• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 1,567 Views, 63 Comments

Apples and rainbows - FinnPony

What happens when Applejack and Rainbow Dash start looking for the mystery mare who is dating with AJ's brother Big Macintosh?

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Pep talk

"Okay, see you later AJ!" Rainbow said and opened her wings. She swung them couple of times before taking off. She flew high in the sky and did a quick backflip. She was feeling amazing! She not only spoke to Applejack, but she managed to arrange them some time together. Rainbow squealed like a little girl.

"This is going to be awesome! We are going to spent the whole evening together!"

Rainbow Dash flew over forest between Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville. She could already see town hall's clock tower. She sped up and decreased her altitude as she got closer to the town. Rainbow flew right trough the main street, almost smashing into Pinkie Pie. She evaded the crash by making a barrel roll to her right, leaving Pinkie Pie spun like a whirligig.
"Sorry Pinkie!" Rainbow shouted to Pinkie.
"N-o-o-o Pr-o-ble-mo!" Still spinning Pinkie Pie shouted back to her.

Rainbow Dash didn't want to cause any more accidents so she rose higher to the sky. She looked back and saw angry looking ponies staring back at her.

"heh... Oops."

Rainbow made her way towards north end of the town, Towards Cloudsdale. Many pegasus ponies lived there. Rainbow used to live there too, but she had her own home closer to Ponyville now. It was easier to go see her friends that way. Her home floated about twenty meters from the ground and was shaped from a big cloud by the best cloud constructor in Cloudsdale and anchored to it's place with unicorn magic. Small streams of rainbows flowed down on its sides. It had cost a small fortune, but It was forth it.

She landed right to her home's doorsteps. Rainbow opened the door and went inside. She walked in to her kitchen. She was greeted by her pet, Tank.
"Whats up Tank?"
Tank blinked and flew towards the table.
"Oh, are you hungry? Me too."
After feeding the flying turtle and eating some pizza herself, Rainbow retreated to her bedroom. She walked next to her bed, which was actually just a small cloud stuffed to her bedroom. She fell down on the bed.

"I have plenty of time to get ready before she comes to pick me up. I could brush my mane, or take a shower, or... or..."

Her bed cloud was too comfortable, and Rainbow soon fell asleep.

This time she wasn't on a meadow. She was at Sweet Apple Acres. She trotted towards the farm and saw Big Macintosh. "Hey Big Mac, heard you are dating somepony," she said teasingly
"Uhm... Well... Applejack is in the barn if ya're looking for her," Big Mac changed the subject and started to trot towards the orchards. "Okay..." Rainbow said to herself and started looking around. She spotted the barn behind the Apple family's house. She made her way towards it, and was soon in front of two big farm doors. She opened one of them and looked inside. "Applejack? It's me, Rainbow Dash!"
"Oh hi Rainbow! Come on in!" Rainbow heard AJ's voice but didn't see her anywhere. She walked inside, only to be tackled into a big pile of hay.
"Hey what the..." Rainbow said while spitting hay out of her mouth. She opened her eyes and saw Applejack on top of her. Their muzzles were only couple of inches apart, it made Rainbow really uncomfortable.
"AJ, what are you doing!?"
AJ started to lean closer to Rainbow, their lips almost touched. "Applejack..." Rainbow whispered.

Just then she woke up, she was kissing her pillow. "What just happened? Did I fell asleep again?" Rainbow thought out loud. Then she realized she had no idea what time it was.
"Ohmygosh! What time is it!? Did I oversleep?" she panicked and rocketed out of the bed towards the living room. There she tried to find the alarm clock that Twilight gave her tree weeks ago, after she had overslept their meeting. Rainbow finally found it and saw that she had only slept for about half an hour.
"Phew. I almost got panicked there."

Rainbow went to her bathroom and took a shower. After that she made her way to her porch and sat down. her thoughts were unclear.
Tank came and landed next to her. Rainbow patted the turtle on the head and looked at the town in the distance.
"Tank, can I trust you with a secret?" Rainbow asked.
Tank lifted it's head towards Rainbow Dash and blinked it's eyes.
"I knew I could trust you. Now... I know that this is going to sound a bit weird, but..." she said and looked at the turtle, who just stared back at the pegasus. Rainbow continued: "I think I have just a little tiny crush on Applejack."
Tank blinked again.
"What do you mean 'Is it good or bad'? I'm okay with it, but I don't know what she thinks of me," Rainbow said to the turtle.
Tank blinked once again.
"just go for it? What if she doesn't like me? If so, our friendship could be ruined! Ugh, this is so hard," Rainbow said and buried her head in her hooves. Slowly, Tank moved right next to her head and poked Rainbow's cheek with it's nose.
Rainbow lifted her head and looked at Tank. "But if she likes me, it could be something awesome. I mean she's the only one who can actually compete me, like in the Iron Pony competition and the Running of the Leaves," Rainbow said. Tank poked Rainbow again. "Are you sure she won't be mad? Even she won't like me?"
Tank nodded slowly. Rainbow Dash rose up smiling. "You're right! She's like my best friend! Surely she won't be mad! I bet we can be friends, even if she wouldn't like me that way!" she said.
"Thanks Tank, you always know how to help," Rainbow said and hugged the turtle. They sat on the porch for a moment before they went inside.

They played board game and listened music until they could hear familiar voice shouting: "Hey Rainbow Dash! Ah'm here! Ya ready to go!?"
"She's here! Ooh, I feel like I had parasprites in my stomach." Rainbow said and looked out of the window. She saw Applejack standing on the ground. AJ saw her in the window and waved at Rainbow. She waved back but soon disappeared from the window.
"Oooh... I hope everything goes fine..." Rainbow said and paced around the kitchen table. Rainbow felt something yank her tail and stopped. She turned around and saw Tank sitting behind her. It slowly winked at Rainbow. "You're right, everything will go fine," Rainbow said and went for the door.