• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 1,574 Views, 85 Comments

Ace Combat: Gryphon Wings - Bwaak

Ten months after the Equestrian war, the Griffin Kingdom is on a road to recovery from the tyrranical rule of Red Cyclone. But an old threat from the past threatens to plunge the whole world into chaos.

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Chapter 7: Through the Fog

Chapter 7: Through the Fog

Anything happened in the dark must come out in the light.

Sudentorian City Hall, Sudentor, Neue Belka
April 24th 2020, 2128 hrs

Kriegstreiber let out an annoyed sigh as he wrote down some paperwork in his office. He never would have thought that leading a revolutionist group would be this hard, but so far, the mercenaries. with some help of the blinded Belkan forces, managed to take Dinsmark: a city under Griffin Kingdom territory that was once part of the Principality of Belka. He was, however, displeased when Grau squadron reported that many Belkan forces were annihilated during the siege of Pisa, but this bad news was dulled by Pisa’s fall under the Belkan Army.

Hoofstio, on the other hand, had been showing some fierce resistance, despite the Belkan forces had used the city of Lumen as a spearhead to invade the small republican country. Furthermore, Hoofstio had been fortifying their defense around Airspace B7R: AKA, The Round Table.

The Belkan Army knew that if the Round Table was under their control, invading Hoofstio would be a breeze. However, The kingdom had already sent their top squadrons, along with the Equestrian Wonderbolts, to guard The Round Table from the advancing Belkan troops.

This piece of fact didn’t bother Kriegstreiber one bit. By tomorrow, he will have sent Lila Squadron along with Grau Squadron to assist the Belkans on taking over the Round Table. The two brutal mercenary squad would just be enough to snap the defense line on The Round Table.

His thoughts were interrupted when the muffled screams of Blau 1 from the isolation ward penetrated to the office. He growled as he activated the desk comm before speaking to it,

“Rohling, keep him quiet! I’m busy.”

“Right away, sir,” came Rohling’s response before Kriegstreiber turned off the comm. Seconds later, a knock was heard from the office door.

“Enter,” Kriegstreiber responded in annoyance. The door swung open, allowing a smiling Esser to enter the office. The brown griffon held a piece of meat with several bite marks on it.

“Oh, it’s you. And what the hay are you holding there?”

“Food,” Esser replied nonchalantly, taking another bite from the meat. Kriegstreiber nearly threw up at the sight.

“Ugh, this is why I hate you griffons in the first place…” he groaned as he turned around to get the disgusting image off his mind while trying to continue his work. “What do you want, Esser?”

“Nothin’,” Esser shrugged. “Just a little request to clean out some trash.”

Kriegstreiber stopped his work and turned to the brown griffon.


“Y’know what I mean,” Esser said, his psychotic smirk now widened, making Kriegstreiber uneasy. “Cap’n Blue of the pirate seas had been getting kinda cuckoo ever since Wonderfalke slashed his eye out. I suggest we put him out of his misery.”

“No! I will not allow you to kill him just because of a measly problem like his pride getting chopped into pieces like that!” Kriegstreiber yelled at the brown griffon. “We still need him for the invasion efforts.”

“Yeah, yeah, but he obviously can’t do it with him throwing tantrums all the time, now can he?” Esser smirked before taking another bite from his meal as he leaned closer to Kriegstreiber’s face. The mint unicorn only stared at Esser’s red eyes uneasily.

“He’s got a point,” he thought as Esser broke the stare and continued,

“What I’m trying to say is, rather than kill him directly, you should let him wear that Exile armor we’ve been working on,” Esser pointed out. “The less he babbles around about pride and all that nonsense and does some action more, the better.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, griffon,” a cold voice said behind him. Esser turned around and saw Grau 1 standing on the doorway. The dark blue pegasus trotted inside while continuing where he left off. “Blue may be a prideful simpleton, but he and his squadron are under my command, and I wouldn’t let him wear those death traps until I say so.”

“Yeah, sure whatever, Gray,” Esser replied cooly, clearly remained fixed with his suggestion. Grau 1, or Gray, only frowned at his response. “So, how much did your squad kill today?”

“Ten,” Gray answered. “Eight civvies, and two griffon bombers.”

“Really? Is that all?” Esser chuckled before taking another bite from his meat again. “I can easily kill two times more than your entire squad did.”

“Don’t get cocky, griffon.” Gray spoke slowly. “Despite their country’s post-war state, they still can pack a punch. I lost four fliers to those scums.”

“Just four? Hah, glorious!” Esser laughed. “That means my team will be up for the next mission!”

“In your dreams, sicko,” a sly female voice called out from the door. Gray only sighed quietly as the owner of the voice trotted beside him before resting her flank to his. “C’mon, Gray. Why did you leave me like that? Let’s go another round, just for tonight… ”

“Violet, please, I’m tired already. I’ll fight you tomorrow,” Gray tiredly stated. Violet only pouted at his response.

“Aww, you’re no fun at all…” she said in a mock filly’s voice. Her expression soon changed when she saw Esser. “As for you, freak. My team will be the one who is going to face those griffons from Aquila, not to mention I will meet my sweetheart again.”

The yellow mare sighed lovingly, silently mumbling on how she will rip Kestrel’s wings off and will hang her body on her room as her trophy and personal toy. Unfortunately, her whispers could be heard by the other occupants of the room. Kriegstreiber was mortified when he heard that, Gray just rolled his eyes, while Esser burst into a fit of laughter.

“Oh, that’s gold! Ahaha…” the brown griffon chuckled, earning a scowl from Violet. “Using her body as a toy? AHAHAHAHA!! I heard worse nonsense than that!”

However, Kriegstreiber was very annoyed on how the other mercenary leaders decided to barge into his office and babble about their personal dreams in front of him. He finally had enough and decided to shut them up, but before he could do so, a hellish shriek got to him first, and it silenced the mercenaries. Seconds later, the desk communicator beeped. Kriegstreiber quickly activated it and listened for the caller.

The caller tried to speak, but the thrashing sounds and the screaming ponies in the background kept him from doing so.

“Sir! Endlich 3’s condition is unstable!” The caller said desperately. “We have to… AH!”

He was cut off by a crashing sound, which was soon followed by a ghastly neigh from the other end. The caller regained his composure and continued.

“We have to deactivate the Exile now!”

“No, don’t deactivate it!” Kriegstreiber snapped. “Tranquilize him and while he’s subdued, reduce the armor’s output to 20 percent, that should keep him quiet.”

The mint unicorn turned off the comm before letting out a curse.

“Those fools, I gave them the proper instructions on how to handle those armors! Didn’t they read the bucking manual!?”

“Manuals are overrated, boss,” Violet stated as she sat down on the couch. “We live in the age of technology and all that. We practically can get everything we want through computers.”

“Oh, shut your mouth, battle whore,” Kriegstreiber snapped. “Honestly, I can’t even find the reason why I employed you pirates in the first place!”

“I think the reason was ‘We’re good at killing, as long you have money’.“ Esser chuckled as he patted Gray’s mane, earning a low growl from him and Kriegstreiber. “Am I right, guys?”

“Says the one who leads a mercenary squad himself,” Violet remarked, rolling her eyes. “You’re worse than us, Esser. The only thing that made Kriegstreiber let you work with us was he couldn’t help but to feel sorry for your ass when you came crawling on the doorstep begging for a job.”

“Funny, the last time I remembered, I was standing and made a deal with him like a true professional.” Esser shot back at her. He then switched his attention back at Kriegstreiber. “Anyway, aside from Blue, I was wondering on development of the S.A.I.T.N.. You know, we still need Wonderfalke’s codes for it to work.”

“For once, bird-brain has a point.” Violet stated. “Those oversized guns of yours are useless if we don’t capture that falcon.”

“No need to worry, Vi,” another voice cut in from behind them. Everyone turned their heads and saw Hog entering the room while inputting some data into his portable scanner. “I admit, the supercomputers controlling the S.A.I.T.N. were the most advanced griffon tech I’ve ever seen in all my years. The entire thing operates like four rows of hundreds of domino pieces. One wrong piece, and the entire software comes crashing down and won’t work.”

“And I’m assuming that’s the bad news?” Violet said boredly.

“Correct,” Hog nodded. “However, the system codes can be overridden completely by inputting new command keys on the original slots, which contain Wonderfalke’s fail-safe codes. I can piece together the old codes, and then erase them to put in the new codes. If my hunch is correct, I should be able to get one of those turrets working in three days.”

“Well, thank you for this piece of information, Hog,” Kriegstreiber said. “It’s a lot better than to hear these two morons bickering about their nonsense and whatnot.”

“Why thank you, sir.” Hog nodded. “I’m also here to inform you that the production of the Exile armors are now proceeding smoothly. The armors should be ready for testing within two weeks at best.”

“Good, but what about the Valkyrie?” Kriegstreiber asked.

“I’m afraid Valkyrie’s construction will be halted several times due to Wonderfalke’s dropout from the project,” Hog explained. “We tried recovering the copies of the blueprints, but Wonderfalke seems to think one step ahead of us. All of his data storage, archive, everything had been permanently deleted from the Z.O.E..”

“Tell me something I don’t know!” Kriegstreiber snapped.

“Well on the other hand, we managed to recover several fragments of the blueprints from a… well… anonymous source.” Hog explained, emphasizing the last part of his statement. All the mercenary leaders, excluding Esser, tensed when they heard that. Even Kriegstreiber couldn’t help but shiver when he heard Hog’s explanation.

“The blueprints were very vague, and I suspect that they were beta concepts of the Valkyrie. But I’m sure with a little bit of tweaks here and there, and replacing the outdated parts with the newer ones, the Valkyrie will be ready in one month.”

“Well that’s good to hear,” Kriegstreiber spoke bitterly. The mint unicorn turned around and muttered to himself, “Now, how am I going to explain to her about this… “

“Pardon?” Hog’s ears perked when he heard that last statement.

“Nothing important,” Kriegstreiber snapped at him. “Now, I kindly ask all of you to leave me alone for tonight. Please, I got a lot on my mind right now.”

Gray and Hog nodded in comply as they exited Kriegstreiber’s office without a word. Violet soon left while giggling to herself, followed suit by Esser. However, the brown griffon stopped near the door and turned around to face the mint unicorn.

“Have fun explaining this to her.” He chuckled as he threw the remaining piece of meat to the trash bin located near the desk. Esser continued to laugh as he shut the door behind him. The mint unicorn took a brief glimpse at the meat, but the sight made him gag in disgust.

“Lunatic…” Kriegstreiber muttered as he pressed a button under his desk.

Esser could hear the sound of the metallic clang when Kriegstreiber isolated himself from the rest of the world. He chuckled as he imagined the mint unicorn cowering like a wimp in front of the screen while giving pathetic excuses to her.

“Enjoying yourself?” came a familiar voice from his front. Esser squinted his eyes and saw Hog in front of him, apparently waiting for him.

“You read my mind, Hog,” Esser chuckled as the green unicorn trotted beside him. Despite the strained relations between Esser’s squad and the Murtair Militia members due to the latter’s racism towards griffons, Hog was the only pony who didn’t mind the brown griffon’s presence at all, and in turn, Esser also respected Hog’s hospitality towards him.

“So,” Esser began. “I heard that you faced two of the kingdom’s aces.”

“I did,” Hog nodded. “They were good, especially that griffon with the black feathers.”

“Black feathers, black feathers… I wonder why that sounds familiar…” Esser mused for a bit before realization struck his mind. “Ah, you must be talking about Black Star, the Ghost!”

“Black Star? You mean one of those griffons that initiated the coup that lead to the Equestrian War?” Hog concluded with Esser nodding to confirm his statement.

“The one and only.”

This left Hog mused about the black griffon’s reemergence after disappearing for ten months. He knew that it would be irrational for Black Star to just return and offer his assistance to the king who wants his head in a guillotine basket.

There must be something else that made him this way, but what?

“I sense Black Star will be a recurring nuisance for Neue Belka in the future,” Hog stated. “I would like to request to our client that we must neutralize him first.”

“Yeah, good luck on that, Hog,” Esser scoffed. “Ghunter’s too much of a moron for him to realize that one griffon could turn the entire war to the kingdom’s favor. Besides, Black Star’s not the only problem.”

“Indeed, he’s part of a squadron called “Aquila,” Hog nodded. “That squad was formed by Wonderfalke, and it consists of some of the toughest soldiers my team had ever fought.”

Esser’s ears perked when he heard the word “toughest.” “Tough” means they were strong, strong means a formidable opponent, and formidable opponent means a challenge for him and his squad. The same strange, sadistic smile formed on Esser’s beak as he thought about facing Aquila and battling them all himself.

“Hm? Is there something in your mind?” Hog asked when he noticed Esser’s smile.

“Just imagining things,” Esser responded, earning a shallow chuckle from Hog.

“I hope you’re not dreaming about ripping your foes to shreds,” Hog spoke. “Your smile reminded me of Violet’s ever since she fought against that griffoness.”

“Pfft, please, nearly everything related to killing and bloodshed turns her on,” Esser scoffed. “That whore will target everything that manages to hit her hard enough.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Hog chuckled. “But that aside, I detected an unpermitted breach on our network last night. I suspect Wonderfalke was the one who hacked the network, since he is the top leading scientist and researcher at Gründer Industries. Plus, I learned that he personally designed most of Gründer’s security systems and Z.O.E. network.”

“That old bastard still got some tricks behind his wings,” Esser commented.

“I think the word “many” will fit instead of “some.” Hog cut in. “Every Time I tried to close the breach on the firewalls, the hole stayed open. I suspect Wonderfalke may have installed a bug of some kind on the walls to prevent any attempts to close it.”

“And it leaves our network wide open for them to access and gather any information that idiot of a leader puts into his computer,” Esser concluded. “We are really knee-deep in a shithole aren’t we?”

“I’m afraid so,” Hog nodded. “For the meantime, I will try to get that wall to close again. You will deal with Aquila Squadron, but be sure to ask Kriegstreiber’s permission if you have decided on anything.”

“I will, Hog,” Esser said as he stopped and watched the green unicorn disappear into another turn on the hallway. The brown griffon then walked on the opposite direction and heads straight for the underground floors. He chuckled sinisterly as he muttered,

“I will…”

Drakenridge Mountain Range (West), En-Route to Sector T10, Griffin Kingdom
April 25th 2020, 1201 hrs

Tracking… Raubvogel Team

It was a cold day for the Griffin Kingdom forces to conduct their latest sortie. Thick dark clouds laid huddled together as far as the griffons’ eyes could see. Despite the freezing weather, Aquila, Northwind and Verde Squadrons flew to their destination through the thick clouds. All of them wore goggles to prevent ice crystals that could harm their eyes.

Following yesterday’s successful retrieval operation conducted by the allied forces, Aggrypa was brought into the kingdom’s custody and was accused of treason with a possible death sentence if he wouldn’t cooperate. The vulture griffon immediately begged Valdar for mercy and stated that he would tell everything he knew to the intel departement.

Aggrypa spit out nearly everything he could remember; it took seven grueling hours to extract the information from him, and another two hours to confirm that he was telling the truth. His words was also backed up by the scattered documents Quox and Kestrel picked up.

According to Aggrypa, his company had secretly been supplying the Neue Belkan forces with numerous techs under a death threat. He also revealed that he wasn’t the only traitor living under Valdar’s beak. Nearly fifteen corporate individuals who worked at the Asgard industrial city complex were suspected to have some kind of involvement with weapons transfer and a possible development of a W.M.D..

Interrogation Room, Gryphus, Griffin Kingdom
April 24th, 1918 hrs

Aggrypa sat quietly inside the small room lit by a single lightbulb above. His wings, talons and paws were firmly cuffed, and the only form of entertainment he had in this room was a small radio with the newspony or news griffon talking the latest news on the war.

“Despite the best efforts from the Griffin Kingdom, the city of Pisa finally fell into Belkan control after a grueling six-hour battle. The kingdom’s forces were forced to retreat and create another defensive perimeter around Gryphus to prevent the Belkan army from advancing any further.”

Aggrypa let out another bored sigh; he had heard this news over and over again, and it started make his ears hurt just by listening to every word spoken by the newspony/griffon.

“If this is the method of torture they used, they were doing a good job,” Aggrypa commented to himself to ease his boredom. After a few seconds passed by, the vulture griffon let out another sigh. He was now talking to himself.

“It’s official, I’m going crazy…”

He groaned and banged his head onto the table with a loud thud. This was quickly followed by a creak coming from the door as Valdar entered the room accompanied by two Royal Guards.

“Evening, Aggrypa,” the orange griffon began as he sat on the chair opposite of the vulture griffon. “I hope you don’t mind my absence for twenty minutes.”

“Yeah, I do mind actually,” Aggrypa sighed. “I nearly went insane with that radio blabbering about the war.”

Valdar responded by turning off the radio before he spoke to him again,

“Alright, let’s start where we left off,” he began as he puts a recorder on the table. Aggrypa took his time, but eventually started to tell the griffon king any information he might have missed. Valdar listened closely as Aggrypa told him about the underground weapons trade and the possible culprits behind them.

When Valdar decided to ask Aggrypa about S.A.I.T.N. along with the burnt paper. Aggrypa shook his head in denial after he examined the paper.

“No, I’m afraid they never told me about this,” the vulture griffon responded. In response, Valdar motioned one of Quox’s underling, a unicorn mare who went by her call sign: Sapphire, who specialized in truth and lie detecting spells, to check if he was lying or not. Sapphire confirmed that Aggrypa wasn’t lying about his involvement with S.A.I.T.N., but the vulture griffon decided to tell them what he knew regarding this enigmatic acronym.

“I may not have any involvement with this… S.A.I.T.N., but I did see the acronym typed on the papers inside the black envelope I brought during the the exchange.”

Valdar immediately told Sapphire to inform her leader to check for the black envelope. Unfortunately, the top half of the envelope was burnt to a crisp, but the bottom half remained untouched.

The bottom half mentioned the same industrial complexes, along with the individuals Aggrypa listed during his first interrogation. There were also some notes about where the weapons’ stock was being stored; it was somewhere within Sector T10. This information would provide some useful intel for Aquila’s next sortie, but Valdar would have to wait, as he had to deal with the possible traitors inside his own country.

Valdar quickly took action by sending the Royal Guards to raid the suspected complexes, but what they found there shocked them to their bones.

Nearly all of the griffon workers were encased in colorful cocoons placed in the basement. When they were freed from their gooey prisons, the workers were deep in shock, and only a minority of them could be interviewed for further details.

Most of the information gathered by the Royal Guards was sketchy, because they were unable to extract further information from even the sanest victims found inside the cocoons All of them mentioned the same words over and over again.

Sucked dry… impostors… insects… black demons… love feeder…

Valdar and many griffons knew there was only one species that fits the description.

Changelings were notorious for their vampiric lifestyle, feeding the love from a victim until they were sucked dry: leaving nothing but an empty shell. Their last recorded activity was during the royal wedding in Canterlot, where their queen, Chrysalis attempted an invasion on the Equestrian capital. The griffons were even more surprised that Celestia was beaten in an one-on-one duel with the changeling queen.

However, they were eventually thrown out from Equestria by a powerful magic blast, produced by the royal couple themselves. Their last known whereabouts were unknown, but many guessed that they were still scattered in the badlands, south of Equestria. This fact brings up the guess if some of the changelings managed to escape the badlands and ended up entering griffon territory.

There had also been some sightings of other changeling hives being led by different queens living in different parts of the world, and there’s always a possibility that a group of rogue changelings decided to leave their hive and make a living as mercenaries, mainly operating as spies.

If so, then Neue Belka would use this opportunity to hire these changelings for their covert ops, replacing the enemy’s main players and take the opposing country down from the inside.

This revelation caused quite a stir amongst the ranks as the griffon soldiers started to suspect and blame each other for being a changeling in disguise. Even Valdar was questioned if he was the real one or not. However the situation quickly died down when the GRG found no traces of changeling intrusion inside the capital.

This gave some relief to Kestrel, as she wouldn’t have to worry about anymore traitors or to some extent, disguised enemy personnel lurking inside the capital, although she was still worried about that little scrap of paper she found on Schmierfett Canyon.

That single piece of paper managed to render Valdar, Saetos and Riddle speechless when the pastel griffoness informed them about it. When she asked the trio about it, they wouldn’t answer her, shrugging her off with “we need more evidence” or something that goes the same line.

Kestrel also noticed that Black Star went just as silent as the other three when he read the paper. This made Kestrel even more suspicious about this, and she wasted no time bombarding him with all sorts of questions.

But the only legit response she ever received from him was an apathetic stare from the dark-feathered griffon before he disappeared into his quarters.

Now, with Riddle finally able to lead Aquila Squadron again, the team was sent to Area T10: the former site of the Strategic Laser Turret Platform, or better known as the Burning Talon.

“C’mon, what’s the secret?” Kestrel huffed silently to herself as the squad passed through another thick layer of clouds. Due to the region’s mountainous terrain and freezing temperatures, Quox’s 13th Unicorn Company was unable to accompany them on this sortie along with the Equestrian Royal Guards. Because of this, Valdar decided to send Northwind Squadron, which was lead by Valdar’s wingmate to aid Aquila and Verde.

Furthermore, Saetos had informed them that the radar site near Sector T10 was in need of repairs, so the operators in the Gryphus Command Center would not able to see them during this operation. Radio contacts were still possible, but Saetos’ signal was lost about 30 minutes prior due to poor weather conditions. The team was now on their own.

Seconds after Kestrel shrugged off her thoughts about the secret being kept from her, Raubvogel team began their descent into their destination. Sector T10 was still 5 minutes away, but the griffons from both teams could already see the remnants of the massive structure on the horizon.

“Alright, lads,” Riddle’s voice began on everyone’s comm. “You all know the drill, deactivate your scanners and maintain radar silence throughout the operation.”

The griffons quickly deactivated their portable scanners and the IFF signal on their comms, making them almost invisible to the enemy’s radars. The griffons continued their descent when small snow crystals began to fall around them. Thanks to their keen eyesight, the griffons could now see the ruins of the Burning Talon clearly. Around the ruins, they saw some Belkan troops carrying the weapons out from inside the caverns.

While Aquila and Verde continued their descent, Northwind Squadron dispersed with each member stationed on different locations around the ruins. Some of them hid around the crevices of the mountains, parts of the ruins and on the clouds. Northwind 1 took the highest place along with one if his wingmates. He activated his comm and spoke through it,

“This is Northwind 1 to Aquila and Verde, we’re in position, you’re clear to land on the northwest part of the ruins.”

“Roger that, Northwind 1,” Riddle responded. “Keep an eye on us up there, Aquila out.”

“This is Verde 1, roger that,” Jet added from his end. Aquila and Verde then proceed to land on their designated spot, just below the remains of the destroyed tower before making the tower’s base. Jet motioned his subordinates to spread out and cover as much ground as possible, while Aquila and Jet continued their advance towards the tower.

Riddle carefully lead his team through the crevices in order to reach the tower, resorting to their wings if the gaps were too wide or too high to reach with their own claws. Due to his weak frame, Kite was forced to fly all the way up and wait for the rest of the team to reach him.

Suddenly, Kite’s ears perked when he heard hoofsteps coming from his left. His suspicions were confirmed when Northwind 1 silently contacted them.

“Northwind 1 to Aquila, you got two hostiles moving towards your position.”

“This is Aquila, thanks for the warning,” Riddle answered as he motioned his group to cease their movement. Kite lifted off and hid behind a nearby boulder. Soon enough, two Belkan officers, a griffon and a pegasus showed up from a cave, carrying a large crate with one of Asgard’s weapons manufacturer logo written on it.

“Geez, how many of these things must we carry anyway!?” the pegasus whined, causing the griffon to groan in annoyance.

“For the last time, a dozen more!” the griffon snapped. “Honestly, if you don’t like this job, then why bother taking it in the first place?”

“I don’t know what’s worse,” the pegasus scoffed. “My mother’s nagging or you griffons’ squawks!”

“Ah, shut up, you equine filth!” the griffon squawked in response as both of them rounded the corner and disappeared from the allies’ sight. Kite let out a sigh of relief before he motioned the rest of the team to continue their climb. Riddle arrived first, followed short by Black Star and Jet, then Kestrel. Riddle quietly contacted Northwind 1 to keep an eye out for any hostiles nearing their location as his team and Jet were ready to infiltrate the cave.

“I got it,” Northwind 1 responded. “I’ll holler if there’s an enemy unit approaching. Northwind out.”

Feeling reassured, Riddle and his team entered the cave with the former leading on front. From deep inside the cave, they could hear the echoes of Belkan officers, be it griffons or ponies, squabbling at each other. Once they moved even deeper into the cave, the voices became more and more clear until the team saw a light source from the other end of the dark cave.

“Stay frosty…” Riddle quietly whispered to the griffons behind him as they moved in. The lightsource nearly blinded them when they finally reached the other end of the cave.

The griffon team peeked and saw the once massive, collapsed inner structure of the Burning Talon had been converted into a large weapons’ storage base for the Neue Belkan forces. Some parts of the Burning Talon’s structure were still at their respective places, but most of them had been completely scorched or destroyed when the the laser facility exploded. Now, most of the structures had been replaced by the natural rocks and boulders from the mountain the facility was carved into.

Jet quietly whistled in awe as they saw numerous weapons’ stockpiles being transported out of the base. He and the others could see some changelings working with the Belkan forces, confirming the former’s involvement in this war.

Unfortunately, Northwind 1 informed them that the two Belkan officers from earlier had re-entered the cave to carry out more supplies. Aquila and Jet quickly distanced themselves from the cave opening and hid behind a large boulder. Kite watched as the two officers reappeared and made their way down to pick up more supplies while still arguing with each other.

“Damn, I never knew the griffons of Belka hated their equine brothers,” Kite muttered under his breath.

“It’s racism, kid,” Black Star stated. “Still one of the greatest problems in our world.”

“It’s sad, but it’s true… “ Kestrel responded to his statement with a frown. “Even though the Princesses have introduced peace and harmony to both species, not all ponies nor griffons accepted it with open claws or hooves.”

“Just be glad that we’re not like them,” Riddle said simply. “Most of those Belkans’ minds were still clouded by their own pride, completely lost inside their own little world and unwilling to accept the bitter reality.”

“Bitter reality meaning, they had already lost their country due to their own arrogance long ago,” Jet concluded. The green griffon sighed silently before he continued. “Man, I really feel sorry for these guys.”

The team silently agreed with Jet’s conclusion. Belka’s own pride was what really brought them down during the war. The soldiers were too stubborn to retreat, and they wouldn’t accept defeat that easily, leading to the Seven Pillars.

Suddenly, Jet’s comm cracked to life as one of his subordinates, Lanner contacted him.

“Verde 5 to leader, we managed to infiltrate the base at our end,” Lanner paused for a moment. “Bloody hell, this storage base is a damn gold mine!”

“Yeah, Lanner, we can see that.” Jet responded flatly. “Remain in your position, me and Aquila squadron will try to get a closer look.”

“Roger, Verde Leader. Verde 5 out.”

Jet closed his frequency as he followed Aquila down to the storage base, hiding occasionally when enemy personnel were within range. Lanner also went down to the base with his teammates, while Jet’s other wingmates, lead by Wave, who just arrived at another end of the base’s entrance, remained on their position.

The group came to a stop as two changelings walked past them, talking and hissing about the arrival of the weapons’ transport. Riddle and the others managed to eavesdrop on their conversation and caught the numbers 13346 and the call sign Bravo.

“13346 Bravo… “ Kestrel whispered thoughtfully. “Why did that name sound familiar?”

“It’s the rogue transport that took off without permission from Asgard,” Riddle explained. “While we’re engaging those mercenaries two days ago, I caught up some transmissions coming from the command center. That transport was really in a hurry for something.”

“Bastards… “ Kestrel growled as they watched the two changelings disappear into the exit. The group moved again, finally arriving at the bottom. Lanner also informed them that they had reached the bottom as well, taking out a Belkan pony who was getting too close for comfort.

Riddle scanned the entire base, dodging occasionally to avoid any eyes from detecting him. The base was undoubtedly even bigger when they were at ground level. Using his keen eyesight, Riddle managed to detect two large containers which had some black notes attached to their sides. Black Star also saw the containers before he and Riddle looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Those containers must have a connection to S.A.I.T.N..

The group started to make their way around the base and into the direction of the containers. Though they tried to remain undetected for Celestia knows how long, this didn’t stop a couple of Belkan officers from noticing their presence.

One Belkan pegasus saw Kite stumbling for a bit, but he was quickly silenced by Jet’s precise blow to the back of his head. Another Belkan griffoness noticed Riddle’s blue tail disappearing into one of the crates. Her curiosity was quickly ended when Kestrel grabbed her from behind and knocked her out by delivering two quick strikes at the back of her neck.

This routine continued until the group arrived at the containers’ location, but the containers were surrounded by numerous Belkan officers. There was no way for them to investigate the containers without alerting them.

They need a distraction.

“Aquila to Northwind 1, come in Northwind 1,” Riddle whispered through his comm as he waited for Northwind 1’s response.

“This is Northwind 1, what do you need Aquila 1?”

“We found our package, but it’s surrounded by Belkan officers,” Riddle explained. “We need a distraction, over.”

1315 hrs

“Alright, we’ll see what we can do. Northwind out,” Northwind 1 said as he ended the transmission. He looked at his wingmate and nodded. Northwind 1 contacted his other subordinates about the plan while he and his wingmate carefully maneuvered the cloud they had been sitting on to a nearby entrance.

One of Northwind 1’s subordinates, a griffoness who went by her call sign: Archer, picked up a stone near her hiding place and threw it near a patrolling Belkan guard. The guard turned and quickly followed the source of the sound while contacting the other guards about this. Archer carefully made her way up to the mountainside and took a position above the unsuspecting Belkan.

Archer smirked when the other guards arrived. With a swift motion, Archer dived down and attacked the Belkan guard right in front of his teammates’ eyes.

“Buck! They’re here!! The allied forces!” the guard shrieked. Soon, the whole base was alerted of their presence.

At Northwind 1’s end, their trap was set near the entrance. Both griffons now waited for the right moment to stomp the cloud to electrify any Belkans who came out from that cave. Their plan went smoothly as the Belkan officers from inside the storage base came pouring out, huddled together in groups. Northwind 1 and his wingmate stomped on the cloud, producing a bolt of lightning which jolted the Belkans below.

Northwind’s little distraction caused the entire Belkan personnel inside the base to panic, sending them into a complete paranoia-fueled frenzy. The crews began to load some of the weapons into large crates before they were loaded into another entrance of the cave, possibly to load them into the rogue transport: 13346 Bravo.

“C’mon! C’mon! Let’s speed things up here!” a Belkan crew pony yelled to the others, earning many annoyed squawks and neighs from his comrades. Riddle and Black Star smirked when they saw the Belkan crews had abandoned the containers.

Unfortunately, a Belkan griffon spotted them before they could make their move…

“YOU! The allie—!!!” He was abruptly cut short when Wave, who managed to sneak his way through the chaos grabbed, his beak and plunged his talons into his throat. The griffon’s muffled cry could be heard from his covered beak, causing Wave to squeeze his talons deeper into his throat.

After a brief struggle, the griffon’s limbs went limp as the spark of life left his eyes. Wave let go the dead body and let it slumped to the ground. Jet quickly motioned his team to create a perimeter around the containers while Aquila investigated the containers.

“Make it quick, sir,” Jet said to Riddle before he went to his position. Aquila made their way to the containers and began finding a way to open them. Suddenly, the whole lights inside the storage base went dark, signaling the approaching enemy forces to their position.

“Oxide 2-4, do you read me? This base is compromised. We’re going dark to engage enemy forces inside the base,” a voice said through the comm of the dead griffon. “We’re sending the bugs for this job, watch out for their tricks, even if they’re on our side. Oxide 2-1 out.”

“You hear that?” Riddle began. “This place will be swarming with changelings real soon.”

“Don’t worry, they have to get past us first!” Jet responded.

“And if they get too close, we’ll crush them like the bugs they are!” Kestrel added.

“Well, I like your determination, Marie, but would you be so kind on helping us open this thing?” Black Star said dryly, causing Kestrel to frown at him in response. Because of the darkness, Riddle felt his way through the container. He frowned when he felt a large lock that kept the container doors shut.

“We need a key to open this lo—“

“Found it, sir.” Kite chirped, cutting Riddle off as he struggled to lift a long metal pole with a double hook end. “I think it’s a crowbar. We can use it to open than lock.”

Black Star remained silent as Kite handed the crowbar to him before he handed it over to Riddle. Kite also mentioned that there were more crowbars behind the container. Without a word, Black Star grabbed one of the crowbars and waited beside Riddle.

“Should we?” the dark feathered griffon asked as he lifted the crowbar. Riddle’s response was a sigh.

“It’s the only way to get this lock open…”

Black Star gripped the crowbar tightly before he swung it and hit the container, missing the lock completely. The thunderous metal clang echoed throughout the darkened cave, possibly alerting the changelings of their position.

Surely enough, the sounds of hissing and buzzing sounded from the entrance where the team entered the base. Several lights coming from the changelings’ flashlights were also visible from the bottom.

“Changelings incoming,” Jet muttered. “Verde 5 through 8, you guys take the position near that entrance. Me and Verdes 2 through 4 will be on standby on the bottom.”

“Roger!” came the simultaneous reply from Jet’s squad as they flew to their respective positions. The changelings soon came swarming in. Riddle counted about twenty one members or more.

“Oh boy, an entire swarm…” Riddle frowned.

Some of the changelings had blue eyes and wings, while the others sported purple and even orange eyes and wings, meaning that some of these changelings were not part of Chrysalis’ hive. All of them wore jet black vests with no visible numbers or any identifications on them. Their leader was the only one who stood out among them, wearing a green metal helmet and armor over his vest, which looked similar to the Royal Guards.

Black Star ceased his actions and stood still, using his feathers to blend into the darkness, while Riddle, Kite, and Kestrel hid behind the container. Jet’s team also took cover as the changeling leader began to shout orders to his subordinates.

“Search the bottom! Don’t let them catch you off guard!”
The changelings hissed in response to their leader as five of them moved to the path which lead them down to the storage base, followed suit by the others. Jet managed to keep the green feathers on his tail out of sight as a changeling passed his hiding position.

“This is bad, there’s too many of them!” Jet thought as another changeling passed by.

Meanwhile, Black Star continued to stand still in his spot, not moving an inch. The enemy really outnumbered them in this situation. Fortunately, a small stone came loose from above the base and fell to the ground, making a loud thud when it impacted the stone floor. The changelings immediately reacted to this and headed straight for the sound’s location. This gave Riddle an idea.

“Aquila 1 to all units,” he whispered in his comm, “try to make enough sound as possible. Make them disperse and take them out one by one.”

The griffons quickly caught on to Riddle’s plan. Jet’s subordinates began by throwing several rocks at their opposite direction, creating so much noise, that made the changelings respond by sending more units to investigate the disturbances, unaware that the griffons were already lying in wait for them in the darkness.

A changeling with bright orange eyes arrived at the source of the sound, only to find the stone thrown by one of Jet’s subordinates. Realizing this was a trap for them, he tried to warn the others, but his warning came too late, as one of Jet’s subordinates tackled him from behind and dragged him into the darkness. Soon enough, the other changelings were taken by surprise and were quickly dragged away from their spot.

“What’s happening down there?” The changeling captain muttered when he noticed the sudden decrease of his subordinates. Another changeling’s snarl was silenced when he too was dragged off into the darkness.

Realizing that the griffons had the advantage in the complete darkness, he decided to switch the lights back on, not realizing his mistake. When the lights were turned on, Jet was already in front of him, bringing his sharp talons into the changeling captain’s face, causing the other changelings to attack the now very visible griffon forces.

The changeling captain managed to recover from Jet’s blow; his armor and exoskeleton prevented Jet’s talon from doing damage to him.

“All changeling units, attack!” the captain hissed. The griffons also engaged the changelings, and some of them even flew up and battled in the base’s wide chamber. Riddle instructed Kestrel and Kite to assist Verde on handling the changelings while he and Black Star would try to open the container. Both griffons nodded in response as they flew to engage the changelings.

Black Star brought the crowbar back and swung it towards the lock, hitting it dead center. The hard metal slam surprised the changelings long enough for the griffons to gain some advantage. Riddle grabbed another crowbar before, he too, swung it towards the lock. This time, the blow dented the lock.

“Three more swings should do it, Blake!” Riddle stated to the dark feathered griffon as the latter readied himself to strike the lock again. However, the changeling captain noticed their actions and decided to stop them from finding out what was inside the container.

With a mighty snarl, the changeling captain dove down to Riddle and Black Star’s location. Riddle and Black Star noticed his loud arrival, at Riddle quickly brought the crowbar at his eye level while Black Star focused back on the lock.

When the changeling captain was close, Riddle swung the crowbar but the blow missed the changeling by several inches. Before the changeling captain could gloat about Riddle’s missed blow, he never noticed Black Star’s crowbar swinging at the back of his skull until the hard metal surface impacted him.

A sickening crack was heard as the crowbar cracked the changeling’s exoskeleton, knocking him out immediately.

“The captain is down!” one changeling hissed.

“Doesn’t matter! Keep engaging!” Another changeling barked. Despite their tenacity, the changelings were quickly disorganized without a leader. and most of them chose to retreat. Some of them even tried to convince their stubborn comrades to come along with them.

Despite the disarray, some of the changelings managed to knock out three of Jet’s subordinates and inflicted a severe wound to Kestrel’s left arm. The pastel brown griffoness gritted her beak, trying to overcome the excruciating pain while she continued to engage the large changeling who wounded her in the first place.

The changeling let out a sinister bug-like growl as he readied himself for another attack, only to be interrupted by Kite’s swift jab to his chin. The changeling staggered back, but before he could fully recover, Kestrel let out a screech before kicking him in the abdomen. Kite used this chance to gain some distance between him and the changeling. Once he was far enough, he flew back at high speed and rammed the crippled changeling, sending him crashing to a weapon stock tent. Soon, the whole tent came crashing down onto him, incapacitating him.

“Ma’am, are you alright?” Kite asked in concern as he saw the bleeding wound on Kestrel’s left arm. “Your arm…”

“It’s just a scratch, Kite,” Kestrel stated as she picked up a portable bandage and wrapped it around the wound. “Scratches heal overtime.”

Though Kite felt assured by Kestrel's words, he was still hesitant about letting his instructor be alone for now. He decided to contact Riddle for further instructions.

“Aquila 4 to 1. Sir, Captain Turmfalken has been injured,” Kite explained, unknowingly earning a glare from Kestrel. “The wound looks bad.”

At this time, Kestrel decided to cut in.

“This is Aquila 3 to 1. It’s just a scratch, sir, nothing life-threatening.”

“But, ma’am!” Kite interrupted. “That wound’s too deep to be scratch! You should—”

“I would not leave my duty as a soldier, Milvus.” Kestrel said sternly, shutting Kite’s beak. “I will continue fighting, despite the risks it provides.”

Kite wasn’t able to find the right words to reason with his superior, nor he could call her out for being stubborn. The recruits of the Gryphus Military Academy always knew that Captain Marie “Kestrel” Turmfalken was known for her stubbornness and refusal to back down from any fight, hence why they were put under heavy training by the pastel griffoness.

Kite glanced back at the covered wound. The bleeding had already stopped, but the pain must have been unbearable, as he saw Kestrel flinching for a bit. Finally, he found his voice again as he stepped forward.

“At least let me fight with you, ma’am,” he stated.

Before Kestrel could respond, a loud screech came from behind her. She quickly brought her right talon for defense, but due to her wound, her reaction wasn’t fast enough to block the changeling’s attack. Kite however, was ready and quickly sprinted forward to face the changeling. Kite’s sudden attack made the changeling’s blow miss Kestrel completely, giving Kestrel enough time to turn around and face the changeling with Kite.

The changeling crouched like a lion waiting to strike its prey, and the two griffons did the same. The changeling let out a hiss before shooting a concentrated magic blast at Kite. The small griffon stepped out of the way, but the changeling paunced him when he did that. Both struggled from each other’s grip while trying to inflict as much damage as possible. The changeling soon found himself being lifted by Kestrel, and before he even realized it, she threw him up into the ceiling.

The changeling screamed in pain as his body slammed into the rocky ceiling before falling to the weapons’ tent below. The ceiling where the changeling crashed came loose, and rocks fell right on top of the changeling, killing him and detonating the weapons stock.

The griffons and the changelings stopped their engagement and noticed the small explosion. Their minds still processing the situation, but soon, their minds quickly led to a frightening conclusion.

Explosion means fire, and this place was loaded with time bombs.

One of the changelings was quick to react to this and activated his comm.

“Hex 3 to all units, leave this place immediately! This place is going to Tartarus!!”

The changelings ceased their engagement and fled towards the exits as another explosion rocked the base. Jet wasted no time by warning his subordinates to “get the hell out of this base.”

Meanwhile, Riddle and Black Star managed to open the container right before Kestrel defeated the changeling and caused the explosion. The container was loaded with four huge, uniquely-shaped missiles, each positioned at its own slot within the container.

Both griffons struggled as they dragged one of the missiles stored at the bottom from the container. Kestrel and Kite finally returned to the container with the former, apologizing for accidently jeopardizing the entire mission.

“We need to get out of here, sir! This place is going to blow!” Kestrel continued, but Riddle was still fixated on the missile.


“Not now, captain,” Riddle said without looking back as he carefully analyzed the missile. The present frown on his beak grew more and more as he carefully analyzed the missile’s structure externally.

“Multiple highly combustible warheads. Warheads presumed to be a highly modified version of the burst missile that can cover more area within its blast radius. Sleek design to achieve speeds of 6 kilometers per second… There’s no doubt about it, these are S.A.I.T.N.’s rounds… ”

Riddle was mortified when he finished that conclusion inside his head. His dread caused him to slump to the ground, unable to respond to Kestrel’s desperate calls to leave the burning base. He finally snapped out of it when his comm crackled to life.

“Northwind to Aquila, sir, the transport is trying to escape. Verde has confirmed at least one large container is aboard the transport! I’m currently en-route towards their position, but I need some help. Northwind out.”

Hearing this, Riddle immediately ordered everyone to get out from the base. Jet’s remaining units, the changelings and Riddle’s squad flew towards the exits with Riddle and Black Star following close behind. Remembering Northwind’s message about the escaping transport, Riddle activated his comm and contacted Kestrel and Black Star.

“Aquila 2 and 3. Once we’re outside, pursue the transport along with Northwind 1.”

“This is Black Star, Aquila 2. I copy,” came Black Star’s monotonous response.

“This is Kestrel, Aquila 3. Roger that, sir. Will pursue transport with Aquila 2 and Northwind 1,” Kestrel added. Riddle could hear disgust in her tone when she announced Black Star’s call sign.

Another explosion rocked the the entire base as the raging inferno reached the containers. Every griffon and changeling sped up their flight as they raced towards the exit, forgetting that they were suppose to be fighting each other just a while ago.

The flames continued licking the S.A.I.T.N. rounds, heating up the warheads to critical levels. Aquila squadron, Jet’s remaining subordinates and some of the changelings managed to escape just in time when the warheads finally exploded, ripping apart the base and causing a massive cave-in. Unfortunately, one of Jet’s subordinates got crushed by the falling rocks and boulders along with remaining changelings.

Another explosion was heard; this time it was powerful enough to breach through the mountainside and destroy the remaining structures of the Burning Talon. Thick black smoke rose from the hole and the exits, but Black Star and Kestrel paid no attention to it.

Their priority now was to stop the transport from escaping with the remaining container.

Both griffons immediately switched on their radars and turned left, heading for the other side of the destroyed base. Black Star opened his comm and contacted Northwind 1.

“Aquila 2 to Northwind 1. Rod, what is your status?”

“This is Northwind 1. I’m still in pursuit of the transport.” Northwind 1, or Rod, responded. “They aren’t throwing anything at me just yet but I detected several changelings and Belkan pegasi en-route to my position.”

Rod’s statement was indeed correct as Black Star and Kestrel saw multiple signatures on their scanners.

“Roger, Northwind 1. I’ll thin out the swarm while you and Aquila 3 pursue that transport. Aquila 2, out.”

Kestrel just looked at Black Star with an unimpressed look on her face.

“Do you expect me to follow your orders?” she snapped.

“Actually, yes. I’m second-in-command after all,” Black Star pointed bluntly. Kestrel just snarled at him, causing him to speak again. “Listen, it’s either you engage those bastards with an injury like that, or you pursue that transport, which take less engagement.”

Kestrel wasn’t able to respond to his statement. After a brief glare directed to him, the griffoness sighed and uttered a disdainful “Roger” at him before increasing her speed to pursue the transport. Black Star stopped in midair and turned around to see the incoming enemy forces flying right at him.

With a determined look, Black Star flew to the swarm and engaged any enemy units he could take. Despite being outnumbered, Black Star didn’t plan to stop as he kept giving quick jabs and slashes left and right. He even kept his comm open to listen to the mission’s progress.

“This is Aquila 3,” Kestrel’s voice sounded through the comm. “Northwind 1 and I are in pursuit of the rogue transport. Will neutralize the transport’s pullers if they won’t co-operate.”

“Roger that, Aquila 3,” Riddle’s voice responded. “What about Aquila 2’s status, over?”

There was a brief silence from the other end.

“He’s engaging the enemy swarm behind us, sir… he’s on his own.”

Before Riddle could reply, Kite suddenly cut into their comms.

“Sir, requesting permission to assist Captain Black Star!”

“This is Verde 1, I agree with the kid,” Jet’s voice came in. “We can’t just leave him alone like that, I’m ready to dispatch Wave and Scunner to aid him.”

Almost immediately, Riddle complied with their requests. Kite wasted no time by kicking into his high gear and accelerated towards Black Star’s location. Jet’s subordinates, Wave and Scunner, followed behind the small griffon soldier.

Their predictions were correct, Black Star was slowly being overwhelmed by the sheer number of changelings and pegasi attacking him. What was worse, the changelings morphed themselves into the fitting image of the Belkan pegasi and began to adopt their fighting styles, causing Black Star to find himself fighting multiple pegasi with the same face thrice in a row.
His luck finally ran out as a changeling pegasus managed to land a blow on his left abdomen, causing the dark-feathered griffon to flinch and give an open shot for the others to attack him. The changeling pegasus laughed in amusement, until a fast blue blur hit him from the back: breaking his spine.

The other changelings turned their attention towards their fallen comrade until the same blue blur zig-zagged through them, delivering fast strikes at their faces, wings and eyes. The Belkans also got attacked by the blue blur, but before they could recover, Wave managed to separate two Belkans from the fight, giving Scunner an opening to enter the battle with a primal yell.

“Eat this, ya Belkan wankers!!”

Before the Belkans could react, they were brutally beaten by Scunner’s relentless attacks, while Wave and Kite took their time by picking off the strays. Soon, the numbers began to decrease due to the majority of the Belkans were workers or paid laborers guarded by the changelings.

The changelings, though decent fighters, were actually holding back to save what little energy they had during their infiltration at the Asgardian industrial complexes. Living without their Hive to provide any decent food for them was a major flaw for their current lifestyle.

Kite slowed down to catch his breath when the threat posed by the Belkans and the changelings had been lowered thanks to his, Wave’s, Scunner’s and Black Star’s actions. Fortunately, Black Star only suffered a slight bruise on his left abdomen, and it only cost his ability to move his left arm for a while. What was even more relieving, Black Star’s comm soon crackled with life as Kestrel delivered the information most of the Griffin Kingdom forces had been waiting for.

“This is Aquila 3, Kestrel to all units. The transport is surrendering. Northwind 1 and I will escort it back to the Burning Talon for further orders.”

“Roger that, Aquila 3. Send my regards to Rod as well,” Riddle responded. “I’ll relay this information to Altair, over and out.”

As soon the Belkans heard that the transport was in allied hands, their leader, who managed to escape from Aquila and Verde’s claws, cursed through the wide open radio channel,

Scheiße! Damn allied forces!! All Belkan units, cease engagement. Retreat and exit the airspace!”

A changeling spoke next.

“Hex 3 to all changeling units, fall back! Abort operation! Abort!”

One by one, the changelings made their escape from the griffon forces alongside their Belkan allies. Scunner at first wanted to pursue the fleeing enemy forces, but Wave told him not to, followed by Jet’s affirmation to let them go, disappointing Scunner.

“Bollocks… “ the griffon mouthed as he flew back to the ruins of the Burning Talon. Wave only rolled his eyes as he followed his comrade behind. Kite let out a sigh of relief before he approached Black Star to ask about his current condition.

Before he could speak, his scanner detected a fast-moving target heading towards their location Kestrel noticed it too, and decided to warn the rest about it.

“Aquila 3 to all units, I just picked up something fast on my radar, it’s headi— AH!!”

Her words were cut short as a fast-moving red blurr streaked passed her.

“Aquila 3, what happened? Can you please repeat your message?” Rod asked through the comm.

“This is Aquila 3! Something fast just went passed me and Northwind 1!” Kestrel stammered. “It’s heading straight for your location!”

Black Star and Kite didn’t have time to react, as the blur shot pass between them.

“What the hell was that!” Kite yelled, as he nearly got himself hit by the red blur. “It’s moving too fast for any normal griffon or pony!”

As soon as he heard that, the unmistakable feeling of dread crept through Black Star’s body. Series of flashes and images of the fateful night he encountered Riddle and their brutal battle against that red juggernaut…

“CRAP!!” Black Star cursed loudly before he abandoned a stunned Kite in his spot and headed straight for the Burning Talon. He wasted no time contacting Riddle about this new threat.

“Aquila 2 to 1. Sir, he’s back! That red juggernaut is back!”

Kite and Kestrel, who had listened Black Star’s desperate calls, were speechless, especially Kestrel. She knew that Black Star wasn’t the type to loose his cool demeanor like this.

Whatever this new threat may be, it was dangerous enough to put even Black Star the Ghost on his edge.

Author's Note:

Finally the chapter's out. More Z.O.E. action and revelations in the next chapter!

Scunner's name was a little shout out to Pacific Rim.
The multiple changeling hives concept was borrowed (with permission of course) from this artist: Carnifex