• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 3,519 Views, 39 Comments

A Hoard of Memories - TheMessenger

Spike remembers his friends on the Summer Sun Celebration, the day it all began.

  • ...

Nothing More, Nothing Less

Nothing More, Nothing Less

Not a single calendar in Equestria had today blank. Thousands upon thousands of little squares were marked or circled. A few creative ponies drew a little smiling face in the circle, with lines streaking outward, creating the crude likeness of Celestia's Sun. Ms. Kindle, the young teacher of Ponyville's schoolhouse, had placed a large yellow sticker on the class calendar to remind all her foals of this important day.

Ponies all over town were at work. Some were spellchecking the welcoming banner for the princess while others hung streamers and ribbons from the tall light posts. Someponies sweat before large ovens, struggling to avoid ruining the apple pies, cupcakes, and fritters with dripping saliva. Winged Pegasi flew above, kicking away clouds and clearing the skies, directed by a cream-colored mare with a pink mane and a green bowtie. On her flank was the image of a checklist. As she berated a pair of sheepish colts who nearly emptied a raincloud on her head, a stallion in a bright red uniform with a bright red plumed helmet on hurried by, carrying a large sousaphone.

Yes, the Summer Sun Celebration was upon Equestria once more and for the first time in many years, Ponyville had been chosen to host the main event. The recently built hotel had been completely filled as ponies throughout the nation gathered to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun herself, signifying the beginning of the summer solstice. As such, nearly every inhabitant of Ponyville worked their hooves off in order to make their town every bit presentable.

Spike would have shook his head at the sight. The dragon had seen the scene several times before, when Ponyville had been younger, smaller. It made rebuilding the place much easier, he would have joked. As one of the few beings who could say they knew Princess Celestia on a personal level, Spike could have told those scrambling ponies that such efforts wearied the princess almost as much as they did them. Oh, she was not ungrateful; Celestia appreciated everything her little ponies did but it pained her to see how much they were willing to sacrifice simply for her. Spike would have also known that such information would have fallen on deaf ears, as they had years and years before.

Not this year. This year, the dragon could not be found around Ponyville, nor in the large cave near the town that served as his home. A few observant ponies may have noticed this before being swept away by the celebration preparations.

This year, one could find the dragon in a garden in Canterlot. He wouldn't be too hard to find. There weren't too many purple and green dragons that would hang around a pony settlement, much less the capital and home of the royal sisters.

The garden wouldn't be too difficult to find either; simply ask for directions to the Harmony Memorial.

Yes, today marked the beginning of the longest day of the year. To Spike, it was the anniversary of the beginning of the most beautiful, most precious, most powerful thing he had ever encountered. Dragons, as owners of vast treasures, knew beauty. Dragons, as guardians of valuable gems and jewels, knew precious. Dragons, as one of the fiercest creatures in Equestria, some larger than mountains, with breaths of hellish, destructive unstoppable flames, knew power. No, the friendship he had seen forged and strengthened exceeded all else he knew.

Before the dragon stood six pedestals. On five stood great statues of five great mares. Though he could easily tower above them, Spike kept his head bowed low and crouched down so that the five would be looking down at him. It was what he was used to. It was what he missed.

A large bouquet rested delicately in his claws. As he sighed, he released a small cloud of smoke that threatened to blacken and desecrate the graves of the ponies.

No, not graves, memorials, Spike reminded himself as he brushed the smoke away and cleaned the statue with a cloth. The wielders of the Elements of Harmony were not buried here.

Rainbow Dash, as per Pegasi tradition and her own request, was cremated, wearing her torn Wonderbolt uniform. The entire daredevil team, active and retired, saw her off as Celestia and Luna scattered her ashes into the wind, so she could fly for all eternity. So many colts and fillies lost their hero and role model when Rainbow Dash finally left and the Wonderbolt would never find another member quite like her, but their small circle of friends suffered the hardest. She was the first to go and Spike realized she would not be the last.

Her last words: Thanks for the trip, guys. Guess even I've gotta land sometime...

Spike still had the feather she had given every one of them. When he had been younger, it had been a book mark, honoring her favorite pastime besides pranks, racing, and stunts.


Pinkie Pie always seemed to have limitless energy. It had been an indescribable shock when they had heard she had collapsed in the middle of entertaining. That limitless river of life proved finite as slowly but surely it trickled dry.

Even as she laid in bed, barely holding onto life with half a grip, she smiled. She had been too weak to speak but everypony knew what she tried to say as she hummed.

'Cause all I really need's a smile smile smile...from these happy friends of mine...

No eye in Ponyville had been dry during her wake. The smiles they fought on in the party pony's honor were pained, even when it was revealed that the coffin had been designed in the shape of a large cupcake, in accordance to Pinkie's instructions.

Pumpkin Cake renamed the bakery as "Pinkie's Sugarcube Corner" and with her twin brother's assistance, had redesigned the exterior decorations so that the gingerbread roof was in the process of being eaten by a large pink pony.

Spike began to hum softly.


The dragon set the bouquet in front of the statue of a Pegasus with a long mane, standing much taller and prouder than she ever had in life. The flowers were sunflowers with bright yellow smiley faces in the center and pink petals, a gift and a request from a reformed Draconequus. Discord might visit later today in person, or maybe not. Though no longer evil, he was still unpredictable.

Fluttershy had read of an old Earth Pony tradition, where ponies were buried without coffins, left to naturally decay and feed the soil with nutrients from their own bodies. The idea was repulsive to most, even to many modern Earth Ponies, but not to Fluttershy. Rather, the shy Pegasus found the notion of being able to care for animals after death quite charming.

She was buried in her own garden. Grass and flowers that rabbits snacked on grew rampant until it became impossible to tell where Fluttershy's grave actually laid. Several berry shrubs and even a peach tree had sprouted out as well and soon the entire area became a small sanctuary. A small, life-sized image of Fluttershy had been mysteriously placed in the meadow. Rumors of spirits and ghosties spread quickly as each morning the stone Pegasus could be found standing in a different area, in a different pose, and the sanctuary remained undisturbed and untouched by ponies.

Spike and the rest of her friends knew the truth. He would keep Discord's secret though.


Rarity, sweet beautiful Rarity...it nearly broke the dragon when he learned how much time she had. His childhood crush had not died away many thought it would and even as the years passed and wrinkles and grey strands threatened her appearance, Spike never saw Rarity short of gorgeous. Even now, the flames in his heart burned on for the graceful fashionista. He should have spent the precious remaining time with the Unicorn, cherishing every moment with his love. He should have. He didn't. He ran. And he regretted it.

Rarity in the end was the one who found him, holed up in a cave. She refused to stay still when she heard that her favorite dragon had disappeared. She should have stay home and rested in bed and let her friends find her Spikey-Wikey. She should have. She didn't. She over-exerted herself and gave away her dwindling time. And she had no regrets.

Generous to the end, Rarity had divided the vast fortune she had accumulated among various charities and her friends and family. Young fillies and colts would gather before her grave every year on her birthday, wearing her designs and paying their respects. Though she had ultimately achieved her goal of joining Canterlot elite, she was adamant about being buried in Ponyville, her home forever and always.

Spike remember lifting his head upon hearing his name in Rarity's will:

Spike, if you will allow me one thing, one selfish request, please be grow and live happy. I can't bare to leave with you so upset and defeated. Please, don't hold onto any regrets on my account. I love you too much to blame you for anything. I love you too much to see you like this. Spike, though I have no right to request such a thing, I wish for you to be happy, to live a happy life. Please, promise me you'll move on...

She left him the fire ruby he had given her so long ago as well. It made him look ridiculous, he knew, but that gem now hung from his neck by a gold chain.

I'm sorry, Rarity...


Slowly, Spike lifted his eyes to the center platform. Of the five sculptures, only this one had been gifted with both a horn of magic and wings. It was also the most recent, set up barely a year ago. Barely a year since he lost her as well.

To most, she was the Twilight Princess, savior of Equestria a dozen times over. To Spike, she was simply Twilight, the wonderful wonderful Unicorn that took care of him, and he her. He dared called her his sister but their relationship ran deeper than the blood of most siblings. To Spike, she was far more than any princess, than any queen.

No one had expected this. Not her mentor, not Princess Luna her friend, not her sister-in-law, and certainly not Spike. He always assumed that the gift of wings was a gift of life, that the ascension to an Alicorn gave her the immortality that seemed to surround the other princesses. Spike always assumed that he wouldn't have to grow up alone, that even when he became old by draconic standards, she'd be there, for him. When the others had passed, she had held him, weeping as he wept. She had been his strength, his foundation. He thought she would never leave. His heart shattered when she did.

Her body had been preserved, encased in a magical block of crystal, a gift from the Crystal Empire and Princess Cadence. It was similar to the one that held Twilight's brother, Cadence's beloved, who now sat permanently on the throne. Losing her husband had dealt the Crystal Princess a cruel blow and Spike was baffled to how easily Cadence seemed to move on. She never did take another stallion but at least her smiles were genuine. Spike wish he knew how she did it, how she found the strength to continued on.

Twilight rested in the wing of the Canterlot archives dedicated to her, the words "Friendship is Magic; Knowledge is Power" engraved in gold. For a princess who very much despised public appearances, it was somewhat ironic that she allowed her body to be in public display. The Twilight Wing of Magic never had that certain ring to it but it was a tad better than his idea, with nearly thirty adjectives in front of Twilight's name that were synonyms to great and powerful. Oh, memories of the nights the two had spent brainstorming only to come up with the current name used to bring out a hearty chuckle out of the dragon. Today, he couldn't even crack a smile.

He stayed with her to the bitter end. The room was cramped, made for ponies, not dragons, but Spike's concern hadn't been on his own comfort, but hers. His own green flame burned away the log that sat in the fireplace. He poured her tea from an all too small pot and carefully fed her himself. He fluffed pillows, cleaned her sheets, covered her in blankets, read out loud.

Please, Twilight, don't go...

I'm sorry Spike. I won't forget you. You're not just my number one assistant, you're my number one, period. Never forget that I love you, so so much.

My number one...


Hot tears cascaded down Spike's cheek. He rubbed his arm furiously against his eyes but they would not stop. He gave in, letting his arm fall to his side. The dragon's shoulders shook violently as he sobbed.

"I miss you Twilight. I miss you, all of you."

"Ah miss them too, sugarcube."

Spike turned. He hadn't heard the elderly mare approach. The newcomer still wore her grey mane in a ponytail and spoke in that unmistakeable Southern drawl. Her pace however was much slower than it had been and her once straight back was now slightly crooked. Those powerful hind legs had weaken over the years of disuse and the apples that decorated her sides had lost their luster. Her old Stetson hat which Spike had come to recognize as part of the pony now rested on the head of the dark brown stallion shifting uncomfortably next to her.

"Yah can go now, Blossomburg."

"Yer sure, ma? A-Ah can stay, if need be."

Applejack snorted. "Ya'll go on ahead. Ah'll be fine. Yah know Spike. He wouldn' harm a fly. Ah c'n catch tha last train home. Ah ain't senile yet."

Blossomburg hesitated for a moment before giving Spike a curt nod and retreating from the gardens.


"Spike, stop," the mare said softly, putting a hoof on the dragon's leg. "Let it all out first, then we'll talk."

Spike nodded as tears began to run anew. Applejack rested his snout on her chest, letting his cries soak into her fur. It wasn't Twilight, but it was familiar. As the old farmmare shut her eyes, a tear streaked down her check as she too remember those five lovely ponies.

At last, the tears ran dry, though the emotions did not. Spike rested his heavy head against the mare a little longer before finally pulling away.

"Thank you, Applejack."

"Don' mention it. Wouldn' be much of a friend if Ah didn' do anythin', now would Ah?" Applejack said, giving the dragon a hard pat on the shoulder.

"How are things on the farm?"

"Busy. Everypony's runnin' round gatherin' grub fer today." She sighed. "Ah missed tha days when Ah could still knead dough, roll crusts. Yah remember mah pies, don'cha?"

"Of course."

"Heh, course yah do. Yah used tah down 'em like water. Course now they won' let me even near a rollin' pin or tha oven." Applejack released a gust of air in annoyance. "Yah know, sayin' how much Ah miss the good ole days really makes a pony feel old, yah know what Ah'm saying?"

Spike didn't respond immediately. "The good old days," he muttered. "I miss them too." He turned back to the old mare. "Applejack, I feel old."

She laughed. "Course yah do. Yer old. Ah'm old."

"I'm not though," Spike said solemnly. "Dragons live for a long time. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. If I feel like this now, what will happen when I break a century? Two centuries?"

"Well, Ah..."

"I miss them, all of them. You're the last one." The dragon gestured to the last pedestal, empty. "And...when you're gone, what next? Where do I go then?" Spike shook his head. "I think I'm done. I'm sick. I'm tired. I'm broken. I don't want to keep going. I want to sleep. I want to d-"

Spike flinched as the orange hoof struck his cheek. Even beneath a layer of thick scales, it stung.

"Don' you ever say that," Applejack growled. "Don' you ever say that again."


"What would Twi say if she heard yah sproutin' such nonsense?" Applejack asked with a scowl. "What would she think?" Her voice softened. "Yah miss 'em bad, Ah c'n see that even if Ah didn' have mah good eye. But think how much everypony'll miss yah if yah left. Yah still got Apple Bloom an' Sweetie Belle an'...what was Scootaloo's filly again?"

"Full Spectrum."

"Right, right...yah see? Yah still got other ponies that love yah, that need yah. Remember how much of a bully Kindle had been 'fore yah stepped in? Heck, all of Ponyville loves yah."

"What happens when they're gone too? What happens when Ponyville's gone?"

"Psh, Ah think if we c'n survive eternal night, becoming tha capital of chaos, a parasprite swarm,' a Changling invasions, an' a couple of Ursa Minor run-ins, Ponyville'll can pro'ly stand 'round for a long time." Applejack chuckled as she rested her head against Spike's giant shoulder. "But even if it ain't, yah still got all of a Equestria tah see an' meet. We six might have been yer first true friends but we certainly ain't yer only ones and we're not gonna be yer last. Remember what Twilight taught yah."

"I..." Spike turned away, ashamed.

"Yeah? Speak up sugarcube. Don' worry hun, Ah think Ah learned mah lesson 'bout slapping hardheaded dragons." She rubbed her hoof.

"Well, I don't know if I want to," Spike admitted. "If in the end all I'm going to have of you guys are memorials and memories, is it worth it?"

"Nothin' wrong with memories, Spike. They're all Ah have left of Granny Smith, Bg Mac, Winona, tha girls, an' mah sweetheart but fer me, they're enough." Applejack gave the sulking dragon a hard stare. "Yer not gettin' greedy, are yah? Did yah grow any since tha last time Ah saw yah?"

"Not more than usual," quickly asserted Spike. "Honest."

Applejack's glare wavered. "Alright then, Spike. Ah believe yah." She closed her eyes and sighed. "Ah apologize. It's not selfish tah want more of yer friends. An' Ah've got no right tah tell yah what tah do with yer life. But Spike, please, Ah'm yer friend, jus' like Twilight an' Rarity, and Ah just want the best fer yah..."

The orange mare blinked as she was pulled into an embrace. Spike was careful, holding Applejack firmly but without hurting her body and without crushing her. She grunted as she strained to stretch her foreleg around the dragon's neck and patted Spike's back.

"Thank you, Applejack. You're a great friend."

"So are you, sugarcube. Don' you go selling yerself short."

"...please don't leave me too."

"...Ah'm sorry. Ah can't make a promise like that." Applejack looked up into Spike's emerald eyes. Tears threatened to fall once again. She patted his scaly cheek. "But Ah can promise tah make many more memories with yah."

"I...I'd like that."


The two old friends never made it back to Ponyville in time for the celebration. Princess Celestia didn't mind. Her smile said that much when she discovered the two asleep in the garden, huddled together for warmth. Always the gentledrake, Spike draped one of his wings over the slumbering farmpony as a sort of blanket. Applejack slept with her forelegs wrapped around his arm.

She spread a large quilt over the two and gave the dragon a small kiss on the forehead. Before she left, Celestia turned to the stone Alicorn that watched over Applejack and Spike diligently.

"Well done, Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student. Thank you for your lessons, your teachings..." She turned back to the dragon snoring gently on the grass.

"For your guidance."

The End

Author's Note:

Edited by LunarSeraph

Comments ( 39 )

You made me cry. This was very powerful writing. Well done. An instant favourite :fluttercry:

Thank you. Writers that make you cry, make you laugh, make you coo...I strive to write like them.

Your comment has made my day.

Comment posted by TheMessenger deleted Jul 12th, 2013

Why... Why is it whenever I read one of these stories that I cry? ... And then read it again so I can cry some more?!

Nothing wrong with a good cry. :pinkiehappy:

Wait, :raritycry:

Yeah, that's better. Anyways, glad you liked it.

All that we have are the memories of those that have gone before us. This was a very moving story, thank you for posting it.

SO SAD!:raritycry:
Twilight's part really got to me.

Hmm... This would have affected me a week ago. Though I've come to terms that sometimes you will outlive those around you even when you think they'll last forever. Still full of feels, that could bring more people to cry, so cudos to you.

why? why!? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!? :raritycry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershysad: THE FEELZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

To lose a loved one is such a terrible thing. For all the memories will haunt you as you wonder how you could have made the time you had better. Loss will make you wonder if what the future holds is even worth hanging around for, but you cant give in. Those who have gone would want those left behind to finish their journey before joining them.

I thank you for this story despite the tears I shed.

This is different. You kept in Applejack alive, which I've never seen done in these stories where the Mane Six die and someone copes. That's great! She's tough and honest enough to give Spike a dose of reality and guidance to help him see the end is never the end, only the start of something else.

A very nice story. Nothing tearful-worthy, but that's mostly because I've seen these already. It does give enough twists, though, and it's written well enough. I will say that please don't exaggerate Applejack's drawl. It becomes hard to tell what she's saying and it's just too much. An accent doesn't give liability to go crazy with it, but don't worry; that's happened many times before, so I'm just warning you now. It's not a good idea.

Other than that, I think it deserves this:


Geez, I don't know what to say except thank you. It's an honor.

I do have a question though: How far is too exaggerated?

3216421 Glad you asked! I remember reading a guide someone made here that was perfect for people wanting to write the Apples' accents. I don't remember where it is now, so I'll just go from the top of my head. If I ever find it, I'll give it to you, because it's very simple, as should writing their accents. You don't have to add so much detail to their accents, really. I'll take a look at this quote.

Psh, Ah think if we c'n survive eternal night, becoming tha capital of chaos, a parasprite swarm,' a Changling invasions, an' a couple of Ursa Minor run-ins, Ponyville'll can pro'ly stand 'round for a long time."

The words like can and probably are hard to distinguish in there, and really you do not need to add to the accent to make it sound realistic. Places like an' and 'round I'm okay with, because if you think of Applejack saying it, she'd say it like that. She wouldn't say can like c'n, though. I don't see how anyone could. There's also here:

"Ah apologize. It's not selfish tah want more of yer friends. An' Ah've got no right tah tell yah what tah do with yer life.

When people change to into tah and you into yah, it all seems like a cluttered mess together, especially so much. Not to mention that the h in these are very distracting and certainly aren't needed. Yah and ya sound the same, as to tah and ta. Even that'll tone it down a bit.Either way, the accent is fairly simple, and doesn't have to be written too complicated or else it'll be too complicated to understand.

EDIT: This! It isn't the one I had in mind, but it works.

3216506 Thanks. I'm not too sure I agree with some of the guides points but I'll definitely try to tone down the accent.

3216593 Eh, you don't have to agree with them. I didn't expect you, too. Heck, I like I say "Ah" for "I." It all matters on how you feel writing it, but yes, do keep it in mind at least. :)

:fluttercry: That was sad but lovely, really well done. It makes sense that Applejack would be the last to go. She was always the healthiest. There question if the Mane Six or immortal or not but at times I think a good sad fic is a good read. Manly tears were shed today.

Thank you. If you look through my favorites, there's a nice balance between sad fics and comedy. Tears and laughter...that's life ain't it?

3226427 Will be sure to do that. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

This was a really sweet story. I love when Applejack and Spike interact with each other. The mental picture I got at the end was really sweet and cute too. Well done. :)

Thanks. You know, I've always wanted to draw. Never had the patience to learn. But to hear that I could paint such an image in your mind...:heart:

3231703 I could probably draw it myself, but it would require a lot of practice and I would need to be in a good mood. I don't draw as often as I should to improve myself. The same goes for my writing. I'd like to study music theory, but can't bring myself to do so. I should also read more than I do. Eh, anyway, to able to paint a picture like that in a reader's mind takes talent and skill, a writing level that takes years of practice to obtain.

beautiful... :fluttercry:

Hell! I'm drowning in manly tears.

Losing her husband had dealt the Crystal Princess a cruel plow


Another great story. I feel like a cruel bastard, but... I just love these kinds of stories.

God damn it! Good catch there.

I saw the cover art, and my first thought: "What. The. Hell." SPIKES SOO BIG!!!!!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

I hate myself for wanting to read sad stories like this, but I can't and won't stop.:fluttershysad:

Good Job!:twilightsmile:


To the assholes who disliked this wonderful and passionate story, I say this go fuck yourselves!:flutterrage:

Well done, tears like sand on the beach. Too numerous and wet.:raritywink::moustache::twilightsheepish::ajsmug::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::yay::trollestia:

Even compared to other sadfics this made me cry quite a bit, I had to stop multiple times to wipe my eyes:fluttercry:

Well I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the fave.

"So long as we remember, they live!":rainbowdetermined2:

And I see you had them live for at least another thousand years.:pinkiehappy:

This sentence made me cry, literally.

"I think I'm done. I'm sick. I'm tired. I'm broken. I don't want to keep going. I want to sleep. I want to d-"

:fucking dammit. Applejack dependable to the very end, as all ways we all love her one or the other :pinkiesmile::heart::fluttercry:

Two for two on the liquid pride, oy. :fluttercry:

I have to admit to a little bit of giddyness however, when I realized we both had the same ideas about Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's internment plans. :twilightblush:

Sad...but I really love the stories where Twilight is an alicorn, but not automatically immortal. No one said being an alicorn automatically meant immortality. Maybe only Luna and Celestia are immortal because they're connected to the eternal celestial bodies. Twilight and Cadance might be like normal ponies, unless Cadance's connection to love has somehow made her immortal.

I was glad to see Applejack as the last. If the Apples have proven anything, it's that they live A VERY LONG TIME! :ajsmug:

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