• Published 13th Sep 2011
  • 8,668 Views, 123 Comments

Storms On the Horizon - Eeveexpert

What is good without evil? What is light without dark? Everything in this world has an opposite.

  • ...

9 - The Dark Side of the Moon

A farm of any kind requires a good deal of work to keep running smoothly. That work usually requires a routine that starts with rising with the sun.

This morning, however, the sun was late in rising. Regardless, Big Macintosh was awake at the same time as usual. The first thing he noticed upon waking was the lack of early morning sun seeping in through the window. His bed creaked a little as he rolled over to check his clock. Nope, six o' clock. Huh...Ah wonder if the Princesses are feelin' under the weather...

Whatever the issue was, the big earth pony didn't dwell on it long. He rolled out of bed and cantered downstairs to get started with his routine. If memory served, Applejack had organized for the weather team to provide a rainstorm for the fields today, which meant that Big Macintosh had to get his plowing and planting done early. A passing glance at the refrigerator-mounted calendar proved his memory to still be in good working order. Ah better git goin' then.

Just outside the kitchen door, parked up against the side of the house, was the cart that the stallion had left with the day before, complete with five large burlap sacks filled to bursting with carrots.

One of the ten pound sacks was hardly a challenge for the well-muscled earth pony. He took one of these in his mouth and returned to the kitchen counter. The simple rope tie came away easily, revealing the bright orange produce within. Two of the biggest ones ones went into Big Macintosh's mouth, but not for himself. It was little surprise that the vegetables smelled extremely good; Carrot Top's carrots were the best in Ponyville.

The pair of carrots were quickly carried back upstairs into the stallion's room, where his guest was still sleeping. He placed the produce beside the white rabbit. He paused to stare at the sleeping animal before leaving, and his mind turned to the creature's owner. That kind, gentle pony...

Big Macintosh wasn't quite sure when exactly he had begun harboring feelings for the pretty young mare. He only knew it was shortly after the whole episode with Cheerilee, brought on by the Cutie Mark Crusaders' love potion. He still didn't know what it was about the pegasus that he liked.

She was always polite, no matter who she was talking with. She was also one of the prettiest mares he had ever seen, and yet, when she had been recognized throughout Ponyville because of it, she had turned it down. She put her friends first, even at personal expense, and the big earth pony respected that. That little rabbit meant the world to her. When Fluttershy had seen that destroyed hutch, she had nearly fainted.

The earth pony's red chest rose and fell as he let out a great sigh. AJ, Flutt'rshy... Wherever the two of ya are... Keep each other safe...


Fluttershy had spent so much time in the Everfree Forest lately that it was beginning to lose a (very) little bit of its creepiness. Then again, that might have been because of her increased company.

Conversation was at a minimum as the party trekked its way through the forest. Zecora had volunteered to lead the group, while Headwind and Celestia brought up the rear with the captive. Given the situation, Fluttershy and Applejack were positioned between them.

The apple-bucking farmer pony kept sneaking the odd glance at her friend from under her hat. Why am Ah so nervous about this? Fluttershy's mah friend an' Big Mac's mah brother. Jus' ask her, AJ... In an attempt to to break the constant crunching of hooves on pine needles, Applejack cleared her throat. "Ah'm certainly glad to see yer safe an' sound, Fluttershy."

"I know. I was worried that you had fallen into that great big ravine."

"Yeah, that was a real close one." she laughed half-heartedly. "Hey, sugarcube, can Ah ask ya somethin'?"


"Fergive me if Ah'm steppin' on yer hooves, darlin', but might Ah ask what happened with Big Mac what got ya to come along on this trip?"

"O-oh...that..." Since she had first woken up in the forest, Fluttershy's mind had been going in one of two directions; worry for her friends, or what had happened before she had left. Guess where it was now? "I...thought I already told y-you..."

Applejack might have been a farm pony, but she wasn't born yesterday. "Ya told me what he said, sugarcube. Not what he did. Ah've never seen anypony look redder'n you are right now."

Hiding behind her mane would do little good, yet instinct made the pegasus do it anyway. After your typical awkward silence, Fluttershy finally murmured, "Just promise me that you'll let me tell the others, okay?"

The orange pony grinned. "Regular promise or Pinkie Pie promise?"

"Regular will do." She giggled slightly before falling silent again. The pegasi's wings ruffled nervously, and she didn't know why. This wasn't really a life-or-death secret, and it seemed like Applejack already knew. At length she motioned for her earth pony friend to come closer. Even with mere inches from ear to mouth, Fluttershy was still reluctant to speak. "He k-kissed me..." The winged mare quickly withdrew, looking and feeling guilty.

Her guilt was waved away with a dismissive hoof. "Y'all shouldn't feel guilty, Fluttershy. Ya can't help who ya fall fer. Er...wait..." Now Applejack looked a tiny bit guilty. "Ah kinda figured that Big Macintosh had a thing fer ya, but Ah don't wanna go puttin' words in yer mouth, darlin'. Do you like him?"

"Well, of course I do. He seems like such a nice pony, and-"

"Not what Ah meant..." she interrupted in a sing-song voice. "Ah meant like Spike likes Rarity."

"O-oh..." That was different. That was something that Fluttershy had to think about. Did she like Big Macintosh? This was unfamiliar territory for the pegasus; she had always been so busy caring for all her animals that she had never really given any thought to a romantic relationship, much less one with the brother of one of her best friends. As she thought about it, however, it started to make more and more sense. Fluttershy didn't know many stallions and he seemed very nice. One thought led to another, and soon the mare was again thinking of her dream, and in turn the kiss that had started it. "M-maybe a little bit..."

"Ah knew it." The orange pony lightly butted her friend in the shoulder. "Ah won't tell a soul, Fluttershy. Ya have mah word."

"Thank you, Applejack." Fluttershy nodded in gratitude and let out a long sigh. That word of reassurance lifted a huge weight from her shoulders. In fact, even the forest around her seemed to become lighter and less oppressive. Just when she was about to ask Applejack if she noticed it too, Zecora spoke up.

"At long last, we have arrived. Behold, my friends, the royal city on high."

No sooner had Zecora spoken these words than Fluttershy stepped out of the forest. Perched high on the mountainside before them were the tall, spired buildings of the city of Canterlot, their marbled sides gleaming in the morning sun.

For much of the journey back, Princess Celestia had been silent, anxious about what would await her upon arriving. However, as she stepped into the lush field that was the last thing separating her from Canterlot, she turned to her General and laughed. "Mission accomplished, Headwind. You brought Applejack and Fluttershy to Canterlot."

"I did only as you ordered, your Majesty." he replied with a swift salute.

"Well said, General. Let's hurry up and take them the rest of the way. I'll feel much better once we're within the city limits."

After the seemingly endless hours of wading through the countless trees of the Everfree Forest, this last leg of the journey was a much welcomed respite. Now that the city was within sight, the party was blessed with renewed vigor and was quickly at the palace gates.

A warning cry of "Halt! Who goes there?" rang from the battlements as the company approached the massive main gate of the Canterlot palace. "State your business! The palace is currently on lockdown!"

"At ease, Jet Stream!" Headwind called back to the unseen voice. "Her Majesty Celestia has returned with two of the Elements in tow!"


It had taken quite a bit of work between them, but after a few hours (and a couple maple scones apiece), Rarity and Pinkie had finally succeeded in convincing their distraught pegasus friend to get some sleep. Being the close friends of the Princess' private student means that your accommodations within the palace are rivaled only by the royal chambers. As such, the beds in these rooms are equally as lavish; big enough for two or three ponies, and then some.

Seeing as Pinkie was still worried about nightmares, Rainbow Dash had offered to let the pink pony take one side of the enormous bed, while she took the other. The Element of Laughter happily obliged. About three hours later, the pegasus came to regret that offer.

Late or not, the sun was still coming up, and the east-facing room ensured that the ponies inside would soon know.

The instant the sunlight fell upon the sleeping Pinkie Pie, the room erupted into chaos. Pinkamena sat bolt upright, uttering a guilty squeal of, "No, Rainbow Dash, I didn't eat your scones!" Blankets swiftly wrapped themselves around her head as a startled and sleepy Rainbow Dash took to the air in panic... Right into the bed's canopy, so its elastic properties could slingshot her straight back into the mattress and bounce her off onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Pinkie, who had been madly struggling to extricate herself from the suffocating blankets, finally succeeded in doing so, just in time for the empty scone tray, sent skyward by Rainbow's impact with the bed, to slap her square in the face. "Owwww..." Pinkie sat back up, rubbing her smarting nose.

A set of angry magenta eyes appeared over the edge of the bed a moment later. "Geez, Pinkie, you nearly scared my feathers clean off! What gives!?"

"Sorry, Dashie..." The Element of Laughter grinned sheepishly. "I dreamt that I had accidentally eaten your scones."

The pegasi's expression was as deadpan as her tone. "You did eat them..." She held up an empty tray, bearing a slight indentation from its meeting with Pinkie's snout.

"Oh yeah... Oopsie..." A pink coat does an excellent job of hiding blushing and the balloon-marked pony was grateful for it. "I'll go get more then..."

"Go for it..." Rainbow Dash muttered, climbing back into the bed. "Just be quiet when you come back in."

"Okie dokie!" In her traditional method of locomotion, Pinkie bounced over to the door and opened it.

"Good morning, Miss Pie. You seem well-rested. May I help you?"

One could tell from the pink mare's split-second break in expression that she wasn't expecting to see a guard upon opening the door. Nope, I'm okay. I was just going to the kitchen for some breakfast."

"Very well. Allow me to escort you to the kitchen then."

"No, that's fine; I know where it is. I'll be right back." When Pinkie went to step around the stallion, he mirrored her ste. A step in the opposite tirection produced the same result. For an instant, she thought about making a silly face and seeing what he did.

"I respect your decision, Miss Pie, but it would go against my superior's orders to let you roam the palace unsupervised."

"'Kay. That works too. Let's go then." Since she had woken up, the Element of Laughter had been having periodic twinges in her right shoulder, very obviously part of a self-proclaimed "combo." She just couldn't remember which one it was.

As the two ponies got closer to the kitchen, sweet smells of various baked goods began tickling the inside of Pinkie's nostrils. Finally, "Here we are, Miss Pie." The guard pushed open one of the double doors before them.

When you're a kitchen providing food to the whole of Canterlot Palace, you rarely get a break. Just beyond the swinging doors, ponies were bustling about, some carrying trays, some not. Pinkie's eyes lit up at the sight of the freshly baked scones and brightly frosted cupcakes. Yes, they looked delicious, but their smell... Oh, their aroma; they smelled absolutely divine. She inhaled deeply, drinking in the warm scent. Life was good, if just for this moment.

One of the kitchen staff, a pony wearing the traditional chef's hat, approached the curly-maned mare. "I presume you're enjoying the aroma, miss?"

"You're soooo lucky..." she sighed blissfully. "You get to smell this all the time!"

The toque-wearing stallion chuckled. "I suppose I do. What brings you to my kitchen this fine morning, Miss..."

"Pinkie." she added quickly.

"Oh? You must be a friend of the princesses. I trust you enjoyed the scones we prepared for you last night?"

"Oh yes, very yummy. That's why I came down; to see if I could get more of them."

"Of course. A kitchen without scones is hardly a kitchen. Excuse me for a moment." He disappeared into the hustle and bustle of the kitchen, to return shortly thereafter, bearing another tray of six freshly baked, recently iced scones. "Here we are, half a dozen maple scones, topped with our finest whipped rosehip icing."

Pinkie didn't respond; she was too busy staring at the scones. "Ooooh... May I try one?"

"I'd be insulted if you-" Before the end of his sentence, one of the scones, icing and all, had disappeared from the tray.

The sight and smell of the scones did absolutely no justice to how they tasted. They tasted so good that the mare was actually at a loss for words. It was like...like a party in her mouth. It wasn't long before an uncomfortable pinch pulled her away from the festivities and elicited an "Ow..."

"Miss Pie, are you all right?" the guard asked.

"Yep, I'm-hic!-fine!" she answered, uttering a single hiccup that lifted her from the ground.

"What about your ears then?"

"Wha' 'bout them?" As her question worked its way around her mouthful of scone, Pinkie noticed her erratically flapping ears. Pinchy shoulder, hiccups, ear flop... "Thash it!" she proclaimed.

There was no time to ask exactly what "it" was. In less time than it took to bat an eye, the pink equine was gone, leaving a pony-shaped cloud in her wake.

Sometimes guard duty gets very boring and monotonous, and then sometimes, you're assigned to watch over the Elements of Harmony. All the guard outside Rarity's room saw was a pink blur that blew past him. "Rariry, quick! Wa' up!" Pinkie shouted.

The hastily spouted warning call was unnecessary; sleep had not come to the unicorn tonight. "Pinkie Pie, dear, it is hardly considered proper to speak with one's mouth full."

"No time! Frien's a' th' door! Hurry!"

Rarity traded a confused look with the dragonling next to her. "Did you make out any of that?"

Spike shrugged. "Sounded like 'Friends at the door.' to me."

Next door, the same message was being delivered. Rainbow Dash, however, understood straight away, and was out the door like multicolored bolt of greased lightning, Pinkie Pie spinning like a top in the doorway behind her.


"Open the gate, Jet Stream!" Celestia ordered. "I am renouncing the lockdown protocols!"

"You heard Her Majesty! Open the gates!" Jet Stream did an about-face and disappeared from the window. Chains began clinking as wheels steadily lowered the massive drawbridge into place. The lieutenant met the alicorn inside with the customary salute. "Welcome back, your Majesty."

"It feels good to be home again..." she breathed. "Greetings, Jet Stream. I trust things have gone smoothly since your letter?"

"That is correct."

"Very good. I've a new assignment for you. See to it that Miss Zecora here is given the finest acommodations during her stay with us. Headwind, I want you to show our other guest to her accommodations. Afterwards, take the sinkstone to our research wing and meet me in the infirmary. It's time we got that wing of yours fixed up."

The two replies sounded as one. "At once."

Fluttershy had visited the palace on several occasions prior, but one thing about it always amazed her. Everything seemed to be made from marble; hallways, stairs, walls, all of it. It also carried sound extremely well. "Applejack, do you hear that?"

Curious, the hat-wearing pony stopped and cocked an ear. She could hear hooves clicking rapidly upon marble...and...wingbeats? Before she could ponder it too much, the source of the noise came into view. "Whoa nelly... Heads up, sugarcube!"


Rarity came around the corner just in time to catch the four pony pile-up caused by Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. She laughed, something she had been doing far too little of lately. "You were right, Spike. There were friends at the door." Dashing about like a madpony does not readily fit with palace etiquette, but Rarity could hardly contain herself. Before she was halfway to the other ponies, she had broken into a full-on gallop. "Heavens, you two! Let the poor dears stand up!"

Tails were tangled and heads were spinning from the impact, so it took a moment to sort things out. Applejack was the first back on her hooves. "Ah'm real glad to see all of ya again." she sighed, after a round of hugs (and the expected pat on the back from Rainbow Dash).

The Element of Generosity would't be caught dead admitting it, but she had been missing the compony's unmistakable accent. "It certainly is. I haven't gotten a minute of sleep. I've been worried sick."

"Hold on a minute..." Spike interrupted the reunion. "Where's Twilight?"

"Yeah, Applejack, where is she? Did she come in with you?" Rainbow Dash glanced past the pair of ponies, expecting to see the lavender unicorn come trotting across the drawbridge.

Kindness and Honesty exchanged guilty looks. "We...uh...don't k-know exactly..." Fluttershy admitted quietly.

Applejack swallowed visibly before explaining. "She was hog-tied an' hauled off before Fluttershy an' the Princess showed up..."

"By whom?" Rarity inquired.

"A group of three pegasi..."

The Element of Loyalty narrowed her magenta eyes to threatening slits. "Did one of them have a pink mane?"

"I think so... Why?"

"That was the pony who kept me from saving Twilight... If I ever see her again, I'm going to take her feathers off one by one..."

"Easy now, Rainbow Dash..." the unicorn mare cautioned. "It's far too easy to become obsessed with holding a grudge. First things first; all of us, Twilight included, are alive and safe, and second, we could all use some sleep."

"Ah'm with Rarity..." Applejack said around a wide yawn. "Ah'm runnin' on empty..."

This statement was unanimously accepted by everypony else, and the small group started back to their rooms. Rarity followed behind, lost in thought. Sure, they had been reunited with their friends, but what had been the cost? What else was to come?


Celestia's mind was no more at ease than Rarity's as she made her way to the infirmary. Ever since Luna had returned from her...absence, the elder alicorn had always kept her sister in the corner of her eye. Not out of fear or suspicion, but out of worry and protection. Though Celestia appeared unshakeable and resolute most of the time, news of this event had shaken her to the core. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and knocked on the infirmary door.

A short period of silence later and the door swung inward. "Ah! Your Majesty. I trust you are here concerning your sister?"

The princess nodded. "Correct."

"Very well. Right this way." The nurse turned and allowed Celestia to enter. "Your sister is doing just fine..." she commented absentmindedly, glancing at a clipboard floating alongside her. "Her only injury was a minor cut on her cheek; so minor, in fact, that it won't even require a bandage. A light cleansing with water will be plenty."

"Injuries aren't what I'm worried about..."

"Here we are: Room 1022. Let me know if you need anything, your Majesty."

"Thank you. I will." As the door clicked shut behind her, Celestia could finally drop her facade. Tears came to her eyes and she began quietly weeping. How had things fallen so far out of hoof? First Twilight, and now Luna, the latter of whom lay, still unconscious, in the bed before her.

Her forehead looked damp, as if she had been sweating, and the ruffled sheets belied occasional fits of tossing and turning. With the aid of her magic, Celestia removed one of her golden boots and set it aside. Then, with the back of her now-bare hoof, she started gently stroking her sister's forehead, softly humming a sweet tune. A moment or two of this, and the night alicorn began to stir. "It's all right, Lulu..." she cooed. "It's just me..."

Remember what was mentioned about standing next to an enraged alicorn? It's not a good idea to sit next to a frightened one, either. Luna came to with a start and her eyes flew open. The first thing that greeted her senses were Celestia's face and the hoof upon her forehead. With her nightmare still very fresh in her mind, she panicked. "No! 'Tia, wait! Don't hurt me anymore!" she cried, forcibly shoving the other pony away.

Celestia flinched like she had just been kicked in the face. "Luna... I would never do that..."

When the shove had failed to put any real distance between the two of them, Luna had quickly stumbled from the bed, wide-eyed with fright. "No! Stay away!"

Confused, the sun alicorn stepped around the bed to follow her terrified sister. She was repelled by a concentrated burst of raw magic. Much of the impact was dissipated by her enchanted armor, but an alicorn on the defensive is not to be trifled with, and the concussive force of the blast blew her off her hooves.

Now that she had a chance to calm down and think rationally, Luna finally realized what had happened. "Oh no! 'Tia! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Are you okay?" she asked concernedly, standing over the other alicorn.

"Don't worry, Luna. I'll-oof!-be fine. I'm here to look in on you. Are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine. But what about Fluttershy and Applejack? Did you find them?"

"They're safe and sound here in the palace."

"And Twilight?" Luna recieved all the answer she needed by looking into her sister's eyes. "Oh...I'm...sorry, 'Tia..."

"Regardless of whether or not I found her, I know she alive, and right now I'll take that. I recieved a letter from Jet Stream, and that's why I came back. My concern now is that you're okay."

"I told you, 'Tia, I'm fine." Luna repeated.

Celestia had finally recovered from the magical attack and was back on her hooves. "Jet Stream said he found you unconscious in your room, with a cut upon your cheek. What happened?"

Events were still quite fuzzy for the younger princess, but she could easily remember Nightmare Moon's smirking face. Just the recollection of the image in the mirror sent chills down Luna's spine. The evil mare's words echoed forth from the dark recesses of her mind. I see that Celestia has been feeding you her typical lies. You and I will always be one and the same. Luna hesitated as these words crossed her mind. "Tell me something, 'Tia. Nightmare Moon and I... Are we still connected?"

"Wh-where did that come from?" The innocent question had quite obviously caught Celestia off guard.

"'Tia, please. Just tell me the truth. Please."

Nightmare Moon... The sun-marked pony had not heard that name in well over a year. The sudden mention of it, especially coming from her sister, was extremely unsettling. "What happened while I was gone, Luna? What happened to you?"

"Answer me, Celestia! I want to know!" Luna's patience was quickly burning out, and that meant that one thing would be following.

"Listen to me, Luna!" Celestia ordered. "Tell me what happened! Now!"

By now, the question dodging had grown very old, and Luna's restraint had deserted her. "We demand that thou tell us the truth at once!" Her relapse into the Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice was not a very subtle solution, but it worked nonetheless.

Celestia let out a long sigh. "I...haven't been completely honest with you, Luna, and I am deeply sorry..." She drew a sharp breath and paused, looking away. Regret would not allow the alicorn to look back at her sister. "I...don't know how much you remember from that time so many years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Now, before I go on, am I right in saying that you used to be...jealous of my day?"

Luna was becoming scared once again, but for different reasons. This alicorn before her...she looked like Celestia, she sounded like Celestia, yet at the same time, she obviously was not. The Celestia that Luna knew was strong and pround. This alicorn seemed so...so broken...so regretful. This wasn't Celestia. "A-at the time I was..." she admitted slowly.

"I thought so... It was about a month or so after we had sealed Discord away; something happened... Something that showed me what evil really was. I awoke one morning and you seemed...different. Maybe you hadn't slept well; I didn't know. You just weren't yourself. I brushed it under the rug and thought nothing of it. That was my first mistake, and I am so, so sorry, Luna. As the days passed, I watched you fall farther and farther away from everypony. Then, one night... I came to you so we could trade off. I asked you to lower the moon; you refused and...struck me..."

Luna recoiled in shock. "I-I don't remember doing that..."

"That's just it; it wasn't you. You had already been taken from me. Nightmare Moon had already been born."

The younger princess was unnerved at hearing this, but curiosity forced her to ask. "So, i-is Nightmare Moon still a part of me?"

"When wielded at full power as they were intended, the Elements of Harmony will remove any evil influences from their target. But, they cannot completely banish said evil. As long as good exists, evil will exist to oppose it; you cannot have one without the other." Celestia's tone was no longer wavering. It was dead serious. "When your magic gave Nightmare Moon her form, she knew she had full control. She wants that back... But, at the same time, she knows she cannot have it, so long as you refuse it to her. She is inside, waiting for her chance to strike... Long story short: The Nightmare Moon that Equestria knows exists because of you, Luna. For all intents and purposes, you are Nightmare Moon."