31st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 19th


Comments ( 476 )

Both of my parents were military I wont need the wiki link. Deffinetly an interesting description I'll make sure to put this on my read later list

Semper Fi, Devildog.

Rah, yut, yut Devildog! you're not the only active duty Jarhead on this site, you've got a favorite and follow in this marine.

Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 11th, 2013

Ah yes, the towers. I remember that day. I was in the air, heading to MCT at Camp Geiger. Those planes took off two ahead, and one behind me. Parents were terrified.

Semper Fi from a formerly Active Duty US Marine! And that line about leaking vehicles? Probably been around since the first Marine ever set foot on a copter of any kind. :D My one pondering about this fic so far, though, is... did Twilight have any connection to the purple storm inside the osprey? And if so... will Cpl Sinder ever forgive her?

2857262 All in due time, brother. All in due time.

That escalated quickly...

Otherwise, good job! I look forward to seeing more of this.

She used her

turn the doorknob, but before
she exited, she turned to him.

"Just for the record, you

nothing to

conscious about there big guy."
and with that she slipped out
the door.

Jason felt a slight relief at
the comment. At least...she...

Wait, WHAT?!?

Glorious, simply Glorious.

I have serious issues with some random ass POG being attached to a unit to clear out a town with suspected AQ. What, were they going to run out of staples or something? For that matter, why would that be a job for regular grunts? AQ is usually handled by Special Forces.

2865326 Fair points, but the helo crash makes for a better story than "the supply guy was fuckin around with GCSS one day and then *poof*... talking ponies"

Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Hironoto deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Hironoto deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 14th, 2013
Comment posted by Sabban deleted Jul 14th, 2013

At the time I'm writing this, part 5 needs some serious proofreading, and part 2 (and possibly others, I wasn't reading super closely) has some jarring and unnecessary changes of tense.

Also, don't forget Chekov's Gun. I expect to see that assault rifle used for good! Or evil, if you're into that kind of writing. :twilightoops:

2874248 thanks for the input, I'll take a look at em

Whoa. What is going on with that many deleted comments?

2865326 Really? I had quite a few guys in my unit, commo btw, attached to a grunt unit for patrol purposes. This was incredibly common. Mostly because the amount of patrol units dispatched required more radiomen than they had in their own unit.


That's what cross-training is for. Sure, we had comm guys attached to us, but they were needed for fixes and whatnot at the FOBs and OPs. And you're missing the point- regular grunts will almost certainly not be the spearhead against AQ. That's what Spec Ops guys are for.

It's not beastiality if it's an alien. We can thank Captain Kirk for that information.

To start off with, a grate start to a story. i do hope to see a new chapter soon. I wonder what Twilight will think when she find out that Jason is a omnivore and needs meat from time to time. Twilight can transmute sum plats into meat? She seems to have no problem whit Jason's Guns, knowing whit there use for. I can't wate to see how Princess Celestia and Luna will react to Jason being there. I know that Twilight has sent letters to Princess Celestia and she knows that Jason is there. Will Celestia know what poled Jason helicopter to Equestria? Did Twilight have sum thing to do whit it and how will Jason react to this. After all it was bolts of purple lightning that hit his helicopter that sent them to Equestria. Keep up the good work.

Now that was a good chapter. I found that Jason worry's about Twilight being jealous fun to see. Jason is in a new world and the ponys do have herd dynamics to take in to account. It will be fun to see Jason Apology to the girls. Whit will be there reactions? Is Jason going to have more ponys try seducing him? We shall see. Keep up the good work and I do hope to see a new chapter soon.

Is Jason ever gonna get turned into a pony? Also this is a really good story.

Most of this could use some editing of punctuation and phrasing, but other than that, it's quite good!

Can you update faster?

I type when I can. I was on leave the past couple of weeks to visit my sister who just had a kid. I'll try to update a little quicker though. Thanks for the input.:twilightsmile:

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
you're making me cry man!:fluttercry:

Hmm. Possibly one of the best things she could do for him as of the end of this chapter is, when he's done, somehow fuse the rifles, helmets, and dogtags so they're not encased in anything, but won't be knocked over by animals or weather - and possibly won't be overgrown, either.

I have to agree with tranhdxrbntd, I am enjoying the story and can't what for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.


Nice to see an update! Keep up the good work!

Well, that's definitely one way to kill the mood. :rainbowderp:

Hate to spoil a good scene, but ponies are familiar with the concept of camouflage patterns, bro. The Great Dragon Migration episode had some examples of woodland camo schemes on the ponies themselves.


Still, it's a minor point at best, and so far this story is heads above most of the Soldier In Equestria type stories.

well that's one way to kill the mood:moustache:

I hope Jason does not react to badly to this new information. He just declared his love for Twilight. Was it Twilight's Magic that transported Jason's helicopter to Equestria? Besides the fact it was Magic that did the deed, was it Twilight spell?

Keep up the good work you are doing on the story. I hope to see a new chapter soon. The fax it was left on a cliff hanger has a lot to do whit it.



You are right. I had forgotten about that scene. Unfortunately it's a little late to make changes like that, as I would have to re-write a good chunk of that chapter. Thank you for the input. I appreciate any kind of constructive criticism and respect the opinions of my readers.

3113437 Like I said, it's a minor thing, bro. I really did mean it when I said this story is head and shoulders above most SiE. You have avoided most of the obvious pitfalls that stories of this type seem to founder in, and your grasp of military etiquette and lifestyle obviously come from experience. I was particularly moved by the burial scene.

If I have any real gripe about the story, it's that I feel that Twilight and Jason's relationship is (or at least was previous to this chapter, that's a hell of a cliffhanger) progressing a little too fast for me. It seems as though you are taking a somewhat Xenoverse approach to the social and sexual dynamics of Equestria, and this might explain Twilight's rapid infatuation, but again, it just seems to zip along at a breakneck pace. It doesn't feel as though there have been opportunities for Twilight to have gotten to know our young marine well enough to come to the conclusions she has about him. If they really have "clicked" as well as you say they have, it might be a good idea to have some scenes where they do so. Instead it seems to happen "off-screen" as it were, and as a result, the reader is left somewhat perplexed.

Still, I do enjoy this story, and I will be following it with interest. If I had any real suggestion prior to this chapter (I can't predict what the result of this little revelation is going to be mind you) it would be to slow things down. Let the relationship build naturally. Rushing to the "good stuff" doesn't make it better, it actually kinda lessens it a bit.

Good luck, man. You definitely have my attention.

This is why I, even a civilian, took an interest in this story. The heartfelt sincerity... :eeyup:

Bullshit She doesn't deserve forgiveness after that....Killing 27 Marines I'm suprised he didn't snap her neck in half :flutterrage: Downvoting this Story....

Wow that was good! I am happy that it had a happy ending with there relationship. I do hope you don't slap a, and they live happily ever after. I love storys that have a happy ending but I find myself asking what happens next. Is there going to be a threat to Equestria that Jason and Twilight can fix? I hate to see a good story end when there is so much potential in the story for more. I can see that Jason and Twilight have a grate Love for one another. I like to know if they can make baby's? What is going to be the princess Celestia and Luna reaction to Jason and Twilight joining. The fax that one male can have Minnie mares at the same time brings the question? Is Jason going to have more then one pony as a mate? You have made Jason out to be the perfect mate. He has his problems but is willing to change for the best. Twilight has already sad that Jason having Minnie mates is normal in Equestria. Can Jason adapt to this? It will be fun to see Jason's reactions to more mares com on to him.

I can see that most of the story has been center on Twilight and Jason, are you going to add more to the mix in this story? Princess Celestia is more like a Mom to Twilight then a teacher and wants the best for her. she has been guiding her for most of Twilight life. is she going to test Jason? It wood be fun to see if the Princess makes a pass at Jason, as a test of his commitment to Twilight. when he pass the test, can Princess Celestia and Luna stop themselves from falling in love whit Jason? To have someone that's not worshiping them. That can see them for who they are as pony. They have been put on pedestal, needing to act a certen way all the time. To have ponys and people who treat you as a normal pony must be preserved at all cost.

Princess Celestia and Luna are Immortal and this is just one page of there life. Are the Princess looking for the rite ponys to joining there Immortal sate? It must be hard to make good friends, knowing that you will lose them, as time go's by.

I look forward to the next chapter to your story. Keep up the grate work. :pinkiehappy:



Trust me man, this story is long from over. I still have ideas for more chapters and I still haven't touched on a lot of the ideas I have. Be patient my friend, and enjoy the story.:twilightsmile:

I teared up when I read the memorial. Good chapter, man.

3123871 Amen brother! She needs some form of punishment.

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