• Published 13th Jul 2013
  • 6,623 Views, 109 Comments

A Day in the Life - Comet Burst

Big Gala, Sugarsnap and Thundercloud are the three prettiest mares in a Ponyville overrun with stallions. How do they deal with that?

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Of Thundercloud

Thundercloud tucked her wings close as she dove down at the unsuspecting cloud. Her face was locked into a determined smirk as her gold eyes narrowed. She loved the feel of the wind blowing through her mane and stinging her eyes, the slight sense of vertigo and the freedom she felt in the air. The cloud didn't know how lucky it was to be permanently flying, but then again, it didn't know how unlucky it was at the same time. The black coated mare plowed through the soft cloud, the mass of water vapor trailing her as she spread her wings and caught the air, gaining lift. As she flew up, the mare spun slowly with her front hooves outstretched and eyes closed, smiling the whole time. She really loved flying.

However, the sounds of cheering and whistles brought her back down to Equestria. Stopping her ascent, the mare spun around, trying to locate the source of the cheers, pausing when she did so. Flying not too far away were two stallions on the same weather team as her, Cloudbucker and Buzz. The two were twins, both extremely light purplish-blue ponies with platinum blue manes. The two cheered rather loudly, causing Thundercloud's cheeks to redden. As quickly as she could, the mare dove to the ground and flew off, even as the stallions called and apologized for scaring her.

After landing, Thundercloud panted heavily as the other pegasi started to land. Many of them yawned widely and others rubbed their eyes, a clear sign of how early it was. Thundercloud herself started to give a yawn before a pony decided to shout in her face.

"What are you yawning for?!" came a voice that made her flinch.

Thundercloud risked opening an eye to see the angry gaze that Rainbow Blitz bore.

"Weather ponies don't yawn!" he shouted again. He meant it to be directed at everypony, but was still towering over Thundercloud when he did it.

"Hey!" came the voice of another pony, "Leave her alone!"

Both Blitz and Thundercloud turned to see who was talking, the stallion to the mare and the mare to another pony. She spun her head around, searching for the voice, but recoiled as Blitz began his shouting again.

"Okay, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that! Good work, everypony! We cleared the sky in twenty eight minutes and forty four seconds, three seconds faster than last time! Weather team, dismissed!"

The rainbow maned stallion seemed to accentuate his last word right into Thundercloud's ear before disappearing in a flash of spectrum colored light. Thundercloud moaned slightly as she rubbed her ringing ears, hoping she wasn't deaf. Around her, stallions gave her concerned looks, but flew off in hopes of getting some more sleep before beginning their day. The black mare slowly opened her eyes, hoping nopony was going to be there, but moaned a bit as Cloudbucker and Buzz gave her concerned looks.

"Hey, are you okay?" Buzz, the one with a red bandana, asked.

Cloudbucker offered a hoof, but Thundercloud rose to her hooves alone. It wasn't easy being the only mare on the weather team and she could ill afford to look weak or dainty in front of them, especially Rainbow Blitz. He wasn't too happy about her joining after she rejected his advances for two weeks straight, so she had to make sure she gave him no reason to kick her off the team. The stallions knew Blitz would never kick her off the team because she was a mare, but Thundercloud wasn't so keen on that.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled to the twins while rubbing her ear, "I just gotta get going and wake Rattle before she misses school."

"Oh, um, we could come with and help you!" Cloudbucker said as the black mare spread her wings, "Buzz makes some killer oats and buckwheat!"

"Uh huh!" Buzz joined in, "I can make other stuff too if you don't like that!"

Flapping her wings twice, Thundercloud went airborne before smiling at the twins.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can manage," she spoke in a sincere tone. Before they could protest further, the mare flapped her wings harder and flew off, straight to the little two bedroom apartment she and her little sister shared.

"Sis? Sister?"

A hoof prodded Thundercloud's side and she moaned loudly before rolling over.

"Five more minutes," she pathetically whined.

The hoof prodded again, followed by the voice.

"Sister, it's time to get up," it spoke, a hint of amusement underscoring the words.

Another moan escaped Thundercloud as she snuggled into her bed more. She was way too comfortable to get up. Instead of a prodding hoof this time, several hooves assaulted her side, causing the mare to yelp as she suddenly struggled around. The hooves kept on poking and rubbing her back, causing her to involuntary move around.

"Rattle!" she almost shouted before her wings started flapping around and feeling a rather small pony at her back. A very distinct giggling came to her and Thundercloud spun around. On her bed was the most adorable little filly, colored light gray with a dark gray mane. Her locks fell across the back of her neck as she giggled uncontrollably, opening one of her purple eyes to look at her older sister.

"I told ya you gotta get up, sis," she said before giggling again.

"Oh yeah?" Thundercloud asked, now fully awake and grinning slightly, "Then how about this?"

The little filly had no time to react as the older sibling began to tickle her. The giggling became full blown laughter as the filly squirmed, unable to stop her sister's onslaught. That lasted for about two minutes before the mare finally let the filly go, each grinning rather widely at each other.

"Are you gunna take me to school, sis?" Rattle asked with wide eyes.

Thundercloud slicked back the filly's disheveled mane and said, "Well, since you got me up..."

"Yay!" Rattle shouted as she wrapped her hooves around Thundercloud's waist. The mare smiled and hugged her back, just as happy as she could be. The filly broke the hug after a bit and tore off out of the room as the mare stretched her legs and trotted out after her. Downstairs, the young pony bounced happily as she waited for her big sister, flapping her tiny wings.

Soon enough, Rattle was in school and Thundercloud was on her own, trotting about aimlessly through town. With the weather team being her main source of income, the mare often goofed off all day or did chores. Today was one of those lucky days where she goofed off, despite the dishes piling up at home. As she walked, Thundercloud just kinda zoned out, not really thinking about anything. It wasn't a good move, however, as a sharp pain poked at her side.

"Ouch!" the mare almost shouted, drawing looks from every stallion not observing her body. She looked down to see a small light purple dragon with green spines slowly rubbing her head.

"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry!" came an unfamiliar voice, causing Thundercloud to look away. The voice got louder as an obnoxiously pink pony with a mane that looked like cotton candy appeared out of nowhere.

"Spines!" the pink pony said in a worried tone, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," the little dragon groaned as she stood up. Her bright green eyes opened as she looked up to Thundercloud, either annoyed or embarrassed. The pink pony, however, began to look over the mare, as if examining her for something.

"Uh, can I help you?" she asked unsurely.

Instantaneously, the stallion brought his face to the mare's, grinning so widely as to be ridiculous.

"Hi there, Thundercloud!" the stallion shouted into her face, "I'm Berry Bubble, in case you forgot and I would love it if you helped me!"

Thundercloud rubbed her ear again and said, "I, uh, didn't ask for your--"

"That doesn't matter!" Berry shouted, "You asked if you could help me and I'm telling you that you certainly can! You see, I have this cake here--"

He paused mid-sentence to pull a perfectly decorated three tier cake out of nowhere.

"--and it needs to be delivered to Mayor Maynot soon! However, I'm really busy right now and need to be somewhere else, so here you go, thanks again and enjoy your day!" he finished in one breath.

As soon as he stopped talking, Berry Bubble disappeared in a blur of pink as he tore off in the direction of Can-Can's Sweet Shop, leaving the cake in midair and Thundercloud dumbstruck. Before gravity decided to work again, Spines got underneath it and held the cake up, looking expectantly at Thundercloud. The mare offered a sheepish grin and tried to speak, but the little dragon's expectant face turned into a smile.

"Hey, sorry about Berry," she said, "He's not all there, if you know what I mean."

The mare's mouth opened and closed, as if what she was about to say was what Spines had just spoken.

"Tell you what," Spines continued, filling the silence, "I'll help you with this and we forget that I ran into you. Deal?"

The mare stared uncomprehendingly at the little dragon. So much had happened in such a short time that is made Thundercloud's mind spin, but she smiled awkwardly back at the dragon.

"Uh, yeah, that would be nice, I guess..."

The two began to walk away towards the center of town, each keeping quiet. It wasn't until five minutes later did Thundercloud attempt a conversation.

"So, uh, what was up with Berry? Is he always like that?" she asked.

The young dragon huffed before answering, "It's gotten worse in recent months. Ever since he met this mare named Sharp Shear, he's been unusually hyper, even for his normal self."

Thundercloud kinda leaned back at that, but gave no indication that she was fazed by that.

"So, does that mean he has a--?"

"Yup," Spines answered tonelessly. She was glad the mare next to her couldn't see the face she was making underneath the cake.

"Oh wow, that's nice." Thundercloud hazarded to say.

"Yeah well, it's made my life worse," Spines grumbled, "Dusk keeps pestering me about what mares find attractive and his friends have gone haywire trying to find a fillyfriend."

Thundercloud looked over to the dragon, unsure of what to say. At this point, only one thing flitted into her mind.

"Who's Dusk?" she asked.

Before anypony could answer, the two had reached the town square and a tan pony with glasses and a graying mane met them.

"Ah, perfect timing!" he shouted, "Bring it inside please!"

As he walked to the door, Thundercloud groaned to herself.

"What is it with stallions and shouting today?" she whined.

After placing the cake inside and walking out, Thundercloud gave a smile to Spines before talking.

"So, um, thanks for your help!"

The dragon shrugged and said, "Don't mention it. It's not like I had a lot to do today with Dusk trying out his fillykiller techniques."

"Uh huh," Thundercloud responded in a weirded out tone. "Say, why don't we go do something tonight? I'm meeting my friends over at the local spa later today, if you wanna come with."

Spines eyes lit up at the suggestion.

Author's Note:

Well, here's Thunderlane/cloud's side of the day. Hope you all like it!

P.S. Sharp Shears = Pokey Pierce. Was going to add R63 Blossomforth, but I didn't. Sue me.